2,118 research outputs found

    Fat fraction mapping using bSSFP Signal Profile Asymmetries for Robust multi-Compartment Quantification (SPARCQ)

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    Purpose: To develop a novel quantitative method for detection of different tissue compartments based on bSSFP signal profile asymmetries (SPARCQ) and to provide a validation and proof-of-concept for voxel-wise water-fat separation and fat fraction mapping. Methods: The SPARCQ framework uses phase-cycled bSSFP acquisitions to obtain bSSFP signal profiles. For each voxel, the profile is decomposed into a weighted sum of simulated profiles with specific off-resonance and relaxation time ratios. From the obtained set of weights, voxel-wise estimations of the fractions of the different components and their equilibrium magnetization are extracted. For the entire image volume, component-specific quantitative maps as well as banding-artifact-free images are generated. A SPARCQ proof-of-concept was provided for water-fat separation and fat fraction mapping. Noise robustness was assessed using simulations. A dedicated water-fat phantom was used to validate fat fractions estimated with SPARCQ against gold-standard 1H MRS. Quantitative maps were obtained in knees of six healthy volunteers, and SPARCQ repeatability was evaluated in scan rescan experiments. Results: Simulations showed that fat fraction estimations are accurate and robust for signal-to-noise ratios above 20. Phantom experiments showed good agreement between SPARCQ and gold-standard (GS) fat fractions (fF(SPARCQ) = 1.02*fF(GS) + 0.00235). In volunteers, quantitative maps and banding-artifact-free water-fat-separated images obtained with SPARCQ demonstrated the expected contrast between fatty and non-fatty tissues. The coefficient of repeatability of SPARCQ fat fraction was 0.0512. Conclusion: The SPARCQ framework was proposed as a novel quantitative mapping technique for detecting different tissue compartments, and its potential was demonstrated for quantitative water-fat separation.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Magnetic Resonance in Medicin

    Continuous Monitoring of Dynamical Systems and Master Equations

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    We illustrate the equivalence between the non-unitary evolution of an open quantum system governed by a Markovian master equation and a process of continuous measurements involving this system. We investigate a system of two coupled modes, only one of them interacting with external degrees of freedom, represented, in the first case, by a finite number of harmonic oscillators, and, in the second, by a sequence of atoms where each one interacts with a single mode during a limited time. Two distinct regimes appear, one of them corresponding to a Zeno-like behavior in the limit of large dissipation

    Semiclassical Dynamics from Zeno-Like measurements

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    The usual semiclassical approximation for atom-field dynamics consists in substituting the field operators by complex numbers related to the (supposedly large enough) intensity of the field. We show that a semiclassical evolution for coupled systems can always be obtained by frequent Zeno-like measurements on the state of one subsystems, independently of the field intensity in the example given. We study the Jaynes Cummings model from this perspective

    Positive effects of robotic exoskeleton training of upper limb reaching movements after stroke

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    This study, conducted in a group of nine chronic patients with right-side hemiparesis after stroke, investigated the effects of a robotic-assisted rehabilitation training with an upper limb robotic exoskeleton for the restoration of motor function in spatial reaching movements. The robotic assisted rehabilitation training was administered for a period of 6 weeks including reaching and spatial antigravity movements. To assess the carry-over of the observed improvements in movement during training into improved function, a kinesiologic assessment of the effects of the training was performed by means of motion and dynamic electromyographic analysis of reaching movements performed before and after training. The same kinesiologic measurements were performed in a healthy control group of seven volunteers, to determine a benchmark for the experimental observations in the patients’ group. Moreover degree of functional impairment at the enrolment and discharge was measured by clinical evaluation with upper limb Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale (FMA, 0–66 points), Modified Ashworth scale (MA, 0–60 pts) and active ranges of motion. The robot aided training induced, independently by time of stroke, statistical significant improvements of kinesiologic (movement time, smoothness of motion) and clinical (4.6 ± 4.2 increase in FMA, 3.2 ± 2.1 decrease in MA) parameters, as a result of the increased active ranges of motion and improved cocontraction index for shoulder extension/flexion. Kinesiologic parameters correlated significantly with clinical assessment values, and their changes after the training were affected by the direction of motion (inward vs. outward movement) and position of target to be reached (ipsilateral, central and contralateral peripersonal space). These changes can be explained as a result of the motor recovery induced by the robotic training, in terms of regained ability to execute single joint movements and of improved interjoint coordination of elbow and shoulder joints

    Viscosity of Pyroxenite Melt and Its Evolution During Cooling

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    New viscosity experiments at superliquidus temperatures and during cooling at a rate of 10 K/hr have been performed at different shear rates on a synthetic pyroxenite melt. Results revealed that this melt is extremely fluid at temperature between 1646 and 1530 K and measured viscosities are between 2.2 and 7.8 Pa·s. Such very low viscosities allow the lava to flow in turbulent regime as confirmed by the high Reynolds numbers, which are always >2,000. As a consequence, very long distance could be covered by the lava flow. If we consider this studied composition as proxy for Mars lava flows coupled with very high effusion rates, our results might explain the presence of extraordinary large volcanic channels, as recently hypothesized for the Kasei Valles on Mars, even considering that the gravity is approximately one third that of Earth. Few literature data tracking viscosity during cooling are available, and they reported shear thinning effect on different compositions. Our experiments performed at 0.1 and 1 s−1 have shown complex variation in the apparent viscosity, confirming that nonequilibrium rheology represents a still unexplored field of investigation useful to better understand the real geological scenarios occurring in magmatic and volcanic systems. ©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    Field cancerization therapy with ingenol mebutate contributes to restoring skin-metabolism to normal-state in patients with actinic keratosis: a metabolomic analysis

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    Actinic keratosis (AK) is a skin premalignant lesion, which progresses into squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) if left untreated. Ingenol mebutate gel is approved for local treatment of non-hyperkeratotic, non-hypertrophic AK; it also has the potential to act as a field cancerization therapy to prevent the progression of AK to SCC. To gain better insights into the mechanisms of ingenol mebutate beyond the mere clinical assessment, we investigated, for the first time, the metabolome of skin tissues from patients with AK, before and after ingenol mebutate treatment, with high-resolution magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The metabolomic profiles were compared with those of tissues from healthy volunteers. Overall, we identified a number of metabolites, the homeostasis of which became altered during the process of tumorigenesis from healthy skin to AK, and was restored, at least partially, by ingenol mebutate therapy. These metabolites may help to attain a better understanding of keratinocyte metabolism and to unmask the metabolic pathways related to cell proliferation. These results provide helpful information to identify biomarkers with prognostic and therapeutic significance in AK, and suggest that field cancerization therapy with ingenol mebutate may contribute to restore skin metabolism to a normal state in patients with AK

    The atmospheric charged kaon/pion ratio using seasonal variation methods

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    Observed since the 1950's, the seasonal effect on underground muons is a well studied phenomenon. The interaction height of incident cosmic rays changes as the temperature of the atmosphere changes, which affects the production height of mesons (mostly pions and kaons). The decay of these mesons produces muons that can be detected underground. The production of muons is dominated by pion decay, and previous work did not include the effect of kaons. In this work, the methods of Barrett and MACRO are extended to include the effect of kaons. These efforts give rise to a new method to measure the atmospheric K/π\pi ratio at energies beyond the reach of current fixed target experiments. These methods were applied to data from the MINOS far detector. A method is developed for making these measurements at other underground detectors, including OPERA, Super-K, IceCube, Baksan and the MINOS near detector.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Astropart. Phy

    Static spectroscopy of a dense superfluid

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    Dense Bose superfluids, as HeII, differ from dilute ones by the existence of a roton minimum in their excitation spectrum. It is known that this roton minimum is qualitatively responsible for density oscillations close to any singularity, such as vortex cores, or close to solid boundaries. We show that the period of these oscillations, and their exponential decrease with the distance to the singularity, are fully determined by the position and the width of the roton minimum. Only an overall amplitude factor and a phase shift are shown to depend on the details of the interaction potential. Reciprocally, it allows for determining the characteristics of this roton minimum from static "observations" of a disturbed ground state, in cases where the dynamics is not easily accessible. We focus on the vortex example. Our analysis further shows why the energy of these oscillations is negligible compared to the kinetic energy, which limits their influence on the vortex dynamics, except for high curvatures.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, extended version, published in J. Low Temp. Phy

    Characteristic Time and Maximum Mixedness: Single Mode Gaussian States in Dissipative Channels

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    We derive an upper limit for the mixedness of single bosonic mode gaussian states propagating in dissipative channels. It is a function of the initial squeezing and temperature of the channel only. Moreover the time at which von Neumann's entropy reaches its maximum value coincides with that of complete loss of coherence, thus defining a quantum-classical transition.Comment: Accepted versio

    Activation of melanocortin receptors MC1 and MC5 attenuates retinal damage in experimental diabetic retinopathy

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    We hypothesize that melanocortin receptors (MC) could activate tissue protective circuit in a model of streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced diabetic retinopathy (DR) in mice. At 12–16 weeks after diabetes induction, fluorescein angiography (FAG) revealed an approximate incidence of 80% microvascular changes, typical of DR, in the animals, without signs of vascular leakage. Occludin progressively decreased in the retina of mice developing retinopathy. qPCR of murine retina revealed expression of two MC receptors, Mc1r and Mc5r. The intravitreal injection (5 \u1d707L) of the selective MC1 small molecule agonist BMS-470539 (33 \u1d707mol) and the MC5 peptidomimetic agonist PG-901 (7.32 nM) elicited significant protection with regular course and caliber of retinal vessels, as quantified at weeks 12 and 16 after diabetes induction. Mouse retina homogenate settings indicated an augmented release of IL-1\u1d6fc, IL-1\u1d6fd, IL-6, MIP-1\u1d6fc, MIP-2\u1d6fc, MIP-3\u1d6fc, and VEGF from diabetic compared to nondiabetic mice. Application of PG20N or AGRP and MC5 and MC1 antagonist, respectively, augmented the release of cytokines, while the agonists BMS-470539 and PG-901 almost restored normal pattern of these mediators back to nondiabetic values. Similar changes were quantified with respect to Ki-67 staining. Finally, application of MC3-MC4 agonist/antagonists resulted to be inactive with respect to all parameters under assessment