63 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the full set of habitat suitability models for vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa in the South Pacific high seas

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Fisheries Management and Ecology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. In the high seas, regional fishery management organisations are required to implement measures to prevent significant adverse impacts on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs). Our objectives were to develop habitat suitability models for use in the spatial management of bottom fisheries in the South Pacific and to evaluate these and existing models using independent data from high-quality seafloor imagery. Presence-only models for seven VME indictor taxa were developed to complement previous modelling. Evaluation of habitat suitability models using withheld data indicated high mean True Skill Statistic scores of 0.44–0.64. Most habitat suitability models performed adequately when assessed with independent data on taxon presence and absence but were poor surrogates for abundance. We therefore advocate caution when using presence-only models for spatial management and call for more systematically collected data to develop abundance models

    The ecology of seamounts: structure, function, and human impacts.

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    In this review of seamount ecology, we address a number of key scientific issues concerning the structure and function of benthic communities, human impacts, and seamount management and conservation. We consider whether community composition and diversity differ between seamounts and continental slopes, how important dispersal capabilities are in seamount connectivity, what environmental factors drive species composition and diversity, whether seamounts are centers of enhanced biological productivity, and whether they have unique trophic architecture. We discuss how vulnerable seamount communities are to fishing and mining, and how we can balance exploitation of resources and conservation of habitat. Despite considerable advances in recent years, there remain many questions about seamount ecosystems that need closer integration of molecular, oceanographic, and ecological research

    Independent statistical validation of the New Zealand Seafloor Community Classification

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. The New Zealand Seafloor Community Classification (NZSCC) is a national-scale numerical community classification which depicts compositional turnover of 1716 taxa (demersal fish, reef fish, benthic invertebrates and macroalgae) classified into 75 groups representing seafloor communities. To ensure the continual use of the NZSCC for spatial planning and reporting, a robust maintenance framework must be set in place; key to this is being able to assess the ability of the classification to represent (discriminate between) different seafloor communities. Here we describe an approach for validating the NZSCC using temporally independent evaluation data for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates (the latter sampled via a different method), which identifies whether the NZSCC represents different seafloor communities (i.e., assesses classification strength), evaluates the underlying statistical model, and considers heterogeneity in environmental coverage and statistical uncertainty. Additionally, the availability of abundance estimates for these evaluation datasets provides an opportunity to test whether the NZSCC—which was developed using presence-absence data—can reflect abundance-weighted seafloor communities. The ANOSIM global R values (measuring classification strength) were 0.53 and 0.46 (and significant at the 1% level) for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates, respectively, indicating that the NZSCC groups define biologically distinctive environments. The proportion of significant inter-group differences were very high (95% and 97% for demersal fish and benthic invertebrates, respectively) suggesting NZSCC groups were distinct from each other in their taxonomic composition. There were positive relationships between the evaluation datasets and the underlying statistical model. There was no evidence of these relationships being affected by the statistical uncertainty of the NZSCC. NZSCC model validation metrics using abundance evaluation data were also moderately high (albeit lower than for presence-absence for invertebrates) suggesting that the NZSCC, can at least in part, represent variation in abundance-weighted communities. Results presented here suggest that the existing NZSCC is currently fit-for-purpose for informing management decisions

    Using joint species distribution modelling to predict distributions of seafloor taxa and identify vulnerable marine ecosystems in New Zealand waters

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    \ua9 The Author(s) 2024.Effective ecosystem-based management of bottom-contacting fisheries requires understanding of how disturbances from fishing affect seafloor fauna over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Spatial predictions of abundance for 67 taxa were developed, using an extensive dataset of faunal abundances collected using a towed camera system and spatially explicit predictor variables including bottom-trawl fishing effort, using a Joint Species Distribution Model (JSDM). The model fit metrics varied by taxon: the mean tenfold cross-validated AUC score was 0.70 \ub1 0.1 (standard deviation) for presence–absence and an R2 of 0.11 \ub1 0.1 (standard deviation) for abundance models. Spatial predictions of probability of occurrence and abundance (individuals per km2) varied by taxon, but there were key areas of overlap, with highest predicted taxon richness in areas of the continental shelf break and slope. The resulting joint predictions represent significant advances on previous predictions because they are of abundance, allow the exploration of co-occurrence patterns and provide credible estimates of taxon richness (including for rare species that are often not included in more commonly used single-species distribution modelling). Habitat-forming taxa considered to be Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) indicators (those taxa that are physically or functionally fragile to anthropogenic impacts) were identified in the dataset. Spatial estimates of likely VME distribution (as well as associated estimates of uncertainty) were predicted for the study area. Identifying areas most likely to represent a VME (rather than simply VME indicator taxa) provides much needed quantitative estimates of vulnerable habitats, and facilitates an evidence-based approach to managing potential impacts of bottom-trawling

    Deep-Sea Fish Distribution Varies between Seamounts: Results from a Seamount Complex off New Zealand

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    Fish species data from a complex of seamounts off New Zealand termed the “Graveyard Seamount Complex’ were analysed to investigate whether fish species composition varied between seamounts. Five seamount features were included in the study, with summit depths ranging from 748–891 m and elevation from 189–352 m. Measures of fish species dominance, rarity, richness, diversity, and similarity were examined. A number of factors were explored to explain variation in species composition, including latitude, water temperature, summit depth, depth at base, elevation, area, slope, and fishing effort. Depth at base and slope relationships were significant with shallow seamounts having high total species richness, and seamounts with a more gradual slope had high mean species richness. Species similarity was modelled and showed that the explanatory variables were driven primarily by summit depth, as well as by the intensity of fishing effort and elevation. The study showed that fish assemblages on seamounts can vary over very small spatial scales, in the order of several km. However, patterns of species similarity and abundance were inconsistent across the seamounts examined, and these results add to a growing literature suggesting that faunal communities on seamounts may be populated from a broad regional species pool, yet show considerable variation on individual seamounts