57 research outputs found

    Paliacija malignega plevralnega izliva

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    Malignant pleural effusion is a frequent finding in a malignant disease. In patients, it commonly causes dyspnoea, cough and chest pain. The objectives of palliative treatment are: alleviation of symptoms, improvement in the patient's performance and quality of life, and reduction in the number of hospitalisations. The most effective method of palliative treatment is talc pleurodesis, which is, however, not possible due to non-expansion of the lungs and poor performance status of the patient. In such cases, we use a permanent pleural catheter and pleural punctions, especially when the expected survival of the patient is short. It is important that palliation of malignant pleural effusion is planned early in the treatment course to increase the chances of a successful pleurodesis.Maligni plevralni izliv je pogost spremljevalec maligne bolezni. Pri bolnikih najpogosteje povzroča dispnejo, kašelj in bolečino v prsnem košu. Cilji paliativnega zdravljenja so: lajšanje simptomov, izboljšanje bolnikove zmogljivosti in kakovosti življenja ter znižanje števila hospitalizacij. Najučinkovitejša metoda paliativnega zdravljenja je plevrodeza s talkom, ki pa ni vedno možna zaradi nerazpenjanja pljuč ali slabega stanja zmogljivosti bolnika. Takrat uporabimo trajni plevralni kateter ali razbremenilne plevralne punkcije, še posebej, če je pričakovano preživetje bolnika kratko. Pomembno je, da paliacijo malignega plevralnega izliva načrtujemo zgodaj v poteku zdravljenja, ko je možnost za uspešno plevrodezo večja

    Palliation of malignant pleural effusion

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    Maligni plevralni izliv je pogost spremljevalec maligne bolezni. Pri bolnikih najpogosteje povzroča dispnejo, kašelj in bolečino v prsnem košu. Cilji paliativnega zdravljenja so: lajšanje simptomov, izboljšanje bolnikove zmogljivosti in kakovosti življenja ter znižanje števila hospitalizacij. Najučinkovitejša metoda paliativnega zdravljenja je plevrodeza s talkom, ki pa ni vedno možna zaradi nerazpenjanja pljuč ali slabega stanja zmogljivosti bolnika. Takrat uporabimo trajni plevralni kateter ali razbremenilne plevralne punkcije, še posebej, če je pričakovano preživetje bolnika kratko. Pomembno je, da paliacijo malignega plevralnega izliva načrtujemo zgodaj v poteku zdravljenja, ko je možnost za uspešno plevrodezo večja.Malignant pleural effusion is a frequent finding in a malignant disease. In patients, it commonly causes dyspnoea, cough and chest pain. The objectives of palliative treatment are: alleviation of symptoms, improvement in the patient\u27s performance and quality of life, and reduction in the number of hospitalisations. The most effective method of palliative treatment is talc pleurodesis, which is, however, not possible due to non-expansion of the lungs and poor performance status of the patient. In such cases, we use a permanent pleural catheter and pleural punctions, especially when the expected survival of the patient is short. It is important that palliation of malignant pleural effusion is planned early in the treatment course to increase the chances of a successful pleurodesis

    Trans-esophageal endobronchial ultrasound-guided needle aspiration (EUS-B-NA) : a road map for the chest physician

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    The endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) scope has been increasingly used in the gastrointestinal tract (EUS-B). Scientific data proves its efficacy and safety to provide a complete lung cancer staging, when combined with EBUS-TBNA, and in the diagnosis of para-esophageal lesions. There are multiple barriers to start performing EUS-B but probably the most important ones are related to knowledge and training, so new operators should follow a structured training curriculum. This review aims to reflect the best current knowledge regarding EUS-B and provide a road map to assist those who are incorporating the technique into their clinical practice

    Multi-criteria assessment of less favoured areas: A state level

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    The paper present a multi-criteria decision DEXi model for assessment of less favoured areas (LFAs). The tool enables easier assessment of farming in different areas of Slovene LFAs with respect to criteria of sustainability. Analysis of LFAs and final integration of the assessment of LFAs depend upon various criteria. In this paper we analyze individual LFAs and farming systems in these areas at the state level with respect to criteria of sustainability and farming potential

    New approaches to understanding the world natural and cultural heritage by using 3D technology: UNESCO’s Škocjan Caves, Slovenia

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    Karstic landscape is a specific heritage, where surface and underground are part of single landscape. Where underground (caves, shafts...) played an important role in the development of surface. Landscape where natural an anthropogenic processes worked hand in hand. Caves were often treated as being separate from the outside landscape, recorded in isolation form landscape which they are part of. However, this complex heritage requires integrative methodologies, that would integrate cave record with the landscape

    New approaches to understanding the world natural and cultural heritage by using 3D technology: UNESCO’s Škocjan Caves, Slovenia

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    Karstic landscape is a specific heritage, where surface and underground are part of single landscape. Where underground (caves, shafts...) played an important role in the development of surface. Landscape where natural an anthropogenic processes worked hand in hand. Caves were often treated as being separate from the outside landscape, recorded in isolation form landscape which they are part of. However, this complex heritage requires integrative methodologies, that would integrate cave record with the landscape

    Epidemiologija i dijagnostika primarnoga Sjögrenovog sindroma

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    This review paper contains selected aspects of Sjögren’s syndrome. It consists of epidemiology, ultrasound of salivary glands and antimuscarinic antibodies. The first part present studies aimed to determine the prevalence and the incidence of the disease with special emphasize on epidemiological studies performed in Slovenia. This is followed by the demonstration of the role of ultrasound of salivary glands in the diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome and the value of antimuscarinic antibodies in global assesment of the secretory failure.U preglednom su članku opisani epidemiologija, ultrazvučni nalaz slinovnica i antimuskarinska antitijela u Sjögrenovom syndromu. U prvomu su dijelu rada prikazani prevalencija i incidencija bolesti u odnosu na epidemiološke studije u Sloveniji. Prikazana je uloga ultrazvučne pretrage slinovnica u dijagnozi Sjögrenova sindroma i vrijednost antimuskarinskih antitijela u općoj procjeni sekrecijske poremetnje

    Assessing social, emotional, and intercultural competences of students and school staff. A systematic literature review

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    The inclusion of social, emotional, and intercultural competences (SEI) in academic contexts has been supported by international organizations, such as the European Union, the United Nations, and the OECD, since the early 2000s. However, little information is yet available regarding the assessment of these competences. This paper shares the findings of a systematic literature review that produced an inventory of existing tools for the assessment of SEI competences of students and school staff. This is the first time assessment tools for these three competences have been concurrently reviewed. An interdisciplinary and international research team conducted this systematic literature review in the databases of ERIC, PsycInfo, PSYNDEX, Scopus, and Web of Science. Out of 13,963 articles, 149 assessment tools were examined and processed. In addition to the instrument analysis and a detailed description of the procedure, this article shows the basic theoretical concepts, as well as the limitations, of such a review. It was found that 1) the majority of the discovered instruments rely on self-reported survey and inventory data, 2) of the three competences, intercultural competence had the fewest relevant instruments, and 3) very few tools have been created to assess all three competences together. From this review, it is apparent that a wider variety of assessment tools (other than self-reports), as well as more comprehensive tools (e.g. qualitative analysis of vignettes) for the assessment of all three SEI competences, should be developed to meet international demand. The results of the literature review are available and freely accessible in the form of an assessment catalogue. (DIPF/Orig.