5,046 research outputs found

    From perfect to fractal transmission in spin chains

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    Perfect state transfer is possible in modulated spin chains, imperfections however are likely to corrupt the state transfer. We study the robustness of this quantum communication protocol in the presence of disorder both in the exchange couplings between the spins and in the local magnetic field. The degradation of the fidelity can be suitably expressed, as a function of the level of imperfection and the length of the chain, in a scaling form. In addition the time signal of fidelity becomes fractal. We further characterize the state transfer by analyzing the spectral properties of the Hamiltonian of the spin chain.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, published versio

    Resonances in a dilute gas of magnons and metamagnetism of isotropic frustrated ferromagnetic spin chains

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    We show that spin-S chains with SU(2)-symmetric, ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor and frustrating antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions exhibit metamagnetic behavior under the influence of an external magnetic field for small S, in the form of a first-order transition to the fully polarized state. The corresponding magnetization jump increases gradually starting from an S-dependent critical value of exchange couplings and takes a maximum in the vicinity of a ferromagnetic Lifshitz point. The metamagnetism results from resonances in the dilute magnon gas caused by an interplay between quantum fluctuations and frustration.Comment: 12 pages RevTex4, 9 eps figures: Extended version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Engineering fidelity echoes in Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonians

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    We analyze the fidelity decay for a system of interacting bosons described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. We find echoes associated with "non-universal" structures that dominate the energy landscape of the perturbation operator. Despite their classical origin, these echoes persist deep into the quantum (perturbative) regime and can be described by an improved random matrix modeling. In the opposite limit of strong perturbations (and high enough energies), classical considerations reveal the importance of self-trapping phenomena in the echo efficiency.Comment: 6 pages, use epl2.cls class, 5 figures Cross reference with nlin, quant-phy

    Exact solution for a diffusive nonequilibrium steady state of an open quantum chain

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    We calculate a nonequilibrium steady state of a quantum XX chain in the presence of dephasing and driving due to baths at chain ends. The obtained state is exact in the limit of weak driving while the expressions for one- and two-point correlations are exact for an arbitrary driving strength. In the steady state the magnetization profile and the spin current display diffusive behavior. Spin-spin correlation function on the other hand has long-range correlations which though decay to zero in either the thermodynamical limit or for equilibrium driving. At zero dephasing a nonequilibrium phase transition occurs from a ballistic transport having short-range correlations to a diffusive transport with long-range correlations.Comment: 5 page

    Many-body localization and thermalization in the full probability distribution function of observables

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    We investigate the relation between thermalization following a quantum quench and many-body localization in quasiparticle space in terms of the long-time full distribution function of physical observables. In particular, expanding on our recent work [E. Canovi {\em et al.}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 83}, 094431 (2011)], we focus on the long-time behavior of an integrable XXZ chain subject to an integrability-breaking perturbation. After a characterization of the breaking of integrability and the associated localization/delocalization transition using the level spacing statistics and the properties of the eigenstates, we study the effect of integrability-breaking on the asymptotic state after a quantum quench of the anisotropy parameter, looking at the behavior of the full probability distribution of the transverse and longitudinal magnetization of a subsystem. We compare the resulting distributions with those obtained in equilibrium at an effective temperature set by the initial energy. We find that, while the long time distribution functions appear to always agree {\it qualitatively} with the equilibrium ones, {\it quantitative} agreement is obtained only when integrability is fully broken and the relevant eigenstates are diffusive in quasi-particle space.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure

    Dephasing-induced diffusive transport in anisotropic Heisenberg model

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    We study transport properties of anisotropic Heisenberg model in a disordered magnetic field experiencing dephasing due to external degrees of freedom. In the absence of dephasing the model can display, depending on parameter values, the whole range of possible transport regimes: ideal ballistic conduction, diffusive, or ideal insulating behavior. We show that the presence of dephasing induces normal diffusive transport in a wide range of parameters. We also analyze the dependence of spin conductivity on the dephasing strength. In addition, by analyzing the decay of spin-spin correlation function we discover a presence of long-range order for finite chain sizes. All our results for a one-dimensional spin chain at infinite temperature can be equivalently rephrased for strongly-interacting disordered spinless fermions.Comment: 15 pages, 9 PS figure

    Prolonged survival in the absence of disease-recurrence in advanced-stage follicular lymphoma following chemo-immunotherapy: 13-year update of the prospective, multicenter randomized GITMO-IIL trial

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    Aprospective trial conducted in the period 2000-2005 showed no survival advantage for high-dose chemotherapy with rituximab and autograft (RHDS) versus conventional chemotherapy with rituximab (CHOP-R) as firstline therapy in 134 high-risk follicular lymphoma patients aged <60 years. The study has been updated at the 13-year median follow up. As of February 2017, 88 (66%) patients were alive, with overall survival of 66.4% at 13 years, without a significant difference between R-HDS (64.5%) and CHOP-R (68.5%). To date, 46 patients have died, mainly because of disease progression (47.8% of all deaths), secondary malignancies (3 solid tumor, 9 myelodysplasia/acute leukemia; 26.1% of all deaths), and other toxicities (21.7% of all deaths). Complete remission was documented in 98 (73.1%) patients and associated with overall survival, with 13- year estimates of 77.0% and 36.8% for complete remission versus no-complete remission, respectively. Molecular remission was documented in 39 (65%) out of 60 evaluable patients and associated with improved survival. In multivariate analysis, complete remission achievement had the strongest effect on survival (P<0.001), along with younger age (P=0.002) and female sex (P=0.013). Overall, 50 patients (37.3%) survived with no disease recurrence (18 CHOP-R, 32 R-HDS). This follow up is the longest reported on follicular lymphoma treated upfront with rituximab-chemotherapy and demonstrates an unprecedented improvement in survival compared to the pre-rituximab era, regardless of the use of intensified or conventional treatment. Complete remission was the most important factor for prolonged survival and a high proportion of patients had prolonged survival in their first remission, raising the issue of curability in follicular lymphoma

    Decoherence by engineered quantum baths

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    We introduce, and determine decoherence for, a wide class of non-trivial quantum spin baths which embrace Ising, XY and Heisenberg universality classes coupled to a two-level system. For the XY and Ising universality classes we provide an exact expression for the decay of the loss of coherence beyond the case of a central spin coupled uniformly to all the spins of the baths which has been discussed so far in the literature. In the case of the Heisenberg spin bath we study the decoherence by means of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group. We show how these baths can be engineered, by using atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electron interference and entanglement in coupled 1D systems with noise

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    We estimate the role of noise in the formation of entanglement and in the appearance of single- and two-electron interference in systems of coupled one-dimensional channels semiconductors. Two cases are considered: a single-particle interferometer and a two-particle interferometer exploiting Coulomb interaction. In both of them, environmental noise yields a randomization of the carrier phases. Our results assess how that the complementarity relation linking single-particle behavior to nonlocal quantities, such as entanglement and environment-induced decoherence, acts in electron interferometry. We show that, in a experimental implementation of the setups examined, one- and two-electron detection probability at the output drains can be used to evaluate the decoherence phenomena and the degree of entanglement.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures. v2: added some references and corrected tex
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