2,464 research outputs found

    Paul P. Rost v. Janet L. Rost : Brief of Respondent

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    Appeal from orders of Honorable John P. Wahlquist and from Findings, Conclusions and Decree of Honorable Ronald O. Hyde, both Second District Court, Weber County, Utah

    Paul P. Rost v. Janet L. Rost : Appellant\u27s Petition for Rehearing

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    Appeal from orders of Honorable John P. Wahlquist and from Findings, Conclusions and Decree of Honorable Ronald O. Hyde, both Second District Court, Weber County, Utah

    Education for sustainable development and global citizenship. The challenge of the UN-decade

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    This article informs about the achievements and conceptional insufficiencies of "education for sustainable development" on the politico-educational and school level in Great Britain. Therefore attention is drawn to neglected connections between an education for sustainable development and the education for developmental policy. It is argued that questions concerning the interconnection between ecology, economy and society on a local, national and global scale should be put into the centre of the UN-decade, together with the promotion of political participation and of empowerment. (DIPF/Orig.)Dieser Beitrag informiert über Errungenschaften und konzeptionelle Unzulänglichkeiten der "Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung" in Großbritannien im bildungspolitischen und schulischen Bereich. Es wird auf vernachlässigte Zusammenhänge zwischen einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und entwicklungspolitischer Bildung aufmerksam gemacht und dafür plädiert, Fragen der Verflechtung von Ökologie, Ökonomie und Gesellschaft auf lokaler, nationaler und globaler Ebene, verbunden mit der Förderung politischer Partizipation und von Empowerment, in den Mittelpunkt der UN-Dekade zu stellen. (DIPF/Orig.

    Computer Tool for Automatically Generated 3D Illustration in Real Time from Archaeological Scanned Pieces

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    [EN] The graphical documentation process of archaeological pieces requires the active involvement of a professional artist to recreate beautiful illustrations using a wide variety of expressive techniques. Frequently, the artist’s work is limited by the inconvenience of working only with the photographs of the pieces he is going to illustrate. This paper presents a software tool that allows the easy generation of illustrations in real time from 3D scanned models. The developed interface allows the user to simulate very elaborate artistic styles through the creation of diagrams by using the available virtual lights. The software processes the diagrams to render an illustration from any given angle or position. Among the available virtual lights, there are well known techniques as silhouettes enhancement, hatching or toon shading.[ES] El proceso de documentación gráfica de piezas arqueológicas requiere de la participación de un artista capaz de recrear ilustraciones empleando distintas técnicas expresivas. A menudo, la labor del artista se ve limitada por la inconveniencia de trabajar únicamente con fotografías de las piezas a ilustrar. En este artículo se presenta una herramienta informática que permite generar, de una forma sencilla e intuitiva, ilustraciones en tiempo real a partir de modelos 3D escaneados. La interfaz desarrollada permite al usuario simular elaborados estilos artísticos mediante la composición de esquemas de luces virtuales que el computador procesa para generar ilustraciones desde cualquier posición o ángulo. Entre las luces virtuales implementadas se encuentran técnicas bien conocidas como el dibujado de contornos, el rayado o el sombreado plano.Thanks to the Consejería de Innovación y Empresa of the Junta de Andalucía that has partially funded this article through the project of excellence PE09-TIC-5276Consejería de Innovación y Empresa of the Junta de Andalucía PE09-TIC-5276López, L.; Arroyo, G.; Martín, D. (2012). Computer Tool for Automatically Generated 3D Illustration in Real Time from Archaeological Scanned Pieces. Virtual Archaeology Review. 3(6):73-77. https://doi.org/10.4995/var.2012.4447OJS737736DECAUDIN, P. (1996): "Rendu de scènes 3D imitant le style ", Rapport de Recherche 2919, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique.DOSS, J. (2008): "Inking the Cube: Edge Detection with DIRECT 3D 10, [online] http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/inking-thecube- edge-detection-with-direct3d-10/FREUDENBERG, B. (2003): Stroke-based Real-Time Halftoning Rendering. Ph. D. thesis, University of Magdeburg.HERMOSILLA, P. et al. (2009): "Single Pass GPU Stylized Edges", IV Iberoamerican Symposium in Computer Graphics - SIACG, pp. 1-8.LAKE, A. et al. (2000): "Stylized Rendering Techniques for Scalable Real-Time 3D Animation", NPAR2000: First International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/340916.340918MARTIN, D. et al. (2001): "Rendering Silhouettes with Virtual Lights". Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 20, nº 4, pp. 271-282. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1467-8659.00554ROST, R. J. et al (2009): "Open GL Shading Language 3rd Edition". Addison-Wesley.

    Protein secondary structure prediction: Creating a meta-tool

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    Abstract only availableProtein structure prediction is a growing field of interest for a many varied reasons, owing not only to its obvious utility, but also the success that applying newer mathematical tools has garnered in recent years. Despite the intractability of determining optimal protein structure directly by finding a lowest-energy conformation among a huge amount of candidates, many heuristic methods have emerged that sacrifice some degree of accuracy for reasonable speed of execution. Through the use of numerical techniques such as neural networks(1), neural networks bolstered by position-specific scoring matrices generated by psi-blast(2), and k-nearest neighbor algorithms(3), the success rate of protein structure prediction has been increasing over the past decade and a half. Each of these tools has particular strengths and weaknesses. To address this and to improve prediction accuracy, we are constructing a three-part meta-tool that combines k-nearest neighbor methods, neural network methods, and hidden markov models to predict the secondary structure of proteins based on their position-specific scoring matrices. The results from each of the individual tools will be integrated and filtered to form a final prediction. This tool will be available on the web through a simple interface for those wishing to evaluate or utilize it. References: 1: Rost and Sander. Predictions of protein secondary structure at better than 70% Accuracy; J. Mol. Biol. (1993) 232, 584-599 2: Jones. Protein secondary structure prediction based on position-specific scoring matrices; J. Mol. Boil. (1999) 292, 195-202 3: Bondugula, Duzlevski, Xu. Profiles and fuzzy k-nearest neighbor algorithm for protein secondary structure prediction; (unpublished).NSF-REU Program in Biosystems Modeling and Analysi

    Körvizsgálati adatok újszerű értékelése és annak tanulságai az élelmiszerek legfontosabb paramétereinek meghatározásában

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    A cikk ismerteti W. Horwitz és társai (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 73. 5. 661- 680; 1990) közleményét, kiemelve az amerikai szerzők által alkalmazott új matematikai-statisztikai mutató, az un. HORRAT érték bevezetését, és a mintegy 800 különböző élelmiszereken elvégzett fehérje, zsír, nedvesség-, hamu- és rosttartalom körvizsgálat átfogó értékelését. The publication reviews the paper of W. Horwitz et al. (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 73. 5. 661-680; 1990), underlining that the American authors have applied a new ststistical param eter called HORRAT, and evalueted comprehensively the results of 800 collaborative tests for the determination of protein, fat, moisture, ash and fiber content in various food products. Im Artikel wird die Veröffentlichung von W. Horwitz und Mitarbeitern (J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. 73. 5. 661-680; 1990) erläutert. Die Einführung der von den amerikanischen Verfassern zuerst angewandten neuen mathematisch-statistischen Kennziffer, des sog. HORRAT-Wertes wird besonders hervorgehoben. Außerdem wird die umfassende Auswertung von Ringversuchen für die Eiweiß-, Fett-, Wasser-, Asche- und Rohfasergehaltbestimmung dargestellt, die mit insgesamt etwa 800 verschiedenen Lebensmittelproben durchgeführt wurde

    J. V. Foix i la ironia romĂ ntica

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    Resum: L’article es basa en el convenciment que la comprensió usual de la ironia no pot ser aplicada a les obres de J. V. Foix, les quals més aviat han de ser enteses en el context de la ironia romàntica tal com va ser concebuda per Friedrich Schlegel i més tard documentada en la investigació d’Ingrid Strohschneider-Kohrs. Es descriu el terme «reflexió» com l’autonegació de l’absolut per a després analitzar alguns poemes en prosa del poeta, en què tal classe d’ironia pot ser identificada. En els escrits de Foix les freqüents metareflexions sobre poesia o pintura fan aparèixer els textos o els quadres com a il·legibles o dotats d’un gran poder subversiu. Una peça com «El Roc pertús» deconstrueix l’absoluta exemplaritat i arranja un joc d’irònica refracció, la consequ?ència final de la qual és un gir antiteològic.Paraules clau: ironia, ironia romàntica, Romanticisme alemany, Schlegel, Foix, avantguardisme.Abstract: This paper is based on the assumption that the general conception of irony cannot be applied to the works by J. V. Foix. Instead, they should be considered in the context of Romantic irony as conceived by Friedrich Schlegel, documented in Ingrid Strohschneider-Kohrs’ research. After defining the term “reflection” as the self-nihilation of the absolute, this paper analyses some of the poet’s prose poems, in which this kind of irony can be identified. In Foix’s writings, frequent meta-reflections on poetry or painting make texts or paintings appear illegible or endowed with great subversive power. A piece like “El Roc pertús” deconstructs the absolute exemplarity and orchestrates a play of ironic refraction, the final consequence of which is an anti-theological turn.Key words: irony, Romantic irony, German Romanticism, Schlegel, Foix, Avant-gardism
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