96 research outputs found

    Bimbingan kerjaya menurut perspektif Islam

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    Bekerja merupakan suatu amalan manusia yang disuruh dan dituntut oleh agama Islam. Malah tujuan manusia bekerja ialah untuk mencari sumber rezeki bagi menanggung diri sendiri, kaum keluarga dan membantu orang lain. Bagi melahirkan pekerja Muslim yang profesional, para kaunselor di Malaysia disarankan supaya membimbing para pelajar di sekolah mahupun di Institut Pengajian Tinggi berdasarkan tiga peringkat. Peringkat-peringkat itu ialah peringkat sebelum memilih kerjaya, peringkat semasa melaksanakan kerja dan peringkat selepas menyelesaikan kerja. Dengan memfokuskan tiga peringkat perkembangan ini bakal-bakal pekerja Muslim akan memahami, menyedari dan seterusnya mengamalkan ciri-ciri pekerjaan yang diredhai Allah

    The Impact of Leadership, Motivation, Discipline, and Wages on The Performance of Sharia Bank Employees

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    Abstract:  The development of Islamic Banks increased rapidly. Based on assets, profitability, market share, and others. They were followed by internal management, such as an expansion of the facilities and services. On the other hand, considering Islamic Banks’ human resources is very important in realizing the vision and mission. As a result, they must be improving the worker's performance on the goals. This research used a quantitative approach with the independent variable are leadership, working discipline, motivation, and wages. The dependent variable used in this research is employee performance. The result showed that leadership, working discipline, motivation, and wages significantly affect the employee enterprise. It can be seen from the magnitude of t count of 45.804 t table of 2.51 with a significance (sig) of 0.000 0.05. Simultaneously critical in the leadership thorough giving higher wage and the reward encouraged workers’ motivation, discipline to increase workers’ performance. As a result, those variables can improve employee performance to achieve a manner together in Bank BRI Syariah Tugumulyo Branch, Bandar Lampung, South Sumatra. The conclusion stated that the independent variables affected the workers' enterprise. Therefore, as a result, these models are very suitable for improving banks’ workers to achieve their goals.Abstrak: Perkembangan Bank Syariah meningkat pesat. Berdasarkan aset, profitabilitas, pangsa pasar, dan lain-lain. Disusul dengan manajemen internal, seperti perluasan fasilitas dan layanan. Di sisi lain, mengingat sumber daya manusia Bank Syariah sangat penting dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi. Akibatnya, mereka harus meningkatkan kinerja pekerja pada tujuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan variabel bebas yaitu kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja, motivasi, dan upah. Variabel terikat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja, motivasi, dan upah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap karyawan perusahaan. Hal ini terlihat dari besarnya t hitung sebesar 45,804 t tabel sebesar 2,51 dengan signifikansi (sig) sebesar 0,000 0,05. Sekaligus kritis dalam kepemimpinan menyeluruh memberikan upah yang lebih tinggi dan penghargaan mendorong motivasi pekerja, disiplin untuk meningkatkan kinerja pekerja. Sehingga variabel-variabel tersebut dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai untuk berprestasi secara bersama-sama di Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Tugumulyo, Bandar Lampung, Sumatera Selatan. Kesimpulannya menyatakan bahwa variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap perusahaan pekerja. Oleh karena itu, sebagai hasilnya, model ini sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan pekerja bank untuk mencapai tujuan mereka.

    Questionnaire construction of deviant sexual behavior and awareness on sexual deviation behaviour.

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of developing Questionnaires of DeviantSexual Behavior and Awareness on Sexual Deviation Behavior Based on Islam. Somecriteria’s has been identified to develop these questionnaires in the aspect of psychology,counseling and Islamic education. The benefit is to produce an applicable instrument to theIslamic context. These questionnaires were developed through integrated discipline of psychology, counseling and Islam and the aim is for enable to measure sexual deviantbehavior from the Islamic perspective. The main sources of these references were based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Text Revision (2000), Checklist Sexual Behavior Inventory (Friedrich, 1997), Al Ghazali Model (Yatimah and MohdTajudin, 2008) and the tendency of immoral behavior based on human sense according toIslam (Amir Hassan, 2007). DSM-IV-TR (2000) which involved some clinical items such as exhibitionism, frotteurism and voyeurism. Meanwhile Checklist Sexual Behaviour Inventory (Friedrich, 1997) were refers to personal boundaries, exhibitionism, self-stimulation, sexualinterest, sexual knowledge and voyeuristic behavior. Counseling Model Based On HumanTraits Al Ghazali (Yatimah and Mohd Tajudin, 2008) involved some items such aslimitation in intermingle, aurat limitation, sense limitation, and the tendency of immoralbehaviour based on human sense according to Islam (Amir Hassan, 2007) such as part of body, hands, mouth, ear and eye. These questionnaires has been evaluated for the contentvalidity and expert validity from the internal expert and external expert. The result of thesequestionnaires showed a commonly acceptable for the Cronbach alpha value more than 0.6(Kerlinger, 1979). The Questionaires of Deviant Sexual Behaviour Based on Islam for thevalue of Cronbach Alpha was 0.7038 and Awareness on Sexual Deviation Behaviour Based on Islam for the Cronbach Alpha was 0.7183

    The Impact of Leadership, Motivation, Discipline, and Wages on The Performance of Sharia Bank Employees

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    Abstract:  The development of Islamic Banks increased rapidly. Based on assets, profitability, market share, and others. They were followed by internal management, such as an expansion of the facilities and services. On the other hand, considering Islamic Banks’ human resources is very important in realizing the vision and mission. As a result, they must be improving the worker's performance on the goals. This research used a quantitative approach with the independent variable are leadership, working discipline, motivation, and wages. The dependent variable used in this research is employee performance. The result showed that leadership, working discipline, motivation, and wages significantly affect the employee enterprise. It can be seen from the magnitude of t count of 45.804 t table of 2.51 with a significance (sig) of 0.000 0.05. Simultaneously critical in the leadership thorough giving higher wage and the reward encouraged workers’ motivation, discipline to increase workers’ performance. As a result, those variables can improve employee performance to achieve a manner together in Bank BRI Syariah Tugumulyo Branch, Bandar Lampung, South Sumatra. The conclusion stated that the independent variables affected the workers' enterprise. Therefore, as a result, these models are very suitable for improving banks’ workers to achieve their goals.Abstrak: Perkembangan Bank Syariah meningkat pesat. Berdasarkan aset, profitabilitas, pangsa pasar, dan lain-lain. Disusul dengan manajemen internal, seperti perluasan fasilitas dan layanan. Di sisi lain, mengingat sumber daya manusia Bank Syariah sangat penting dalam mewujudkan visi dan misi. Akibatnya, mereka harus meningkatkan kinerja pekerja pada tujuan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan variabel bebas yaitu kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja, motivasi, dan upah. Variabel terikat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kinerja karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan, disiplin kerja, motivasi, dan upah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap karyawan perusahaan. Hal ini terlihat dari besarnya t hitung sebesar 45,804 t tabel sebesar 2,51 dengan signifikansi (sig) sebesar 0,000 0,05. Sekaligus kritis dalam kepemimpinan menyeluruh memberikan upah yang lebih tinggi dan penghargaan mendorong motivasi pekerja, disiplin untuk meningkatkan kinerja pekerja. Sehingga variabel-variabel tersebut dapat meningkatkan kinerja pegawai untuk berprestasi secara bersama-sama di Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Tugumulyo, Bandar Lampung, Sumatera Selatan. Kesimpulannya menyatakan bahwa variabel independen berpengaruh terhadap perusahaan pekerja. Oleh karena itu, sebagai hasilnya, model ini sangat cocok untuk meningkatkan pekerja bank untuk mencapai tujuan mereka.

    Teori dan praktis kaunseling kelompok kontemporari

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    Manusia menghadapi pelbagai cabaran kesan daripada globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia. Impaknya kesihatan mental dan kehidupan manusia menjadi tidak berarah. Justeru, pengetahuan dan kemahiran bermasyarakat yang dinamakan sebagai Kaunseling Kelompok amat penting dikuasai oleh manusia pada hari ini. Menerusi Kaunseling Kelompok, sekurang–kurangnya masalah yang terpendam dapat diluah dan dikongsi bersama rakan–rakan lain bagi menuju kesejahteraan hidup. Buku ini mengandungi sembilan jenis Kaunseling Kelompok, iaitu Kelompok Terapi Pemusatan Klien, Kelompok Terapi Gestalt, Kelompok Terapi Analisis Transaksional, Kelompok Terapi Emosi Rasional, Kelompok Terapi Tingkah Laku, Kelompok Terapi Realiti, Kelompok Kanak–Kanak, Remaja, dan Dewasa. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan utama kepada ahli psikologi, pengamal kaunseling, pelajar psikologi dan kaunseling di peringkat siswazah dan pascasiswazah, pendidik sekolah, pensyarah di kolej, maktab dan universiti atau individu yang berminat menambahkan pengetahuan dalam bidang Kaunseling Kelompok

    Effect of Mullite Formation on Properties of Aluminosilicate Ceramic Balls

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    AbstractIn order to study the effect of mullite phase on the physico-mechanical of the aluminosilicate ceramic balls, 3 ceramic balls made of clay, feldspar and quartz were prepared. However, in this work, the clays were selected from i.e., Trong, Perak (TC), Simpang Pulai, Perak (SP) and Selendang, Pahang (SC) and were identified as CBT, CBP and CBS, respectively. The formulation of each clay was fixed to 30wt.% clay; 40wt.% potash feldspar; 40wt.% silica sand. The mixtures later,were dried for 6hours under 25 oC of room temperatures. Prior to shape balls, 30wt.% of water was added to the mixtures in order to form dough. The dough was aged for 24hours to homogenous the plasticity before shaped to 19mm of spherical balls. The balls were dried in an oven at 110°C for 24hours before fired at 1250°C for 2hours. The phase formation of each mixture was investigated via X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). Meanwhile, the physico-mechanical of ceramic balls was determined according Universal Oil Products (UOP). It is found that CBT exhibited outstanding physico-mechanical which has crushing strength 1270kg compared to CBP and CBS due to the presence of mullite phase. This enables their use for ceramic balls as catalyst bed support in refining applications

    Inductive proximity sensor for metal detection

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    Proximity sensor is among the oldest electronic parts in automation history. The recent research and progress of inductive proximity wave (IPS) sensor has grown with various demands of the domain. The IPS sensors have several unique benefits, such as light weight, small size, and immune to adverse environmental conditions and have a high switching rate for rapid response specifications. Means that, with the ability to detect at close range, IPS is a very useful for precision measurement applications

    Conservation of cultural heritage in Malaysia : a review on national heritage act 2005 / Nurul Huda Rozlan...[et al.]

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    Malaysia is very fortunate to have many historic buildings which have both the architectural and historical value which are protected in the National Heritage Act 2005. With the rising awareness amongst the public regarding the conservation of our precious national heritage, many historical buildings have been preserved and conserved very well. However, some of them have sadly been converted to become premises for banks, restaurants, offices or even shopping malls. Thus, in December 2005, parliament passed the National Heritage Act which came into force on 1 March 2006. This Act is a replacement of Antiquities Act 1976 and Treasure Trove Act 1957. The passing of this new Act draws the attention of the public as well as local organizations. Some give many credits, inter alia, alleged that the Act is already complete. Despite of the credits, the Act, at the same time, also received a lot of critics from various individuals, groups and organization as it is said to be ineffective and unenforceable. This research paper aims to draw the attention on the flaws or loopholes being purported against this Act and recommendations to overcome the alleged flaws. Among the issues that will be discussed in this research paper include, failure of authorities to observe their power efficiently, loopholes in our laws and lack of appreciation of the value of the heritage. We hope that this research paper will be a reading that will provide a better understanding on this Ac

    Development and characterization of platinum-palladium ceramic membranes for fuel cell application.

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    Membran pembaur hidrogen dan alumina terpilih semakin mendapat tempat dalam bidang pemisahan gas kerana hidrogen merupakan sumber industri bagi pembuatan bahan-api dan berbagai jenis Uatran kimia. Hydrogen permeable and selective alumina membranes have attracted much interest in the membrane gas separation field due to the importance of hydrogen as an industrial feedstock for the production of fuels and many chemicals