386 research outputs found

    Extraction of the beam elastic shape from uncertain FBG strain measurement points

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    Aim of the present paper is the analysis of the strain along the beam that is equipped with Glass Fibers Reinforced Polymers (GFRP) with an embedded set of optical Fiber Bragg Grating sensors (FBG), in the context of a project to equip with these new structural elements an Italian train bridge. Different problems are attacked, and namely: (i)during the production process [1] it is difficult to locate precisely the FBG along the reinforcement bar, therefore the following question appears: How can we associate the strain measurements to the points along the bar? Is it possible to create a signal analysis procedure such that this correspondence is found?(ii)the beam can be inflected and besides the strain at some points, we would like to recover the elastic shape of the deformed beam that is equipped with the reinforcement bars. Which signal processing do we use to determine the shape of the deformed beam in its inflection plane?(iii)if the beam is spatially inflected, in two orthogonal planes, is it possible to recover the beam spatial elastic shape? Object of the paper is to answer to these questions

    Twin-waves propagation phenomena in magnetically-coupled structures

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    The use of magnetic dipoles embedding in an elastic support introduces long-range interaction forces. This is a completely new paradigm in structural mechanics, classically based on local short-range particle interaction. The features of long-range forces produce very new mechanical coupling effects. This paper examines the case in which two identical rod-like structures, each with a dipole distribution embedded, vibrate side by side. Waves generated in one of the rods propagate also in the second and vice versa creating a new effect we name twin-waves. The present investigation unveils the existence of an infinite number of propagation modes even in one-dimensional infinite structures, a new and unus al behaviour in classical waveguides. The physics behind this phenomenon is further investigated also by numerical simulations

    Frequency intermittency and energy pumping by linear attachments

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.The present paper considers the problem of realizing an effective targeted energy pumping from a linear oscillator to a set of ungrounded linear resonators attached to it. Theoretical as well as numerical results demonstrate the efficacy of using a complex attachment as a passive absorber of broadband energy injected into the primary structure. The paper unveils also the existence of an instantaneous frequency associated with the master response characterized by intermittency: a rather surprising result for a linear autonomous system. Comparison with nonlinear energy sinks demonstrates that the two systems have some analogies in this respect and that the linear complex attachment is a very efficient energy trap. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Experimenting sensors network for innovative optimal control of car suspensions

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    This paper presents an innovative electronically controlled suspension system installed on a real car and used as a test bench. The proposed setup relies on a sensor network that acquires a large real-time dataset collecting the car vibrations and the car trim and, through a new controller based on a recently proposed theory developed by the authors, makes use of adjustable semi-active magneto-rheological dampers. A BMW series 1 is equipped with such an integrated sensors-controller-actuators device and an extensive test campaign, in real driving conditions, is carried out to evaluate its performance. Thanks to its strategy, the new plant enhances, at once, both comfort and drivability of the car, as field experiments show. A benchmark analysis is performed, comparing the performance of the new control system with the ones of traditional semi-active suspensions, such as skyhook devices: the comparison shows very good results for the proposed solution

    The record of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in the Ager Basin (Central Pyrenees, Spain)

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    The sedimentary record straddling the Paleocene/Eocene boundary in the Ager Basin (southern Central Pyrenees) was investigated by combining facies analysis, sequence stratigraphy and stable isotope data, within an interval characterized by a great variability of depositional environments. The occurrence of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) climatic anomaly is tentatively constrained by analogy with its stratigraphic range in the adjacent Tremp-Graus Basin. The main body of the carbon isotope excursion associated with the PETM may be recorded by lacustrine carbonates characterized by a ~ -3‰ shift in d13C with respect to analogous deposits of Thanetian age; a similar shift is recorded between in situ and resedimented pedogenic carbonates, a feature that suggests the partial erosion of the P/E boundary in the Ager Basin

    Damage diagnostic technique combining machine learning approach with a sensor swarm

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    A Model-free approach is particularly valuable for Structural Health Monitoring because real structures are often too complex to be modelled accurately, requiring anyhow a large quantity of sensor data to be processed. In this context, this paper presents a machine learning technique that analyses data acquired by swarm of a sensor. The proposed algorithm uses unsupervised learning and is based on the use principal component analysis and symbolic data analysis: PCA extracts features from the acquired data and use them as a template for clustering. The algorithm is tested with numerical experiments. A truss bridge is modelled by a finite element model, and structural response is produced in healthy and several damaged scenarios. The present research shows also the importance of considering a sufficient number of measurements points along the structure, i.e. the swarm of sensors. This technology, which nowadays is easily attainable with the application of optical Fiber Bragg Grating strain sensors. The difficulties related to the early stage damage detection in complex structures can be skipped, especially when ambient, narrow band, moving loads are considered, enhancing the prediction capabilities of the proposed algorithm

    Safe and secure control of swarms of vehicles by small-world theory

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    The present paper investigates a new paradigm to control a swarm of moving individual vehicles, based on the introduction of a few random long-range communications in a queue dominated by short-range car-following dynamics. The theoretical approach adapts the small-world theory, originally proposed in social sciences, to the investigation of these networks. It is shown that the controlled system exhibits properties of higher synchronization and robustness with respect to communication failures. The considered application to a vehicle swarm shows how safety and security of the related traffic dynamics are strongly increased, diminishing the collision probability even in the presence of a hacker attack to some connectivity channels

    Guest Editorial Special Issue on Recent Advances in Theory, Methodology, and Applications of Imbalanced Learning

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    Imbalanced learning is a challenging task in machine learning, faced by practitioners, and intensively investigated by researchers from a wide range of communities. However, as pointed out in the book titled “ Imbalanced Learning: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications ” and collectively authored by experts in the field, many if not most of the approaches to imbalanced learning are heuristic and ad hoc in nature, hence leaving many questions unanswered. To fill this gap, the aim of this Special Issue is to collect recent research works that focus on the theory, methodology, and applications of imbalanced learning. After carefully reviewing a large number of submissions, we selected 15 works to be included in this Special Issue. These works can be roughly categorized into three types: deep-learning-based methods (6), methods based on other machine-learning paradigms (7), and empirical comparative studies (2)

    OPTYRE—Real time estimation of rolling resistance for intelligent tyres

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    The study of the rolling tyre is a problem framed in the general context of nonlinear elasticity. The dynamics of the related phenomena is still an open topic, even though few examples and models of tyres can be found in the technical literature. The interest in the dissipation effects associated with the rolling motion is justified by their importance in fuel-saving and in the context of an eco-friendly design. However, a general lack of knowledge characterizes the phenomenon, since not even direct experience on the rolling tyre can reveal the insights of the correlated different dissipation effects, as the friction between the rubber and the road, the contact kinematics and dynamics, the tyre hysteretic behaviour and the grip. A new technology, based on fibre Bragg grating strain sensors and conceived within the OPTYRE project, is illustrated for the specific investigation of the tyre dissipation related phenomena. The remarkable power of this wireless optical system stands in the chance of directly accessing the behaviour of the inner tyre in terms of stresses when a real-condition-rolling is experimentally observed. The ad hoc developed tyre model has allowed the identification of the instant grip conditions, of the area of the contact patch and allows the estimation of the instant dissipated power, which is the focus of this paper

    Damping control of polodes, inertia and natural frequencies: Theory and application to automotive suspensions

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    This paper shows how tunable dampers can help control the instant centre of rotation of a 2D rigid body and its polode in planar motion, which in turn implies that the inertia tensor can also be controlled. For mechanisms equipped with some elasticity the results show that damping can also control their natural frequencies. The foundation of a general theory to control the polode is presented, exploring the chance of an optimal control formulation of the problem via a variational control principle, approached by the LQR (Linear Quadratic Regulator) method, after a suitable linearization. Application to automotive suspension linkages is presented that demonstrates the control of the instant roll centre and axis and consequently its instant roll vibration frequency to optimize the response, when excited by lateral inertia forces