275 research outputs found

    El centre de Lectura

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    Fundació Privada Centre de Lectura de Reus

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    L'obra editada del canonge Teodor Tomàs (València 1677-1748). Estudi lingüístic i edició.

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    RESUM La tesi doctoral Lobra editada del canonge Teodor Tomàs (València, 1677-1748). Estudi lingüístic i edició estudia la vida i obra del canonge Teodor Tomàs Palomar, que es dedicà al mecenatge dobres dart (retaules i llenços) i sobretot a la reescriptura i edició dobres medievals en català de tema hagiogràfic. Aquesta tasca la concebé com un exercici dactualització lingüística i dassentament doctrinal; això va comportar que el canonge farcira amb altres passatges les seues edicions, que ampliara alguns capítols o parts, que glossara mots dels llibres medievals sense suprimir-los i que neliminara fragments poc consistents doctrinalment, sobretot a causa del seu caràcter supersticiós. En concret, les dues edicions que el canonge va editar, després dhaver-les modificades com hem explicat, van ser el Verger de la sacratíssima Verge Maria i la Història y portentosa vida de la extàtica y seràfica verge sancta Catherina de Sena; la primera es va imprimir a Barcelona lany 1732 i la segona a València el 1736. Segons les conclusions aportades, lestudi de les edicions de Tomàs demostra que al segle XVIII existia un públic lector interessat en la literatura hagiogràfica en català, escrita en un model lingüístic culte; i també prova que el mercat del llibre i de la cultura escrita no se supeditava a les fronteres polítiques, sinó que sestenia naturalment de València a Barcelona. __________________________________________________________________________________________________The doctoral thesis Lobra editada del canonge Teodor Tomàs (València, 1677-1748). Estudi lingüístic i edició studies the life and work of the canon Teodor Tomàs Palomar, who dedicated himself to the patronage of works of art and specially to the rewriting and medieval edition of works in Catalan of hagiographic subject. The two editions that the canon edited, after having modified them, were Verger de la sacratíssima Verge Maria and Història y portentosa vida de la extàtica y seràfica verge sancta Catherina de Sena; the first one printed in Barcelona in year 1732 and the second one in Valencia 1736. According to the brought conclusions, the study of the editions of Tomàs demonstrates that in the 18th century there was a reading public interested in the hagiographic literature in Catalan, written in a literate linguistic model; and also evidences that the market of the book and the written culture did not depend on the political borders, but arrived naturally from Valencia to Barcelona

    Representaciones del subsuelo

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    El presente artículo trata sobre propuestas artísticas que giran en torno a uno de los espacios urbanos más desconocidos pero a la vez más imprescindibles de nuestra sociedad: la cloacas. Estas constituyen una compleja red de saneamiento, pero también tienen unos usos alternativos a los que originalmente se habían dispuesto. En un principio, la reestructuración de los sistemas de alcantarillado de finales del siglo XIX supuso para las ciudades occidentales un gran avance, sobre todo como sistema de salubridad e higiene. Sin embargo, a la vez que se erradicaban enfermedades mediante la eliminación de las heces, se alzaba también una industria paralela basada en la gestión de un común: los desechos. De esta manera surgieron unas problemáticas entorno a la administración y gestión de las aguas residuales, que afectaban directamente a los ecosistemas. Asimismo, toda esta infraestructura contribuyó a que se crearan distintas figuras obreros e ingenieros principalmente, pero también presos, indigentes o refugiados que pasarían a circular y poblar los túneles subterráneos. Por sí solos, estos habitantes constituyen una comunidad que es invisible para el resto de la ciudadanía. Aquí se analizan a partir de trabajos artísticos y cinematográficos que versan sobre el subsuelo las múltiples representaciones que se generan a partir de estos sujetos y de los canales que circulan o habitan

    One-shot domain adaptation in multiple sclerosis lesion segmentation using convolutional neural networks

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    In recent years, several convolutional neural network (CNN) methods have been proposed for the automated white matter lesion segmentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) patient images, due to their superior performance compared with those of other state-of-the-art methods. However, the accuracies of CNN methods tend to decrease significantly when evaluated on different image domains compared with those used for training, which demonstrates the lack of adaptability of CNNs to unseen imaging data. In this study, we analyzed the effect of intensity domain adaptation on our recently proposed CNN-based MS lesion segmentation method. Given a source model trained on two public MS datasets, we investigated the transferability of the CNN model when applied to other MRI scanners and protocols, evaluating the minimum number of annotated images needed from the new domain and the minimum number of layers needed to re-train to obtain comparable accuracy. Our analysis comprised MS patient data from both a clinical center and the public ISBI2015 challenge database, which permitted us to compare the domain adaptation capability of our model to that of other state-of-the-art methods. For the ISBI2015 challenge, our one-shot domain adaptation model trained using only a single image showed a performance similar to that of other CNN methods that were fully trained using the entire available training set, yielding a comparable human expert rater performance. We believe that our experiments will encourage the MS community to incorporate its use in different clinical settings with reduced amounts of annotated data. This approach could be meaningful not only in terms of the accuracy in delineating MS lesions but also in the related reductions in time and economic costs derived from manual lesion labeling

    Transductive Transfer Learning for Domain Adaptation in Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Segmentation

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    Cervell; Imatge per ressonància magnètica; Aprenentatge transductiuCerebro; Imagen de resonancia magnética; Aprendizaje transductivoBrain; Magnetic resonance imaging; Transductive learningSegmentation of brain images from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) is an indispensable step in clinical practice. Morphological changes of sub-cortical brain structures and quantification of brain lesions are considered biomarkers of neurological and neurodegenerative disorders and used for diagnosis, treatment planning, and monitoring disease progression. In recent years, deep learning methods showed an outstanding performance in medical image segmentation. However, these methods suffer from generalisability problem due to inter-centre and inter-scanner variabilities of the MRI images. The main objective of the study is to develop an automated deep learning segmentation approach that is accurate and robust to the variabilities in scanner and acquisition protocols. In this paper, we propose a transductive transfer learning approach for domain adaptation to reduce the domain-shift effect in brain MRI segmentation. The transductive scenario assumes that there are sets of images from two different domains: (1) source—images with manually annotated labels; and (2) target—images without expert annotations. Then, the network is jointly optimised integrating both source and target images into the transductive training process to segment the regions of interest and to minimise the domain-shift effect. We proposed to use a histogram loss in the feature level to carry out the latter optimisation problem. In order to demonstrate the benefit of the proposed approach, the method has been tested in two different brain MRI image segmentation problems using multi-centre and multi-scanner databases for: (1) sub-cortical brain structure segmentation; and (2) white matter hyperintensities segmentation. The experiments showed that the segmentation performance of a pre-trained model could be significantly improved by up to 10%. For the first segmentation problem it was possible to achieve a maximum improvement from 0.680 to 0.799 in average Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) metric and for the second problem the average DSC improved from 0.504 to 0.602. Moreover, the improvements after domain adaptation were on par or showed better performance compared to the commonly used traditional unsupervised segmentation methods (FIRST and LST), also achieving faster execution time. Taking this into account, this work presents one more step toward the practical implementation of deep learning algorithms into the clinical routine.KK holds FI-DGR2017 grant from the Catalan Government with reference number 2017FI_B00372. This work has been supported by DPI2017-86696-R from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia

    Carbon sequestration in Mediterranean ecosystems: critical aspects related to plant respiration, wildfires and nitrogen budget

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    La producció primària neta (NPP) de la biosfera està limitada pels baixos nivells actuals de CO2 atmosfèric (Ca). Per conseqüent, l'augment de Ca degut a l'activitat humana, considerat la causa principal del canvi climàtic, s'hauria de traduir en un augment de la NPP i, per tant, en un augment del segrestament de Ca a la biomassa. Els augments de NPP i del segrestament de Ca ja són detectables en boscos boreals i tropicals. L'augment de Ca produeix també una disminució de la respiració vegetal ?un 17 % de mitjana?, fet que podria provocar que el segrestament de Ca fos més gran que no s'havia previst. Aquests resultats han fet que alguns autors ofereixin visions força optimistes sobre la capacitat dels ecosistemes terrestres per compensar l'excés de Ca. No obstant això, l'augment de Ca no es tradueix només en un augment de la NPP (diferent per a cada espècie), sinó també en canvis en la morfologia de la planta (també diferents per a cada espècie), que comportaran canvis en els patrons d'ocupació de l'espai, que fan difícil predir en quin sentit canviarà la NPP a llarg termini en l'ecosistema sencer. No és gens clar que aquestes previsions optimistes siguin aplicables als ecosistemes terrestres mediterranis, en els quals la sequera ?principal factor limitant de la NPP? s'espera que s'agreugi en un futur, com a conseqüència del canvi climàtic. L'agreujament de la sequera es pot traduir en un augment del risc d'incendi, fet que pot conduir els ecosistemes mediterranis a una situació de gran inestabilitat, en cas que la periodicitat i la intensitat dels focs superin llur capacitat de recuperació (per germinació o rebrot). L'incendi implica pèrdues importants de N i P per volatilització; també provoca un fort augment de la disponibilitat de nutrients (sobretot N) i, doncs, un augment de la fertilitat del sòl. Moltes espècies mediterrànies, i en concret l'alzina (Quercus ilex), tenen una gran capacitat d'acumular N en òrgans basals, probablement per facilitar un rebrot ràpNet primary production (NPP) in the biosphere is limited by the current low atmospheric CO2 concentration (Ca). Hence, the increase in Ca due to anthropogenic activities, which is thought to be the main cause of climate change, is expected to result in an increase in NPP, and therefore in an increased Ca sequestration in the biomass. Increases in NPP and Ca sequestration in the biota are already detectable in boreal and tropical forests. Increased Ca results in a decrease in plant respiration ?on average, about 17%?, and therefore the increase in Ca sequestration could be higher than previously assumed. This has led some authors to publish highly optimistic views about the capacity of terrestrial ecosystems to compensate for the excess of Ca. Nevertheless, increased Ca results not only in an increase in NPP (different for every plant species), but also in changes in plant morphology (also different for every plant species); these will result in changes in the patterns of space occupation by plants, which make it difficult to predict how the NPP will change in the long term, at a whole-ecosystem level. It is not clear that such optimistic views can be applied to Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems, in which drought ?the main constraint for NPP? is expected to increase in the future as a result of climate change. Increased drought is expected to lead to a greater risk of wildfires, which can generate a highly unstable situation in the ecosystem if the periodicity and intensity of fire events surpasses its capacity to recover (either by resprouting or seeding). Wildfires cause significant losses of N and P by volatilization. They also result in a strong increase in the availability of nutrients (mainly N), and hence an increase in soil fertility

    Early retirement intention in workers from the industry and service sectors : influence of the perception of benefits from retiring or from continuing to work

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    This study aims to identify the factors that favor the intention to continue working or to retire in workers over 50 years old. The sample consisted of 186 workers of both sexes from the industry and services sectors who answered a questionnaire which recorded their perceived health, job quality and their perception of the benefits or drawbacks of continuing to work or taking early retirement. The results indicated that to continue in active employment is mainly seen as economically beneficial but negative for family life and health. In contrast, early retirement is seen as beneficial for family life and self-actualization but economically negative. A regression analysis revealed that the motivation to stay active occupationally depends on the perceived health and social support given at work, but mostly to have a positive vision of being active workforc