61 research outputs found

    High Levels of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Blood and Semen of Seropositive Men in Sub-Saharan Africa

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    High levels of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) replication, as reflected in HIV-1 RNA concentrations in blood and semen, probably contribute to both rapid disease progression and enhanced sexual transmission. Semen and blood were collected from 49 Malawian and 61 US and Swiss (US/Swiss) HIV-1.seropositive men with similar CD4 cell counts and no urethritis or exposure to antiretroviral drugs. Median seminal plasma and blood plasma HIV-1 RNA concentrations were > 3-fold (P = .034) and 5-fold (P = .0003) higher, respectively, in the Malawian men. Similar differences were observed in subsets of the Malawian and US/Swiss study groups matched individually for CD4 cell count (P = .035 and P <.002, respectively). These observations may help explain the high rates of HIV-1 sexual transmission and accelerated HIV-1 disease progression in sub-Saharan Afric

    Neptune to the Common-wealth of England (1652): the republican Britannia and the continuity of interests

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    In the seventeenth century, John Kerrigan reminds us, “models of empire did not always turn on monarchy”. In this essay, I trace a vision of “Neptune’s empire” shared by royalists and republicans, binding English national interest to British overseas expansion. I take as my text a poem entitled “Neptune to the Common-wealth of England”, prefixed to Marchamont Nedham’s 1652 English translation of Mare Clausum (1635), John Selden’s response to Mare Liberum (1609) by Hugo Grotius. This minor work is read alongside some equally obscure and more familiar texts in order to point up the ways in which it speaks to persistent cultural and political interests. I trace the afterlife of this verse, its critical reception and its unique status as a fragment that exemplifies the crossover between colonial republic and imperial monarchy at a crucial moment in British history, a moment that, with Brexit, remains resonant

    Cómo progresar mejor en la construcción de teoría en Psicología

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    Cómo progresar mejor en la construcción de teoría en Psicología

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    The current overload of data, psychology's conceptual pluralism, the increasing acceptance of the theory-laden view of science, and psychology's current stage of historical development, all indicare that fur­ther scientific progress in psychology is crucially dependent upon advances in che construction of cheo­ry. Theory construction is analysed in terms of three metatheoretic categories which, in ascending order of theoretical power, are identified as programatic, descriptive, and explanatory. What is the optimal the­ory construction strategy in each case? In the case of explanatory theory the optimal strategy is to maximize theoretical comprehensiveness while simultaneously minimizing che number of theoretical principles (par­simony). The optimal strategy in the case of descrip­tive theory involves developing a tight nomological network of relatively limited scope, but with the prospect of expanding toward an area theory. The optimal strategy for improving programmatic theory, which characterizes most psychology, is to get a heuristic handle on the domain in question. This involves getting a nomological network started, that is, identifiying and precising sorne of the relevant theo­retical constructs, and exploring their relationships.La creciente aceptación de una epistemo­logía que asume el componente teórico de la ciencia, la presente sobreabundancia de datos, el pluralismo conceptual de la psicología y su estado actual de desa­rrollo histórico contribuyen a indicar que su futuro desarrollo científico depende crucialmente de avances en la construcción teórica. Se analizan sus característi­cas en términos de tres metateorías de poder teórico creciente: programáticas, descriptivas y explicativas. La mejor estrategia de construcción teórica es: en la cate­goría explicativa, ampliar al máximo su ámbito abarca­dor mientras se reduce al mínimo de modo parsimo­nioso el número de sus principios; en la teoría descrip­tiva, desarrollar una red nomológica bien trabada y de ámbito limitado, aunque con perspectivas de expan­sión; en la programática consiste en el manejo heurís­tico del dominio en cuestión iniciando la red nomoló­gica, mediante identificación, caracterización y puesta en relación de algunos de los constructos teóricos relevantes

    Teoría multifactorial-sistemática - exposición sucinta-

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    The authors begin sketching their Multifactor Systematic Theory, that presents a general conception of the structure, dynamics and development of individual differences in the integrative personality. The individual�s dynamics and structure are analysed from the information processing conceptual framework, which considers personality -or the total psychological system- as a hierarchical organized compound of six interactive systems: sensory, motor, cognitive, affective, styles and values. They start with some comments on the factor model and the systems model and go on describing their present conception of �structure�, �dynamics� and individuality �development�. Then, they pay attention to the interaction between inheritance-environment and individual-situation and finish discussing unresolved theoretical and empirical questions and their theory�s implicationsLos autores esbozan su Teoría Multifactorial Sistemática, que presenta una concepción general de la estructura, dinámica y desarrollo de las diferencias individuales en la personalidad integradora. Se analiza la estructura y dinámica de la individualidad desde el marco conceptual del procesamiento de la información, en el cual la personalidad -o el sistema psicológico total- viene a ser concebida como un compuesto jerárquico organizado de seis sistemas en interacción: sensorial, motor, cognitivo, afectivo, estilos y valores. Para ello comienzan con algunos comentarios acerca del modelo factorial y el de sistemas, describiendo seguidamente su concepción actual de �estructura�, �dinámicas� y �desarrollo� de la individualidad. A continuación se ocupan del significado de la interacción herencia-ambiente y persona-situación, y finalizan discutiendo problemas empíricos y teóricos no resueltos y las implicaciones de su teorí

    Title Page and Contents- The Influence of Cognitive Psychology on Testing

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    The Influence of Cognitive Psychology on Testing Contents Foreword ix 1. Introduction: The Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Testing...........1 PART I: THE COGNITIVE-PSYCHOMETRIC CONNECTION 2. Science, Technology, and Intelligence...................11 3. Toward a Cognitive Theory for the Measurement of Achievement ...................41 4. The g Beyond Factor Analysis.........................87 PART II: COGNITIVE APPROACHES TO PSYCHOMETRIC ISSUES: APPLICATIONS 5. The Assessment of Cognitive Factors in Academic Abilities...................145 6. Theoretical Implications from Protocol Analysis on Testing and Measurement...191 PART III: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES 7. Structure and Process in Cognitive Psychology Using Multidimensional Scaling and Related Techniques..................229 8. New Perspectives in the Analysis of Abilities.....................267 Author Index ........................285 Subject Index ........................29

    Strike-Induced Chemosensory Searching: Variation Among Lizards

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    Strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS) was found in two families of lizards (Teiidae, Anguidae) but not in two other lizard families (Scincidae, Iguanidae). Experiments on another family (Xenosauridae) were inconclusive as to its possession of SICS. The rate of tongue-flicking was significantly increased after a simulated prey strike compared to controls in Cnemidophorus sexlineatus and Barisia imbricata. SICS may be part of a complex foraging strategy evolved in certain reptiles rather than part of a generalized chemosensory behavior because two species of skinks did not exhibit SICS in spite of a well developed vomeronasal olfactory apparatus and known abilities to use chemosensation extensively in sexual and individual recognition behaviors. Additional studies in other saurian families are needed to further understand the relationship between SICS and other chemosensory behaviors