96 research outputs found

    Effect of initial relative density on the post-liquefaction behaviour of sand

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    Understanding the behaviour of soils under cyclic/dynamic loading has been one of the challenging topics in geotechnical engineering. The response of liquefiable soils has been well studied however, the post liquefaction behaviour of sands needs better understanding. In this paper, the post liquefaction behaviour of sands is investigated through several series of multi-stage soil element tests using a cyclic Triaxial apparatus. Four types of sand were used where the sands were first liquefied and then monotonically sheared to obtain stress-strain curves. Results of the tests indicate that the stress-strain behaviour of sand in post liquefaction phase can be modelled as a bi-linear curve using three parameters: the initial shear modulus ( ), critical state shear modulus ( ), and post-dilation shear strain ( ) which is the shear strain at the onset of dilation. It was found that the three parameters are dependent on the initial relative density of sands. Furthermore, it was observed that with the increase in the relative density both and increase and decreases. The practical application of the results is to generate p-y curves for liquefied soil

    Synthesis of mesoporous ZSM-5 zeolites and their application in furan deoxygenation

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    L'épuisement des réserves de combustibles fossiles et l'augmentation de la demande énergétique ainsi que les problèmes économiques, politiques et environnementaux liés aux combustibles fossiles ont rendu impératif le développement de processus de production de carburants et de produits chimiques renouvelables. La source de carbone durable la plus abondante et la moins chère qui puisse être utilisée comme matière première pour la production de carburants renouvelables et de matières premières chimiques est la biomasse lignocellulosique. Le liquide produit à partir de la pyrolyse de la biomasse est appelé huile de pyrolyse ou bio-huile. Ce liquide contient un mélange complexe de composés résultant de la dégradation d'unités de construction de la biomasse, cellulose, hémicellulose et la lignine. Il a un faible pouvoir calorifique et une teneur élevée en oxygène. Il est acide et contient des particules de charbon solide. Il est donc incompatible avec les carburants actuels à base de pétrole, est thermiquement instable et se dégrade avec le temps. Par conséquent, la valorisation de la bio-huile est inévitable afin de résoudre les problèmes associés aux huiles de pyrolyse et de les utiliser comme carburants et produits chimiques renouvelables. La désoxygénation catalytique est l'une des méthodes prometteuses qui ont été largement étudiées afin d'éliminer l'oxygène atomique et de valoriser ces huiles. Cependant, il y a encore plusieurs problèmes tels qu'une faible sélectivité en aromatiques et oléfines et la formation de coke. Ainsi, le développement de nouveaux catalyseurs et procédés est indispensable pour surmonter les préoccupations mentionnées. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, la synthèse et la caractérisation d'une série d'échantillons de ZSM-5 mésoporeux sont discutées. Le copolymère tribloc Pluronic P123 (EO20PO70EO20) a été utilisé comme matrice de phase méso et la synthèse a été suivie par une méthode d'ajustement du pH permettant d'obtenir un matériau ZSM-5 bien cristallisé avec des méso-canaux de taille 8-10 nm. Les matériaux résultants ont été caractérisés par diffraction des rayons X, microscopie électronique à transmission (TEM), adsorption / désorption d'azote, microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB), résonance magnétique nucléaire à l'état solide (MAS-RMN) et désorption en température programmée de l'ammoniac (TPD). La difficulté de la méthode développée est d'effectuer la croissance de cristaux de zéolithe avec un réseau de pores mésostructuré d'une manière coopérative, en évitant à la fois une séparation de phase entre les unités de surfactant et de zéolithe pendant la cristallisation et la formation d'un matériau mésoporeux amorphe séparé. Dans la deuxième partie, l'effet de la mésoporosité sur la désoxygénation du furane en termes de production d’aromatiques et de désactivation du catalyseur par une étude comparative entre des échantillons de ZSM-5 mésoporeux et microporeux, est étudié. Les catalyseurs mésoporeux ont été préparés selon le procédé décrit dans la première partie avec des rapports Si / Al de 30 et 60. De plus, deux taux différents de WHSV de 5,5 et 11 h-1 ont été utilisés dans les essais. On a trouvé que le taux de conversion du furane initial était plus élevé pour les catalyseurs microporeux, qui se désactivaient cependant rapidement, sur 2 heures de fonctionnement. D'autre part, les catalyseurs mésoporeux ont montré une activité plus régulière avec une légère vitesse de désactivation. La sélectivité globale en aromatiques par rapport aux catalyseurs mésoporeux était plus élevée que par rapport à celle des catalyseurs microporeux. Au chapitre 4, l'effet de l'incorporation de sites actifs métalliques (Zn) sur les taux de conversion du furane, la production d'aromatiques et la formation de coke est discuté. Deux séries de catalyseurs microporeux et mésoporeux avec Si / Al = 30 ont été préparées à différentes charges métalliques de 2 et 5% en poids. Les résultats de la caractérisation par diffraction des rayons X (XRD) n'ont révélé aucun pic supplémentaire par rapport au spectre de la zéolithe, indiquant la bonne dispersion du zinc. Le taux initial de conversion de furane était plus élevé pour les catalyseurs microporeux; il augmentait avec une augmentation de la charge de métal, mais les échantillons mésoporeux se sont rapidement désactivés après 2 heures de fonctionnement. De plus, la sélectivité en aromatiques avec le benzène comme produit principal a été augmentée et la formation de coke a été réduite pour les échantillons mésostructurés.Depleting fossil fuel reserves and increase of energy demands along with economical,political, and environmental issues related to the fossil fuels have made it imperative to develop processes to produce renewable fuels and chemicals. The most plentiful and cheap sustainable source of carbon that can be used as a feedstock for the production of renewable fuels and commodity chemical feedstocks is lignocellulosic biomass. The liquid produced from the pyrolysis of biomass is designated as pyrolysis oil or bio-oil. This liquid contains acomplex mixture of compounds resulting from the degradation of biomass building units,cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin. It has a low heating value and high oxygen content, isacidic, contains solid char particles, is incompatible with current petroleum-based fuels, isthermally unstable, and degrades with time. Therefore, upgrading of bio-oil is inevitable inorder to resolve the issues associated with pyrolysis oils and to use them as renewable fuelsand chemicals. Catalytic deoxygenation is one the promising methods which have been extensively studied in order to remove atomic oxygen and valorizing these oils. However, there are still several issues such as low selectivity into aromatics and olefins and coke formation. Thus, developing new catalysts and processes is a must to overcome the mentioned concerns.In the first part of this thesis, the synthesis and characterization of a series of mesoporousZSM-5 samples are discussed. Pluronic P123 triblock copolymer (EO20PO70EO20) was used as the meso-phase template and synthesis was followed by a pH adjusting methodallowing obtaining a well-crystallized ZSM-5 material with meso-channels of size of 8-10nm. The resulting materials were characterized using X-ray diffraction, transmission electronmicroscopy (TEM), nitrogen adsorption/desorption, scanning electron microscopy (SEM),solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS-NMR) and ammonia temperature programmed desorption (TPD) analyses. The significance of the developed method is to perform the growth of zeolite crystals with a mesostructured pore lattice in a cooperative manner,avoiding both a phase separation between the surfactant and zeolite units during crystallization and the formation of a separate amorphous mesoporous material. In the second part, the effect of mesoporosity on deoxygenation of furan in terms of aromatic production and catalyst deactivation through a comparative study between mesoporous andmicroporous ZSM-5 samples, is studied. The mesoporous catalysts were prepared accordingto the method described in part one with Si/Al ratios of 30 and 60. Moreover, two differentWHSV rates of 5.5 and 11 h-1 were employed in the reaction tests. It was found that the initialfuran conversion was higher over the microporous catalysts, which however deactivated rapidly, over 2 hours of time on-stream. On the other hand, the mesoporous catalysts showeda steadier activity with a slight deactivation rate. The overall selectivity to aromatics over the mesoporous catalysts was higher than over the microporous ones. In chapter 4, the effect of the incorporation of zinc metallic active sites on the conversion,aromatic production and coke formation rates is discussed. Two series of microporous and mesoporous catalyst with Si/Al=30 were prepared at different metal loadings of 2 and 5 wt.%.The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns revealed no extra peaks compared to thoseof the Zn free materials, indicating the good dispersion of zinc. The initial furan conversionrate was higher over the microporous catalysts, and increased by increasing the metal loading,however the microporous samples, deactivated rapidly after 2 hours of time on-stream. Inaddition, the aromatic selectivity with benzene as the major product was increased and coke formation was reduced over the mesostructured zeolites

    Powder characteristics, microstructure and properties of graphite platelet reinforced Poly Ether Ether Ketone composites in High Temperature Laser Sintering (HT-LS)

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is avilable from the publisher via DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2015.09.094Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The properties of graphite platelet reinforced Poly Ether Ether Ketone (PEEK/GP) composites from powder to laser sintered parts were investigated in this study. The flowability, particle size and laser absorption characteristics of PEEK/GP powders with various graphite loadings were studied. It was found that the addition of graphite improved laser absorption; however, the flowability of powder was reduced. Micro-CT scanning was used to study the distribution, dispersion and the orientation of graphite platelets as well as the porosity and maximum pore size of laser sintered PEEK/GP composites. The graphite platelets were observed to be distributed evenly in the structure without significant agglomeration. Most of the graphite had their in-plane surface orientated in the X-Y plane of fabrication, which increased the tensile strength of the composites incorporating 5. wt.% graphite. The investigation also demonstrated that the porosity and maximum pore size increased with increasing amounts of graphite. A significant increase in porosity and pore size was found in PEEK/GP composites with 7.5. wt.% graphite, and it is believed to be responsible for the drop in tensile strength. DMA analysis showed no reduction of the damping properties in the composites incorporating up to 5. wt.% graphite, whereas the composites with 7.5. wt.% graphite showed increased stiffness

    Morphological effects of porous poly-D,L-lactic acid/hydroxyapatite scaffolds produced by supercritical CO2 foaming on their mechanical performance

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    A novel supercritical CO2 foaming technique was used to fabricate scaffolds of controllable morphology and mechanical properties, with the potential to tailor the scaffolds to specific tissue engineering applications. Biodegradable scaffolds are widely used as temporary supportive structures for bone regeneration. The scaffolds must provide a sufficient mechanical support while allowing cell attachment and growth as well as metabolic activities. In this study, supercritical CO2 foaming was used to prepare fully interconnected porous scaffolds of poly-D,L-lactic acid and poly-D,L-lactic acid/hydroxyapatite. The morphological, mechanical and cell behaviours of the scaffolds were measured to examine the effect of hydroxyapatite on these properties. These scaffolds showed an average porosity in the range of 86%–95%, an average pore diameter of 229–347 µm and an average pore interconnection of 103–207 µm. The measured porosity, pore diameter, and interconnection size are suitable for cancellous bone regeneration. Compressive strength and modulus of up to 36.03 ± 5.90 and 37.97 ± 6.84 MPa were measured for the produced porous scaffolds of various compositions. The mechanical properties presented an improvement with the addition of hydroxyapatite to the structure. The relationship between morphological and mechanical properties was investigated. The matrices with different compositions were seeded with bone cells, and all the matrices showed a high cell viability and biocompatibility. The number of cells attached on the matrices slightly increased with the addition of hydroxyapatite indicating that hydroxyapatite improves the biocompatibility and proliferation of the scaffolds. The produced poly-D,L-lactic acid/hydroxyapatite scaffolds in this study showed a potential to be used as bone graft substitutes

    Understanding pore formation and the effect on mechanical properties of high speed sintered polyamide-12 parts: A focus on energy input

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    High Speed Sintering is a novel powder-bed fusion Additive Manufacturing technique that uses an infrared lamp to provide intensive thermal energy to sinter polymer powders. The amount of thermal energy is critical to particle coalescence related defects such as porosity. This study investigates the effect of energy input on porosity and the resulting mechanical properties of polyamide-12 parts. Samples were produced at different lamp speeds, generating varying amount of energy input from a low to a high level. They were then scanned using X-ray Computed Tomography technique, following which they were subject to tensile testing. A strong correlation between energy input, porosity and mechanical properties was found, whereby pore formation was fundamentally caused by insufficient energy input. A greater amount of energy input resulted in a reduced porosity level, which in turn led to improved mechanical properties. The porosity, ultimate tensile strength and elongation achieved were 0.58%, 42.4 MPa and 10.0%, respectively, by using the standard parameters. Further increasing the energy input resulted in the lowest porosity of 0.14% and the highest ultimate tensile strength and elongation of 44.4 MPa and 13.5%, respectively. Pore morphology, volume, number density and spatial distribution were investigated, which were found to be closely linked with energy input and mechanical properties