821 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Motor Dc-shunt Untuk Laboratory Shaker Menggunakan Metode Pwm (Pulse Width Modulation ) Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 32

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    Motor DC (Direct Current) banyak digunakan sebagai penggerak dalam berbagai peralatan, baik kecil maupun besar, lambat maupun cepat. Metode PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) adalah metode yang cukup efektif untuk mengendalikan kecepatan motor DC (Direct Current) namun diperlukan rangkaian driver motor, diantaranya yang paling sederhana berupa transistor yang disusun secara Darlington maupun driver motor DC (Direct Current) dalam kemasan IC seperti L293D yang dapat mengalirkan arus dan tegangan yang lebih besar serta mudah dikendalikan dengan mikrokontroler untuk arah putar dan kecepatanya.Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah merancang sebuah perangkat pengendalian motor DC shunt dengan menggunakan metode PWM ATMega 32 yang dapat bekerja otomatis dengan timer dan menggunakan bahasa pemprograman yang mudah dikembangkan yaitu bascom AVR serta mengaplikasikanya pada laboratory shaker. Sehingga penelitian ini penulis beri judul “Aplikasi Motor DC Shunt Untuk Laboratory Shaker dengan menggunakan metode PWM berbasis mikrokontroler ATMega32”. Alat ini mampu mengendalikan kecepatan motor DC Shunt sesuai kecepatan yang diatur, serta bekerja secara otomatis menggunakan timer

    Self-Regulation in the Age of Urban Revitalization: Evaluating Lead Dust Fallout From Residential Demolitions in Detroit, MI

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    Medical Schoolhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/148192/1/royanr.pd


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    Parkiradalah kendaraantidak bergerak suatu kendaraan yang bersifat sementara. Kebutuhan tempat parkir untuk kendaraan roda empat maupun roda dua sangat dibutuhkan. Kebutuhan parkir bervariasi tergantung dari bentuk, karakteristik masing-masing kendaraan, luas lokasi parkir dan pola parkir.Penelitian dibatasi pada jumlah kendaraan yang parkir (akumulasi), lamanya waktu  parkir (durasi), tingkat pergantian (parking turn-over) dan tingkat penggunaan, indeks parkir, kapasitas parkir.Perhitungan Analisa daya tampung parkir Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Khadijah Palembang. Berdasarkan hasil analisa perhitungan daya tampung lahan parkir di lokasi Rrumah Sakit Islam Siti Khadijah Palembang untuk bangunan lama atau sekarang memiliki daya tampung mobil = 117 – (karyawan 67 + pengunjung 51) = - 1 SRP R4, sedangkan motor = (pengunjung 263+ karyawan 130  ) – (pengunjung 64+ karyawan 157  ) = + 172 SRP R2. Parkir mobil belum memenuhi dan parkir motor sudah memenuhi. Sedangkan analisa perhitungan daya tampung lahan parkir untuk pengembangan bangunan baru Rumah Sakit Islam Siti Khadijah Palembang atau yang akan datang memiliki daya tampung mobil = 117 – (karyawan 67 + pengunjung 151) = - 101 SRP R4, sedangkan motor = (pengunjung 263+ karyawan 130  ) – (pengunjung 189+ karyawan 157  ) = + 47 SRP R2. Parkir mobil belum memenuhi dan motor sudah memenuhi, artinyabelum cukup untukparkir  mobil, solusinya maka pihak pengelola dapat memanfaatkan lahan rumput hijau di depan Rumah Sakit yang biasa digunakan sebagai tempat lapangan upacara agar dapat dijadikan lahan parkir cadangan jika sewaktu-waktu kekurangan lahan parkir mobil. Kata kunci : volume, akumulasi, durasi, tingkat pergantian, indeks, kapasitas dan kebutuhan parkir.    Â

    Aberdeen and St Andrews

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    Gavin Douglas's humanist identity

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    Tingkat Kedisiplinan Siswa Sekolah Sepakbola Indonesia Muda Bojonegoro Kelompok Umur 15 Tahun

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    Football is one of the sporting achievements that require good and correct coaching. Football coaching, especially at a young age, students are always trained in basic training programs, namely physical, technical, tactical and mental. However, in youth football coaching, the coach is required not only to teach about how to form good football playing skills, but the coach must also teach and instill positive character education values to his students. One of the positive character education values that need to be instilled in football coaching is discipline. This needs to be held in soccer schools, especially in the Indonesia Muda Bojonegoro. There is a decline experienced by the Indonesia Muda Bojonegoro in producing talented young players compared to the past. The purpose of this reseach is about discipline to find out the level, factors and how the solution to overcome the disciplinary problems experienced at the football school. This research method is quantitative descriptive research, by taking the research target of football school students aged 15 years. Data obtained using a questionnaire / checklist, interviews, and documentation of the research objectives. Then the data is processed using the mean / average formula and then the percentage is searched. The results found that the average score of Indonesia Muda Bojonegoro soccer school is 60.9 with a percentage of 60.9%. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that level of dicipline of Indonesia Muda Bojonegoro is in the high categor

    The politics of higher education and the student presidency

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    The student body president is an advocate, spokesperson, figurehead and leader. The student presidency is a role that few get to experience and many do not understand. I have found that in my four years involved with student government at Eastern Michigan University and my recent interviews with several other student body presidents across the state that the power associated with an administration can vary greatly, but the nature of the office remains intact. Attempts were made to interview each of the student body presidents at the fifteen state sponsored universities in the state of Michigan. These student body presidents from the 2009 ‐ 2010 academic school year were surveyed regarding the election process, nature and duties of their office and the long‐term institutions of student government at their respective schools. The responding schools included Wayne State University, University of Michigan Dearborn, University of Michigan Flint, and Saginaw Valley 3 State University. These public institutions represent diversity in both the size of the student body (ranging from 8,500 students to 33,000 students) and the demographics of the student body. Additional information was obtained through the interview of former student body presidents of Eastern Michigan University. Through my own experience and that of my peers, I intend to highlight the ways that the student presidency contains many parallels to the United States’ own political institutions. From determining viable candidacy to maintaining continuity after administration changes, the world of university student governments is a microcosm of the American political system

    Effects of Addition Clove Oil to Extra virgin Olive Oil on Microbial Activity for Use as Transformer Oil

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    Transformer oil is a liquid insulating material that is used as insulator and as a coolant in transformers. In this study, the addition of clove oil to extra virgin olive oil were performed to determine its effect on antibacterial activity and its usefulness in its ability as a transformer oil. The breakdown voltage test on transformer oil is carried out using various oil temperatures (room temperature and 90oC) because the oil temperature inside the transformer when working/operating can be different, which can be caused by disturbances, excessive loading, and temperature conditions outside the transformer. In addition, the presence of contamination caused by chemical interactions with windings and other solid insulation is catalyzed by high operating temperatures. That causes a gradual change in the original chemical properties of the oil and microbial growth that over time makes it ineffective for use. The method used in this research is by mixing 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50% of clove oil with extra virgin olive oil to determine the change in breakdown voltage and microbial activity. The test results found that, the addition of clove oil has a vital role in inhibiting bacterial growth. The more clove oil added, the better its antimicrobial properties

    Rancang Bangun Pengukur Suhu Tubuh Tanpa Sentuh Berbasis IoT(Internet Of Things) untuk Screening Mahasiswa Menjelang Diberlakukanya Pembelajaran Tatap Muka

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    Adaptasi kebiasaan baru terkait upaya memutus mata rantai penyebaran virus corona memerlukan alat penunjang untuk mengetahui gejala penderita Covid-19, salah satunya adalah alat pengukur suhu tubuh. Alat pengukur suhu tubuh yang biasa digunakan oleh masyarakat adalah alat ukur suhu tubuh model pistol(thermo gun). Salah satu kelemahan alat ukur thermo gun ini adalah perlunya petugas khusus untuk mengukur suhu tubuh seseorang, sehingga hal ini  beresiko terhadap penularan covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk merancang dan membuat alat ukur suhu tubuh tanpa sentuh yang terintegrasi dengan pintu otomatis pada laboratorium TRE-UMP. Pengguna laboratorium dapat mengukur suhu tubuhnya secara mandiri dan melihat hasilnya. Pengguna laboratorium baik mahasiswa ataupun dosen yang kondisi suhu tubuhnya abnormal tidak dapat masuk ruang laboratorium. Selain itu, kondisi abnormal yang terdeteksi oleh sensor juga dapat diketahui oleh petugas via  smartphone dengan menerapkan konsep IoT (Internet of Things). Hasil pengujian sensor MLX90614 memiliki rata-rata error tertinggi 0,89%.  Hal ini menunjukan batas toleransi yang diperbolehkan, Sehingga dapat diaplikasikan sebagai alat ukur suhu tubuh