733 research outputs found

    Morse-Conley-Floer Homology

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    For Morse-Smale pairs on a smooth, closed manifold the Morse-Smale-Witten chain complex can be defined. The associated Morse homology is isomorphic to the singular homology of the manifold and yields the classical Morse relations for Morse functions. A similar approach can be used to define homological invariants for isolated invariant sets of flows on a smooth manifold, which gives an analogue of the Conley index and the Morse-Conley relations. The approach will be referred to as Morse-Conley-Floer homology

    Functoriality and duality in Morse-Conley-Floer homology

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    In~\cite{rotvandervorst} a homology theory --Morse-Conley-Floer homology-- for isolated invariant sets of arbitrary flows on finite dimensional manifolds is developed. In this paper we investigate functoriality and duality of this homology theory. As a preliminary we investigate functoriality in Morse homology. Functoriality for Morse homology of closed manifolds is known~\cite{abbondandoloschwarz, aizenbudzapolski,audindamian, kronheimermrowka, schwarz}, but the proofs use isomorphisms to other homology theories. We give direct proofs by analyzing appropriate moduli spaces. The notions of isolating map and flow map allows the results to generalize to local Morse homology and Morse-Conley-Floer homology. We prove Poincar\'e type duality statements for local Morse homology and Morse-Conley-Floer homology.Comment: To appear in the Journal of Fixed Point theory and its Application

    A phytosociological survey of the boreal forest (Vaccinio-Piceetea) in North America

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    A survey of syntaxa of vegetation of North American boreal forests (class Vaccinio-Piceetea) is presented. This phytosociological survey, carried out combining the Braun-Blanquet method with numerical syntaxonomical analyses (cluster and correspondence analysis), describes the associations of the North American boreal forests, which have several species, varieties or vicariant species in common with their Eurasian counterparts, and can be placed in the class Vaccinio-Piceetea. By means of tabular and multivariate analyses, 2084 North American relevés were compared with 3273 relevés from European, Japanese and Korean boreal forest, to describe and typify 4 orders, 10 alliances and 37 associations. Diagnostic tables, ordination, clustering, and climatic, edaphic and biogeographical data were used to show floristic affinities among these syntaxa and interpret their distribution areas. Syntaxa were briefly characterized by their floristic composition, physiognomy, succession, zonation, and biogeographical distribution

    Presenting Distributive Laws

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    Distributive laws of a monad T over a functor F are categorical tools for specifying algebra-coalgebra interaction. They proved to be important for solving systems of corecursive equations, for the specification of well-behaved structural operational semantics and, more recently, also for enhancements of the bisimulation proof method. If T is a free monad, then such distributive laws correspond to simple natural transformations. However, when T is not free it can be rather difficult to prove the defining axioms of a distributive law. In this paper we describe how to obtain a distributive law for a monad with an equational presentation from a distributive law for the underlying free monad. We apply this result to show the equivalence between two different representations of context-free languages

    Package ecespa

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    Documentation for the R-package "ecespa

    Interacting via the Heap in the Presence of Recursion

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    Almost all modern imperative programming languages include operations for dynamically manipulating the heap, for example by allocating and deallocating objects, and by updating reference fields. In the presence of recursive procedures and local variables the interactions of a program with the heap can become rather complex, as an unbounded number of objects can be allocated either on the call stack using local variables, or, anonymously, on the heap using reference fields. As such a static analysis is, in general, undecidable. In this paper we study the verification of recursive programs with unbounded allocation of objects, in a simple imperative language for heap manipulation. We present an improved semantics for this language, using an abstraction that is precise. For any program with a bounded visible heap, meaning that the number of objects reachable from variables at any point of execution is bounded, this abstraction is a finitary representation of its behaviour, even though an unbounded number of objects can appear in the state. As a consequence, for such programs model checking is decidable. Finally we introduce a specification language for temporal properties of the heap, and discuss model checking these properties against heap-manipulating programs.Comment: In Proceedings ICE 2012, arXiv:1212.345

    Microarray analyses demonstrate the involvement of type i interferons in psoriasiform pathology development in D6-deficient mice

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    The inflammatory response is normally limited by mechanisms regulating its resolution. In the absence of resolution, inflammatory pathologies can emerge, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality. We have been studying the D6 chemokine scavenging receptor, which played an indispensable role in the resolution phase of inflammatory responses and does so by facilitating removal of inflammatory CC chemokines. In D6-deficient mice, otherwise innocuous cutaneous inflammatory stimuli induce a grossly exaggerated inflammatory response that bears many similarities to human psoriasis. In the present study, we have used transcriptomic approaches to define the molecular make up of this response. The data presented highlight potential roles for a number of cytokines in initiating and maintaining the psoriasis-like pathology. Most compellingly, we provide data indicating a key role for the type I interferon pathway in the emergence of this pathology. Neutralizing antibodies to type I interferons are able to ameliorate the psoriasis-like pathology, confirming a role in its development. Comparison of transcriptional data generated from this mouse model with equivalent data obtained from human psoriasis further demonstrates the strong similarities between the experimental and clinical systems. As such, the transcriptional data obtained in this preclinical model provide insights into the cytokine network active in exaggerated inflammatory responses and offer an excellent tool to evaluate the efficacy of compounds designed to therapeutically interfere with inflammatory processes

    CCR7 is required for the in vivo function of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells

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    CCR7-mediated migration of naive T cells into the secondary lymphoid organs is a prerequisite for their encounter with mature dendritic cells, the productive presentation of cognate antigen, and consequent T cell proliferation and effector differentiation. Therefore, CCR7 was suggested to play an important role in the initiation of adaptive immune responses. In this study, we show that primary immunity can also develop in the absence of CCR7. Moreover, CCR7-deficient knockout (KO) mice display augmented immune responses. Our data cumulatively suggest that enhanced immunity in CCR7 KO mice is caused by the defective lymph node (LN) positioning of FoxP3(+) CD4(+) CD25(+) regulatory T cells (T reg cells) and the consequent impediment of their function. The FoxP3(+) T reg cells express CCR7 and, after their adoptive transfer, migrate into the LNs of wild-type mice. Here, they proliferate in situ upon antigen stimulation and inhibit the generation of antigen-specific T cells. Conversely, transferred CCR7-deficient T reg cells fail to migrate into the LNs and suppress antigen-induced T cell responses. The transfer of combinations of naive and T reg cells from wild-type and CCR7 KO mice into syngeneic severe combined immunodeficient mice directly demonstrates that CCR7-deficient T reg cells are less effective than their wild-type counterparts in preventing the development of inflammatory bowel diseas

    A moderate dose of alcohol selectively reduces empathic accuracy

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    RATIONALE: Drinking alcohol is associated with various interpersonal effects, including effects on cognitive empathy. Empathic accuracy (EA) is a form of cognitive empathy concerned with perceivers’ accuracy in inferring a target’s thoughts and feelings. The effects of alcohol on EA have not previously been studied. OBJECTIVES: We examined the effect of a moderate alcohol dose on EA in social drinkers. METHODS: Fifty-four men with varying levels of hazardous drinking according to the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) participated in a randomized, double-blind, between-group study. The alcohol group received 0.56 g/kg alcohol in a vodka and tonic-mixed drink. The placebo group received tonic, with 4 ml of vodka sprayed on top. All participants performed an EA task that involved watching 16 videos of people narrating positive and negative emotional autobiographical events and continuously rating how targets felt while narrating. RESULTS: There were no significant main effects of beverage condition on the EA task. There was an effect of the condition by AUDIT interaction for EA on the positive videos. Post-hoc simple contrasts revealed that in participants with lower AUDIT scores, the alcohol condition had lower EA for positive videos than the placebo condition. No significant main effect for condition occurred in the participants with higher AUDIT scores. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of condition in participants with lower AUDIT scores indicates alcohol selectively reduced EA in individuals low on hazardous drinking. This suggests either alcohol-induced impairments of EA for positive events or a positivity bias in men at low risk for alcohol dependency

    Tree Automata as Algebras: Minimisation and Determinisation

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    We study a categorical generalisation of tree automata, as algebras for a fixed endofunctor endowed with initial and final states. Under mild assumptions about the base category, we present a general minimisation algorithm for these automata. We then build upon and extend an existing generalisation of the Nerode equivalence to a categorical setting and relate it to the existence of minimal automata. Finally, we show that generalised types of side-effects, such as non-determinism, can be captured by this categorical framework, leading to a general determinisation procedure
