68 research outputs found

    Ontologies and Knowledge Aggregation in the Active Semantic Learning System

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    5 PagesInternational audienceThe construction of semantic-based learning systems depends on the development of ontologies and the capacity to integrate and exploit knowledge using semantic technologies, notably RDF and ontologies. In this paper we present some concepts and ontologies defined in the context of the Active Semantic Learning System (Active SLS) that are used to describe resources and the semantic relation between these concepts defined in different ontologies. The purpose is to obtain a learning system that is capable of aggregating knowledge from different sources from the web and to exploiting that knowledge for the benefit of the learner

    Quel apprentissage après cette expérience philosophique planétaire ? / What lessons from this planet-wide philosophical experience?

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    Suddenly, with the radical lockdown of half the planet, our accelerated, interconnected and hypermobile society found itself at a standstill, forced into immobility. This stillness has revealed to us the limits of consumerism, the flaws of a globalization centered on money and power, the blindness of our habits of thought and of the ideologies of progress. We can also see this lockdown as a philosophical experience that encourages us to reflect on the meaning of our lives. The time has come to learn to live in resonance with our world, to rethink, with more lucidity and finesse, our vision of the ‘good life’

    Quel apprentissage après cette expérience philosophique planétaire ?

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    Suddenly, with the radical lockdown of half the planet, our accelerated, interconnected and hypermobile society found itself at a standstill, forced into immobility. This stillness has revealed to us the limits of consumerism, the flaws of a globalization centered on money and power, the blindness of our habits of thought and of the ideologies of progress. We can also see this lockdown as a philosophical experience that encourages us to reflect on the meaning of our lives. The time has come to learn to live in resonance with our world, to rethink, with more lucidity and finesse, our vision of the ‘good life’

    Overview on digital education in France

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    After writing and printing, digital seems to become the third social revolution. Nowadays, an increasing competition settles between world powers in this area. According to international statistics, France is not among the holders of a ¿digital society¿ label. Trying to ¿catch up¿ the delay, the country demonstrates a proactive policy in order to accelerate digital usage in both society and school. Equipment of schools, continuing training for teachers or attractive digital activities for students, are just some measures in this direction. Initiatives proposed for the future are ambitious: create a ¿Digital France¿ label, change the image of the digital jobs and develop a data security and privacy policy. However, the major challenges of the education system will be media education and actions to mitigate the risks of Internet use.Artículo revisado por pare

    Les politiques actuelles de numerique educatif dans l'Union Européenne

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    Le numérique semble inonder la vie humaine, pénétrant dans le paysage éducatif. Implicitement, les politiques d'éducation promues à l'échelle européenne sont davantage influencées par les technologiques numériques. Dans cet article, nous nous proposons d'identifier les caractéristiques principales de la politique de numérique éducatif développée par l'Union européenne. Fondé sur l'analyse des textes législatifs émanant des institutions européennes en la matière, ce travail relève l'interdépendance des éléments institutionnels et pédagogiques eu égard le numérique éducatif. Il en ressort que la politique du numérique éducatif dans l'Union européenne repose à la fois sur trois piliers fondamentaux, à savoir : 1) les éléments institutionnels comportant les critères de référence, la méthode ouverte de coordination et la dichotomie inter-gouvernementalisme ¿ intégration européenne ; 2) les compétences clés et notamment la compétence numérique ; et 3) le chaînon « émergent », comportant la compétence médiatique et l'éducation aux médias qui s'avèrent nécessaires et incontournables à l'avenir. Artículo revisado por pare

    Outils sémantiques pour diminuer l'entropie dans les réseaux socionumériques

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    L'usage de plus en plus développé des réseaux socionumériques (RSN) actuels a permis d'accroître les interactions des utilisateurs en ligne, et dès lors il devient plus difficile d'appliquer les méthodes traditionnelles d'analyse des RSN pour capter les usages des internautes. Dans ce chapitre, nous présentons la vision du Web social sémantique, qui intègre la dimension sociale dans l'approche classique du Web sémantique

    Kernel for a Semantic Learning Platform with adapted suggestions

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    International audienceAn important aspect in the context of personalized learning is providing adapted suggestions to the learner. These suggestions consist in resources that are either specially designed for learning purposes or not, notably in the case of blog articles, forum discussions, etc. However, the objective is to help the learner in better understanding a concept, with any kind of additional resources. The offered suggestions are selected in close relation with the learner's profile. The Learner Profile consists of the sum of specific learner characteristics that are used to describe the Learning Style, Learning Path, Learning goals, Knowledge Base, etc. The decisions about suggested resources are taken at the Kernel level, which represents the central part of the Semantic Learning Content Management System

    Quel apprentissage après cette expérience philosophique planétaire ?

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