2,866 research outputs found

    La chasse des mammifĂšres marins chez les Ivujivimmiut

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    Bien que la chasse du phoque marque essentiellement et plus qu'ailleurs au Nouveau-QuĂ©bec les activitĂ©s des Ivujivimmiut Ă  la pointe nord-ouest de la pĂ©ninsule ungavienne, la rĂ©gion d'Ivujivik n'en demeure pas moins relativement riche en autres mammifĂšres marins. Le bĂ©luga, chassĂ© d'habitude Ă  l'automne et au printemps, et le morse, capturĂ© lors des expĂ©ditions de chasse traditionnelles de l'automne Ă  certaines Ăźles pĂ©riphĂ©riques, constituent encore, avec le phoque — le phoque annelĂ© surtout, que l'on chasse pratiquement durant toute l'annĂ©e — les piĂšces maĂźtresses de l'armature Ă©conomique. Le volume annuel des captures de phoques s'Ă©tablissait, pour les annĂ©es 1962-1964, entre 1 500 et 2 500, et la chasse livre une moyenne annuelle de 50 Ă  60 bĂ©lugas et un peu plus de 30 morses. Ces mammifĂšres marins et les autres ressources animales (animaux Ă  fourrure, poisson et avifaune) supportent les activitĂ©s d'une vingtaine de chasseurs, pour la plupart chefs de famille, et rĂ©pondent aux besoins fondamentaux de plus de cent Esquimaux. Et dans l'Ă©tat actuel des choses, c'est-Ă -dire Ă  moins qu'il n'y ait un accroissement sensible de la population, il y aura toujours du gibier pour subvenir Ă  leurs besoins. Les mammifĂšres marins restent, et pour longtemps encore, semble-t-il, la seule possibilitĂ© d'une survie collective digne et saine.Although the sealing really shows and more than anywhere else in New QuĂ©bec the Ivujivimmiut's activities at the north-west corner of the Ungava peninsula, the Ivujivik area remains relatively rich in other sea mammals. The beluga, usually hunted in spring and fall, and the walrus, catched at the traditional fall hunting's expeditions to some peripheral islands, constitute also, with the seal — especially the ringed seal which is hunted pratically ail over the year — the economical framework's base. The annual volume of the seal's catches was, for example during the years 1962-1964, between 1 500 and 2 500, and the hunt gives per year an average of 50 to 60 belugas and a little more than 30 walruses. These sea mammals and the other animal resources (fur animals, fish and avifauna) sustain the activities of about twenty hunters, most of them heads of the household, and correspond to the primary needs of more than one hundred Eskimos. And at the present time, in other words unless there is a sensible population's growth, game will be always there to provide for the population's wants. The sea mammals remain, and for a long time, as it seems, the only possibility of a collective survival, worthy and healthy

    Alien Registration- Roy, Camille (Topsham, Sagadahoc County)

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    Identifying Attrition Phases in Survey Data: Applicability and Assessment Study

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    Background: Although Web-based questionnaires are an efficient, increasingly popular mode of data collection, their utility is often challenged by high participant dropout. Researchers can gain insight into potential causes of high participant dropout by analyzing the dropout patterns. Objective: This study proposed the application of and assessed the use of user-specified and existing hypothesis testing methods in a novel setting—survey dropout data—to identify phases of higher or lower survey dropout. Methods: First, we proposed the application of user-specified thresholds to identify abrupt differences in the dropout rate. Second, we proposed the application of 2 existing hypothesis testing methods to detect significant differences in participant dropout. We assessed these methods through a simulation study and through application to a case study, featuring a questionnaire addressing decision-making surrounding cancer screening. Results: The user-specified method set to a low threshold performed best at accurately detecting phases of high attrition in both the simulation study and test case application, although all proposed methods were too sensitive. Conclusions: The user-specified method set to a low threshold correctly identified the attrition phases. Hypothesis testing methods, although sensitive at times, were unable to accurately identify the attrition phases. These results strengthen the case for further development of and research surrounding the science of attrition


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    Between the conservation-restoration of several disciplines like sculpture and that of architecture differences in the application of the general ethical guidelines exist. Because some “objects” like architectural statuary cannot be classified under one specific discipline this paper attempts to outline the parallels between the applicable disciplines and to point out any inconsistencies, thus encouraging an environment in which the cross-pollination of the principles of a minimal, reversible and stable intervention can thrive and bridging the existing gap between the different fields. Two case studies undertaken by KIK-IRPA Brussels of the treatment of architectural statuary from around 1900 in Brussels are used to illustrate some of these aspects.Between the conservation-restoration of several disciplines like sculpture and that of architecture differences in the application of the general ethical guidelines exist. Because some “objects” like architectural statuary cannot be classified under one specific discipline this paper attempts to outline the parallels between the applicable disciplines and to point out any inconsistencies, thus encouraging an environment in which the cross-pollination of the principles of a minimal, reversible and stable intervention can thrive and bridging the existing gap between the different fields. Two case studies undertaken by KIK-IRPA Brussels of the treatment of architectural statuary from around 1900 in Brussels are used to illustrate some of these aspects

    Methods for Evaluating Respondent Attrition in Web-Based Surveys

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    Background: Electronic surveys are convenient, cost effective, and increasingly popular tools for collecting information. While the online platform allows researchers to recruit and enroll more participants, there is an increased risk of participant dropout in Web-based research. Often, these dropout trends are simply reported, adjusted for, or ignored altogether. Objective: To propose a conceptual framework that analyzes respondent attrition and demonstrates the utility of these methods with existing survey data. Methods: First, we suggest visualization of attrition trends using bar charts and survival curves. Next, we propose a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) to detect or confirm significant attrition points. Finally, we suggest applications of existing statistical methods to investigate the effect of internal survey characteristics and patient characteristics on dropout. In order to apply this framework, we conducted a case study; a seventeen-item Informed Decision-Making (IDM) module addressing how and why patients make decisions about cancer screening. Results: Using the framework, we were able to find significant attrition points at Questions 4, 6, 7, and 9, and were also able to identify participant responses and characteristics associated with dropout at these points and overall. Conclusions: When these methods were applied to survey data, significant attrition trends were revealed, both visually and empirically, that can inspire researchers to investigate the factors associated with survey dropout, address whether survey completion is associated with health outcomes, and compare attrition patterns between groups. The framework can be used to extract information beyond simple responses, can be useful during survey development, and can help determine the external validity of survey results

    Adaptive evolution of butterfly wing shape: from morphology to behaviour

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    International audienceButterflies display extreme variation in wing shape associated with tremendous ecological diversity. Disentangling the role of neutral versus adaptive processes in wing shape diversification remains a challenge for evolutionary biologists. Ascertaining how natural selection influences wing shape evolution requires both functional studies linking morphology to flight performance, and ecological investigations linking performance in the wild with fitness. However, direct links between morphological variation and fitness have rarely been established. The functional morphology of butterfly flight has been investigated but selective forces acting on flight behaviour and associated wing shape have received less attention. Here, we attempt to estimate the ecological relevance of morpho-functional links established through biomechanical studies in order to understand the evolution of butterfly wing morphology. We survey the evidence for natural and sexual selection driving wing shape evolution in butterflies, and discuss how our functional knowledge may allow identification of the selective forces involved, at both the macro-and micro-evolutionary scales. Our review shows that although correlations between wing shape variation and ecological factors have been established at the macro-evolutionary level, the underlying selective pressures often remain unclear. We identify the need to investigate flight behaviour in relevant ecological contexts to detect variation in fitness-related traits. Identifying the selective regime then should guide experimental studies towards the relevant estimates of flight performance. Habitat, predators and sex-specific behaviours are likely to be major selective forces acting on wing shape evolution in butterflies. Some striking cases of morphological divergence driven by contrasting ecology involve both wing and body morphology, indicating that their interactions should be included in future studies investigating co-evolution between morphology and flight behaviour

    Influence du climat social de l’équipe d’éducateurs sur le recours aux mesures de contention et d’isolement : une Ă©tude longitudinale en centre de rĂ©adaptation pour jeunes

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    Contexte Les comportements agressifs font partie du quotidien en centre de rĂ©adaptation (CR), dues aux problĂ©matiques des jeunes y sĂ©journant. Parmi les interventions mises en place pour les contrĂŽler se trouvent les mesures de contention et d’isolement. MalgrĂ© peu d’études sur leur utilisation en CR, des facteurs reliĂ©s Ă  l’environnement, au jeune et Ă  l’éducateur ont Ă©tĂ© associĂ©s avec ces interventions. Jusqu’à prĂ©sent l’association entre le climat social de l’équipe et l’utilisation de ces mesures n’a pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e, bien que dĂ©montrĂ©e en milieu psychiatrique. Objectifs Le premier objectif Ă©tait d’évaluer l’influence du climat social de l’équipe d’éducateurs sur le recours aux mesures de contention et d’isolement en CR pour jeunes. Un deuxiĂšme objectif Ă©tait de comparer l’influence des diffĂ©rents construits latents du climat social. MĂ©thode Un Ă©chantillon de 198 Ă©ducateurs d’un CR a complĂ©tĂ© un questionnaire quant au climat social de l’équipe Ă  trois reprises. Un modĂšle structurel en dĂ©calage croisĂ© a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer l’association entre le climat social et l’utilisation des MCI Ă  travers le temps. RĂ©sultats La communication des membres de l’équipe envers les autres et la centration sur des objectifs communs sont associĂ©es Ă  l’utilisation de ces mesures. Le caractĂšre nĂ©gatif du climat de l’équipe n’est pas associĂ© Ă  l’utilisation des mesures de contention et d’isolement. Implications Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que promouvoir les initiatives personnelles pour adapter les interventions aux besoins du jeune et diminuer les interventions standardisĂ©es pourrait attĂ©nuer l’influence du climat social de l’équipe sur le recours Ă  la contention et l’isolement.Background Aggressive behaviors are part of daily life in residential treatment centers (RTCs) given the problems of youths residing there. Among the interventions that can be used are restraint and seclusion. Although studies on the topic are scarce, factors related to the environment, child, and educator have been associated with these interventions. Although an association has been shown between the team’s social climate and recourse to restraint and seclusion in psychiatric settings, it has yet to be studied in RTCs. Objectives The first objective of this paper was to assess the extent to which the social climate influences the use of restraint and seclusion in RTCs for youth. The second objective was to observe how each dimension of social climate influences recourse to restraint and seclusion. Methods A sample of 198 RTC educators completed a questionnaire on their team’s social climate at three times. Crossed-lagged analyses were performed to assess the association between different dimensions of social climate and use of restraint and seclusion over time. Results The communication and openness of team members as well as their centration on common objectives and planification were associated with the use of these measures. The negative character of the climate was not associated with the use of restraint and seclusion. Implications The results of the current study suggest that promoting the individual initiative of interventions adapted to the needs of the youth and reducing standard interventions could decrease the influence of the social climate on the use of restraint and seclusion in RTCs

    InfluĂȘncia do selamento coronal no sucesso do tratamento endodontico nĂŁo cirĂșrgico: revisĂŁo narrativa

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    A Endodontia Ă© uma especialidade da Medicina Dentaria responsĂĄvel pelo tratamento da cavidade pulpar, de todo o sistema de canais radiculares e das doenças associadas ao complexo dentino-pulpar. O selamento da porção coronĂĄria do dente apresenta- se como um critĂ©rio determinante no sucesso ou insucesso do tratamento endodĂŽntico. VĂĄrios materiais podem ser utilizados para obter o correto selamento coronario, evitando assim a micro-infiltração de micro-organismos no sistema de canais radiculares. Esta tese tem como objetivo a revisĂŁo da literatura sobre a influĂȘncia do selamento coronal no sucesso do tratamento endodontico nĂŁo cirĂșrgico. Uma revisĂŁo da bibliografia foi realizada nas bases de dados electrĂłnicas MEDLINE/Pubmed,EM-Consulte, Artmed, HAS France usando as palavras-chave: «temporary endodontic restoration», «coronal sealing», «temporary restoration», «single session endodontic». ApĂłs a realização da pesquisa bibliogrĂĄfica resultaram 386 artigos publicados entre 1929 e 2020, no entanto, apĂłs aplicados os critĂ©rios de seleção foram incluĂ­dos na revisĂŁo narrativa um total de 58 artigos. A literatura revista estabeleceu a importĂąncia da escolha do material restaurador temporĂĄrio e revelou a evidĂȘncia cientĂ­fica existente relativamente ao nĂșmero de sessĂ”es de tratamento endodĂŽntico mais favorĂĄveis ao impedimento de infiltração microbiana.Endodontics is a specialty of dental medicine responsible for the treatment of the pulp cavity, the entire root canal system and the diseases associated with the dentine-pulp complex. The sealing of the coronal portion of the tooth is a determining criterion for the success or failure of endodontic treatment. Several materials can be used to obtain the correct coronal sealing, thus avoiding microleakage of microorganisms in the root canal system. This thesis aims to review the literature on the influence of coronal sealing on the success of non-surgical endodontic treatment. A literature review was performed in the electronic databases EDLINE/Pubmed, EM-Consulte, Artmed, HAS France using the keywords: "temporary endodontic restor-ation", "coronal sealing", "temporary restoration", "single session endodontic". The literature search resulted in 386 articles published between 1929 and 2020, however, after applying the selection criteria, a total of 58 articles were included in the narrative review. The literature reviewed established the importance of the choice of temporary restorative material and revealed the existing scientific evidence regarding the number of en-dodontic treatment sessions most favourable to prevent microbial infiltration

    Pour une anthropologie politique de la mer

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    International audienceThis paper presents an innovative collaborative approach, devoted to strengthening and institutionalization of political anthropology applied to the sea. He first shows what political sciences have to say concerning our understanding of sea management, established to ensure their "sustainability". It then presents the cooperative research structure ApoliMer (political Anthropology of the sea), which address this issue by proposing to grasp the management of coastal and marine "socioecosystems" as a demonstrator of contemporary transformations of politics. Ultimately, it suggests the added value of a stronger link between the human and social sciences and natural sciences, to produce a critical analysis of the categories of thought and action attached to the "systemic management" of the environment.Cet article prĂ©sente une dĂ©marche de recherche collaborative et innovante, consacrĂ©e au renforcement et Ă  l'institutionnalisation d'une anthropologie politique de la mer Ă©troitement articulĂ©e aux sciences de la nature. Il dit d'abord ce que les sciences sociales du politique ont Ă  apporter Ă  la comprĂ©hension de la « gouvernance » de la mer, Ă©tablie en vue de sa « gestion durable ». Il prĂ©sente ensuite la structure coopĂ©rative de recherche ApoliMer (Anthropologie politique de la mer), qui traite cette question en proposant de faire de la gestion des « socio-Ă©cosystĂšmes » marins et cĂŽtiers un dĂ©monstrateur des transformations contemporaines du politique. In fine, il laisse entrevoir la plus-value d'une articulation, entre les sciences humaines et sociales et les sciences de la nature pour produire une analyse critique des catĂ©gories de pensĂ©e et d’action attachĂ©es Ă  la «gestion systĂ©mique» de l’environnement
