1,460 research outputs found

    Bilocal versus non-bilocal correlations in entanglement swapping experiments

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    Entanglement swapping is a process by which two initially independent quantum systems can become entangled and generate nonlocal correlations. To characterize such correlations, we compare them to those predicted by bilocal models, where systems that are initially independent are described by uncorrelated states. We extend in this paper the analysis of bilocal correlations initiated in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 170401 (2010)]. In particular, we derive new Bell-type inequalities based on the bilocality assumption in different scenarios, we study their possible quantum violations, and analyze their resistance to experimental imperfections. The bilocality assumption, being stronger than Bell's standard local causality assumption, lowers the requirements for the demonstration of quantumness in entanglement swapping experiments

    Measuring missing heritability: Inferring the contribution of common variants

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWASs), also called common variant association studies (CVASs), have uncovered thousands of genetic variants associated with hundreds of diseases. However, the variants that reach statistical significance typically explain only a small fraction of the heritability. One explanation for the “missing heritability” is that there are many additional disease-associated common variants whose effects are too small to detect with current sample sizes. It therefore is useful to have methods to quantify the heritability due to common variation, without having to identify all causal variants. Recent studies applied restricted maximum likelihood (REML) estimation to case–control studies for diseases. Here, we show that REML considerably underestimates the fraction of heritability due to common variation in this setting. The degree of underestimation increases with the rarity of disease, the heritability of the disease, and the size of the sample. Instead, we develop a general framework for heritability estimation, called phenotype correlation–genotype correlation (PCGC) regression, which generalizes the well-known Haseman–Elston regression method. We show that PCGC regression yields unbiased estimates. Applying PCGC regression to six diseases, we estimate the proportion of the phenotypic variance due to common variants to range from 25% to 56% and the proportion of heritability due to common variants from 41% to 68% (mean 60%). These results suggest that common variants may explain at least half the heritability for many diseases. PCGC regression also is readily applicable to other settings, including analyzing extreme-phenotype studies and adjusting for covariates such as sex, age, and population structure.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH HG003067)Broad Institute of MIT and Harvar

    Follow-up question handling in the IMIX and Ritel systems: A comparative study

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    One of the basic topics of question answering (QA) dialogue systems is how follow-up questions should be interpreted by a QA system. In this paper, we shall discuss our experience with the IMIX and Ritel systems, for both of which a follow-up question handling scheme has been developed, and corpora have been collected. These two systems are each other's opposites in many respects: IMIX is multimodal, non-factoid, black-box QA, while Ritel is speech, factoid, keyword-based QA. Nevertheless, we will show that they are quite comparable, and that it is fruitful to examine the similarities and differences. We shall look at how the systems are composed, and how real, non-expert, users interact with the systems. We shall also provide comparisons with systems from the literature where possible, and indicate where open issues lie and in what areas existing systems may be improved. We conclude that most systems have a common architecture with a set of common subtasks, in particular detecting follow-up questions and finding referents for them. We characterise these tasks using the typical techniques used for performing them, and data from our corpora. We also identify a special type of follow-up question, the discourse question, which is asked when the user is trying to understand an answer, and propose some basic methods for handling it

    Global stability for an inverse problem in soil-structure interaction

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    We consider the inverse problem of determining the Winkler subgrade reaction coefficient of a slab foundation modelled as a thin elastic plate clamped at the boundary. The plate is loaded by a concentrated force and its transversal deflection is measured at the interior points. We prove a global Holder stability estimate under (mild) regularity assumptions on the unknown coefficient

    L'inhibition de l'entartrage par les eaux géothermales du sud tunisien. Étude sur site

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    Une nappe d'eaux fossiles à grande profondeur (800 à 2 700 mètres) a été mise en exploitation dans le Sud-Tunisien pour alimenter une usine d'osmose inverse située à Gabès ayant une production de 15 000 m3 /jour, afin de lutter contre la désertification par irrigation et d'assurer le chauffage de serres pour la production de primeurs. La grande dureté (TH de l'ordre de 100 à 140 °F) de ces eaux géothermales a pour conséquence le colmatage rapide des conduites de distribution : 40 à 50 tonnes de tartre par forage, constitué essentiellement de carbonate de calcium, précipitent chaque année. Ce tartre est constitué d'aragonite comme le montrent la microscopie électronique à balayage et la diffraction des rayons X. Une technique électrochimique, la chronoélectrogravimétrie, permet d'étudier l'inhibition de l'entartrage par des composés de la famille des phosphates inorganiques, des phosphonates organiques et des polycarboxylates. La concentration efficace de chacun de ces inhibiteurs agissant par effet de seuil a été déterminée : elle est de l'ordre de 1,1 à 1,5 mg.l-1 pour l'eau du forage de EL HAMMA. Un essai sur le site de EL MANSOURA a été effectué en privilégiant un inhibiteur produit industriellement dans le Sud-Tunisien, le triphosphate de sodium. A la concentration de 1 mg.l-1 il évite l'entartrage du système de refroidissement de type cascade - piscines et des conduites de distribution.Deep fossil waters are used in Southern Tunisia (Gabès, Kébili, Tozeur) for the Gabès reverse osmosis plant, which delivers a flow rate of 15 000 m3 /day for irrigation and for heating greenhouses used for the production of early fruits and vegetables. Drilling depths vary between 800 and 2 700 meters. Water emerges under a pressure of ca. 20 bars and has a temperature between 50 and 73 °C. Mean flow rate is 7 800 m3 /day.Intake water at the Gabès plant has a salinity of 3.3 g.l-1 ; after reverse osmosis the salinity is less than 0.1 g.l-1. Water used for irrigation has to be cooled. Geothermal waters are characterized by high concentrations of calcium, magnesium, sulphate and chloride. Bicarbonate anions are present at limited concentrations (approx. 2.10-3 mol.l-1) that are, however, sufficient for the formation of large quantities of scale - 40 to 50 tons per year for each drilling. At the outlet of the drill hole, pressure decreases strongly, liberating carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Water pH increases and the following equilibrium is displaced to the right, with scale precipitation : Ca2+ + 2HCO3-CO2 (g) + CaCO3(s) + H2OScale precipitation has two consequences :- the plugging of distribution pipes: a 85% reduction of the pipe has been observed, after four years, for an initial diameter of 15 cm; - water cooling installations such as cooling towers or pool systems are blocked by large quantities of scale, which have to be removed regularly. Scales have been analysed through inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy and thermogravimetry: calcium carbonate may represent, depending on the origin of the drilling water, 60 to 95% by weight of the solid. Iron oxides, silica, calcium phosphate and aluminum are present. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction show that calcium carbonate precipitates in the form of aragonite. This is due to two reasons: the temperature at the drilling outlet is greater than 60 °C and the high magnesium concentration favours aragonite formation. Scale inhibition is possible through the use of certain chemicals such as phosphates, organic phosphonates and polycarboxylates.Chronoelectrogravimetry was used as the experimental method to determine the inhibitor concentration able to suppress scale precipitation. Dissolved oxygen is electrochemically reduced on a gold electrode; hydroxide anions are produced in the vicinity of the electrode and calcium carbonate precipitates according to:4Ca2+ + 4HCO3- + O2 + 4e -> 4CaCO3(s) + 2H2OThe gold electrode is deposited on the quartz disk of a recording microbalance. The electrode is polarized at - 1 V/SCE with a three-electrode potentiostatic device and the weight of CaCO3 deposited is recorded versus time.Four inhibitors have been studied :- PERMATREAT 191, which is the sodium salt of aminotris(methylenephosphonic) acid N(CH2COONa)3; - a proprietary organic phosphonate with high resistance to chlorine oxidation (DEQUEST 6004) ; - phosphonobutanetricarboxylic acid (DEQUEST 7000, BAYHIBIT-AM) ; - a copolymer of acrylic acid and acrylamidopropanesulfonic acid (FERROPHOS 5248). Breakthrough effects are obtained in the case of EL HAMMA water for the following concentrations: PERMATREAT 191: 1.1 mg.l-1 ; DEQUEST 6004: 1.5 mg.l-1 ; DEQUEST 7000: 1.3 mg.l-1 ; FERROPHOS 5248: 1.4 mg.l-1. These concentrations are low and, as a consequence, these inhibitors can be used for antiscale action even with high water flow rates.A field experiment was carried out on the EL MANSOURA drilling where water is cooled in three pools (input water: 5 184 m3 /day, temperature: 60 °C). For economical reasons the chosen inhibitor was sodium triphosphate Na5 P3 O10, which is produced industrially in Southern Tunisia. By chronoelectrogravimetry it has been shown that, with EL MANSOURA water, a breakthrough effect is obtained with a sodium triphosphate concentration of 0.75 mg.l-1.A dosing pump was used to inject sodium triphosphate in such a way that the inhibitor concentration would be 1 mg.l-1 in one of three pools, the two others not being treated. After four months a scale deposit of 23 cm was obtained in the untreated pools and the pipe diameter was reduced by 39%. In the treated pool scale deposit was not observed and the pipe diameter remained unchanged. In the untreated basins, examination of scale with electron scanning microscopy revealed that it was aragonite; in the treated basin, the precipitate was amorphous and an X-ray diffraction pattern with no characteristic bands was obtained.Some algal development was observed in the pool due to phosphate addition but this development was not a nuisance after the four month period. However, it could be suppressed by the use of an organic phosphonate or polycarboxylate as scale inhibitor

    A Study on the Impacts of Slot Types and Training Data on Joint Natural Language Understanding in a Spanish Medication Management Assistant Scenario

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    This study evaluates the impacts of slot tagging and training data length on joint natural language understanding (NLU) models for medication management scenarios using chatbots in Spanish. In this study, we define the intents (purposes of the sentences) for medication management scenarios and two types of slot tags. For training the model, we generated four datasets, combining long/short sentences with long/short slots, while for testing, we collect the data from real interactions of users with a chatbot. For the comparative analysis, we chose six joint NLU models (SlotRefine, stack-propagation framework, SF-ID network, capsule-NLU, slot-gated modeling, and a joint SLU-LM model) from the literature. The results show that the best performance (with a sentence-level semantic accuracy of 68.6%, an F1-score of 76.4% for slot filling, and an accuracy of 79.3% for intent detection) is achieved using short sentences and short slots. Our results suggest that joint NLU models trained with short slots yield better results than those trained with long slots for the slot filling task. The results also indicate that short slots could be a better choice for the dialog system because of their simplicity. Importantly, the work demonstrates that the performance of the joint NLU models can be improved by selecting the correct slot configuration according to the usage scenario. © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    Gas fields and large shallow seismogenic reverse faults are anticorrelated

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    We investigated the spatial relationships among 18 known seismogenic faults and 1651 wells drilled for gas exploitation in the main hydrocarbon province of northern-central Italy, a unique dataset worldwide. We adopted a GIS approach and a robust statistical technique, and found a significant anticorrelation between the location of productive wells and of the considered seismogenic faults, which are often overlain or encircled by unproductive wells. Our observations suggest that (a) earthquake ruptures encompassing much of the upper crust may cause gas to be lost to the atmosphere over geological time, and that (b) reservoirs underlain by smaller or aseismic faults are more likely to be intact. These findings, which are of inherently global relevance, have crucial implications for future hydrocarbon exploitation, for assessing the seismic-aseismic behaviour of large reverse faults, and for the public acceptance of underground energy and CO2 storage facilities-a pillar of future low carbon energy systems-in tectonically active areas

    High-cycle electromechanical aging of dielectric elastomer actuators with carbon-based electrodes

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    We present high-cycle aging tests of dielectric elastomer actuators (DEAs) based on silicone elastomers, reporting on the time-evolution of actuation strain and of electrode resistance over millions of cycles. We compare several types of carbon-based electrodes, and for the first time show how the choice of electrode has a dramatic influence on DEA aging. An expanding circle DEA configuration is used, consisting of a commercial silicone membrane with the following electrodes: commercial carbon grease applied manually, solvent-diluted carbon grease applied by stamping (pad printing), loose carbon black powder applied manually, carbon black powder suspension applied by inkjet-printing, and conductive silicone-carbon composite applied by stamping. The silicone-based DEAs with manually applied carbon grease electrodes show the shortest lifetime of less than 105 cycles at 5% strain, while the inkjet-printed carbon powder and the stamped silicone-carbon composite make for the most reliable devices, with lifetimes greater than 107 cycles at 5% strain. These results are valid for the specific dielectric and electrode configurations that were tested: using other dielectrics or electrode formulations would lead to different lifetimes and failure modes. We find that aging (as seen in the change in resistance and in actuation strain versus cycle number) is independent of the actuation frequency from 10 Hz to 200 Hz, and depends on the total accumulated time the DEA spends in an actuated state

    Numerical size estimates of inclusions in Kirchhoff-Love elastic plates

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    The size estimates approach for Kirchhoff--Love elastic plates allows to determine upper and lower bounds of the area of an unknown elastic inclusion by measuring the work developed by applying a couple field on the boundary of the plate. Although the analytical process by which such bounds are determined is of constructive type, it leads to rather pessimistic evaluations. In this paper we show by numerical simulations how to obtain such bounds for practical applications of the method. The computations are developed for a square plate under various boundary loads and for inclusions of different position, shape and stiffness. The sensitivity of the results with respect to the relevant parameters is also analyzed

    Classical simulation of entanglement swapping with bounded communication

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    Entanglement appears under two different forms in quantum theory, namely as a property of states of joint systems and as a property of measurement eigenstates in joint measurements. By combining these two aspects of entanglement, it is possible to generate nonlocality between particles that never interacted, using the protocol of entanglement swapping. We show that even in the more constraining bilocal scenario where distant sources of particles are assumed to be independent, i.e. to share no prior randomness, this process can be simulated classically with bounded communication, using only 9 bits in total. Our result thus provides an upper bound on the nonlocality of the process of entanglement swapping.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur