124 research outputs found

    Part Marking and Identification Materials' for MISSE

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    The Materials on International Space Station Experiment (MISSE) is being conducted with funding from NASA and the U.S. Department of Defense, in order to evaluate candidate materials and processes for flight hardware. MISSE modules include test specimens used to validate NASA technical standards for part markings exposed to harsh environments in low-Earth orbit and space, including: atomic oxygen, ultraviolet radiation, thermal vacuum cycling, and meteoroid and orbital debris impact. Marked test specimens are evaluated and then mounted in a passive experiment container (PEC) that is affixed to an exterior surface on the International Space Station (ISS). They are exposed to atomic oxygen and/or ultraviolet radiation for a year or more before being retrieved and reevaluated. Criteria include percent contrast, axial uniformity, print growth, error correction, and overall grade. MISSE 1 and 2 (2001-2005), MISSE 3 and 4 (2006-2007), and MISSE 5 (2005-2006) have been completed to date. Acceptable results were found for test specimens marked with Data Matrix(TradeMark) symbols by Intermec Inc. and Robotic Vision Systems Inc using: laser bonding, vacuum arc vapor deposition, gas assisted laser etch, chemical etch, mechanical dot peening, laser shot peening, laser etching, and laser induced surface improvement. MISSE 6 (2008-2009) is exposing specimens marked by DataLase(Registed TradeMark), Chemico technologies Inc., Intermec Inc., and tesa with laser-markable paint, nanocode tags, DataLase and tesa laser markings, and anodized metal labels

    Feminist Art Activisms and Artivisms - 2 July 2018, Middlesex University

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    This event was organised by Katy Deepwell for the Create/Feminisms research cluster in the Visual Arts Department, Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries, Middlesex University

    Maternal valacyclovir and infant cytomegalovirus acquisition: a randomized controlled trial among HIV-infected women.

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    Background Studies in HIV-1-infected infants and HIV-1-exposed, uninfected infants link early cytomegalovirus (CMV) acquisition with growth delay and cognitive impairment. We investigated maternal valacyclovir to delay infant acquisition of CMV. Methods Pregnant women with HIV-1, HSV-2 and CD4 count >250 cells/µl were randomized at 34 weeks gestation to 500 mg twice-daily valacyclovir or placebo for 12 months. Maternal CMV DNA was measured in plasma at 34 weeks gestation, in cervical secretions at 34 and 38 weeks gestation, and in breast milk at 7 postpartum timepoints; infant CMV DNA was measured in dried blood spots at 8 timepoints including birth. Results Among 148 women, 141 infants were compared in intent-to-treat analyses. Maternal and infant characteristics were similar between study arms. Infant CMV acquisition did not differ between study arms, with 46/70 infants (66%) in placebo arm and 47/71 infants (66%) in the valacyclovir arm acquiring CMV; median time to CMV detection did not differ. CMV DNA was detected in 92% of 542 breast milk specimens with no difference in CMV level between study arms. Change in cervical shedding of CMV DNA between baseline and 38 weeks was 0.40-log greater in the placebo arm than the valacyclovir arm (p = 0.05). Conclusions In this cohort of HIV-1-seropositive mothers, two-thirds of infants acquired CMV by one year. Maternal valacyclovir had no effect on timing of infant CMV acquisition or breast milk CMV viral loads, although it modestly reduced cervical CMV shedding. Maternal prophylaxis to reduce infant CMV acquisition warrants further evaluation in trials with antiviral agents

    Can latent heat safely warm blood? – in vitro testing of a portable prototype blood warmer

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background Trauma/retrieval patients are often in shock and hypothermic. Treatment of such patients usually involves restoring their blood volume with transfusion of blood (stored at 2°C – 6°C) and/or crystalloids or colloids (stored at ambient temperature). Rapid infusion of these cold fluids can worsen or even induce hypothermia in these patients. Warming of intravenous fluids at accident sites has traditionally been difficult due to a lack of suitable portable fluid warmers that are not dependent on mains electrical or battery power. If latent heat, the heat released when a liquid solidifies (an inherently temperature limiting process) can warm intravenous fluids, portable devices without a reliance on electrical energy could be used to reduce the incidence of hypothermia in trauma patients. Methods Rapid infusion of red cells into patients was timed to sample typical clinical flow rates. An approved dry heat blood warmer was compared with a prototype blood warmer using a supercooled liquid latent heat storage material, to warm red cells whilst monitoring inlet and outlet temperatures. To determine the effect of warming on red cell integrity compared to the normal storage lesion of blood, extracellular concentrations of potassium, lactate dehydrogenase and haemoglobin were measured in blood which had been warmed after storage at 2°C – 6°C for 1 to 42 days. Results A prototype latent heat fluid warmer consistently warmed red cells from approximately 4°C to approximately 35°C at typical clinical flow rates. Warming of stored blood with latent heat did not affect red cell integrity more than the approved dry heat blood warmer. Conclusion Using latent heat as an energy source can satisfactorily warm cold blood or other intravenous fluids to near body temperature, without any adverse affects

    Persistent Tn polyagglutination syndrome during febrile neutropenia: a case report and review of the literature

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Tn polyagglutination syndrome is a rare disorder that has been reported on only a few occasions in the literature, and, to the best of our knowledge, never before in the context of febrile neutropenia.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 26-year-old Caucasian woman who presented to our emergency department complaining of a persistent fever over the previous three days. She had a history of long-standing refractory pancytopenia with multi-lineage dysplasia and severe neutropenia, but she had rarely experienced infection. The results of a physical examination and multiple laboratory tests were unremarkable. While investigating the possible causes of the refractory, long-standing pancytopenia, the possibility of a polyagglutinable state was suggested. Blood samples were sent to the laboratory for an analysis of mixed-field seed lectin agglutination assay. A serum lectin panel confirmed the final diagnosis of Tn-activation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We should include Tn-activation in our differential whenever we encounter cases of refractory long-standing idiopathic cytopenias and inconclusive bone marrow results displaying multi-lineage dysplasia. Novel genetic techniques have recently revealed the interesting pathophysiology of this phenomenon. The recognition and inclusion of Tn polyagglutination syndrome in our differential diagnoses has important clinical implications, given its main associated features, such as severe thrombocytopenia and neutropenia, which are usually linked to a benign clinical course and prognosis. Increased awareness of the polyagglutinable disorders will potentially decrease the need for invasive and costly medical interventions and also raises the need for monitoring of this specific sub-set of patients. In addition, the study of the expression and implications of Tn, and other similar antigens, offers a fascinating perspective for the study of its role in the diagnosis, prognosis and immunotherapy of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. The infrequency with which Tn polyagglutination syndrome is encountered, its clinical features and its pathophysiology make it a formidable diagnostic challenge.</p

    Learning from the challenges of undertaking an evaluation of a multi-partner housing support initiative delivered within a hospital setting

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    Objectives We present learning from a mixed-methods evaluation of a housing support initiative for hospital inpatients. Study design A mixed-methods process evaluation. Methods A social housing provider delivered a housing support service in two hospitals (mental health unit and general hospital). Healthcare providers, the social housing provider and academic researchers designed and undertook a co-produced, mixed-methods process evaluation of the intervention. The evaluation included questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, analysis of routinely collected data and economic analysis. Despite commitment from the partners, the evaluation faced challenges. We reflect on the lessons learnt within our discussion paper. Results Despite the commitment of the partners, we faced several challenges. We took an iterative approach to the design and processes of the evaluation to respond to arising challenges. Recruitment of service-users was more difficult than anticipated, requiring additional staff resources. Given the small-scale nature of the intervention, and the quality of data recorded in hospital records, the planned economic analysis was not feasible. Positive factors facilitating evaluation included involvement of staff delivering the intervention, as well as managers. Being able to offer payment to partner organisations for staff time also facilitated ongoing engagement. Conclusions Multi-partner evaluations are useful, however, researchers and partners need to be prepared to take an iterative, resource intensive approach. Both availability and quality of routine data, and the resources required to support data collection, may limit feasibility of specific methods when evaluating small-scale cross-sector initiatives. Thus, this necessitates a flexible approach to design and analysis

    Randomized Clinical Trial on Ivermectin versus Thiabendazole for the Treatment of Strongyloidiasis

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    Strongyloidiasis is the infection caused by the worm Strongyloides stercoralis. Due to its peculiar life cycle Strongyloides may remain indefinitely in the host, if not effectively cured. Although the disease is usually mild, in case of weakening of the host's immune defenses the worm may invade virtually all organs and tissues (disseminated strongyloidiasis, almost invariably fatal). The treatment must then reach the goal of the complete elimination of the parasite. Small size clinical trials showed similar, high efficacy of the two drugs ivermectin (used as a single dose) and thiabendazole (used twice daily for two consecutive days). All trials used as the criterion for cure the absence of larvae in stool exams. The latter however may easily miss the infection, falsely suggesting that the infection has been cured. This trial, using a test detecting specific Strongyloides antibodies as an additional and more sensitive diagnostic tool, confirms previous reports: the two drugs have similar efficacy but ivermectin is better tolerated and is therefore the first choice. However the cure rate was lower than 70% for the standard, single dose. The authors then conclude that a larger, multi center trial is needed to find the optimal dose schedule of ivermectin

    Detecting One-Hundred-Year Environmental Changes in Western China Using Seven-Year Repeat Photography

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    Due to its diverse, wondrous plants and unique topography, Western China has drawn great attention from explorers and naturalists from the Western World. Among them, Ernest Henry Wilson (1876 –1930), known as ‘Chinese’ Wilson, travelled to Western China five times from 1899 to 1918. He took more than 1,000 photos during his travels. These valuable photos illustrated the natural and social environment of Western China a century ago. Since 1997, we had collected E.H. Wilson's old pictures, and then since 2004, along the expedition route of E.H. Wilson, we took 7 years to repeat photographing 250 of these old pictures. Comparing Wilson's photos with ours, we found an obvious warming trend over the 100 years, not only in specific areas but throughout the entire Western China. Such warming trend manifested in phenology changes, community shifts and melting snow in alpine mountains. In this study, we also noted remarkable vegetation changes. Out of 62 picture pairs were related to vegetation change, 39 indicated vegetation has changed to the better condition, 17 for degraded vegetation and six for no obvious change. Also in these photos at a century interval, we found not only rapid urbanization in Western China, but also the disappearance of traditional cultures. Through such comparisons, we should not only be amazed about the significant environmental changes through time in Western China, but also consider its implications for protecting environment while meeting the economic development beyond such changes