2,213 research outputs found

    Social participation and interventions supporting teenagers and young adults living with developmental coordination disorder (DCD): results from a Scoping Review

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    Background: The impact of Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) on teenagers’ and young adults’ participation is not well documented. This article aims to synthesize the current knowledge on social participation, which is the performance of an individual in realizing his daily activities and social roles within its life environment. Strategies and interventions to support youths (15-25 years old) with DCD were also synthesized. Methods: A scoping review interrogating three databases and using ‘snowballing techniques’ was performed to identify both scientific and grey literature published between 2004 and 2014. Over 1000 documents were screened and 57 were read in full; 28 met inclusion criteria. A charting form based on 12 life habits described in the Disability Creation Process (DCP) and developed by two reviewers was used to extract data and report the results. Results: All life habits were reported to be affected for teenagers and young adults with DCD, with education and interpersonal relationships being the most frequently discussed. During adolescence and adulthood, new tasks and subsequent difficulties emerge, such as driving. Mental health difficulties emerged as a key theme. Few strategies and interventions were described to support social participation of youths with DCD. Conclusion: Many life habits are challenging for youths with DCD, but few evidence-based strategies and interventions have been designed to help them to increase their social participation

    Développement de connaissances cliniques pour l’adaptation d’une technologie d’assistance cognitive pour soutenir des personnes ayant un traumatisme crânio-cérébral grave pendant la préparation de repas à domicile

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    Reconnu comme l’une des principales causes d’invalidité, le traumatisme crânio-cérébral (TCC) est une condition chronique pouvant occasionner des déficits physiques, cognitifs, émotionnels et comportementaux. Ces déficits interfèrent avec la capacité de la personne à s’engager dans ses activités quotidiennes, incluant des activités complexes comme la préparation de repas. Afin de soutenir cette population lors de la préparation de repas, une technologie d’assistance à la cognition (TAC) nommée Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing (COOK) a été développée en partenariat avec une résidence alternative pour des personnes ayant des incapacités graves à la suite d’un TCC. Suivant l’installation de COOK, trois résidents ont été en mesure de préparer des repas de façon sécuritaire et autonome. Toutefois, rien n’est connu sur la façon avec laquelle COOK pourrait répondre aux besoins des personnes ayant eu un TCC et vivant dans la communauté, ni comment cette technologie pourrait offrir de l’assistance personnalisée, minimale et contextualisée pour soutenir cette population. Cette thèse vise donc à développer des connaissances pour soutenir le développement d’une version bonifiée de COOK qui correspondrait aux besoins variés de ces utilisateurs, en répondant à trois objectifs : 1) définir les besoins d’assistance verbale des personnes ayant eu un TCC modéré à grave afin d’améliorer les capacités de personnalisation de COOK; 2) évaluer son utilisabilité et expérience utilisateur en laboratoire et en milieu réel; et 3) identifier les facilitateurs et obstacles pouvant influencer l’implantation de COOK auprès de personnes ayant eu un TCC et vivant dans la communauté. Suivant une démarche de conception centrée sur l’utilisateur, quatre études ont été réalisées : (1) une étude mixte avec transformation des données et analyse d’enregistrements vidéo pour documenter l’assistance verbale offerte à 45 participants ayant un TCC lors de la préparation d’un repas; (2) une étude d’utilisabilité mixte pendant laquelle 10 participants ayant un TCC ont testé COOK en laboratoire; (3) une étude mixte à sujet unique pour évaluer l’utilisabilité de COOK au domicile d’une personne ayant eu un TCC grave; et (4) une étude qualitative descriptive impliquant des personnes ayant eu un TCC, des personnes proches aidantes et des intervenants, pour explorer leurs perceptions quant aux facilitateurs et obstacles à l’implantation de COOK dans leur milieu respectif. La première étude a permis d’identifier neuf types d’assistance cognitive et un type d’assistance motivationnelle, et de documenter les difficultés pour lesquelles les ergothérapeutes offraient de l’assistance. Des enjeux d’utilisabilité ont ensuite été documentés pendant les essais en laboratoire (étude 2) et en milieu réel (étude 3), particulièrement au niveau du système de sécurité autonome. Plusieurs besoins de bonifications technologiques ont aussi été identifiés par les participants (études 2, 3 et 4). Enfin, la quatrième étude a identifié divers facilitateurs (p.ex. les fonctionnalités disponibles dans COOK) et obstacles (p.ex. la logistique entourant l’installation, l’apprentissage et le soutien) à l’implantation de TAC comme COOK pour soutenir les personnes vivant dans la communauté avec un TCC grave. Ultimement, ces connaissances cliniques pourront soutenir le développement continu et l’implantation de TAC comme COOK pour qu’elles répondent aux besoins d’une plus grande population.Defined as one of the main causes of disability, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a chronic condition that can cause physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral deficits. These deficits may interfere with the person's ability to engage in daily activities, including complex activities such as meal preparation. To support this population during meal preparation, an assistive technology for cognition (ATC) called Cognitive Orthosis for coOKing (COOK) was recently developed in collaboration with an alternative residence for people with severe TBI. Following the installation of COOK, three residents were able to prepare meals safely and independently within their home. However, little is known about how COOK could meet the needs of people with TBI living in the community, or how it could provide personalized, minimal and contextualised assistance to support this population. This thesis aimed to develop a knowledge base to support the development of an improved version of COOK that would meet the varied needs of this new population, by meeting three objectives: 1) define the verbal assistance needs of people with moderate to severe TBI to enhance COOK's customization possibilities; 2) evaluate the usability and user experience of COOK in a laboratory setting and in a real-world environment; and 3) identify the facilitators and obstacles that may influence the implementation of COOK within the homes of people with TBI and in clinical settings. Integrated in a user-centered design process, four studies were conducted: (1) a study using conversion mixed design and video data analysis to document the verbal assistance provided to 45 participants with TBI during a meal preparation task; (2) a usability mixed-methods study during which 10 participants with TBI tested COOK in a laboratory setting; (3) a mixed-methods single-case study to assess the usability of COOK with a man with severe TBI living in the community; and (4) a qualitative descriptive study involving people with TBI, caregivers and healthcare professionals, to explore their perceptions of the facilitators and obstacles to the potential implementation of COOK in their respective settings. The first study identified nine types of cognitive assistance and one type of motivational assistance that were provided by occupational therapists to support people with TBI, and documented the difficulties for which these assistances were provided. Several usability issues were also documented when testing COOK in a laboratory setting (study 2) and in a real-world environment (study 3), particularly with the self-monitoring security system. Modification needs were also identified by the participants (studies 2, 3, and 4) to improve COOK. Finally, the fourth study highlighted many facilitators (e.g., the functionalities available in COOK) and obstacles (e.g., the logistics surrounding installation, learning and support of COOK) to consider before implementing ATCs like COOK. Ultimately, this knowledge base will support the continued development and the implementations of ATCs such as COOK to meets the needs of a larger population

    Freshwater Availability for Agriculture in Sundarbans. Variability due to changes in the summer monsoon under current and climate change conditions

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    The India–UK Water Centre (IUKWC) funded a Pump Priming Project (PPP) titled: “The influence of the monsoon on freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region of West Bengal, India, under current and climate change conditions” between June and September 2019. This Knowledge Exchange brief was developed from the outputs of the activities conducted during this study: i) investigating the variability of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and the ensuing freshwater availability for agriculture in the Sundarbans region through the collection and analysis of climatic data and outputs from Global Climate Models (GCMs); and ii) understanding how changes in water resource availability are affecting livelihoods and discussing issues related to adaptation to those changes through meetings with farmers, NGOs and local government officials engaged in water resource management. The research results were communicated through a workshop with agricultural, water and climate scientists, NGOs and government stakeholders working in the Sundarbans region, where the team gained feedback, and shared knowledge and ideas for future research. This Brief was prepared by Professor Lalu Das, Principal Investigator (PI) and India Project Lead, and Professor Gautam Saha, both from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV) in India, and Dr Alexandre Gagnon, UK Project Lead, and Dr Indrani Roy from Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) in the UK

    Effect of recycled manure solids as bedding on bulk tank milk and implications for cheese microbiological quality

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    The dairy farm environment influences the raw milk microbiota and consequently affects milk processing. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate farm management practices such as the bedding materials. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of recycled manure sol-ids (RMS) as bedding material on bulk tank milk and microbiological implications for cheese quality. Bulk tank samples were collected from 84 dairy farms using RMS or straw bedding. The use of RMS did not influ-ence thermophilic and mesophilic aerobic viable counts from spores. However, straw-milk samples gave higher values for mesophilic anaerobic spore-forming bacteria (0.44 log cfu/mL) than RMS-milk samples (0.17 log cfu/mL). The presence of thermoresistant lactic acid bacteria was not increased in milk from farms using RMS. Nevertheless, taxonomic profiles of thermoresis-tant bacteria isolated were different between the 2 types of milk. More Enterococcus faecalis and Streptococcusspp. were identified in RMS-milk samples. Thermore-sistant enterococci and streptococci could easily end up in cheese. Therefore, milk proteolytic activities of these isolates were tested. Neither Streptococcus spp. nor Enterococcus faecium isolates exhibited proteolytic ac-tivities, whereas 53% of E. faecalis showed some. Also, only 1 vancomycin-resistant enterococcus was detected. Survival of selected RMS-milk samples isolates (3 E. faecalis and 1 Streptococcus thermophilus) was evalu-ated during a model Cheddar cheese manufacture. Al-though those strains survived well, they did not modify the acidification curve of milk. However, they might cause organoleptic defects during cheese maturing

    Application of the regression of offspring on mid-parent method to detect associations between single-nucleotide polymorphisms and the beta 2 electroencephalogram phenotype in the COGA data

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    The beta 2 electroencephalogram (EEG) phenotype is used as a quantitative measure related to alcoholism, and evidence of linkage and association has previously been reported in the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism data. In this study, associations between the beta 2 EEG phenotype and single nucleotide polymorphisms from whole-genome Illumina and Affymetrix panels were investigated with the regression of offspring on mid-parent method to identify significant genetic effects and to estimate their heritability. Separate regressions on father and mother were performed to identify parent-specific effects. Estimates of the heritability of the beta 2 EEG phenotype were 0.68 ± 0.12 and 0.52 ± 0.07 based on father-offspring and mother-offspring pairs, respectively. Significant associations at the 0.0005 level, some of which were parent-specific, were found on chromosomes 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19 with heritability attributable to each SNP ranging from 0.01 to 8%

    Rethinking harm reduction in the digital age

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    Introduction : La démultiplication des substances psychoactives, la transformation des pratiques de consommation, l’inadéquation des services pour les jeunes et le virage technologique pris par les consommateurs, tant pour acheter que s’informer sur les substances, incitent à repenser l’intervention en réduction des méfaits. Objectifs : L’étude vise à explorer l’intérêt et la faisabilité d’utiliser les technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) pour prévenir des consommations plus intensives et réduire les dommages chez les jeunes adultes consommateurs en situation de grande vulnérabilité sociale. Méthodes : Elle utilise une approche de recherche communautaire basée sur des groupes de discussion menés auprès de jeunes consommateurs de 18 à 29 ans et d’intervenants œuvrant auprès des jeunes en difficultés dans la région de Québec. Résultats : Les TIC constituent un outil privilégié d’approvisionnement et d’échange d’informations sur les substances parmi les jeunes. Elles s’insèrent dans un contexte de lacunes dans les ressources existantes. En réponse, les participants suggèrent le développement d’une plateforme interactive spécialisée et actualisée d’échange d’informations sur les substances en circulation et la façon de gérer leurs consommations et les situations d’urgence. Pour les intervenants, les TIC sont peu exploitées pour des échanges en lien avec les substances illicites et jugées délicates à manipuler sur ces questions sensibles. Elles sont néanmoins perçues comme pouvant pallier un déficit de connaissances et de compétences pour aborder ces sujets complexes avec les jeunes. Des enjeux émergents liés aux inégalités d’accès au numérique, de littératie avec les TIC, éthiques et juridiques. Conclusion : Les TIC sont bien implantées dans le travail des intervenants et la vie des jeunes consommateurs. Elles sont des outils complémentaires, probablement incontournables à l’ère du numérique et de la complexification des marchés et des modes de consommation.Introduction : Ever-changing psychoactive substances, changes in consumption habits, services inadequacy and technological advances stresses the need to innovate in regards of harm reduction interventions. Objectives: This study aims to explore the interest and feasibility of using information and communication technologies (ICT) to prevent intensive drug use and reduce harm in socially vulnerable young adults’ drug users. Methods: Using a community research approach based on focus groups with young drug users aged 18 to 29 years old and community workers working with at-risk youths. Results: Young adults widely use ICT to obtain and exchange information regarding drugs. With regard to further technological development in harm reduction, participants perceive ICT as a mean of filling current gaps in services. Participants suggest developing a specialized interactive information exchange platform about current drugs and substance abuse management, especially emergencies and crisis. Community workers did not think young drug users used ICT regarding drugs for other means than acquiring products and found their adequate use regarding harm reduction rather delicate. Nevertheless, they saw a potential in ICT to spread information and facilitate discussion about complicated issues with youths. Conclusion: ICT are well entranched in the lives of young drug users and in community workers’ practices. ICT are complementary and inevitable in the digital age and in an era of complexification of drug market and habits.Introducción : La desmultiplicación de sustancias psicoactivas, la transformación de las prácticas de consumo, la inadecuación de los servicios para los jóvenes y el viraje tecnológico efectuado por los consumidores ya sea para comprar o para informarse sobre las sustancias, incitan a repensar la intervención en materia de reducción de delitos. Objetivos: El estudio apunta a explorar el interés para utilizar las tecnologías de información y de comunicaciones (TIC) y la factibilidad de su uso para prevenir consumos más intensivos y reducir los daños entre los jóvenes adultos consumidores en situación de gran vulnerabilidad social. Métodos: El estudio utiliza un enfoque de investigación comunitaria basada en grupos de discusión organizados entre jóvenes consumidores de entre 18 y 29 años y con la participación de agentes que actúan entre los jóvenes con dificultades en la región de Quebec. Resultados: Las TIC constituyen una herramienta privilegiada de suministro y de intercambio de informaciones sobre las sustancias entre los jóvenes y se integran en un contexto de lagunas en los recursos existentes, En respuesta, los participantes sugieren el desarrollo de una plataforma interactiva especializada y actualizada de intercambio de información sobre las sustancias en circulación y la manera como los jóvenes pueden manejar su consumo y las situaciones de urgencia. Para los agentes participantes, las TIC son poco exploradas en los intercambios relacionados con las sustancias ilícitas y se las juzga delicadas a manipular en materia de estas cuestiones sensibles. Se percibe sin embargo que podrían paliar un déficit de conocimientos y de competencias para abordar estos temas complejos con los jóvenes. Hay cuestiones emergentes relacionadas con las desigualdades de acceso a las tecnologías digitales, de conocimiento para manejar las TIC y de conocimiento de cuestiones éticas y jurídicas. Conclusión: Las TIC están bien implantadas en el trabajo de los agentes participantes y en la vida de los jóvenes consumidores. Son herramientas complementarias, probablemente inevitables en la era digital y de complejización de los mercados y los modos de consumo

    Detection of Fetomaternal Genotype Associations in Early-Onset Disorders: Evaluation of Different Methods and Their Application to Childhood Leukemia

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    Several designs and analytical approaches have been proposed to dissect offspring from maternal genetic contributions to early-onset diseases. However, lack of parental controls halts the direct verification of the assumption of mating symmetry (MS) required to assess maternally-mediated effects. In this study, we used simulations to investigate the performance of existing methods under mating asymmetry (MA) when parents of controls are missing. Our results show that the log-linear, likelihood-based framework using a case-triad/case-control hybrid design provides valid tests for maternal genetic effects even under MA. Using this approach, we examined fetomaternal associations between 29 SNPs in 12 cell-cycle genes and childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We identified putative fetomaternal effects at loci CDKN2A rs36228834 (P = .017) and CDKN2B rs36229158 (P = .022) that modulate the risk of childhood ALL. These data further corroborate the importance of the mother's genotype on the susceptibility to early-onset diseases

    Prevalence and abundance of lactic acid bacteria in raw milk associated with forage types in dairy cow feeding

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) found in milk can be responsible for organoleptic defects in cheese. In order to identify the source of LAB thatcouldpotentiallydevelop during cheesemaking, we evaluated theirprevalence and abundanceinmilk according to thetype of forage usedin dairy cow feeding. Foragesand bulk tank milk were sampled three times on 24farms using either hay alone (control), or grass or legume silagesupplemented or not with corn silage. Both types of silageswere either noninoculated, orinoculated with commercial preparations containing at least a Lactobacillus buchneristrainalong with Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus plantarum, Enterococcus faecium,or Pediococcus pentosaceus. Our resultsindicate that LAB viable counts in milksamples (2.56log cfu/mL) did not differaccording to the type of forage used. A total of 1239 LAB were isolated and identified by partial 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Although inoculation increased lactobacilli abundance in grass silage by 35%, we did not observe an effect on the LAB profile of milk. Indeed, there was no significant difference in milk LAB prevalence and abundanceaccording tothe type of forage(P >0.05). Moreover, isolates belonging to the L.buchnerigroup wererarely found in bulk tank milk (3/481isolates). Random amplified polymorphic DNA typing of 406LAB isolates revealed theplausibletransfer of some strains from silage to milk (~6%). Thus, forage is only a minor contributor to LAB contamination of milk

    Life in mine tailings: microbial population structure across the bulk soil, rhizosphere, and roots of boreal species colonizing mine tailings in northwestern Québec

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    Abstract Purpose Mining activities have negative effects on soil characteristics and can result in low pH, high heavy metal content, and limited levels of essential nutrients. A tailings storage area located in northwestern Québec showed natural colonization by plants from the adjacent natural environment. The objective of the study was to determine the main edaphic parameters that structured microbial populations associated with the indigenous woody plants that had naturally colonized the site. Methods Microbial populations were studied in the bulk soil, the rhizosphere, and inside plant roots using Illumina sequencing, ordination analysis (i.e., redundancy analysis (RDA) and principal coordinates analysis (PCoA)), ternary plotting, and statistical analysis (MANOVA). Results The main variables that drove the microbial community patterns were plant species and the tailings pH. Indeed, the main bacterial classes were Gammaproteobacteria and Deltaproteobacteria in both the rhizosphere and root endosphere. Analysis revealed that some dominant operational taxonomic units (e.g., Pseudomonas sp., Acinetobacter sp., and Delftia sp.) were present in increased proportions in roots for each plant species under study. This study also revealed that many of the most abundant fungal genera (e.g., Claussenomyces, Eupenicillium, and Trichoderma) were more abundant in the rhizosphere than in the root endosphere. Conclusions This comprehensive study of the microbial community dynamics in the bulk soil, rhizosphere, and root endosphere of boreal trees and shrubs could be beneficial in facilitating the rehabilitation of disturbed ecosystems