154 research outputs found


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    Electroplating is one of the engineering improvements in the characteristics of metal materials. Copper coating is a pre-coating before further coating for steel. The surface area of the material is in line with the strong current requirements required for the normal coating process. However, too much current flowing into the cathode results in erosion at the anode. Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) is a component made of semiconductor silicon. It has a function as a controller or switch. Silicon Controlled Rectifiers can be used to reduce coating currents in copper electroplating. The setting of the coating current can be done on copper electroplating of low carbon steel cathodes with a cross-sectional area of 7500 mm2 of 4.5 A; 5 A; 6 A; 6.5 A and 6.7 A. The best copper coating results with a 10 minute coating time are shown in the current 6.5 A with a coating mass of 1.11 grams and 1.06 grams. This proves the need for a reduction in the maximum flow so that optimal coating is achieved

    Représentations sociales d'enseignantes et d'enseignants du collégial au regard de la médiation pédagogique et du processus de médiatisation lors du recours aux TIC en formation mixte et distante

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    La documentation scientifique internationale fait largement état d'expériences de formalisation des formations à distance (FAD) recourant aux technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) soit en tant qu'environnement d'enseignement et d'apprentissage soit en tant que dispositif de soutien à l'apprentissage. Ainsi, deux formats d'organisation et de gestion de la relation pédagogique ou didactique en ressortent : soit une FAD complète et un modèle mixte alternant présentiel et distanciel. L'intégration des TIC en FAD ouvre la voie à la révision de la fonction de production et de médiation des savoirs à l'ordre collégial. Elle représente une opportunité pour les établissements d'enseignement de se remettent en question afin d'effectuer une réflexion pédagogique préalable aux changements apportés à la pratique enseignante. Dans ce contexte, cette étude exploratoire et descriptive vise à identifier les conditions optimales de mise en oeuvre des dispositifs pédagogiques et instrumentaux soutenant la médiation pédagogique et le processus de médiatisation lors du recours aux TIC en formation mixte et distante. Notre échantillon de convenance est composé de 41 sujets provenant de la formation mixte et distante à l'ordre collégial. Dans une perspective de méthodologique mixte, la cueillette des données s'est fondée sur l'administration d'un questionnaire d'enquête en ligne et d'une entrevue téléphonique visant à approfondir les données recueillies par le questionnaire. Les résultats obtenus permettent d'identifier l'existence de profils distincts de médiation et de médiatisation adoptés par nos répondants, et présument l'existence d'éléments centraux d'une représentation sociale. Nos résultats démontrent aussi la pertinence de déployer des recherches subséquentes visant à mieux documenter l'univers particulier de l'intervention éducative en formation mixte et distante recourant aux TIC à l'ordre collégial et soulignent l'urgence de comprendre les causes du faible développement de l'offre et de la demande pour ce type de formation tant de la part des institutions que des clientèles

    Le facteur de transcription SEBF : à la recherche d'un rôle plus global dans la régulation de la réponse de défense chez les plantes

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Facteurs favorisant la collaboration famille Ă©cole : le point de vue parental

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    Les acteurs de l’éducation s’accordent pour citer la collaboration famille-école comme un facteur important pour la réussite scolaire et la lutte au décrochage scolaire. La collaboration peut avoir divers visages : bénévolat dans l’école, supervision des devoirs, participation à divers comités, participation aux sorties scolaires, etc. Dès le préscolaire, nous devons penser à développer des pratiques enseignantes influençant la participation parentale. Toutefois, nous sommes questionnée par l’opinion des parents face à la collaboration famille-école. De plus, cela nous amène à nous interroger sur les facteurs qui favorisent leur collaboration, et ce, de leur point de vue parental. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont, à partir du point de vue des parents ayant un enfant au préscolaire, d’identifier les facteurs favorisant la collaboration famille-école ainsi que d’établir une hiérarchie de ceux-ci. Ces objectifs permettent d’étudier comment la collaboration famille-école s’établit ainsi que d’étudier les facteurs qui l’influencent, et ce, afin d’améliorer les pratiques enseignantes. Nos résultats s’appuient sur une analyse qualitative des données recueillies à l’aide d’entrevues semi-dirigées effectuées auprès de sept parents ayant un enfant au préscolaire. Nous avons privilégié la recherche qualitative, car nous la jugeons plus adaptée pour obtenir et traiter les informations à partir de l’opinion des parents. Nous jugeons également que ce type d’analyse convient à la nouveauté de notre objet de recherche qui est de considérer le parent comme un agent de collaboration à part entière, au même titre que les autres intervenants : enseignant, direction d’école, etc. Il se dégage de nos résultats que la communication est le facteur prédominant pour inciter la collaboration famille-école. La confiance que les parents ont envers l’école vient également « quantifier » l’envie des parents à collaborer, c’est-à-dire que, plus la confiance est grande, plus leur désir de participer aux activités scolaires est présent et positif. De plus, celle-ci est étroitement liée au facteur de la communication. Toutefois, les résultats dégagent également d’autres facteurs qui viennent donner une couleur particulière à la collaboration famille-école au préscolaire

    Precrop Functional Group Identity Affects Yield of Winter Barley but Less so High Carbon Amendments in a Mesocosm Experiment

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    Nitrate leaching is a pressing environmental problem in intensive agriculture. Especially after the crop harvest, leaching risk is greatest due to decomposing plant residues, and low plant nutrient uptake and evapotranspiration. The specific crop also matters: grain legumes and canola commonly result in more leftover N than the following winter crop can take up before spring. Addition of a high carbon amendment (HCA) could potentially immobilize N after harvest. We set up a 2-year mesocosm experiment to test the effects of N fertilization (40 or 160 kg N/ha), HCA addition (no HCA, wheat straw, or sawdust), and precrop plant functional group identity on winter barley yield and soil C/N ratio. Four spring precrops were sown before winter barley (white lupine, faba bean, spring canola, spring barley), which were selected based on a functional group approach (colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi [AMF] and/or N2-fixing bacteria). We also measured a subset of faba bean and spring barley for leaching over winter after harvest. As expected, N fertilization had the largest effect on winter barley yield, but precrop functional identity also significantly affected the outcome. The non-AMF precrops white lupine and canola had on average a positive effect on yield compared to the AMF precrops spring barley and faba bean under high N (23% increase). Under low N, we found only a small precrop effect. Sawdust significantly reduced the yield compared to the control or wheat straw under either N level. HCAs reduced nitrate leaching over winter, but only when faba bean was sown as a precrop. In our setup, short-term immobilization of N by HCA addition after harvest seems difficult to achieve. However, other effects such as an increase in SOM or nutrient retention could play a positive role in the long term. Contrary to the commonly found positive effect of AMF colonization, winter barley showed a greater yield when it followed a non-AMF precrop under high fertilization. This could be due to shifts of the agricultural AMF community toward parasitism

    Storybook reading and the addition of toy props: the effects on child engagement and interest and the interactions between caregivers and their children

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    Using a repeated-measures design, this study examined the addition of toy props during storybook reading between caregivers and their young children 18-27 months of age. Twelve children identified as demonstrating "high engagement" and 12 children identified as demonstrating "low engagement" during storybook interactions and their caregivers were recruited to participate. Group membership was based on a researcher developed literacy attitude and behavior questionnaire completed by the participating caregiver. Caregiver-child dyads were video-recorded on two occasions at their home reading two different storybooks and engaging in a "favorite" activity. Toy props were included during one of the storybook interactions, counterbalanced across participants. The results of the study revealed significant group differences between prop conditions for the total interaction time and the rate of child protesting behaviors. Additionally a trend was identified between dyads in the high and low engagement groups for both the total number of child verbal/vocal acts and total child gesture use. Specifically there was a differential influence for the addition of toy props dependent on engagement group membership with children in the low engagement group producing more verbal/vocal acts and gestures during the prop condition than the no prop condition. In contrast, children in the high engagement group tended to produce few verbal/vocal acts and gestures during the prop condition compared to the no prop condition

    One-shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Personalized Diffusion Models

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    Adapting a segmentation model from a labeled source domain to a target domain, where a single unlabeled datum is available, is one the most challenging problems in domain adaptation and is otherwise known as one-shot unsupervised domain adaptation (OSUDA). Most of the prior works have addressed the problem by relying on style transfer techniques, where the source images are stylized to have the appearance of the target domain. Departing from the common notion of transferring only the target ``texture'' information, we leverage text-to-image diffusion models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) to generate a synthetic target dataset with photo-realistic images that not only faithfully depict the style of the target domain, but are also characterized by novel scenes in diverse contexts. The text interface in our method Data AugmenTation with diffUsion Models (DATUM) endows us with the possibility of guiding the generation of images towards desired semantic concepts while respecting the original spatial context of a single training image, which is not possible in existing OSUDA methods. Extensive experiments on standard benchmarks show that our DATUM surpasses the state-of-the-art OSUDA methods by up to +7.1%. The implementation is available at https://github.com/yasserben/DATUMComment: 13 pages, 8 figures, 5 table

    Pengaruh Motivasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Lampung

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini antara lain untuk Mengetahui dan kepemimpinan kepemimpinan, budaya organisasi dan motivasi terhadap kinerja pegawai di Daerah Lampung. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kuantitatif karena pendekatan yang digunakan untuk penelitian, proses, hipotesis, analisis data, dan penelitian. Subyek penelitian adalah karyawan di daerah Lampung dengan jumlah 70 responden. Uji statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan Structurel Equation Modeling berbasi PLS. Uji validitas menggunakan nilai faktor loading, sedangkan reliabilitas menggunakan nilai cronbach'c alpha, composite reliability dan Average Variance Extracted (AVE).Setelah seluruh indikator hasil yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini valid dan reliabel, selanjutnya dilakukan uji hipotesis. Dari pihak ketiga yang diajukan hanya dua pihak yang terdukung, namun untuk hipotesis pertama tidak signifikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa sangat penting dalam perusahaan / organisasi yang melakukan motivasi kepada karyawan / anggota organisasi guna meningkatkan kinerjanya. Sama hal nya dengan budaya oraganisasi, jadi lebih baik / lebih erat kekeluargaan di dalam suatu perusahaan / organisasi maka dapat meningkatkan kinerja karyawan / anggota yang nantinya akan berdampak baik bagi produktifitas perusahaan / organisas

    The use of artificial wetlands to treat greenhouse effluents

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    Untreated greenhouse effluents or leak solution constitute a major environmental burden because their nitrate and phosphate concentrations may induce eutrophication. Artificial wetlands may offer a low cost alternative treatment of greenhouse effluents and consequently improve the sustainability of greenhouse growing systems. The objectives of this study were to 1) characterize the efficiency of different types of wetland to reduce ion content of greenhouse tomato effluent, and 2) improve the wetland efficiency by adding carbon of 0-800 mg L-1 sucrose. Experiments were conducted at Laval University where 30 pilot scale horizontal subsurface flow artificial wetlands (0.81 m3) were built. Two types of aquatic macrophytes, Pragmites australis and Typha latifolia, and a control group without plants were tested. The hydraulic retention time was 10 days. During the study, EC of the greenhouse effluent ranged between 1.5 to 5.5 mS cm-1, while 0 to 800 mg L-1 of sucrose was provided to improve the biological activity of the wetland. The macro- and micro-elements, the greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2, N2O) and the population of bacteria were measured for each unit. At commercial scale, two vertical subsurface wetlands (43.2 m3) were installed at Ste-Sophie Québec, on the production site of Les Serres Nouvelles Cultures (Sagami). According to our results, 50-90% of nitrate (NO3-) and 40-100% of phosphate (PO43-) were removed from the effluent. At Laval University, artificial wetlands with Typha latifolia were more efficient than wetlands with Phragmites australis or without plants. Addition of sucrose increased wetlands’ microbial population and consequently reduced the mineral content of the wastewater, but increased significantly the emission of greenhouse gases. Results will further be discussed in terms of the best wetland design to treat greenhouse effluents, but also in terms of the environmental impact

    The Characterization of Ribosomal RNA Gene Chromatin from Physarum Polycephalum

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    We have isolated ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) chromatin from Physarum polycephalum using a nucleolar isolation procedure that minimizes protein loss from chromatin and, subsequently, either agarose gel electrophoresis or metrizamide gradient centrifugation to purify this chromatin fraction (Amero, S. A., Ogle, R. C., Keating, J. L., Montoya, V. L., Murdoch, W. L., and Grainger, R. M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 10725-10733). Metrizamide-purified rDNA chromatin obtained from nucleoli isolated according to the new procedure has a core histone/DNA ratio of 0.77:1. The major core histone classes comigrate electrophoretically with their nuclear counterparts on Triton-acid-urea/sodium dodecyl sulfate two-dimensional gels, although they may not possess the extent of secondary modification evident with the nuclear histones. This purified rDNA chromatin also possesses RNA polymerase I activity, and many other nonhistone proteins, including two very abundant proteins (26 and 38 kDa) that may be either ribonucleoproteins or nucleolar matrix proteins. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of the metrizamide-purified rDNA chromatin produces particles containing 145-base pair DNA fragments identical in length to those in total chromatin and which contain both transcribed and nontranscribed rDNA sequences. Some smaller fragments (30, 70, and 110 base pairs) are also seen, but their sequence content is not known. These particles sediment uniformly at 11 S in sucrose gradients containing 15 mM NaCl, and at 4-11 S in gradients containing 0.35 M NaCl. Particles enriched in gene or nontranscribed spacer sequences are not resolved in these sucrose gradients or in metrizamide gradients. Our findings suggest that the rDNA chromatin fraction we have identified contains transcriptionally active genes and that an organized, particle-containing structure exists in active rDNA chromatin
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