249 research outputs found

    Interim Measures

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    Traditionally, requests for interim relief have been a construct of courts. However, arbitrators are increasingly being asked to make such rulings themselves. Requesting interim relief from an arbitrator, as opposed to the court, is particularly appealing in international arbitration, where parties often engage in arbitration as a way of avoiding local courts and any home court advantage that may be associated with them. Sometimes, though, interim relief may be unavailable from the arbitral tribunal; for example, when coercion is associated with the requested measure. In such situations, the powers to grant interim measures are shared between arbitral tribunals and courts. Yet, it appears necessary to draw boundaries between their respective areas of jurisdiction

    Holistic framework for land settlement development project sustainability assessment : comparison of El Hierro Island hydro wind project and Sivens dam project

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    Project developer in the domain of land settlement project are involved with many stakeholders and are usually overflown by data relative to technical, economic and social issues. This paper contributes to the necessary multi-scale approach challenge and we propose a holistic framework that enables to describe the development process of land settlement project and assess its sustainability. It would help developers to take decisions compliant with the project complexity. In the model driven engineering perspective, the metamodel framework is described with the ISO 19440 four views to represent complex systems: architectural, structural, functional and behavioural. We confront it to describe two case studies: the successful project of hydro-wind power plant in El Hierro in the Canaries, and the Sivens Dam project in France sadly famous for its deadly outcome. Their comparison enables us to draw hypothesis on what are the ingredients of success and validate the framework

    1787 the Grand Convention

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    International audienc

    Ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma by percutaneous ethanol injection: Imaging findings

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    Summary: Since PEI is a treatment based on imaging techniques, the radiologist should be familiar with the various findings that may be observed after PEI on US, CT, and MR images immediately after treatment and during later follow-up. Although US is well suited for performing PEI, contrast-enhanced CT currently is the most commonly used imaging method to evaluate the effect of PEI. Residual, nodular areas of contrast enhancement correlate well with residual tumor and warrant additional treatment. Although the findings on MR images obtained after PEI are more complex, MR imaging may be used as an alternative to C

    Hvordan skaper blogging persepsjon av lederskap?

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    Bakgrunnen for denne oppgaven baserer seg pĂ„ vĂ„r genuine interesse for pĂ„virkning- og ledelsesfagene. Vi finner det interessant Ă„ se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ hvordan andre oppfatter ledere som tar i bruk blogg hvor det publiseres bĂ„de private og jobbrelaterte innlegg. Oppgaven skal derfor forsĂžke Ă„ bevisstgjĂžre persepsjonen som finnes om ledere som tar i bruk blogg. For Ă„ kunne undersĂžke dette har vi tatt i bruk Stereotype Content Model (SCM). Modellen er tidligere tatt i bruk av Fiske, Cuddy, Glick og Xu (2002), og har vĂŠrt en inspirasjon til utformingen av vĂ„r oppgave. For Ă„ kunne se nĂŠrmere pĂ„ persepsjonen som finnes om ledere som blogger har vi utformet fĂžlgende problemstilling som utgangspunkt: ”Hvordan skaper blogging persepsjon av lederskap?” Ettersom denne undersĂžkelsens formĂ„l er Ă„ forstĂ„ og beskrive et fenomen innebĂŠrer dette at vi har valgt en eksplorativ tilnĂŠrming som har et fenomenologisk utgangspunkt som forskningsdesign. Vi har derfor gjennomfĂžrt individuelle dybdeintervjuer av vĂ„rt utvalg, som er avgrenset til yngre ledere i norsk nĂŠringsliv som befinner seg i Oslo-omrĂ„det. VĂ„r undersĂžkelse viser at det finnes ulik persepsjon av lederskap, nĂ„r ledere tar i bruk blogg. Funnene i undersĂžkelsen indikerer at vĂ„re informanter assosierer bloggfenomenet med begrepet rosablogger. Det forekommer tendenser av fordommer og stereotypier til bloggfenomenet, og dette kan sees i sammenheng med horneffekten. Funnene indikerer at ledere som blogger ikke fremstĂ„r som varme, men at bruken assosieres med Ă„ skape en fasade og fremme seg selv. Det viser seg at vĂ„re informanter stiller spĂžrsmĂ„lstegn til lederens troverdighet nĂ„r man tar i bruk blogg, men at autoritetsprinsippet er gjeldende nĂ„r det kommer til statussymbolet titler. Det kan tenkes at det forekommer en klikk-snurr respondering nĂ„r man blir presentert for tittelen leder, pĂ„ bakgrunn av at samtlige informanter beskriver ledere som blogger som kompetente. Det som ogsĂ„ kan oppstĂ„ er glorieeffekten hvor vi liker mennesker som er like oss selv, og at vĂ„re informanter aksentuerer det som passer. I vĂ„r undersĂžkelse viser det seg at ledere med en posisjonsmakt eller en stillingstittel, kan skadeliggjĂžre sitt eget omdĂžmme men ogsĂ„ relasjoner i organisasjonen, ved Ă„ bruke blogg til Ă„ ytre om sine private holdninger. PĂ„ en annen side viser det seg derimot at det kan vĂŠre effektivt Ă„ ta lederskap ved hjelp av blogg nĂ„r man ikke har en konkret posisjonsmakt i en organisasjon, ifĂžlge vĂ„r undersĂžkelse

    A flexible metamodel architecture for optimal design of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) – Case study of a stand-alone HRES for a factory in tropical island

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    The energy sector is mutating with an increasing share of renewable energy. Renewable energy developers are facing new challenges, in particular sizing systems that combine multiple production sources and storage devices to match demand. Accordingly, this paper proposes a flexible metamodel architecture and a C++ software implementation for the grassroots design of Hybrid Renewable Energy System (HRES). The metamodel enables one to build optimization problem formulated as a Mixed Integer Linear Problem (MILP) with a tailor-made objective function to find the optimal size of HRES. The flexibility of the metamodel lies in its ability to handle many hybrid system configurations for three common types of usages of HRES, either for onsite demand, remote demand or a combination. It is demonstrated with two specific case studies, a stand-alone HRES composed of PV panels, battery set, and a diesel generator; and a factory in a tropical island. This paper contributes to a better adoption of cleaner production systems since it provides to decision makers a tool for HRES assessmen

    Impact of taxes and investment incentive on the development of renewable energy self-consumption: French household’s case study

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    Mutations in the energy sector are shifting the production and distribution systems from a centralized to a decentralized model. Within this context, we address the economics of grid-connected Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES) in relation with energy management strategies by considering taxes and economic regulation frameworks. Therefore, we propose a model to perform economic analysis of such HRES formulated as a MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) model in the context of the French regulation. We test it on the case study of an integrated PV installation for French households’ self-consumption, comparing two household sizes: a two persons household with a consumption of 4000 kWh/year and a five persons household consuming 8500 kWh/year; and two solar exposures: one of 1400 h of equivalent maximum production and one of 1060 h. The main results is that the current regulation framework for incentive calculus does not encourage citizens to install a maximum of PV panels as well as it does not guarantee a uniform development of self-consumption infrastructure. Alternatively, we propose a new regulation framework in order to reverse those tendencies


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    Ber ba ga i c ar a tel ah di lak uk an untuk m enangg ul ang i T B, s alah s atun ya de nga n pen er ap an s tr at egi DO T S ( Dir ec tly O bs er v ed T r eatm ent Sh or tc our s e ) hing ga k e pel a ya na n k es ehatan pr im er . Ber das ar k an la por a n tah u nan Pus k esm as Per awa ta n Ratu Ag ung tah un 2 01 0 dik etahu i b ah wa s epanj an g t ahu n a ngk a s us pek T B m as ih ting gi, n am un a ngk a tem uan BT A po s itif s er ta a ngk a T B par u BT A neg atif r el atif r en dah. Pe ne lit ian in i b er tuj ua n unt uk m engur aik an f ak tor - f ak tor yan g d id uga ber hu bun gan d eng an ti n ggi n ya angk a s us pek T B di P us k esm as Per awatan Ra tu A gun g; m ener angk an s ebar an r es ponde n ber d as ar k an k arak ter is tik data dem ogr af is, antr opom etr i, da n k ar ak ter is tik tem pat tingg a l; s er ta m ener angk an hub unga n ant ar a k ar ak ter is tik res ponde n den gan k ec ur igaan a tau k ej adian T B. D es ai n p ene it ian ya ng d i gunak an ada lah c r os s - s ec tiona l. Sam pel t er dir i dar i du a k elom pok , yai tu k elom pok pas ien da n k elom pok tenaga k es ehatan di Pu sk esm as Per a wat an Ratu A gu ng. Da ta dar i k elom pok pas ien dik um pulk an den gan m enggu nak an p eng is ian k ues io ner , daf tar til ik k unj ungan r um ah, da n pe nguk ur an ber at bada n da n tin gg i ba dan. Data dar i k elom pok tena ga k es ehatan dik um pulk an denga n pr os es wa wa nc ar a. Se ban yak 33 r es po nden dar i k elom pok pas ie n ber has il d ik um pulk an, de nga n r es pond en ter ban yak untuk m as ing- m asing var ia be l ber a da pada r en tan g us ia 50 54 tahu n, ti ngk at pen did ik an SMA/s e der aj at, s tatus gi zi c uk up, ber pe ngh as il an c uk up, dan ber tem pat tin gga l di r um ah k ategor i ba ik . Has il uj i k om par atif m enunj uk k an ada n ya h ub unga n k em ak naan ant ar a var iab el us i a d an t in gk at pen di dik an d eng an var i abe l d ia gnos is T B par u. W awanc ar a di l ak uk an ter had ap d ok ter , petu gas Pr ogr am Pen ang gu lan gan T B, d an p etug as lab or ator ium dan di k etahui ba h wa f ak tor yang dapa t m en yeba bk an ting gi n ya angk a s us pek T B par u di P us k esm as Per awatan Ra tu A gun g ada la h k em ungk inan pr os es penj ar i nga n s us pek T B ya n g ter l al u lon ggar ; f ak tor -f ak tor ya ng da pat m en yeba bk an r en dah n ya a ngk a tem uan BT A pos it if adal a h tid ak 100 % - n ya s us pe k yang di per ik s a s putum , penc at atan id ent itas s us pek di la bor at or ium yan g ti dak len gk ap s ehin gga m en yu litk an p el ac ak an pad a s us pek yan g t idak m en ye les a ik an pem er ik s aan S PS, pen ggu naa n ant i biot ik ya ng ti dak tepat s e bel um pem er ik s aan BT A, da n k ooper at iv itas p as ien ya ng m as ih b el um baik ; dan f ak tor - f ak tor yan g dapa t m en yeb abk an r enda hn ya an gk a tem uan k as us T B par u BT A neg atif adal ah t idak s elur uh s us pek dengan BT A nega tif ya ng d ip er ik s a Ron tgen par u, gam bar an T B yang t idak k has , dan ti dak s em ua pas ie n yan g dip er ik s a Rontge n k em bali lag i k e Pus k esm as

    Development and early diagnosis of critical illness myopathy in COVID-19 associated acute respiratory distress syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly increased the incidence and clinical importance of critical illness myopathy (CIM), because it is one of the most common complications of modern intensive care medicine. Current diagnostic criteria only allow diagnosis of CIM at an advanced stage, so that patients are at risk of being overlooked, especially in early stages. To determine the frequency of CIM and to assess a recently proposed tool for early diagnosis, we have followed a cohort of COVID-19 patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome and compared the time course of muscle excitability measurements with the definite diagnosis of CIM. METHODS Adult COVID-19 patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the University Hospital Bern, Switzerland requiring mechanical ventilation were recruited and examined on Days 1, 2, 5, and 10 post-intubation. Clinical examination, muscle excitability measurements, medication record, and laboratory analyses were performed on all study visits, and additionally nerve conduction studies, electromyography and muscle biopsy on Day 10. Muscle excitability data were compared with a cohort of 31 age-matched healthy subjects. Diagnosis of definite CIM was made according to the current guidelines and was based on patient history, results of clinical and electrophysiological examinations as well as muscle biopsy. RESULTS Complete data were available in 31 out of 44 recruited patients (mean [SD] age, 62.4 [9.8] years). Of these, 17 (55%) developed CIM. Muscle excitability measurements on Day 10 discriminated between patients who developed CIM and those who did not, with a diagnostic precision of 90% (AUC 0.908; 95% CI 0.799-1.000; sensitivity 1.000; specificity 0.714). On Days 1 and 2, muscle excitability parameters also discriminated between the two groups with 73% (AUC 0.734; 95% CI 0.550-0.919; sensitivity 0.562; specificity 0.857) and 82% (AUC 0.820; CI 0.652-0.903; sensitivity 0.750; specificity 0.923) diagnostic precision, respectively. All critically ill COVID-19 patients showed signs of muscle membrane depolarization compared with healthy subjects, but in patients who developed CIM muscle membrane depolarization on Days 1, 2 and 10 was more pronounced than in patients who did not develop CIM. CONCLUSIONS This study reports a 55% prevalence of definite CIM in critically ill COVID-19 patients. Furthermore, the results confirm that muscle excitability measurements may serve as an alternative method for CIM diagnosis and support its use as a tool for early diagnosis and monitoring the development of CIM
