3,888 research outputs found

    Incorporating Local Wisdom Into Creative Writing: Exploring the Students Perception Towards the Significance of Cultural Identity

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    Telah banyak penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa nilai-nilai kearifan lokal, secara umum, telah banyak bergeser dan bahkan cenderung tergerus. Dalam banyak hal, globalisasi menggeser persepsi para agen budaya masa kini atas pentingnya warisan nilai-nilai budaya yang luhur. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memetakan posisi kearifan lokal dalam persepsi mahasiswa Program Studi S1 Sastra Inggris Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk melacak bagaimana mahasiswa mempersepsi pentingnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dan sejauh mana mereka meresapi nilai-nilai tersebut sebagai bagian dari konsepsi diri mereka, khususnya dalam konteks menulis kreatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method), yaitu gabungan antara metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan data kuantitatif dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 88 mahasiswa semester 5. Sedangkan data kualitatif diperoleh dengan cara observasi kelas dan mencermati materi ajar dalam kelas creative writing. Meskipun sebagian besar mahasiswa sadar akan pentingnya nilai- nilai kearifan lokal, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada jarak (gap) antara kesadaran mahasiswa akan pentingnya pengetahuan kearifan lokal dalam menulis, dan akses mereka terhadap kearifan lokal itu sendiri. Bagi mereka, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal kurang cukup terjangkau (inaccessible). Oleh karena itu, mereka menganggap bahwa penting kiranya untuk memasukkan materi tentang kearifan lokal ke dalam mata kuliah creative writing

    The Feeling of Music Past: How Listeners Remember Musical Affect

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    Scraping sounds and disgusting noises

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    Thirty-four horrible sounds have been examined in an Internet-based psychoacoustic experiment. This paper presents the results for the scraping and disgusting noises used. It is not understood why some humans ïŹnd certain scraping noises, such as the sound of ïŹngernails being scraped down a blackboard, so terrible. In this experiment, the variations in ratings with age, gender and location are examined. The results for one of the scraping sounds is consistent with the hypothesis suggested by others, that the response comes from a vestigial reïŹ‚ex related to the warning cries of monkeys. But this was not true for the actual recording of the ïŹngernails scraping down a blackboard. An alternative hypothesis that the response is related to an audio–haptic interaction was tested and results indicated that this idea warrants further investigation. Other possible causes of the response, drawing on work concerning dissonance, are tentatively suggested. The disgusting sounds examined included the worst sound found in the experiment, the sound of someone vomiting. However, none of the disgusting sounds tested promoted responses consistent with a ‘disgust reaction’ based purely on survival instincts. Cultural factors might be important in our response to the disgusting sounds, with the inïŹ‚uence of manners and etiquette being suggested as a possible factor

    Tributes to Leonard B. Meyer: He Was the Very Model of a Modern Musicologist

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    Psychological Basis of Food Wasting Behavior

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    Why do we waste food? One set of reasons is because it is so easy to do it. For most Americans, food is relatively cheap, and we are lazy. More importantly, we serve too much, so there are often leftovers. American portion sizes are much larger, than, for example, French portion sizes. A third, and perhaps the principal reason, is that there is something unsavory, for many people, about leftovers. They can be conceived of as “used” or “psychologically contaminated” food. Portion size and psychological contamination will be the focus of this presentation

    Coping with Fear: Frontier Kibbutzes and the Syrian-Israeli Border War

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    In her article Coping with Fear: Frontier Kibbutzes and the Syrian-Israeli Border War,” Orit Rozin discusses the practices and norms of border kibbutzes coping with daily hostilities. The Israel-Syrian border was a constant point of friction. Hostilities erupted over the cultivation and the control of the demilitarized zones and over water resources. Northern Kibbutzes both took part in triggering Syrian violence and were victims of that violence. Covering the interwar period 1956-1967, Rozin traces the subjective emotional reaction of kibbutz members exposed to Syrian violence. Focusing on fear and employing Barbara Rosenwein’s concept of emotional communities, she shows that members developed unique cultural practices to cope with the emotional challenge. However, despite genuine feelings and gestures of solidarity demonstrated by the city residents, these emotional norms were considered alien. Rozin shows that the emotional norms developed in the pre-State period and still nurtured in the kibbutzes were losing their grip

    SAPHO syndrome: Is a range of pathogen-associated rheumatic diseases extended?

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    SAPHO syndrome, representing a constellation of synovitis, acne, palmo-plantar pustulosis, hyperostosis, and osteitis, is now recognized as a distinct medical entity: a reactive infectious osteitis. Genetic, immunological, and bacterial mechanisms are implicated in the development of the disease. Diagnostic problems may arise due to non-complete manifestations of SAPHO: either acne and arthritis or acne and anterior wall osteitis with an unclear pustulosis history. The interventional study of Assmann et al. is a significant addition to a long range of publications showing an association of SAPHO with Propionibacterium acnes. Randomized control studies are needed to confirm the effects of antibiotic therapy


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    The problem of this study is to reveal how striving for superiority on the major character. The objectives of the study are to analyze the movie based on the major character in Zack Snyder’s 300 movie based on Individual Psychological Analysis. The study is a literary study, which can be categorized into a qualitative study. The object of this study is Zack Snyder 300 movie. The data sources are primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources the movie 300 script and the secondary data are related to the primary data that support the analysis such as some books of psychology and website related to the research. The method used for collecting data is library research and documentation. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. Based on the analysis, the writer draws some conclusions as follows: first, Zack Snyder’s 300 movie tells about the major character as king Leonidas is strive for his superiority to go out of his condition. Second, every people has many ways to striving for superiority. In 300 movie, the major character, king Leonidas does some efforts to strive his superiority that represents a case study of individual psychology

    Glad to be sad, and other examples of benign masochism

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    We provide systematic evidence for the range and importance of hedonic reversals as a major source of pleasure, and incorporate these findings into the theory of benign masochism. Twenty-nine different initially aversive activities are shown to produce pleasure (hedonic reversals) in substantial numbers of individuals from both college student and Mechanical Turk samples. Hedonic reversals group, by factor analysis, into sadness, oral irritation, fear, physical activity/exhaustion, pain, strong alcohol-related tastes, bitter tastes, and disgust. Liking for sad experiences (music, novels, movies, paintings) forms a coherent entity, and is related to enjoyment of crying in response to sad movies. For fear and oral irritation, individuals also enjoy the body's defensive reactions. Enjoyment of sadness is higher in females across domains. We explain these findings in terms of benign masochism, enjoyment of negative bodily reactions and feelings in the context of feeling safe, or pleasure at ``mind over body''. In accordance with benign masochism, for many people, the favored level of initially negative experiences is just below the level that cannot be tolerated

    Migration as Separation of Human Community a Analysis and Forecast

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    Throughout many years physical manifesta-tion phenotype and inheritable information genotype are researched with different scientific methodologies in medicine genetics biology physiology psychology etc The dependence of physical traits on genetic code of individual can be established through various intensive mathematical models This article explores one of the models that hypothetically explains segregation of people based on their observable psychological traits Although environment can influence behavioral traits the predisposition towards them controlled by fundamental genes and thus might be inherited The proposed mathematical model consumm-ates that the process of human segregation leads to a break down on non-active and active communities As a result more active community has a tendency to develop much faster and dominate over non-active community This result of this hypothesis can help to determine and eliminate various risks of denomination and develop scientifically proven recommendations to improve immigration politi
