831 research outputs found

    Mechanical behavior of carbon-carbon composites

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    A general background, test plan, and some results of preliminary examinations of a carbon-carbon composite material are presented with emphasis on mechanical testing and inspection techniques. Experience with testing and evaluation was gained through tests of a low modulus carbon-carbon material, K-Karb C. The properties examined are the density - 1.55 g/cc; four point flexure strength in the warp - 137 MPa (19,800 psi) and the fill - 95.1 MPa (13,800 psi,) directions; and the warp interlaminar shear strength - 14.5 MPa (2100 psi). Radiographic evaluation revealed thickness variations and the thinner areas of the composite were scrapped. The ultrasonic C-scan showed attenuation variations, but these did not correspond to any of the physical and mechanical properties measured. Based on these initial tests and a survey of the literature, a plan has been devised to examine the effect of stress on the oxidation behavior, and the strength degradation of coated carbon-carbon composites. This plan will focus on static fatigue tests in the four point flexure mode in an elevated temperature, oxidizing environment


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    This research aims at revealing: (1) whether or not Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) strategy is more effective than lecturing strategy in teaching content area reading comprehension; (2) whether the students who have high intelligence have better content area reading comprehension ability than those who have low intelligence; and (3) whether there is an interaction between teaching strategies and intelligence in teaching content area reading. This experimental research was carried out in MAN 1 Bojonegoro in the academic year of 2012/2013 from September to November 2012. The population was the first semester of Rintisan Madrasah Bertaraf Internasional (RMBI) students in the academic year of 2012/2013. The number of population was three classes (72 students) that consisted of XI-Bilingual 1, XI- Bilingual 2, and XI-Bilingual 3. The samples were XI-Bilingual 2 as the experimental group and XI-Bilingual 3 as the control group. Each group consisted of 24 students. The experimental group was treated by using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Strategy, while the control group was treated by using Lecturing Strategy. The post-test was conducted in form content area reading comprehension test. Before the content area reading comprehension test was administered to the both groups, it was firstly tried out to non-sample class to know the validity and the reliability of the test. Then, the data from the post-test were described using descriptive statistics and were tested their normality and homogeneity. It was found out that the data were in normal distribution and homogeneous. After that, the data were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey test. The data analysis shows that: (1) Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) Strategy is more effective than Lecturing Strategy in teaching content area reading; (2) Students with high intelligence have better content area reading comprehension ability than those having low intelligence; and (3) There is no interaction between teaching strategies and intelligence in teaching content area reading. Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR) is an effective strategy in teaching content area reading for both high and low intelligence students. Therefore, it is recommended that: (1) teachers should be well-trained in using Collaborative Strategic Reading (CSR); (2) the students need to get accustomed to learning reading in content areas (science and social study); (3) the school needs to upgrade teachers’ competence; and (4) future researchers may conduct replication research with different sample and condition

    Deadwood in logged-over Dipterocarp forests of Borneo

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    Deadwood is an important stock of carbon in logged-over Dipterocarp forests but still remains poorly studied. Here we present the study of deadwood in logged-over Dipterocarp forests using two common approaches: plot-based approach and line-intersect-based approach. We conducted our research in three sites which are forest logged in 2003, 2007, and 2010 within Hutansanggam Labanan Lestari (HLL) forest, a certified forest concessionaire in Indonesia. We established 1,500 m of transect line (broken down in 50 m section) for each site. As a reference, we established 47 10 m x 10 m subplot for three sites. All fallen deadwood with diameter > 10 cm were recorded. Our results shows that the mass of fallen deadwood resulted by line-intersect-based method was much higher in compare to plotbased method. The mass of fallen deadwood in plot-based study (44.563 ± 9.155 Mg/ha) was significantly different with the mass of fallen deadwood in line-intersect-based study (69.587 ± 8.079 Mg/ha). Furthermore, for the variability of deadwood, both methods show consistence results which is the variability in 2003 was lower than that in 2007 and 2010. Based on our data, in order to get coefficient of variation of 10%, we recommend the use of minimum 40 plots of 20 m x 20 m to estimate deadwood in logged-over Dipterocarp forests. (Texte intégral


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    Penelitian dengan judul PEMIKIRAN POLITIK DAN GERAKAN SOSIOKULTURAL KEWARGANEGARAAN KAUM INTELEKTUAL MUSLIM NEO-MODERNIS DALAM PENGUATAN DEMOKRASI DAN CIVIL SOCIETY DI INDONESIA: Suatu Perspektif Keadaban Kewarganegaraan bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pemikiran politik dan gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) dan Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) dalam penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Fokus penelitian ini terkait dengan: (a) Perjalanan sejarah sosial intelektual Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam peta intelektual Indonesia; (b) Paradigma pemikiran politik Cak Nur dan Gus Dur; (c) Pola gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia berdasarkan perspektif keadaban kewarganegaraan; (d) Dampak dan relevansi pemikiran politik dan gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur dalam konteks penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kepustakaan dengan metode studi tokoh. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan kerangka kerja penelitian sejarah sosial intelektual. Data primer penelitian dari sumber pustaka yang ditulis oleh Cak Nur dan Gus Dur, sedangkan data sekunder dari tulisan pihak lain yang memiliki relevansi dengan fokus penelitian ini. Data dianalisis berdasarkan analisis wacana kritis, analisis isi, analisis hermeneutik serta analisis reflektif inkuiri untuk mendapatkan temuan hasil penelitian. Temuan penelitian menegaskan bahwa Cak Nur dan Gus Dur merupakan dua warga negara yang berasal dari daerah dan latar belakang kultural yang sama, namun berbeda dalam strategi gerakan. Keduanya berada dalam titik temu sebagai pemikir dan intelektual neo-modernis dalam merespons masalah-masalah kewarganegaraan. Cak Nur dan Gus Dur berpandangan bahwa Islam sebagai ideologi dan agama menjadi faktor utama dalam mendorong modernisasi, meneguhkan semangat kebangsaan yang multikultural dan menjadikan nilai dan substansi ajaran Islam sebagai etos dan nilai-nilai keadaban dalam kehidupan kebangsaan dan kenegaraan tanpa harus menjadikan Indonesia sebagai negara Islam, tetapi negara Pancasila. Kedua tokoh ini menempuh gerakan Islam kultural sebagai model dari gerakan sosiokultural kewarganegaraan untuk penguatan demokrasi dan civil society di Indonesia. Melalui gerakan tersebut dilakaukan pengembangan nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan yang dijadikan sebagai acuan dalam etika sosial politik bagi warga negara dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara. Nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan yang dirumuskan Cak Nur dan Gus Dur mencakup nilai: pluralitas, penghargaan terhadap perbedaan, kebersamaan, silaturahmi-ta’aruf, penghormatan terhadap minoritas, humanitarian, kebangsaan, empati, toleran, egaliter, solidaritas bangsa, keadilan sosial. Nilai-nilai keadaban kewarganegaraan tersebut dapat mendorong lahirnya keadaban demokrasi (democracy civility) dan keadaban kewarganegaraan dalam menguatkan demokrasi dan peran civil society di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian direkomendasikan untuk melakukan rekonstruksi materi dan metode pendidikan kewarganegaraan sebagai sebuah paradigma baru berdasarkan tradisi keilmuan Islam dan kearifan lokal keindonesiaan ---------- The title of research POLITICAL THOUGHT AND SOCIOCULTURAL CITIZENSHIP MOVEMENT OF NEO-MODERNIST MUSLIMS INTELLECTUAL IN STRENGTHENING DEMOCRACY AND CIVIL SOCIETY IN INDONESIA : A Civic Virtue Perspective has been the objectives to describe in depth about political thought and sosiocultural citizenship movement of Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) and Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) in strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia within the perspective civic virtue. This study dealth with: (a) Social history of intellectual Cak Nur and Gus Dur in the intellectual map of Indonesia; (b) The paradigm of political thought of Cak Nur and Gus Dur as well as models of political thought both figures; (c) Sociocultural movement patterns for citizenship of Cak Nur and Gus Dur in the strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia; (d) Impact and relevance of political thoughts and sociocultural movements citizenship of Cak Nur and Gus Dur to the context of strengthening democracy and civil society in Indonesia according from the prespective civic virtue. This research was a library research and literature the figures methods. The approach user this study was social history of intellectual research. Data were obtained from published sources written by two characters that were examined as the primary data source. The secondary source was obtained from the writings of others that have relevance to the focus of this study. The data were analyzed based on critical discourse analysis, content analysis, hermeneutic analysis and reflective inquiry to get the findings.The findings of the study confirms that Cak Nur and Gus Dur were two citizens from the same area and cultural background of the family. The citizens of this country have different learning environment in the developing and strengthening their intellectualism. This research also showed Cak Nur and Gus Dur had the same point of view that in Indonesia, in functioning of Islam as a religion and ideology. Those have become the main factors to develop modernization and citizenship even Indonesia is not an Islamic country, but it is based on Pancasila. Nevertheless, both of them have develop the same movement in responding the issues related to citizenship and the relationship between Islam, politics and civil society. As political thinker based on Islamic and modernity perspectives, Cak Nur and Gus Dur have formulated civic virtue values such as: pluralism, appreciation of diversity, equality, egality, equity, humanity, nationalism, emphaty, tolerance, solidarity, and social justice. Both of them formulated and developed the value and substance of the teachings of Islam as the ethos and values of civility in our nationhood and statehood like democracy civility and civic virtue in the strengthening of democracy and civil society in Indonesia. Based on research findings it can be recommended to reconstruct contents and methods as new paradigm of civic education based on Islamic knowledges tradition and local wisdoms in Indonesian setting as well as

    Stress Rupture Behavior of Silicon Carbide Coated, Low Modulus Carbon/Carbon Composites

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    The disadvantages of carbon-carbon composites, in addition to the oxidation problem, are low thermal expansion, expensive fabrication procedures, and poor off axis properties. The background of carbon-carbon composites, their fabrication, oxidation, oxidation protection and mechanical testing in flexure are discussed

    Keefektifan Pembelajaran daring dalam pencegahan virus covid-19 di SMP N 4 Kelapa

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    Pada masa pandem Covid-19 ini, pemnerintah telah mengerahkan segala upaya dalam menekan penyebaran virus.salah satunya adalah dialihkannya kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dilakukan secara tatap muka menjadi pembelajaran daring. Perkembangan pendidikan sendiri saat ini dipengaruhi oleh pesatnya kemajuan teknologi informasi. Pembelajaran daring berfungsi sebagai penghubung antara pendidik dengan para siswa yang dilakukan dengan jaringan internet dan dapat diakses kapan saja dan dimana saja. Saat ini telah banyak media yang tersedia guna memudahkan dalam terlaksananya pembelajaran daring, seperti Whatsapp, Google Classroom, Ruangguru, Zenius, Zoom dan situs web lainnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalis keefektifan pembelaajaran daring dalam masa pandemi. Metode yang dilakukan dalam pengumpulan data adalah wawancara kepada narasumber yaitu siswa SMP 04 Kelapa secara darin


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    Abstrak Persepsi adalah sebuah pandangan yang diperoleh terhadap sesuatu setelah mengalaminya.  Persepsi siswa dapat menjadi evaluasi siswa untuk guru selain nilai test. Siswa yang tidak mempunyai kemauan untuk belajar dengan guru mata pelajarannya pasti tidak akan mempunyai ketertarikan terhadap pelajaran tersebut. Melalui persepsi siswa, guru dapat mengetahui apa yang dibutuhkan siswa. Oleh karena itu, penelitian tentang persepsi siswa sangat berguna untuk menghasilkan pengajaran yang efektif Centra & Gaubatz (2005). Untuk mendapat deskripsi keseluruhan persepsi siswa, peneliti merancang tiga rumusan masalah, diantaranya (1) Bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap NEST dibanding NNEST dalam hal teaching attitudes? (2) Bagaimana persepsi siswa terhadap NEST dibanding NNEST dalam hal teaching performances? (3) Apakah implikasi dari persepsi siswa terhadap terhadap NEST dan NNEST dalam hal teaching attitudes dan teaching performances pada proses belajar mengajar di SMK Negeri 1 Kemlagi Mojokerto? Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi siswa terhadap NEST dan NNEST dalam hal teaching attitudes dan teaching performances di SMKN 1 Kemlagi menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Kuisioner digunakan untuk mengumpulkan tiap-tiap persepsi siswa terhadap attitudes dan performances dari NEST dan NNEST sedangkan wawancara digunakan untuk mengumpulkan persepsi siswa lebih rinci. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persepsi siswa sejalan dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Medgyes (1992)  pada umumnya. Akan tetapi, peneliti menemukan beberapa perbedaan teaching attitudes dan teaching performances dengan penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh Medgyes (1992) dan Floyd (2007) dalam hal  the practice of grammar, vocabulary teaching and their discipline about time management. Dalam hal ini, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa persepsi siswa dapat juga digunakan sebagai pertimbangan guru untuk mengembangkan metodenya untuk tidak hanya membuat proses belajar mengajar menyenangkan, akan tetapi juga mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: persepsi siswa, NEST’s and NNEST’s attitudes, NEST’s and NNEST’s performances.   Abstract Perception is a notice that comes up after undergoing some experiences. Students’ perception can be one of students’ evaluation for the teacher instead of final examination or final test score. Students who do not have a desire to join the class of some of their course teachers, especially English will not have an interest feeling in the subject. Through students’ perception, teacher is able to know what the students’ need. Hence, study about students’ perception is useful to create an effective teaching Centra & Gaubatz (2005). To describe the whole students’ perception, reseacher set three research questions. They are: (1) What are students’ perceptions on NEST in comparison to non-NEST in terms of their teaching? (2) What are students’ perceptions on NEST in comparison to non-NEST in terms of their teaching performances? (3) What is the implication of students’ perceptions on NEST and non-NEST in terms of their teaching attitudes and teaching performances on the teaching-learning process? This study was conducted to describe the students’ perceptions toward NEST and NNEST in terms of their teaching attitudes and their teaching performances in SMKN 1 Kemlagi using descriptive qualitative research design. Questionnaire was used to collect every single students’ perception toward their NEST’s and NNEST”s attitudes and performances while the interview was used to collect students’ perception in detail. The results of this study shows that students’ perceptions were generally in line with the general perception of both NESTs and NNESTs suggested by Medgyes (1992). However, researcher found some different teaching attitudes and teaching performances was found in this study that is in contrary with the findings of study conducted by Medgyes (1992) and Floyd (2007) concerning on the practice of grammar, vocabulary teaching and their discipline about time management. It is suggested that students’ perception can also be used as teacher’s consideration in the term of developing his or her methods to not only be pleasant learning but also achieves the goal of the study. Keywords: students’ perceptions, NEST’s and NNEST’s attitudes, NEST’s and NNEST’s performances.       &nbsp


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    The results showed that some religious leaders in Taman Pondok Jati looked fi sabilillah with common meanings and wider, which includes all things that are in the common interest of the Muslims, a security guard holding a mandate as guardians of the security and comfort of the Muslims for 24 hours, so that from the sense of security that people can worship in peace and teachings of other religion can also be implemented. As for the meaning of fi sabilillah for security officers (guards) as mustahik zakat in Taman Pondok Jati in accordance with the meaning fi sabilillah into the general meaning, as explained by the scholars' contemporary, that all matters relating to the welfare of the Muslims who tend to be aimed at obtaining contentment of Allah SWT. In addition, the actual security guard can also be classified into poor, when viewed from the side of a relatively small income
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