1,733 research outputs found

    Imaginaries of a ‘Europe of the regions’

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    “I have not come here this evening to talk to you about a utopia; no, I am here to talk to you about an adventure ...: the federating of Europe.” These are the words of Denis de Rougemont (1948, p.1), the Swiss philosopher and scholar, given at a talk on 22nd of April 1948 at the Sorbonne, Paris. He was advocating for the cultural, historical regions to become the sub-European political units instead of nation states. I start this essay with his statement not because I necessarily agree with his views, but because he is the person who coined the term ‘Europe of the regions’ in his book The idea of Europe, which appeared in English in 1966 (de Rougemont, 1966). Donald Tusk (2016), former President of the European Union (EU), called him “a philosopher of regionalism” and “a pioneer of the EU moto of ‘unity in diversity’”. I also started this essay with de Rougemont because of his take on what constitutes Europe. In his book, he traces the history of the idea from the Greek myth of the abduction of Europa by Zeus to the 18th and 19th century federalist ideas of Napoleon and the 1960s European Community, and concludes that the search for Europe is to build Europe; that, Europe is only to be found in the process of creating it (de Rougemont, 1966). This relational perspective somewhat resonates with what I am going to discuss about ‘the region’ and a ‘Europe of the regions’

    All for Love: The Myth of Romantic Passion in Japanese Cinema

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    Examines examples of forbidden love, romantic passion, love suicides, and other versions of the leibestod motif in Japanese films, and compares them to medieval European stories such as that of Tristan and Iseult

    Regionalismo, Europeísmo e Federalismo em Denis de Rougemont

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Relações Internacionais, 4 de Janeiro de 2017, Universidade dos Açores.O presente trabalho dedica-se a uma análise prospetiva da obra de Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985), pensador suíço e escritor francófono, o qual teve um profundo impacto no século passado no movimento personalista, no pensamento sobre as regiões e, sobretudo, no valor de um projeto federal europeu. Através da leitura da sua obra e de outros ensaios e teses sobre o pensador suíço, procura-se fazer um levantamento exaustivo de três dimensões do pensamento rougemontiano: regionalismo, europeísmo e federalismo. De entre as diversas áreas do pensamento a que Rougemont se dedicou, as três dimensões acima mencionadas vão enformar um quadro concetual original e atual que encontra no federalismo a resposta para os desafios europeus. Para um melhor entendimento da estrutura de pensamento do escritor suíço, traça-se uma breve resenha do homem e o seu contexto e a profunda influência do personalismo e cristianismo na sua produção literária e legado intelectual. Recorrendo à sua vasta obra, observamos a forma como a região se vai tornar um espaço de vivência das comunidades, por oposição ao Estado-nação que se revelava desadequado, e até um obstáculo, à implementação de uma Europa federal. Olhamos, ainda, para o ideal federalista preconizado por Rougemont, que se aplica à Europa - um continente evidente visto de fora – e o modo original como vai conciliar realidades diversas com o objetivo comum de unir os europeus em torno de um projeto comum.ABSTRACT: This work is dedicated to a prospective analysis of the work of Denis de Rougemont (1906-1985), Swiss thinker and francophone writer, which had a profound impact in the last century in the personalist movement, in regional thinking and, above all, the value of a European federal project. Through the reading of his work and other essays and theses on the Swiss thinker, we propose to do a comprehensive survey of three dimensions of Rougemont’s thought: regionalism, Europeanism and federalism. Among the various areas of thought to which Rougemont dedicated himself, the three aforementioned dimensions will shape an original conceptual framework that understand federalism as a response to European challenges. For a better understanding of the Swiss writer’s structure and thought, we draw a brief outline of the man and his context and the profound influence of personalism and Christianity in his literary production and intellectual legacy. Relying on his vast work, we observe how the region will become a space of living communities, as opposed to the nation-state that is clearly inadequate, and even an obstacle to the implementation of a federal Europe. We look also for the federalist ideal advocated by Rougemont, which applies to Europe - an obvious continent seen from the outside - and the original way that he propose to reconcile different realities with the common goal to unite Europeans around a common project

    Un cambio en la narrativa: Over the Garden Wall como reconstrucción literaria de La Divina Comedia de Dante

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    Literature remains a field that serves TV creators and critics as a model both for influence and comparison. The continuity claimed by Thomas Doherty between the most recent TV narrative form with the serialised novels of Dickens or Wharton is not limited to the form itself but to its content as well. Such is the case of the TV animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, created by Patrick McHale in 2014, whose combination of Victorian fairy-tale imagery and aesthetics, as well as its reliance on literary allusion incarnates this paradigm. Within its narrative there can be found an array of literary references that range from the classics to children’s fables, as well as allusions to history and to different mythologies; an intertextual character that is featured in TV as much as in literary texts from all eras, binding the two forms together. Among the numerous texts referenced in this tale of tales, however, there is one that stands out: Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. This article scrutinises the relationship between Over the Garden Wall and Dante’s Comedy, understanding the show’s protagonist, Wirt, and his quest as a replication of Dante and his descent through Hell. The main claim is that by doing so, Over the Garden Wall also highlights how Campbell’s narrative paradigm, applicable as it is to forms of media other than literature, evinces the narrative continuity, which exists between TV and the written text.La literatura sigue siendo un campo que sirve a creadores y críticos de televisión como modelo tanto de influencia como de comparación. La continuidad reivindicada por Thomas Doherty entre narrativa televisiva más reciente y las novelas serializadas de Dickens o Wharton no se limita a la forma en sí, sino también a su contenido. Tal es el caso de la miniserie de animación televisiva Over the Garden Wall, creada por Patrick McHale en 2014, cuya combinación de imaginario de cuentos de hadas y estética victoriana, así como su dependencia de la alusión literaria, encarna este paradigma. Dentro de su narrativa se pueden encontrar un abanico de referencias literarias que van desde los clásicos hasta las fábulas infantiles, pasando por alusiones a la historia y a diferentes mitologías; un personaje intertextual que aparece tanto en la televisión como en los textos literarios de todas las épocas, uniendo ambas formas. Entre los numerosos textos a los que se hace referencia en esta serie animada, hay uno que se destaca: La Divina Comedia de Dante Alighieri. Este artículo analiza la relación entre Over the Garden Wall y La Divina Comedia, entendiendo al protagonista del programa, Wirt, y su búsqueda, como una réplica de Dante y su des-censo al infierno. La afirmación principal es que, al hacerlo, Over the Garden Wall muestra cómo el paradigma narrativo de Campbell es aplicable a otros medios distintos de la literatura y evidencia la continuidad narrativa que existe entre la televisión y el texto escrito

    A hundred years of research on the 18th‑century theatre in Poland and France

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    Among the modern researchers conducting studies on the 18th century, there is a widespread belief that research on Polish theatre of that era did not develop until the turn of the 1950s and 1960s. It is only part of the truth. The apogee of theatri cal research coincided with those years, resulting from the 200th anniversary of the National Theatre, which was widely promoted by the authorities. However, the first diagnoses of Polish theatre scientists dealing with the 18th century are much earlier. Suffice it to recall Ludwik Bernacki’s monumental work, "Theatre, Drama and Music under Stanislaw August", which the researcher published in Lviv in 1925. Bernacki’s research was closely related to the work of French theatre scientists, who conducted research on the scene and drama of the 18th century before the First World War. This article analyses and chronologically presents the last century of theatrical re search and its methodological changes on the example of Polish and French history of 18th-century theatre