3,748 research outputs found

    Ampferkontrolle mittels Heissdampfinjektion

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    A control method for broad-leaved dock (Rumex obtusifolius) with hot steam was tested in grasslands in Switzerland. More than 700 plants were treated with a mixture of hot water and steam at a temperature of 120°C and a pressure of 30 bar. The aim was to identify an optimum heating time, so that the plant mortality rate was more than 80 %. The necessary diesel and water consumption for the heating were measured. The success of the method is strongly related to the soil moisture. The results show, that the intended mortality rate of 80 % at a soil moisture of 30 % can be realized at a calculated heating time of 30 seconds. For this treatment 2.4 litre of water and 0.046 litre of diesel were needed

    The Transfer of the Ferredoxin Gene From the Chloroplast to the Nuclear Genome Is Ancient Within the Paraphyletic Genus Thalassiosira

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    Ferredoxins are iron-sulfur proteins essential for a wide range of organisms because they are an electron transfer mediator involved in multiple metabolic pathways. In phytoplankton, these proteins are active in the mature chloroplasts, but the petF gene, encoding for ferredoxin, has been found either to be in the chloroplast genome or transferred to the nuclear genome as observed in the green algae and higher plant lineage. We experimentally determined the location of the petF gene in 12 strains of Thalassiosira covering three species using DNA sequencing and qPCR assays. The results showed that petF gene is located in the nuclear genome of all confirmed Thalassiosira oceanica strains (CCMP0999, 1001, 1005, and 1006) tested. In contrast, all Thalassiosira pseudonana (CCMP1012, 1013, 1014, and 1335) and Thalassiosira weissflogii (CCMP1010, 1049, and 1052) strains studied retained the gene in the chloroplast genome, as generally observed for Bacillariophyceae. Our evolutionary analyses further extend the dataset on the localization of the petF gene in the Thalassiosirales. The realization that the petF gene is nuclear-encoded in the Skeletonema genus allowed us to trace the petF gene transfer back to a single event that occurred within the paraphyletic genus Thalassiosira. Phylogenetic analyses revealed the need to reassess the taxonomic assignment of the Thalassiosira strain CCMP1616, since the genes used in our study did not cluster within the T. oceanica lineage. Our results suggest that this strains' diversification occurred prior to the ferredoxin gene transfer event. The functional transfer of petF genes provides insight into the evolutionary processes leading to chloroplast genome reduction and suggests ecological adaptation as a driving force for such chloroplast to nuclear gene transfer

    La prescription des programmes d’exercices à domicile : Comment s’y retrouver?

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    Dans le cadre du cours PHT-6113 Travail dirigĂ©Introduction/problĂ©matique : Les problĂšmes du systĂšme de santĂ© quĂ©bĂ©cois nous amĂšnent Ă  devoir augmenter l’efficacitĂ© et l’efficience des soins. La prescription de programmes d’exercices Ă  domicile (PED) s’avĂšre ĂȘtre un bon moyen d’y parvenir. Toutefois, il manque de lignes directrices en ce qui concerne les Ă©vidences sur l’efficacitĂ© des PED et la mĂ©thode d’enseignement optimale. Par ailleurs, aucune recension sur la maniĂšre dont les PED sont prescrits dans la pratique clinique des physiothĂ©rapeutes et sur la satisfaction des patients Ă  l’égard des PED n’a Ă©tĂ© faite Ă  ce jour. Objectifs : Le but principal de ce projet est de recueillir les informations pertinentes afin de guider les physiothĂ©rapeutes dans leur pratique clinique en ce qui concerne l’utilisation et l’enseignement des PED. Pour y parvenir, un des sous-objectifs est la crĂ©ation de questionnaires pour sonder l’efficacitĂ© des PED et Ă©valuer la maniĂšre dont ces derniers sont prescrits par les physiothĂ©rapeutes. StratĂ©gie mĂ©thodologique : Recension de la littĂ©rature pour ce qui est des diffĂ©rentes pathologies pour lesquelles la prescription des PED a Ă©tĂ© prouvĂ©e efficace et sur les aspects pĂ©dagogiques Ă  considĂ©rer dans leur enseignement. RĂ©vision et modification des questionnaires Ă©laborĂ©s lors d’un projet pilote suite Ă  une recension des Ă©crits et une rencontre avec des experts. RĂ©sultats : La littĂ©rature a effectivement dĂ©montrĂ© l’efficacitĂ© des PED pour plusieurs pathologies musculo-squelettiques, et ce, Ă  plusieurs niveaux (douleur, fonction, etc.). Certaines variables d’enseignement doivent ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©es par les physiothĂ©rapeutes telles que la pratique de la tĂąche motrice et la rĂ©troaction donnĂ©e. Deux questionnaires valides ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©s. Conclusion : Des lignes directrices concernant la prescription de PED et leur enseignement seront distribuĂ©es aux physiothĂ©rapeutes

    Élaboration d’une stratĂ©gie d’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans la MRC de MemphrĂ©magog : Ă©mergence d’une gouvernance participative

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    L’objectif de la prĂ©sente recherche de maĂźtrise vise Ă  comprendre comment se construit la gouvernance participative entre les diffĂ©rents acteurs concernĂ©s par l’élaboration de la stratĂ©gie d’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans la MunicipalitĂ© rĂ©gionale de comtĂ© de MemphrĂ©magog. La mobilisation et la sensibilisation des parties prenantes, le dĂ©veloppement d’interrelations entre les participants et les dĂ©fis de la gouvernance participative ont notamment Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s. La recherche est basĂ©e sur l’hypothĂšse qu’en Ă©tant bien outillĂ©s, les acteurs locaux deviennent les ressources les mieux placĂ©es pour identifier les consĂ©quences locales des changements climatiques et ainsi participer Ă  la coconstruction d’une stratĂ©gie d’adaptation multisectorielle. Un des dĂ©fis de ce type de dĂ©marche est certainement d’ĂȘtre capable de susciter et de maintenir la motivation des participants tout au long du processus, qui s’étire sur plusieurs mois, voire des annĂ©es. On observe aussi que la MRC, lieu de concertation rĂ©gional reconnu et Ă©tabli, semble ĂȘtre une organisation bien placĂ©e pour mobiliser les intervenants locaux et rĂ©gionaux. Un autre facteur influençant l’adhĂ©sion des parties prenantes est la perception de leur vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© sectorielle ou organisationnelle dans un contexte de changements climatiques; en effet, plus les intervenants se sentent touchĂ©s par les consĂ©quences climatiques, plus ils sont enclins Ă  investir temps et argent pour trouver des façons d’augmenter la rĂ©silience de leur organisation et de leurs activitĂ©s. Ce mĂ©moire propose des solutions pour Ă©viter les Ă©cueils pouvant affecter l’émergence d’une gouvernance participative, ou Ă  tout le moins en rĂ©duire l’impact sur la rĂ©ussite globale du projet. Les recommandations incluent la mise en place d’une Ă©quipe de coordination multidisciplinaire outillĂ©e et dĂ©diĂ©e, l’utilisation d’analyses Ă  l’échelle de la rĂ©gion Ă©tudiĂ©e, le soutien continu Ă  l’avancement de la dĂ©marche, l'appui Ă  l’émergence de projets collaboratifs et l’art d’accueillir l’itĂ©ration dans un contexte administratif dĂ©fini. En conclusion, on souligne que la mise en place d’un cadre de gouvernance participatif dans un contexte d’adaptation aux changements climatiques prend du temps, mais cette approche favorise une rĂ©elle mobilisation des parties prenantes. Il en rĂ©sulte une communautĂ© d’acteurs mieux outillĂ©s, et ainsi plus rĂ©silients, pour faire face aux consĂ©quences des changements climatiques

    SystÚme de mesure du développement culturel des municipalités québécoises

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    Médiation(s) de la mort : imaginaire du soi malade et mourant dans l'oeuvre d'Hervé Guibert

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    The works of HervĂ© Guibert, French author, photographer and journal, are well-known for the intimate and complex writing of his experience with seropositivity in the midst of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s and 1990s. Following the publication of À l’ami qui ne m’a pas sauvĂ© la vie (1990), he rapidly gained fame and became of the France’s best-known figures of AIDS literature. His line of work is coherent and homogenous in its themes: Guibert elaborates a complex thought on image and death that spans through his first publication, La Mort propagande (1977), at twenty one years old, all the way through the end of his life, evidently transformed by his illness. All throughout his work, HervĂ© Guibert creates an imaginary of the ill and dying self that overlaps the literary and visual parts of his works. Under the perspective of intermediality, this the-sis will analyze how this fictionalized version of the self unfolds in L’image fantĂŽme (1981), Cy-tomĂ©galovirus (1992), Le Protocole compassionnel (1993) and Le mausolĂ©e des Amants (2001). HervĂ© Guibert’s work can be seen as a true exploration of the possible mediation(s) of death. Through literary fiction, images and a transhistoric filiation with the Judeo-Christian tradition, his works attempt to create sense from the condemnation.L’Ɠuvre d’HervĂ© Guibert, Ă©crivain, photographe et journaliste français, est surtout reconnue par la critique et le public pour le rĂ©cit intime et complexe de l’expĂ©rience de la sĂ©ropositivitĂ© lors de l’éclosion de la pandĂ©mie du sida dans les annĂ©es 1980-1990. ÉrigĂ©e comme figure de proue de la littĂ©rature du sida en France suite Ă  la publication d’À l’ami qui ne m’a pas sauvĂ© la vie (1990), son Ɠuvre, dont la production s’étend sur prĂšs de deux dĂ©cennies, est cohĂ©rente et homogĂšne dans les thĂšmes qu’elle aborde : une rĂ©flexion sur l’image et la mort s’élabore dĂšs la premiĂšre publication, La mort propagande (1977), alors que Guibert n’avait que vingt et un ans et se poursuivra jusqu’à la toute fin, transformĂ©e par la maladie. Tout au long de son Ɠuvre, HervĂ© Guibert se construit un imaginaire du soi malade et mou-rant qui se dĂ©ploie sur le plan littĂ©raire et visuel. Dans une perspective intermĂ©diale, il sera question, dans ce mĂ©moire, d’analyser les formes de construction de cet acte de faire-image de soi dans L’image fantĂŽme (1981), CytomĂ©galovirus (1992), Le Protocole compassionnel (1993) et Le mau-solĂ©e des amants (2001). L’Ɠuvre d’HervĂ© Guibert peut ainsi ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme une vĂ©ritable exploration des possibilitĂ©s de mĂ©diation(s) de la mort. L’élaboration d’un imaginaire du soi malade et mourant s’observe sur le plan du rĂ©cit, de l’image et d’une filiation transhistorique avec la tradi-tion judĂ©o-chrĂ©tienne. Son Ɠuvre tente, malgrĂ© tout, de faire sens de la condamnation

    Physician Anxiety and Burnout: Symptom Correlates and a Prospective Pilot Study of App-Delivered Mindfulness Training

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    BACKGROUND: Physician burnout is on the rise, yet little is known about its relationship to anxiety. Mindfulness-based stress reduction has demonstrated decreases in anxiety, yet physicians have reported reluctance to engage in it due to significant time commitments. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study are to assess whether app-based mindfulness training can reduce anxiety in physicians and to explore if anxiety and burnout are correlated, thus leading to a reduction in both anxiety and burnout. METHODS: This was a nonrandomized pilot study comprised of 34 physicians who worked in a large US health care network and reported having anxiety. The intervention was an app-based mindfulness program. The main outcome measure was anxiety, measured by the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7). The secondary outcome measures assessed burnout: cynicism and emotional exhaustion items from the Maslach Burnout Inventory. RESULTS: GAD-7 scores decreased significantly at posttreatment (1 month after treatment initiation, 48% reduction, P \u3c .001) and at the 3-month follow-up (57% reduction, P \u3c .001). There was a significant correlation between anxiety and burnout (cynicism: r=.43; P=.01; emotional exhaustion: r=.71; P \u3c .001). There was also a significant decrease in cynicism (50% reduction, P=.003 at posttreatment; 50% reduction, P=.009 at follow-up) and emotional exhaustion at both time points (20% reduction, P \u3c .001 at posttreatment; 20% reduction, P=.003 at follow-up). CONCLUSIONS: This pilot study is the first to test an app-based mindfulness training program targeted at reducing anxiety with physicians and to demonstrate that in physicians, anxiety is correlated with burnout. These findings suggest that this may be an effective tool to reduce anxiety and burnout in physicians. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04137081; https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04137081. published in JMIR mHealth and uHealth (http://mhealth.jmir.org), 01.04.2020

    La poesía como espacio liberador para cuatro mujeres avileñas contemporåneas (Poetry as a Space of Self-Liberation for Four Contemporary Women from Ciego de Ávila)

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    In present-day Cuban society, women’s status is still tinted by the limitations and subjugations of the ancient Hispanic patriarchal ideology, affecting women in both their personal and their professional lives, according to the persistent “home (private)/street (public)” separation. As such, women writers suffer from a multidimensional marginalization based internally on gender, sexuality, and regionalism, as well as externally on political and economical factors. Moreover, Cuban feminism is also affected by the traditional and politicized criticism of the movement. The present work creates a dialogical space, more precisely a direct opening for the voice of four female Cuban poets from the provincial city of Ciego de Avila, on a national and more importantly international scale, otherwise unattainable to this nation. Through the innovative use and inclusion of interviews as an inter/active basis for a classical literary analysis, an “open dialogue” is created with the audience, giving access to the “illocutionary force” of the poets. Furthermore, the theoretical analysis of the condition of the woman-writer in Cuba is supported by a presentation, and my analysis, of several outstanding examples of poetry of the four women. This second part also creates an interactive space, as it integrates conceptual components s of the interviews, which underlines the role of the poetry as being one of self-liberation
