820 research outputs found

    Quantum spin Hall phase in multilayer graphene

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    The so called quantum spin Hall phase is a topologically non trivial insulating phase that is predicted to appear in graphene and graphene-like systems. In this work we address the question of whether this topological property persists in multilayered systems. We consider two situations: purely multilayer graphene and heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators with a strong spin-orbit coupling. We use a four orbital tight-binding model that includes the full atomic spin-orbit coupling and we calculate the Z2Z_{2} topological invariant of the bulk states as well as the edge states of semi-infinite crystals with armchair termination. For homogeneous multilayers we find that even when the spin-orbit interaction opens a gap for all the possible stackings, only those with odd number of layers host gapless edge states while those with even number of layers are trivial insulators. For the heterostructures where graphene is encapsulated by trivial insulators, it turns out that the interlayer coupling is able to induce a topological gap whose size is controlled by the spin-orbit coupling of the encapsulating materials, indicating that the quantum spin Hall phase can be induced by proximity to trivial insulators.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Orbital Magnetization of Quantum Spin Hall Insulator Nanoparticles

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    Both spin and orbital degrees of freedom contribute to the magnetic moment of isolated atoms. However, when inserted in crystals, atomic orbital moments are quenched because of the lack of rotational symmetry that protects them when isolated. Thus, the dominant contribution to the magnetization of magnetic materials comes from electronic spin. Here we show that nanoislands of quantum spin Hall insulators can host robust orbital edge magnetism whenever their highest occupied Kramers doublet is singly occupied, upgrading the spin edge current into a charge current. The resulting orbital magnetization scales linearly with size, outweighing the spin contribution for islands of a few nm in size. This linear scaling is specific of the Dirac edge states and very different from Schrodinger electrons in quantum rings. Modelling Bi(111) flakes, whose edge states have been recently observed, we show that orbital magnetization is robust with respect to disorder, thermal agitation, shape of the island and crystallographic direction of the edges, reflecting its topological protection.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, + Supporting Informatio

    Van der Waals spin valves

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    We propose spin valves where a 2D non-magnetic conductor is intercalated between two ferromagnetic insulating layers. In this setup, the relative orientation of the magnetizations of the insulating layers can have a strong impact on the in-plane conductivity of the 2D conductor. We first show this for a graphene bilayer, described with a tight-binding model, placed between two ferromagnetic insulators. In the anti-parallel configuration, a band gap opens at the Dirac point, whereas in the parallel configuration, the graphene bilayer remains conducting. We then compute the electronic structure of graphene bilayer placed between two monolayers of the ferromagnetic insulator CrI3_3, using density functional theory. Consistent with the model, we find that a gap opens at the Dirac point only in the antiparallel configuration.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Real space mapping of topological invariants using artificial neural networks

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    Topological invariants allow to characterize Hamiltonians, predicting the existence of topologically protected in-gap modes. Those invariants can be computed by tracing the evolution of the occupied wavefunctions under twisted boundary conditions. However, those procedures do not allow to calculate a topological invariant by evaluating the system locally, and thus require information about the wavefunctions in the whole system. Here we show that artificial neural networks can be trained to identify the topological order by evaluating a local projection of the density matrix. We demonstrate this for two different models, a 1-D topological superconductor and a 2-D quantum anomalous Hall state, both with spatially modulated parameters. Our neural network correctly identifies the different topological domains in real space, predicting the location of in-gap states. By combining a neural network with a calculation of the electronic states that uses the Kernel Polynomial Method, we show that the local evaluation of the invariant can be carried out by evaluating a local quantity, in particular for systems without translational symmetry consisting of tens of thousands of atoms. Our results show that supervised learning is an efficient methodology to characterize the local topology of a system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Spin splitting in a polarized quasi-two-dimensional exciton gas

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    We have observed a large spin splitting between "spin" +1+1 and 1-1 heavy-hole excitons, having unbalanced populations, in undoped GaAs/AlAs quantum wells in the absence of any external magnetic field. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy, under excitation with circularly polarized light, reveals that, for high excitonic density and short times after the pulsed excitation, the emission from majority excitons lies above that of minority ones. The amount of the splitting, which can be as large as 50% of the binding energy, increases with excitonic density and presents a time evolution closely connected with the degree of polarization of the luminescence. Our results are interpreted on the light of a recently developed model, which shows that, while intra-excitonic exchange interaction is responsible for the spin relaxation processes, exciton-exciton interaction produces a breaking of the spin degeneracy in two-dimensional semiconductors.Comment: Revtex, four pages; four figures, postscript file Accepted for publication in Physical Review B (Rapid Commun.

    Magneto-optical Kerr effect in spin split two-dimensional massive Dirac materials

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    Two-dimensional (2D) massive Dirac electrons possess a finite Berry curvature, with Chern number 1/2, that entails both a quantized dc Hall response and a subgap full-quarter Kerr rotation. The observation of these effects in 2D massive Dirac materials such as gapped graphene, hexagonal boron nitride or transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) is obscured by the fact that Dirac cones come in pairs with opposite sign Berry curvatures, leading to a vanishing Chern number. Here, we show that the presence of spin-orbit interactions, combined with an exchange spin splitting induced either by diluted magnetic impurities or by proximity to a ferromagnetic insulator, gives origin to a net magneto-optical Kerr effect in such systems. We focus on the case of TMD monolayers and study the dependence of Kerr rotation on frequency and exchange spin splitting. The role of the substrate is included in the theory and found to critically affect the results. Our calculations indicate that state-of-the-art magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy can detect a single magnetic impurity in diluted magnetic TMDs.We thank Allan H MacDonald, Elaine Li, Alejandro Molina-Sanchez and Joao C G Henriques for fruitful discussions. GC acknowledges Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) for Grant No. SFRH/BD/138806/2018. GC and JF-R acknowledge financial support from FCT through Grant No. P2020-PTDC/FIS-NAN/4662/2014. NMRP acknowledges financial support from European Commission through project 'Graphene-Driven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond' (Ref. No. 785219), FCT in the framework of Strategic Financing (Ref. No. UID/FIS/04650/2019), and COMPETE2020, PORTUGAL2020, FEDER and FCT for Grants No. PTDC/FIS-NAN/3668/2013, No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028114, No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029265 and No. PTDC/NANOPT/29265/2017. JF-R acknowledges FCT for Grant No. UTAP-EXPL/NTec/0046/2017, as well as Generalitat Valenciana funding Prometeo2017/139 and MINECO-Spain (Grant No. MAT201678625-C2)

    Evaluation of prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease in a regional controlled case study.

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    AIMS: This study evaluated the evolution of the prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease (CHD) between 2003 and 2008 and its repercussion for the CHD prevalence rate at birth in a well-defined population (Canton of Vaud, Switzerland). METHODS AND RESULTS: All 572 cases of CHD reported in the Eurocat Registry of Vaud-Switzerland between 1.5.2003 and 31.12.2008 were analysed and compared with the cases in our clinical database. CHD cases were divided into five different groups according to heart disease severity. The prenatal detection rates increased significantly between 2003 and 2008, with a mean detection rate of 25.2%. There was a significantly higher rate of prenatal diagnosis in the first four groups of CHD severity, with the highest detection rate (87.5%) found in the group with the most severe CHD (group 1). In this group, 85.7% of cases resulted in a termination of pregnancy, and there was a consequent 75% reduction in the prevalence of severe major cardiac malformation at birth. Detection rates were 66% in group 2, 68.6% in group 3, and the lowest in groups 4 and 5, with rates of 25.9% and 12.9%, respectively. CONCLUSION: This study shows that the prenatal detection rate for CHD increased in a well-defined population over the study period. Prenatal diagnosis thus has had a major impact on patients with the most severe types of CHD and has resulted in a significant reduction in severe CHD at birth

    Non-reciprocal magnons in a two dimensional crystal with off-plane magnetization

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    Nonreciprocal spin waves have a chiral asymmetry so that their energy is different for two opposite wave vectors. They are found in atomically thin ferromagnetic overlayers with in-plane magnetization and are linked to the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya surface exchange. We use an itinerant fermion theory based on first-principles calculations to predict that nonreciprocal magnons can occur in Fe3GeTe2, the first stand-alone metallic two-dimensional crystal with out-of-plane magnetization. We find that both the energy and lifetime of magnons are nonreciprocal, and we predict that acoustic magnons can have lifetimes up to hundreds of picoseconds, orders of magnitude larger than in other conducting magnets.- N.M.R.P. acknowledges support from the European Commission through the project Graphene-Driven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond (Ref. No. 881603 -Core 3), and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) in the framework of the Strategic Financing UID/FIS/04650/2013, COMPETE2020, PORTUGAL2020, FEDER, and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through Projects No. PTDC/FISNAN/3668/2013 and No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028114. J.F.-R. acknowledges financial support from FCT for Project No. UTAP-EXPL/NTec/0046/2017, as well as Generalitat Valenciana funding Prometeo2017/139 and MINECO-Spain (Grant No. MAT2016-78625-C2). A.T.C. acknowledges the use of computer resources at MareNostrum and technical support provided by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (RES-FI-2019-2-0034, RES-FI-2019-3-0019)

    Strongly coupled magnon-plasmon polaritons in graphene- 2D ferromagnet heterostructures

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    Magnons and plasmons are two very different types of collective modes, acting on the spin and charge degrees of freedom, respectively. At first sight, the formation of hybrid plasmon-magnon polaritons in heterostructures of plasmonic and magnetic systems would face two challenges, the small mutual interaction, via Zeeman coupling of the electromagnetic field of the plasmon with the spins, and the energy mismatch, as in most systems plasmons have energies in the eV range, orders of magnitude larger than magnons. Here we show that graphene plasmons form polaritons with the magnons of two-dimensional ferrromagnetic insulators, placed up to to half a micron apart, with Rabi couplings in the range of 100 GHz (dramatically larger than cavity QED magnonics). This strong coupling is facilitated both by the small energy of graphene plasmons and the cooperative super-radiant nature of the plasmon-magnon coupling afforded by phase matching. We show that the Rabi coupling can be modulated both electrically and mechanically and we propose a attenuated total internal reflection experiment to implement ferromagnetic resonance experiments on 2D ferromagnets driven by plasmon excitation.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, appendi

    Electronic States of Magnetic Quantum Dots

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    We study quantum states of electrons in magnetically doped quantum dots as a function of exchange coupling between electron and impurity spins, the strength of Coulomb interaction, confining potential, and the number of electrons. The magnetic phase diagram of quantum dots, doped with a large number of magnetic Mn impurities, can be described by the energy gap in the spectrum of electrons and the mean field electron-Mn exchange coupling. A competition between these two parameters leads to a transition between spin-unpolarized and spin-polarized states, in the absence of applied magnetic field. Tuning the energy gap by electrostatic control of nonparabolicity of the confining potential can enable control of magnetization even at the fixed number of electrons. We illustrate our findings by directly comparing Mn-doped quantum dots with parabolic and Gaussian confining potential.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, Part of Focus on Spintronics in Reduced Dimension