49 research outputs found

    Validitas dan Praktikalitas Website Pembelajaran untuk Memfasilitasi Kemampuan Penalaran Matematis Siswa

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    Indikasi rendahnya kemampuan penalaran matematis siswa kelas XI SMA/MA menggambarkan adanya permasalahan siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan produk berupa website pembelajaran materi limit fungsi aljabar yang valid dan praktis untuk memfasilitasi kemampuan penalaran matematis (KPM) siswa. Bentuk penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Artikel ini membatasi tahap pengembangan produk mulai proses pengembangan draf produk sampai proses uji coba lapangan website pembelajaran materi limit fungsi aljabar, kemudian diakhiri dengan proses diseminasi. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa MAN 1 Pekanbaru yang terdiri dari enam siswa kelas XII IPS 2 sebagai subjek uji coba terbatas dan 30 siswa kelas XI IPA IT sebagai subjek uji coba lapangan. Website pembelajaran dikembangkan menggunakan software Microsoft FrontPage dan menyediakan beberapa menu, yaitu: 1) Home, 2) KD dan peta konsep, 3) Materi (berisi video pembelajaran, e-modul, serta aplikasi pengolahan hasil belajar), 4) Rangkuman, dan 5) Tim perancang. Kebaruan dari website yang dikembangkan terletak pada penyajian rangkaian kegiatan belajar dalam modul elektronik (e-modul) yang materi pelajarannya disajikan dalam format video. Website pembelajaran yang telah dikembangkan dilakukan validasi oleh tiga orang ahli materi sekaligus ahli media, diperoleh hasil bahwa website pembelajaran materi limit fungsi aljabar telah memenuhi kriteria kevalidan dengan tingkat validitas sangat valid, yaitu dengan persentase rata-rata sebesar 94,21% dan juga telah memenuhi kriteria kepraktisan yang berada ditingkat praktis, sehingga dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran matematika


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    This research aims to utilize the low quality of wood i.e.sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) and waste of  Coconut fiber dust to made particle board. Particle board made with different ratio i.e 100%  sengon, 80%  sengon and 20% Ccocnut fiber with adhesive concentration of 12%, 14% and 16%. Particle board made with size 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm with a density of 0,6 g/cm3 at a pressure of 25 kg/cm2 at  1400C for 8 minutes. Evaluated the physical properties (density, water content, water absorption and thickness swelling) and mechanical properties modulus of elastis (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bonding (IB) was conducted in accordance with JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The results showed that the density value sranged between 0.53g/cm3 - 0.58g/cm3, water contentranged from 6.63%-8.27%, thickness swelling ranged between7.51% -11.75%,water absorption ranged between 53.75% - 64.62%, MOE ranged between 14654.54 kg/cm2 - 18031.95 kg/cm2, MOR ranged between 169.54kg/cm2 - 218.47 kg/cm2, internal bonding ranged from3.33 kg/cm2-4.93 kg/cm2. The particle board values can fulfill the standart of JIS A 5908-2003, except for the value of the MOE. Composition of raw materials significantly affect the water absorption value, MOE and MOR mean while the concentration of adhesive significantly affect the value of thickness swelling, water absorption, MOE and MOR. Interaction between the ratio of raw material and concentration of adhesive did not significantly affect the physical and mechanical properties of particle board. The best values of particle board was achieved with composition sengon 80% and 20% coconut fiber dust withan adhesive concentration 16%. Keyword :        Coconut fiber, paraserianthes falcataria, particle board, physical, mechanical properties


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    Human resources become a major problem in various activities within a company, especially in the field of organizational. This research aims to test and analyze the employee satisfaction of PT. Sinar Karya Abadi's work which is influenced by the variable of self-efficacy and behavior of the citizenship organization. The population amounted to 500 employees and obtained samples amounting to 85 respondents consisting of employees of PT. Sinar Karya Duta Abadi. Simple random sampling is a sampling technique that uses the utility. Obtained data from the propagate then recollected the questionnaire and used techniques analyzed multiple linear regression and hypotheses tests. Available work satisfaction results gain influence from free variables. That result illustrates the free variables having an influence on the dependent variables. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference where PT. Sinar Karya Duta Abadi can improve employee satisfaction through self-efficacy and behavior of the nationality organization, if the two traits are owned by each individual, then the organizational productivity increases

    Molecular Characterization of Danau Selais Fish (Ompok hypophthalmus) and Kaporeh Selais Fish (Ompok eugeneiatus) from Riau Province of Indonesia using Mitochondrial 12S rRNA

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    The floodplain river in Riau is inhabited by various types of vertebrate animals including fish from the genus Ompok. The rapid development of species in the Ompok genus can cause ambiguity in species identity due to inaccurate identification processes. This research aims to analyze the molecular characteristics of two types of selais fish, namely danau selais fish (O. hypophthalmus) and kaporeh selais fish (O. eugeneiatus) from Riau based on 12S rRNA sequences. Methods included sampling of fishes from the Kampar, Tapung and Indragiri Rivers, the total DNA isolation, PCR, electrophoresis, sequencing and data analysis. In this study, the 12S rRNA DNA sequence of the selais fish studied was 939 bp in size. The sequences consisted of 803 bp of conserved sites (86.15%), 127 bp of variable sites (13.52%), 53 bp of parsimony sites (5.64%) and 73 bp of singleton sites (18.57%), with the composition of Adenine 31.7 %, Cytosine 26.9%, Thymine 20.9% and Guanine 20.4%. The average genetic distance between the two species was ±0.034, with the lowest genetic distance identified in the species O. hypophthalmus and O. eugeneiatus from the Indragiri River with a value of ±0.032, while the farthest genetic distance was identified in the species O. eugeneiatus from the Kampar River and the species C. gariepinus (Out group) with a value of ±0.092. Transition substitution (19.50%) occurs more frequently than transversion (10.94%). Phylogenetic reconstruction showed that the two species can be separated into distinct groups based on 12S rRNA sequences


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    Teaching materials are one of the supporting components for achieving mathematical problem solving abilities. This research aims to analyze the need for teaching materials regarding sequences and series to improve mathematical problem solving abilities for class at SMAN 15 Pekanbaru. Data collection through interviews and questionnaires uses instruments that contain indicators, namely learning resources, content of teaching materials, and needs for teaching materials. The data analysis used is Miles-Huberman Interactive Analysis, which consists of data condensation, data display and conclusion drawing. The results of this research indicate that the teaching materials used in learning have shortcomings, namely: the teaching materials do not use a certain approach so that the teaching materials cannot improve mathematical problem solving abilities; material is received by memorization; teaching materials are less attractive, not contextual, unclear and difficult to use if there is no teacher explanation; teaching materials cannot make students active; and teaching materials cannot yet be called teaching materials because the constituent components are still lacking. The teacher stated that learning using teaching materials was better than just using textbooks. Based on the results of the research, it is hoped that it can be followed up to overcome students' problems in using teaching materials designed by teachers and developing teaching materials on sequence and series material which can improve students' mathematical problem solving abilitie

    The Management Strategy of Marketing Mix of Pineapple Chips in Kampar District, Riau Province, Indonesia: A Structural Model Approach

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    The Management of marketing mix in agro-industry business of pineapple chips need to increase the volume of sales and customer loyalty. This research aims to (1) analyze the variable/ attribute lever in the management of the marketing mix of pineapple chips, and (2) formulating marketing strategy of pineapple chips. This research used survey method. The Selection of respondents in this research is intentional (purposive sampling). The determination of respondents based on the expertise and their role in policy-making related to the agroindustry of pineapple chips. Data analysis used prospective analysis and Analytic Hierarchy Process/AHP. The Results of analysis showed that the determinants of the management of the marketing mix of pineapple chips consists; the dimensions of the product, price, promotion, and distribution. Attributes that are included in the driving variables consists of; products that always available, distribution in craftsmen kiosks, available in souvenir outlets, available anywhere, and promotions through packaging. The attributes are located in quadrant I, which have strong influence and dependence among low attributes. The direction of development of marketing policy of pineapple chips, alternatives include; Alternative I is the institutional strengthening of marketing and alternative II, is the development of the marketing mix

    Sifat Fisik dan Mekanik Papan Partikeldari Kayu Sengon (Paraserianthes Falcataria. L) dan Serbuk Sabut Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera.l)

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    This research aims to utilize the low quality of wood i.e.sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria) and waste of Coconut fiber dust to made particle board. Particle board made with different ratio i.e 100% sengon, 80% sengon and 20% Ccocnut fiber with adhesive concentration of 12%, 14% and 16%. Particle board made with size 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm with a density of 0,6 g/cm3 at a pressure of 25 kg/cm2 at 1400C for 8 minutes. Evaluated the physical properties (density, water content, water absorption and thickness swelling) and mechanical properties modulus of elastis (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bonding (IB) was conducted in accordance with JIS A 5908-2003 standard. The results showed that the density value sranged between 0.53g/cm3 - 0.58g/cm3, water contentranged from 6.63%-8.27%, thickness swelling ranged between7.51% -11.75%,water absorption ranged between 53.75% - 64.62%, MOE ranged between 14654.54 kg/cm2 - 18031.95 kg/cm2, MOR ranged between 169.54kg/cm2 - 218.47 kg/cm2, internal bonding ranged from3.33 kg/cm2-4.93 kg/cm2. The particle board values can fulfill the standart of JIS A 5908-2003, except for the value of the MOE. Composition of raw materials significantly affect the water absorption value, MOE and MOR mean while the concentration of adhesive significantly affect the value of thickness swelling, water absorption, MOE and MOR. Interaction between the ratio of raw material and concentration of adhesive did not significantly affect the physical and mechanical properties of particle board. The best values of particle board was achieved with composition sengon 80% and 20% coconut fiber dust withan adhesive concentration 16%. Keyword : Coconut fiber, paraserianthes falcataria, particle board, physical, mechanical properties

    Analisis Faktor Keterlaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Oleh Kepala Sekolah Di SMA Negeri Kota Bukittinggi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid–19

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    Kurang maksimalnya proses supervisi akademik akibat perubahan seharusnya  dilaksanakan  secara  langsung  (offline)  kemudian  dilakukan  secara online selama  masa  pandemi  Covid-19,  yang  menyebabkan  fungsi  dan  tujuan  supervisi akademik tidak terlaksana dengan baik. Hal ini tergambarkan melalui observasi awal di SMA Negeri Kota Bukittinggi tanggal 15 sampai 18 September 2021. Metode  penelitian  ini  adalah  metode  deskriptif  melalui  pendekatan  kuantitatif  dalam bentuk analisis faktor tentang faktor penunjang keterlaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh Kepala  Sekolah  di  SMA  Negeri  Kota  Bukittinggi  pada  masa  pandemik  Covid-19. Teknik yang   digunakan dalam pengambilan sampel dan populasi jumlah sampel dalam populasi  yaitu  Kepala  Sekolah  dan  Guru  dengan  jumlah  reponden  25  Orang  tiap sekolah,  dengan  jumlah  total  125  Orang.  Alat  pengumpul  data  yang  digunakan  yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan angket/kuisioner.Hasil penelitian ini (a) Hasil uji valididas terdapat 24 yang valid dan 7 variabel = tidak valid  dan  reabilitas  dengan  nilai  Cronbach’s  Alpha  sebesar  0,848  pada  faktor keterlaksanaan supervisi akademik oleh kepala sekolah dan guru di SMA Negeri Kota Bukittinggi.  (b)  Hasil  analisis  faktor  keterlaksanaan  supervisi  akademik  oleh  kepala sekolah di SMA Negeri Kota Bukittinggi terdapat 4 faktor yang terbentuk, dimana hanya 2  faktor  yang  menunjang  keterlaksanaan  supervisi  akademik  melalui  pertemuan individu  (lama  kerja,  status  pekerjaan,  golongan,  sertifikasi,  memberikan  pujian, honorium)  dan  obersavsi  kelas  dan  loka  karya  kelompok(optimis,  asertif,  tekun, jangkaun  internet)  (c)  Hasil  analisis  faktor  keterlaksanaan  supervisi  akademik  oleh kepala  sekolah  terhadap  guru  di  SMA  Negeri  Kota  Bukittinggi  pada  masa  pandemi terdapat  perbedaan  faktor  yang terbentuk,  dimana  SMAN  1  (2  faktor);  2 (tidak  ada  factor);  3(1  faktor);  4  (1  faktor)  dan  5  (2  faktor)