86 research outputs found

    Cumplimiento de llenado de las hojas de Historia Clínica Perinatal (HCP) de las pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque en el I Semestre 2012 y 2013

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el cumplimiento del llenado de las Hojas de la Historia Clínica Perinatal (HCP) de las pacientes atendidas en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, Managua en el I semestre del año 2012 y el I semestre del año 2013. El presente estudio es descriptivo y de corte transversal. El universo y la muestra lo constituyen 10,093 mujeres embarazadas registradas en el Sistema Informático Perinatal, SIP del Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque, en el periodo de estudio (5,134 en el primer semestre del 2012 y 4, 959 en el primer semestre del 2013) Para la obtención de la información se solicitó la base de datos del SIP, donde se registraron las Hojas de las Historias Clínicas Perinatales de las pacientes egresadas del servicio de maternidad en el periodo de estudio. Resultados: durante el 1er semestre de 2012 de 5134 HCP de 8 variables 3 clasifican con un buen llenado, 2 regular y 3 malas, donde la variable más llenada en este periodo fue datos del puerperio con 98.2% y la menos llenada fue gestación actual 42.6%, para el primer semestre de 2013 de 4959 HCP de las 8 variables 3 clasifican como buenas, 4 regular y 1 malas, donde la variable más llenada fue igualmente puerperio con 98.6% y la menos llenada fue igualmente gestación actual con 68.7%. Conclusiones. A nivel global la calidad del llenado de las HCPB en el I semestre del 2012 fue buena en más del 60.0% de los casos y en el mismo periodo 2013, mejoro a más del 70.0%. A nivel de los componentes de la HCPB, los que alcanzaron los mejores resultados fueron los de antecedentes y datos patronímicos, seguidos de los datos del parto aborto y recién nacidos en ambos semestres. Los peores resultados del llenado, fue para el componente de la gestación actual en el I semestre del 2012, aunque mejoro sustantivamente en el 2013. Se recomendó Instar al personal de salud a llenar completamente y a su debido momento la HCP, como estrategia importante para la posterior toma de decisiones de los otros facultativos que forman parte del equipo de salu

    Ingesta dietética de ácidos grasos Omega 3, 6 y 9 en adultos de Panamá

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    The objective of the research was to determine the dietary intake of Omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids in adults in Panama. This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study of 316 people of both sexes, between 18 and 50 years old. A semi-quantitative online food consumption frequency questionnaire was applied for two months. Sociodemographic data were also collected using a Google form over the Internet. Intake was estimated using the Costa Rican fatty acid composition table and models of portions of food sources of these fatty acids. The median and interquartile range for the daily consumption of Omega-3 was 0.89 (1.22) g/day; of Omega-6 of 12.56 (16.78) g/day; and of Omega-9 16.23 (18.54) g/day. Meats and derivatives, as well as oils and fats, are the main sources of Omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids in the diet, with Omega-3 being 1.15 (2.16) g/day, Omega-6 being 53.93 (101.13) g/day. g/day and Omega-9 of 39.32 (68.26) g/day for oils; and Omega-3 of 1.44 (1.32) g/day, Omega-6 of 14.78 (14.93) g/day and Omega-9 of 38.73 (37.12) g/day, for meats. The median Omega-6/Omega-3 intake ratio was 15.2:1 g/day; for Omega-9/Omega-3 it was 23.5:1 g/day, and for Omega-9/Omega-6 it was 1.27:1 g/day. In conclusion, low consumption of Omega-3 and high consumption of Omega-6 and Omega-9 is observed, especially in the interior of the country and at lower levels of education.La investigación tuvo como objetivo el determinar la ingesta dietética de ácidos grasos Omega 3, 6 y 9 en adultos de Panamá. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y transversal en 316 personas de ambos sexos, entre los 18 y 50 años. Se aplicó un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo semi-cuantitativo de alimentos en línea por dos meses. Los datos sociodemográficos también se recopilaron mediante un formulario de Google a través de Internet. La ingesta fue estimada utilizando la tabla de composición de ácidos grasos de Costa Rica y modelos de porciones de alimentos fuentes de estos ácidos grasos. La mediana y rango intercuartiles para el consumo diario de Omega-3 fue de 0.89 (1.22) g/día; de Omega-6 de 12.56 (16.78) g/día; y de Omega-9 de 16.23 (18.54) g/día. Las carnes y derivados, así como los aceites y grasas son las principales fuentes de ácidos grasos Omega-3, 6 y 9 de la dieta, siendo Omega-3 de 1.15 (2.16) g/día, Omega-6 de 53.93 (101.13) g/día y Omega-9 de 39.32 (68.26) g/día para aceites; y, Omega-3 de 1.44 (1.32) g/día, Omega-6 de 14.78 (14.93) g/día y Omega-9 de 38.73 (37.12) g/día, para carnes. La mediana de la razón de consumo de Omega-6/Omega-3 fue de 15.2:1 g/día; para Omega-9/Omega-3 fue de 23.5:1 g/día; y para Omega-9/Omega-6 fue de 1.27:1 g/día. En conclusión, se observa un bajo consumo de Omega-3 y alto consumo de Omega-6 y Omega 9; sobre todo en el interior del país y en niveles de educación más bajo

    Apuntes para un análisis simbólico de la experiencia turística

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo proponer un modelo de análisis simbólico estructuralista a partir de la dicotomía tiempo/espacio cotidiano versus tiempo/ espacio del turismo y su relación con la dimensión recrea- ción/esparcimiento. Se realizó una revisión bibliográ- fica sobre estudios que indagan la experiencia turística y se identificó una alta recurrencia al modelo concep- tual de los ritos de paso y la liminalidad, por un lado, y la necesidad de replantear algunos aspectos de dichos abordajes, por el otro. En particular, se plantea adoptar la idea de liminoide más que la de liminalidad, así como avanzar desde un enfoque funcionalista hacia uno estructuralista. El modelo propuesto permite, en teoría, solventar estas necesidades y se espera que a la luz de información empírica constituya una vía útil para explorar con mayor especificidad las prácticas turísticas

    Aplicación de la sección 13 inventario en los estados financieros de la Empresa impresiones Jerusalén, durante el período finalizado en el año 2021

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    El designio de esta investigación fue aplicar la Sección 13 Inventarios de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera para las PYMES, en los estados financieros de la empresa “Impresiones Jerusalén” durante el periodo finalizado en el año 2021. Dicha investigación permitirá adquirir mayores conocimientos sobre la aplicación de la Sección 13 “Inventarios” de las NIIF para Pymes; por lo que contribuirá a la entidad para presentar de manera razonable los registros contables en sus estados financieros. Del mismo modo con el estudio de las generalidades de las NIIF para Pymes se ha comprendido el origen, evolución e importancia de la misma, identificando de manera completa los requerimientos que la fundamentan, de igual manera se estudió las condiciones en la empresa desarrollando partidas contables para demostrar la aplicación de la norma, que permita estandarizar la información de los inventarios en la entidad, siendo de apoyo el método cuantitativo para la obtención de información contable. Se llevó a cabo el desarrollo y análisis de la aplicación de la sección 13 en la empresa durante el periodo del 2021, considerando que la entidad no ha adoptado esta norma en la preparación de sus estados financieros concluimos que es necesario evidenciar el debido proceso contable de los costos de adquisición de los inventarios obtenidos en el extranjero acorde a lo que dicta NIIF para PYMES de acuerdo a las normativas aplicables, además de su efecto real en los estados financieros de la empresa “Impresiones Jerusalé

    Chemical composition of twelve accessions of Moringa oleifera Lam. grown in Mexico.

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    Objective: The objective was to evaluate the growth and proximal analysis of twelve accessions of Moringa oleifera Lam. grown in Mexico. Design/ Methodology/ Approach: The seeds were collected in Veracruz, Oaxaca, Guerrero, Chiapas, and Yucatan. The seeds were sown in a nursery and transplanted in the field in a completely randomized block experimental design. Height, basal diameter, and the number of branches were recorded, and leaves were collected for proximal analysis determination. Results: Significant statistical differences (P< 0.05) were identified among the accessions based on tree height, basal diameter, number of branches, moisture content, ash, protein, and fat contents.   Study limitations/implications: Accessions with high growth rates and nutritional characteristics can be selected to establish low-cost food banks. Result / Finding / Conclusion: The accessions from Chiapas (C1 and C2) were superior to the others in tree height, basal diameter and number of branches, protein, and fat contents. &nbsp

    Optimization of the ellagic acid synthesis process at the bioreactor level using non-conventional yeasts

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    Ellagic acid (EA) is a phenolic biomolecule. For its biosynthesis, a source of ellagitannins is required, such as strawberries and yeasts, as precursors of the tannase and β-glucosidase enzymes responsible for hydrolysis of ellagitannins. Two experimental mixture designs were applied., varying the yeast concentration and the number of ellagitannins in the culture medium, evaluating the enzymatic activity and ellagic acid biosynthesis. Aiming to find the optimal compositions of the non-conventional yeasts assessed in the research to biosynthesize ellagic acid feasibly and efficiently using a response surface performing the statistical analysis in the StatGraphics® program for obtaining a higher yield and optimizing the ellagic acid synthesis process, the results indicate that the strains Candida parapsilosis ITM LB33 and Debaryomyces hansenii ISA 1510 have a positive effect on the synthesis of ellagic acid, since as its concentration increases in the mixture the concentration of ellagic acid in the medium also increases; on the other hand, the addition of Candida utilis ITM LB02 causes a negative effect, resulting in the compositions of 0.516876, 0.483124 and 2.58687E-9 respectively, for a treatment under the same conditions, an optimal value of ellagic acid production would be obtained. With an approximate value of 7.33036 mg/mL

    Physical-chemical properties and microstructural characterization of traditional mexican chili (Capsicum annuum L.) powders.

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    Es un artículo científico publicado en la revista Agro Productividad, la cual se encuentra indizada en CONACyT, LATINDEXThe chili (Capsicum annuum L.) (Solanaceae) is native of America, is consumed as vegetable, spice, and as source of vitamins A, C and E, carotenoids, and capsaicin which produce the characteristic pungency of Capsicum species. The chili in Mexico is usually processed in dried form to conserve its color and flavor. The main objective of this work was to evaluate the physical-chemical properties and characterize the microstructure of four varieties of traditional Mexican chili (Capsicum annuum L.) powders: “Arbol”, “Guajillo”, “Piquin” and “Mole ranchero” (Ancho chili). Physical-chemical properties of chili powders were evaluated by means of moisture content, particle size, aerated and tapped bulk density, Carr index, Hausner ratio, angle of repose (flow properties), capsaicin, and carotenoids content. Microstructure of samples was characterized by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy. ANOVA analysis and Tukey test were performed to evaluate the significant statistical difference between samples at 95% of confidence level. “Arbol”, “Guajillo”, “Piquin” and “Mole Ranchero” chili powders presented a cohesive behavior respect to its flow properties related to aerated and tapped bulk density, angle of repose, Carr Index, and Hausner ratio values under moisture content between 6.59-14.48 g H2O/100g d.s. “Arbol” and “Piquin” chili powders presented the higher capsaicin content, while “Guajillo” and “Mole ranchero” showed the higher carotenoids content. FTIR spectra confirmed the presence of secondary amide, phenolic groups, alkanes, and aliphatic chains that belong to capsaicin structure at specific absorption bands. Microstructure of chili powders presented particles with surface imperfections as cracks and dents, and smooth surface that influence physical- chemical and flowability properties. Moisture content between 6.59 and 14.48 g H2O/100g d.s. influences the physical- chemical properties, flowability and microstructure of traditional Mexican chili powders. To improve physical- chemical properties and flowability behavior of chili powders is required that moisture content be lower than 6.59 H2O/100g d.s

    Effect of the application of potassium on the yield of corn (zea mays L.) in La Frailesca, chiapas Mexico / Efeito da aplicação de potássio na produção de milho (zea mays L.) em La Frailesca, chiapas, México

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    In recently soil analysis in La Frailesca Chiapas, it has been detected that most soils have low exchangeable potasium (K) concentrations, therefore maize plants show symptoms of deficiency of this nutrient, which can affect the yield. The maize response was evaluated at four doses of K (0, 90, 180 and 270 kg K2O ha-1) in three locations with non-acid soils. A randomized block design with five replications was used, and potassium chloride (KCl) as a potassium source. KCl was applied by manual broadcasting and was incorporated to the soil 10 and 15 cm deep with a disc harrow. In all three locations a significant positive response was observed (p <0.05) to which a lineal-plateau model was adjusted, with an average increase in yield of 1 964 kg ha-1 (150% higher than without K) with 90 kg K2O ha-1. No response was observed to higher doses. The regression equation for the linear part of the response model is: Yield (kg ha-1) = 3 855 + 22 kg K2O ha-1. The agronomic efficiency of K at the dose of 90 kg K2O ha-1 was higher than the reference range (7 to 15 kg grain.kg-1 K2O). At the same time, this treatment had the highest net benefit and a marginal rate of return of 370%. Under the conditions of this study, the application of 90 kg K2O ha-1 presented the highest yield, economic benefit and agronomic efficiency

    Intestinal obstruction by deep enteric endometriosis: case report and literature review

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    Deep endometriosis (DE) is an uncommon cause of bowel obstruction; preoperative diagnosis is a challenging task due to its rarity and pathological confirmation. Surgery is the appropriate treatment and complications are common. A 26-year-old Latin female was admitted to emergency department with 72 hours history of abdominal pain associated with inability to pass stool or gas, vomiting and nausea. Abdominal distention and pain without acute abdomen signs. Laboratory tests reported normal. Abdominal contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed distal small bowel obstruction. Patient underwent exploratory laparotomy with segmental resection bearing ileal strictures and Brook´s ileostomy was performed. Postoperative course of patient was uneventful and after pathology report treatment with dienogest was established. DE remains challenging entity to treat, medical treatment can reduce symptoms, but surgical resection is required. Bowel resection is reserved for mayor stenosis lesions. Anastomotic leakage is frequent. Surgery represents the definitive treatment for bowel obstruction by DE. Resection improves pain and intestinal symptoms. Recurrence, stenosis, and anastomotic leakage rates vary across the studies. Surgical and medical treatment should be considered

    Density of GABAB receptors is reduced in granule cells of the hippocampus in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease

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    Metabotropic γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAB) receptors contribute to the control of network activity and information processing in hippocampal circuits by regulating neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. The dysfunction in the dentate gyrus (DG) has been implicated in Alzheimer´s disease (AD). Given the involvement of GABAB receptors in AD, to determine their subcellular localisation and possible alteration in granule cells of the DG in a mouse model of AD at 12 months of age, we used high-resolution immunoelectron microscopic analysis. Immunohistochemistry at the light microscopic level showed that the regional and cellular expression pattern of GABAB1 was similar in an AD model mouse expressing mutated human amyloid precursor protein and presenilin1 (APP/PS1) and in age-matched wild type mice. High-resolution immunoelectron microscopy revealed a distance-dependent gradient of immunolabelling for GABAB receptors, increasing from proximal to distal dendrites in both wild type and APP/PS1 mice. However, the overall density of GABAB receptors at the neuronal surface of these postsynaptic compartments of granule cells was significantly reduced in APP/PS1 mice. Parallel to this reduction in surface receptors, we found a significant increase in GABAB1 at cytoplasmic sites. GABAB receptors were also detected at presynaptic sites in the molecular layer of the DG. We also found a decrease in plasma membrane GABAB receptors in axon terminals contacting dendritic spines of granule cells, which was more pronounced in the outer than in the inner molecular layer. Altogether, our data showing post- and presynaptic reduction in surface GABAB receptors in the DG suggest the alteration of the GABAB-mediated modulation of excitability and synaptic transmission in granule cells, which may contribute to the cognitive dysfunctions in the APP/PS1 model of A