14 research outputs found

    Pembangunan kerangka konsep sokongan peningkatan pencapaian akademik pelajar-atlet Universiti Awam Malaysia

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    Pelajar-atlet yang menjalani sesi pengajian di peringkat pra-siswazah di Universiti Awam (UA) Malaysia mengalami masalah dalam meningkatkan pencapaian akademik. Tinjauan awal menunjukkan bahawa hampir 40 peratus pelajar-atlet mencatatkan Purata Nilai Gred Kumulatif (PNGK) di bawah 3.00. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan satu kerangka konsep sokongan peningkatan pencapaian akademik yang diperlukan oleh pelajar-atlet UA Malaysia dalam meningkatkan pencapaian akademik mereka semasa menjalani sesi pengajian. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan adalah reka bentuk yang melibatkan Kaedah Bercampur Penerokaan Berjujukan (Exploratory Sequantial Mix-Method) iaitu melibatkan kaedah temu bual dan soal selidik. Fasa pertama, kajian menggunakan kaedah analisis dokumen dan temu bual berstruktur melibatkan 12 orang responden yang pakar dalam pengurusan pelajar-atlet untuk meneroka elemen sokongan peningkatan pencapaian akademik bagi pelajar-atlet. Data dianalisis menggunakan kaedah analisis tema untuk mengenal pasti tema-tema dan ditadbir serta dianalisis dengan kaedah Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) bagi mendapat kesepakatan dan persetujuan pakar. Fasa kedua, kajian tinjauan melalui edaran soal selidik kepada 85 pelajar pra-siswazah (atlet negara) dan merupakan pemegang biasiswa sukan Kementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT) yang menjalani sesi pengajian di Universiti Awam (UA) Malaysia. Data kajian tinjauan dianalisis menggunakan Permodelan Kuasa Dua Separa Terkecil (PLS-SEM) untuk meramal domain-domain dan elemen-elemen yang terlibat. Dapatan kajian menerusi temu bual serta kesepakatan pakar mendapati wujud tiga domain, 23 elemen dan 97 sub- elemen. Manakala dapatan kajian tinjauan pula menunjukkan domain dan elemen sah dan boleh dipercayai. Dapatan juga menunjukkan domain aspek akademik (p,0.494) merupakan domain yang paling diperlukan dalam sokongan peningkatan pencapaian akademik bagi pelajar-atlet diikuti dengan domain aspek persekitaran (p,0.452) dan psikologikal-sosial (p,0.237). Akhirnya, satu kerangka konsep sokongan peningkatan pencapaian akademik pelajar-atlet di UA Malaysia dihasilkan berdasarkan penilaian model pengukuran

    Evaluation of the Implementation of Vocational Gas and Arc Welding Subjects in Malaysian Secondary Schools

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    Mata Pelajaran Vokasional Kimpalan Arka dan Gas (MPV-KAG) is an initiative of the Ministry of Education (Malaysia) to provide opportunities for students in academic secondary schools who have not succeeded in getting a place in Sekolah Menengah Teknik (SMT) or Sekolah Menengah Vokasional (SMV). Therefore, this study was conducted to evaluate the readiness for the implementation of vocational subjects (gas and arc welding) in daily secondary schools in Malaysia. A total of 106 students who took the MPV-KAG course at Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Malim, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ledang, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ungku Husin, and Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ungku Aziz were involved in this study. The questionnaires for this study were distributed to students who took the MPV-KAG course at the four daily secondary schools. This study uses a descriptive analysis method (mean and standard deviation). The reliability value for the study instrument is α = 0.86. Overall, the results of the study showed that the level of willingness of students to follow MPV-KAG courses, the level of opportunities given by the teacher to the students in doing activities according to their own abilities during the teaching and learning process, and the availability of sufficient, functional, and appropriate workshop equipment facilities throughout the MPV practical class were at a high level, with a mean value of (M = 4.11, M = 4.06, M = 4.29). In conclusion, this study found that the implementation of MPV-KAG in daily secondary schools in Malaysia is in good condition.

    Factor of active participation engineering and technical student-athletes in co-curricular activities (Sport)

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    Active participation among engineering and technical student- athletes in co-curricular activities is viewed from different side which is some of them were represent national, universities, faculties in sporting event. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to examine the factors that encourage active participation student participation in co-curricular activities (sports) among engineering and technical students of University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) who are participate actively in co-curricular activities (sports). Identifying the factors and perception of active participation engineering and technical student- athletes in co-curricular activities (sports) are the main focus on this study. Quantitative research design by using survey were approach on this study. Survey were conducted into two hundred and thirteen student of engineering and technical student-athletes UTHM who are participate actively in co-curricular activities (sports). Findings shows student- athletes agreed that interpersonal, intrapersonal and structural factors are the reason why they involve in co-curricular (sports) activities. These findings could help the university to create active participation environment among engineering and technical student- athletes in co-curricular activities (sports) and at the same time help on producing student-athletes who are able represent university and also national at international levels

    Perkembangan motor kasar murid tahun satu sekolah rendah

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    Pentingnya kanak-kanak mempunyai perkembangan motor yang baik kerana ianya mempengaruhi kanak�kanak lain dalam perkembangan motor secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu. Dengan menilai tahap perkembangan motor murid sekolah rendah, guru boleh melakukan intervensi bagi meningkatkan tahap perkembangan motor serta pada masa yang sama, memastikan murid ini mengalami perkembangan yang holistik. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap perkembangan motor kasar murid-murid tahun satu dan menilai perkembangan murid setelah setahun. Seramai 105 orang murid tahun satu yang terdiri daripada 46 lelaki dan 59 perempuan dalam kalangan murid sekolah rendah di Johor adalah responden untuk kajian ini. Tahap perkembangan motor kasar diukur dengan menggunakan Test of Gross Motor Development Second Edition (TGMD – 2). Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa pada keseluruhan, tahap perkembangan motor kasar adalah bawah sederhana (M=84.11 min, S=9.99) pada awal tahun dan tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang singnifikan pada akhir tahun (M=85.91=6.77). Kemahiran lokomotor didapati meningkat pada akhir tahun, tetapi kemahiran kawalan objek tidak mempunyai perbezaan yang signifikan. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan kanak-kanak di Malaysia kurang didedahkan kepada permainan yang menggunakan objek. Dengan itu guru Pendidikan Jasmani perlu memberikan pendekatan tersebut disekolah

    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and iot

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    The development of egg hatching and storage machines equipped with cooling and heating systems and IoT was for helping chicken breeders to address the issue of chicken production shortages. To produce large numbers of poultry production, eggs hatching is one of the major step that needs to pay attention to. There are several reasons why egg hatching process fails, such as lack of care by hen, eaten by rooster, and unsuitable hatching environment and temperature. In addition, if the eggs are not incubated within 1 week, the eggs will be damaged having producing a hatching machine and egg storage can help the chicken breeders to produce a better amount of chicken production. Internet of Things (IoT) elements such as the Arduino and Blynk are also used to make this egg hatching and storage machine attractive and to meet the needs and requirements of users. The objectives of this study were to design, develop and evaluate the functionality of egg hatching and storage machines in combination with cooling and heating systems along with IoT. Methodology is a technique and method that incorporates methods and approaches used to achieve the objectives and objectives of the study. The model used is the ADDIE model which consists of 5 phases namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This product has received expert confirmation in terms of design and functionality. The results show that the egg hatching and storage machine is well developed and can attract users when using this hatching and storage machine

    Reliability and validity of instrument on academic enhancement support for student-athlete using rasch measurement model

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    The purpose of this article is to develop and validate an instrument on Academic Enhancement Support for Malaysian student-athletes. The instrument development process began earlier in previous research's stages. Thirty-five questionnaires were distributed to Malaysia Public University student-athletes who competed at the university and state levels. It took a week to collect data, with a 100% return rate and one damaged questionnaire removed. Winstep version was used to conduct three analyses: item-person reliability and separation index, statistical fit, and standardised residual correlation for item dependent. Cronbach's alpha of 0.96 indicates high reliability, with all items displaying a positive value for item polarity. Thirty items were identified as being misfit, five of which were removed and fifteen of which were revised. In the final analysis, ten pairs of items were dictated to be redundant, and ten items were eliminated following selection. In total, 15 items were removed from the instrument, leaving 82 items in the validated version. In conclusion, the instrument developed is a valid instrument capable of validating the student-perception athlete's of the support necessary for academic advancement during actual study

    Learning Transfer Exploration Model from Skill Institute to Workplace, PLS-SEM Approach

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    Skills and job mismatch issues have become common and recurring issues in Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET). This issue is associated with the transfer of learning that involves various factors such as the area of training, certification level, curriculum, instructors, facilities and resources and industry recognition. In line with the Baldwin & Ford model, learning transfer involves three major factors such as the trainee’s characteristics, the training design and working environment. Therefore, identify the factors which contribute to the effective transfer of learning is necessary. This study attempts to identify which factors are contributing to learning transfer based on National Occupational Skill Standard (NOSS) system in skill institutes in Malaysia to workplace. This is because the lack of relevant studies related to the learning transfer on the NOSS system and at once makes it difficult to emphasize the factors to be considered for effective transfer of learning. The design of the survey study through the distribution of questionnaires to 309 Malaysian Skills Certificate trainees was done to generalize the study findings. This study used the Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) tool to validate the model. PLS-SEM is choose because it can predict and explain constructs target. Then it can explore the relationship between the construct. Besides that, PLS SEM is chosen because this method can be done on complex structure equation model that consists more constructs and indicators. PLS-SEM can also control both a reflective and formative constructs. Findings indicate that work environment and training design positively influences learning transfer be represented by generalization and retention construct. The findings provide useful insight and information regarding the learning transfer that correlate with mismatch issues that policy makers, training provider, employers and trainees need to consider to produce highly skill workers subsequently completed this skills mismatch issue

    Development of refrigeration simulation to enhance teaching and learning for commercial refrigeration system

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    The lack of teaching aids in line with current needs and technology becomes a necessity in ensuring the existence of new products or innovations of existing products. Therefore the development of this product is to ease and enhance teaching and learning session of teacher and students in Commercial Refrigeration System course. The development of this product based on ADDIE model. For the functionality test, this product will test a few variable like the display of the temperature and pressure of the refrigerator in smartphone by using Blynk application to perform Mollier Chart and reading of Coefficient of Performance (CoP). Temperature and pressure were detected by sensor and connected to Arduino Wemos board that was programmed by Arduino Ide. All the information was sent to cloud and can be access the server by using smartphone. Based on result, all the functionality going well. For improvement, expert panel suggest that the display of temperature and pressure reading can be shown with easy and clearly to read. As conclusion the objectives of this product achieve to reduce high level of dependency on textbooks, enhance student’s ability to focus and improve several of teaching aids that moderate in quality

    Identifying Environment Aspect in Academic Enhancement Support for Student-Athlete Using Fuzzy Delphi Method

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    Supports on increased academic achievement, in particular, is not provided to student-athletes who enrol undergraduate programs in Malaysia public universities. Almost 40 percent of student- athletes who underwent sessions of study at the undergraduate experience some problems in improving their academic achievement than student’s undergraduates who do not engage in sports activities actively. Problems, in order to improve academic achievement among student-athletes, are due to factors of environment that do not support the improvement of academic achievement student-athletes during their study sessions. As a result, student-athletes could not be maintained in the session of study, scholarship, and the implications from the result are they are not allowed to participate in training and also competition. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify elements of support enhance academic achievement to student-athletes in aspects of the environment. Qualitative research approach involves 12 respondents representing academia, management institutions and the management of student-athletes to explore elements of support enhance academic achievement in aspects of the environment for student-athletes. A total of 12 experts representing academia, management institutions and the management of student-athletes were selected to analyze the fuzziness consensus of experts. All collected data were analyzed using the fuzzy Delphi method. The result of the analysis found that there are 9 elements in aspects of the environment that fulfil the requirement consensus of experts, which threshold value is equal and less than 0.2, the percentage of the expert group is more than 75%. Therefore, 9 elements of support to help undergraduate student-athletes at public universities to improve their academic achievement

    Level of mental toughness on academic achievement of student-athletes Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

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    The active involvement of student-athletes in sports and representing themselves in sports tournaments is the cause of students-athletes who further study in Higher Education Institution to get unsatisfactory results and low performance in academic achievement. Among the causal factors of this scenario is due to the mental toughness of the student athlete whom are deem to be weak which influence their learning performance. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the level of the mental toughness of students-athletes towards the academic achievement in Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The research design used in this study is quantitative method approach. A total of 210 UTHM student-athletes were involved in the survey questionnaire. This study uses the instrument Mental Toughness Questionnaire 48 (MTQ48) that has been adapted and adopted from previous research. Data were analysed using descriptive statistical analysis to identify each element of UTHM student-athletes mental toughness level, independent T-Test statistical analysis test to determine differences in mental toughness level with the gender of UTHM student-athletes and testing using Pearson correlation statistical analysis to determine the relationship between mental toughness and the academic achievement of UTHM student-athletes. The results of the study showed that there was no significant relationship between the elements of mental toughness with the academic achievement of UTHM student-athletes. The relationship between the elements of mental toughness with the academic achievement of student-athletes was moderately strong with values r = -0.033 and sig = 0.64 (p> 0.05). The results of the study prove that the relationship between the mental toughness of students-athletes does not affect the academic achievement of UTHM student-athletes