Title Page and Contents- The Influence of Cognitive Psychology on Testing


The Influence of Cognitive Psychology on Testing Contents Foreword ix 1. Introduction: The Implications of Cognitive Psychology for Testing...........1 PART I: THE COGNITIVE-PSYCHOMETRIC CONNECTION 2. Science, Technology, and Intelligence...................11 3. Toward a Cognitive Theory for the Measurement of Achievement ...................41 4. The g Beyond Factor Analysis.........................87 PART II: COGNITIVE APPROACHES TO PSYCHOMETRIC ISSUES: APPLICATIONS 5. The Assessment of Cognitive Factors in Academic Abilities...................145 6. Theoretical Implications from Protocol Analysis on Testing and Measurement...191 PART III: METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES 7. Structure and Process in Cognitive Psychology Using Multidimensional Scaling and Related Techniques..................229 8. New Perspectives in the Analysis of Abilities.....................267 Author Index ........................285 Subject Index ........................29

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