180 research outputs found

    Eindrapportage van het onderzoeksprogramma Welzijn gezelschapsdieren

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    Dit eindrapport beschrijft de resultaten van het onderzoeksprogramma Welzijn Gezelschapsdieren. Hoofdstuk 1 geeft in het kort de achterliggende redenen voor en de totstandkoming van het programma weer. De hoofdstukken 2 tot en met 7 geven een overzicht van opzet, verloop en bevindingen van de zes afzonderlijke projecten. In hoofdstuk 8 wordt het geheel kort geëvalueerd

    Психолого-педагогічний аналіз комунікативної діяльності педагога

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    У статті комунікативна діяльність розглядається як структурно-функціональний компонент педагогічної діяльності вчителя, аналізується взаємозв’язок педагогічної й комунікативної задач, розкриваються особливості процесу вирішення комунікативно-педагогічної задачі.In the article communicative activities are considered as structural and functional components of the teacher’s pedagogical activities, the relationship of pedagogical and communicative tasks are analyzed, features of the solution process communicative and pedagogical tasks are revealed

    Piezoresistive cantilever designed for torque magnetometry

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    New piezoresistive silicon cantilevers designed specifically for torque magnetometry on microscopic samples have been microfabricated and tested. These levers have been optimized to detect the torque in two directions corresponding to flexion and torsion. Torque resolution of 10 E-14 N m can be achieved depending on the operating mode. In one version an integrated loop allows an absolute calibration of the device with an accuracy of ~1%. This loop can also be used to excite the lever mechanically. One application is the determination of the mass of nanogram samples by measuring the resonance frequency shift (nanobalance)

    Pharmacovigilance - Vaccins à ARNm contre le Covid-19 : le point sur les effets indésirables [Pharmacovigilance - mRNA COVID-19 vaccines : current state of knowledge on their adverse effects]

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has stimulated the rapid development and large-scale use of technologically innovative vaccines, such as the mRNA vaccines Spikevax (Moderna) and Comirnaty (Pfizer-BioNTech). This unprecedented deployment has challenged pharmacovigilance, requiring combined skills in safety monitoring, prompt data analysis and continuous dissemination of knowledge. Main recognised adverse events of these vaccines are moderate and transient, linked to their significant reactogenicity. Active post-marketing surveillance has identified rare adverse events such as myopericarditis and a variety of skin reactions. A number of potential rare adverse events are being evaluated and could be retained at the individual level, but do not question the overall safety of these vaccines

    An innovative ethosuximide granule formulation designed for pediatric use: Comparative pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and palatability profile versus reference syrup.

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    Ethosuximide, the first-line therapy for childhood absence epilepsy, is currently formulated as a syrup (Zarontin®, Pfizer) with a bitter taste and high sugar content, poorly adapted to children, and a ketogenic diet. The collaborative European FP7 project KIEKIDS aimed at developing an innovative sugar-free, tasteless formulation convenient for pediatric use. This dual Phase-I study evaluated two granule formulations based on lipid multiparticulate (LMP) technology. Two panels of 6 healthy adult volunteers underwent a randomized, placebo-controlled, partly blinded, 3-way cross-over trial, comparing ethosuximide granules A or B with placebo granules and syrup at single 10 mg/kg doses. Corresponding plasma pharmacokinetic profiles of ethosuximide were compared, along with palatability, safety, and tolerability. The LMP granule A proved suboptimal due to bitterness and adherence to beaker walls, while the optimized granule B revealed excellent palatability, similar to placebo granules, and low adherence to glass. The relative bioavailability of granules A versus syrup, based on dose-normalized C <sub>max</sub> and AUC <sub>0-∞</sub> was 93.7% [90% CI: 76.3-115.1] and 96.1% [91.0-101.5], respectively. For granules B it was 87.6% [81.6-94.0] and 92.5% [88.5-96.6], respectively, with slightly delayed t <sub>max</sub> of 0.75 h [0.5-4.05] compared to syrup 0.5 h [0.3-0.8]. Tolerability visual analog scales revealed a trend for statistically non-significant improvement versus syrup at peak (30 min) for transient dizziness (both granules), fatigue (granules A), and anxiety (granules B). The innovative ethosuximide granule formulation B achieves a suitable profile for pediatric use, being sugar-free, tasteless, bioequivalent, and well-tolerated while enabling precise adjustment to body weight

    Козацькі могили у творчості Тараса Шевченка

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    The detoxification of ammonia occurs mainly through conversion of ammonia to urea in the liver via the urea cycle and glutamine synthesis. Congenital portosystemic shunts (CPSS) in dogs cause hyperammonemia eventually leading to hepatic encephalopathy. In this study, the gene expression of urea cycle enzymes (carbamoylphosphate synthetase (CPS1), ornithine carbamoyltransferase (OTC), argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1), argininosuccinate lyase (ASL), and arginase (ARG1)), N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS), Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLUD1), and glutamate-ammonia ligase (GLUL) was evaluated in dogs with CPSS before and after surgical closure of the shunt. Additionally, immunohistochemistry was performed on urea cycle enzymes and GLUL on liver samples of healthy dogs and dogs with CPSS to investigate a possible zonal distribution of these enzymes within the liver lobule and to investigate possible differences in distribution in dogs with CPSS compared to healthy dogs. Furthermore, the effect of increasing ammonia concentrations on the expression of the urea cycle enzymes was investigated in primary hepatocytes in vitro. Gene-expression of CPS1, OTC, ASL, GLUD1 and NAGS was down regulated in dogs with CPSS and did not normalize after surgical closure of the shunt. In all dogs GLUL distribution was localized pericentrally. CPS1, OTC and ASS1 were localized periportally in healthy dogs, whereas in CPSS dogs, these enzymes lacked a clear zonal distribution. In primary hepatocytes higher ammonia concentrations induced mRNA levels of CPS1. We hypothesize that the reduction in expression of urea cycle enzymes, NAGS and GLUD1 as well as the alterations in zonal distribution in dogs with CPSS may be caused by a developmental arrest of these enzymes during the embryonic or early postnatal phase

    Creating a learning space: Using experiential learning and creativity in the teaching and learning of social pedagogy

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    This reflective account has been co-developed, produced and written by students and the teaching staff on the BA Hons Social Pedagogy, Advocacy, and Participation degree at the University of Central Lancashire. The account focuses on the use of experiential and creative teaching methods utilised on the course and how this enhances the understanding and application of social pedagogy. The article critically analyses the link between how the social pedagogical theories, concepts and methods are taught and the advancement of the student and lecturer understanding of this field of study. In developing this reflective account, the current student cohort and lecturers were given the opportunity to participate in a collaborative reflection across all years of the course. They discussed their own learning journey and how this has shaped development of creativity within their practice. During the discussions around the use of blended, experiential learning and creativity, three key themes emerged: (1) the importance of the environment on creativity and learning; (2) the importance of relationships, creativity and learning; and (3) Haltung, psychological safety and creativity. In the reflections on what they have learned so far, the students and lecturers hope to inspire other education providers to use creative and experiential teaching methods within their courses. The authors feel that the reflective account contains useful information around the learning that has taken place over the last three years of this course being taugh

    A novel method for engineering autologous non-thrombogenic in situ tissue-engineered blood vessels for arteriovenous grafting

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    The durability of prosthetic arteriovenous (AV) grafts for hemodialysis access is low, predominantly due to stenotic lesions in the venous outflow tract and infectious complications. Tissue engineered blood vessels (TEBVs) might offer a tailor-made autologous alternative for prosthetic grafts. We have designed a method in which TEBVs are grown in vivo, by utilizing the foreign body response to subcutaneously implanted polymeric rods in goats, resulting in the formation of an autologous fibrocellular tissue capsule (TC). One month after implantation, the polymeric rod is extracted, whereupon TCs (length 6 cm, diameter 6.8 mm) were grafted as arteriovenous conduit between the carotid artery and jugular vein of the same goats. At time of grafting, the TCs were shown to have sufficient mechanical strength in terms of bursting pressure (2382 +/- 129 mmHg), and suture retention strength (SRS: 1.97 +/- 0.49 N). The AV grafts were harvested at 1 or 2 months after grafting. In an ex vivo whole blood perfusion system, the lumen of the vascular grafts was shown to be less thrombogenic compared to the initial TCs and ePTFE grafts. At 8 weeks after grafting, the entire graft was covered with an endothelial layer and abundant elastin expression was present throughout the graft. Patency at 1 and 2 months was comparable with ePTFE AV-grafts. In conclusion, we demonstrate the remodeling capacity of cellularized in vivo engineered TEBVs, and their potential as autologous alternative for prosthetic vascular grafts.Vascular Surger

    Two cases of "cannabis acute psychosis" following the administration of oral cannabis

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    BACKGROUND: Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug and its therapeutic aspects have a growing interest. Short-term psychotic reactions have been described but not clearly with synthetic oral THC, especially in occasional users. CASE PRESENTATIONS: We report two cases of healthy subjects who were occasional but regular cannabis users without psychiatric history who developed transient psychotic symptoms (depersonalization, paranoid feelings and derealisation) following oral administration of cannabis. In contrast to most other case reports where circumstances and blood concentrations are unknown, the two cases reported here happened under experimental conditions with all subjects negative for cannabis, opiates, amphetamines, cocaine, benzodiazepines and alcohol, and therefore the ingested dose, the time-events of effects on behavior and performance as well as the cannabinoid blood levels were documented. CONCLUSION: While the oral route of administration achieves only limited blood concentrations, significant psychotic reactions may occur