13 research outputs found

    Friendship, joy, and physical fitness of elementary school students: outcome-based macro evaluation of physical education in Madura Island

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    The lack of information regarding the benefits of physical education in primary education (SD/MI) in Madura Island resulted in its potential value not being fully realized. In addition, the existence of physical education is often seen as a peripheral or unimportant subject in the school curriculum. Meanwhile, outcomes, which are evaluations at the social or community level, often need to be thoroughly explored. The benefits of physical education ideally are based on the criteria of friends, fun, and fitness. This study seeks information about interpersonal peacefulness, physical activity enjoyment, and physical fitness. The research method used is quantitative and correlational descriptive with a testing design using the discrepancy evaluation model. The respondents involved in this study are 523 students. The results show that the mean of interpersonal peacefulness among students and physical activity enjoyment has met the established criteria, while the mean of physical fitness of students has not met the established criteria. The three variables have a functional relationship with a significant value <0.05. Recommendations that can be given to physical education teachers are to pay more attention to the element of physical activity enjoyment in children. According to hedonism theory, behavioral learning theory, and perceptual theory, humans always seek and repeat any action that gives pleasure. So, if exercising brings joy, they will repeat the activity. The more joy, the more active they will be in exercising

    Analysis of Results of Emergency Training Proficiency For High School Physical Education Teacher in East Java

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    Even though you have tried to prevent it, accidents in learning sports can still happen. Physical education teachers are certainly required to be responsive and capable of handling it. What are the emergency training needs faced by high school physical education teachers and analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. In this study using models and theoretical concepts with an andragogical perspective using the Training Need Assessment as well as the theory of needs and gaps. This correlation descriptive study examines the analysis of the results of emergency training for high school physical education teachers. Data were collected by means of an online questionnaire. The results of the study concluded: 1) Various sports emergency events, namely leg muscle cramps, blisters on the skin, fainting due to heat, hand muscle cramps, stomach muscle cramps, bruises on the skin, tears in the skin, respiratory failure, drowning in swimming pools, sprains, nosebleeds, and bone dislocations. 2) Ten sports emergency incidents which are needs for sports emergency training, one unfulfilled need/real needs and nine felt needs. 3). There is a significant relationship between events and proficiency levels and between proficiency levels and the readiness of high school physical education teachers

    Why is group physical activity better? Empirical Evidence from Indonesian Islamic Primary Students

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    This study aims to generate correlational-predictive knowledge for active participation in voluntary sports of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (Islamic Primary School) students in Indonesia. This secondary study utilizes one of the newest collections of big data at the Center for Physical Literacy and Sports Education Studies, Postgraduate School of IKIP Budi Utomo. Of the 6,576 respondents to the sports culture survey for Indonesian students, 335 of them were Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students. From the proposed causal model, personal awareness, group norms, social support, and active participation in voluntary sports were selected for further analysis. The path analysis strategy found that the direct contribution of personal awareness to active sports participation was insignificant (0.020). The contribution of personal awareness indirectly, through social support (0.022), with a significant total effect (0.042). The findings of this study support the proposition about the importance of group norms and social support in improving voluntary sports for madrasah students

    Evaluation of the Benefits of Senior High School Physical Education: Focus on the values of Friendship, Happiness, and Fitness

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    Physical Education lessons aim to develop fitness (Fit). However, a national survey conducted in Indonesia showed that students' physical fitness level was deficient, as indicated by the less category of 45.97%, very less 10.71%, moderate 37.66%, and good 5.66%. This type of research is gap evaluation research because it compares the observed values with the established standard benchmarks in this study. The subjects of this study were all high school, vocational, and MA students in Indonesia, with a total of 1712 respondents. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires via the Google form which consisted of 3 questionnaires, namely Sports for Fitness to measure fitness, Sports for Fun questionnaire to measure the joy of exercising and Sports for Interpersonal Peacefulness questionnaire to measure the value of friendship. Data analysis used descriptive test, categorization, and correlation test. The results showed that the average value of physical fitness was 37 with a feasibility value of 40.9, the average joy of exercising was 75.97 with a feasibility value of 65, the average friendship value was 65.31 with a feasibility value of 61. The correlation test showed p value (sig) = 0.000, which means there is a relationship between physical fitness, the joy of exercising and interpersonal peace among high school students in Indonesia. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the average physical fitness is below the eligibility criteria set, the excitement, friendship of students at the senior secondary education level in Indonesia is above the eligibility criteria set

    Personal and social factors of resilience: factorial validity and internal consistency of Indonesian Read

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    Academic and applied interest in the concepts and aspects of adolescents’ resilience is increasing. It is very important and useful, therefore, to provide an instrument to measure it. This study intends to generate and test the validity and reliability of the Indonesian version of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ). A sample of 361 students (Male = 125, Female = 236) aged 14 to 18 years participated in this study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed to test validity, whilst the Cronbach's Alpha procedure was performed to test reliability. The Indonesian version of READ meets the criteria of factorial validity and internal consistency, with four sub-factors, namely: family cohesion, social competence, and social resources, as well as a new labelled factor, goal-oriented competence. This study proposes the name of personal and social factors of adolescent resilience as the variable measured by the Indonesian version of the READ scale. Social resilience factors consist of family cohesion and social resources. The personal resilience factor consists of goal-oriented competence and social competence. Keywords: Adolescence, read, resilience, counseling for resilienc

    Pendampingan dan Pelatihan Senam Aerobik dan Jantung Sehat untuk Meningkatkan Kebugaran Jasmani Masyarakat RW. 05 Kelurahan Arjowinangun Malang

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    The aim of this program is to enhance the physical fitness of the community in RW. 05, Arjowinangun Village, Malang. This program is designed to address the challenges related to low physical fitness and the lack of understanding regarding the benefits of aerobic exercise and heart health within the community.The implementation method of the program includes preliminary studies, program planning, the execution of training sessions, monitoring, and evaluation. The outcomes of this program encompass an improvement in participants' physical fitness, a better understanding of the advantages of sports, active participation in aerobic exercise and heart health activities, and the development of positive social relationships among the community members

    Evaluation of the Benefits of Senior High School Physical Education: Focus on the values of Friendship, Happiness, and Fitness

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    Physical Education lessons aim to develop fitness (Fit). However, a national survey conducted in Indonesia showed that students' physical fitness level was deficient, as indicated by the less category of 45.97%, very less 10.71%, moderate 37.66%, and good 5.66%. This type of research is gap evaluation research because it compares the observed values with the established standard benchmarks in this study. The subjects of this study were all high school, vocational, and MA students in Indonesia, with a total of 1712 respondents. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires via the Google form which consisted of 3 questionnaires, namely Sports for Fitness to measure fitness, Sports for Fun questionnaire to measure the joy of exercising and Sports for Interpersonal Peacefulness questionnaire to measure the value of friendship. Data analysis used descriptive test, categorization, and correlation test. The results showed that the average value of physical fitness was 37 with a feasibility value of 40.9, the average joy of exercising was 75.97 with a feasibility value of 65, the average friendship value was 65.31 with a feasibility value of 61. The correlation test showed p value (sig) = 0.000, which means there is a relationship between physical fitness, the joy of exercising and interpersonal peace among high school students in Indonesia. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the average physical fitness is below the eligibility criteria set, the excitement, friendship of students at the senior secondary education level in Indonesia is above the eligibility criteria set

    Violence discourse or discursive violence : toward a reciprocal model of relationship between language and violence

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    Discussion on the relationship between language and violence is normally motivated by the will to controll, or at least, to anticipate the negative impac of symbolic violence to the mans' physical world. This seems to be reasonable whenever mass media is full of violence news, and unfortunately, also reported in the spirit of horror journalism. It has been forewarned that the presentation of violence in various media, does not only reflect what really happens in a society, but also tend to include violence elements that does not happen yet, especially if the media frequently holds up these values. As pointed out by Buchori (Kompas, May 10, 2001) there are two kinds of violence, physical and symbolic. In symbolic form, violence is not realized in aggressive behavior, but expressed in language praxis. This kind of violence will result in socio psychological injury. The victims of symbolic violence may feel threatened, insecure, or vulnerable. When the symbolic world is full of violence, the real world is likely to be perceived as an acceptable and effective means to realize man's desirable ends. The relationship between language and violence, however, remain questionable. By examination of what foucalt (1972) calls discursive structure, this article discusses the domains of its theoretical dispute, identifies the types of discourse, and tries to develop a tentative theoretical model

    The History Of Modern Thought

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    Penelitian terapan profesi pendidikan

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    Taksonomi Penelitian Bagaimanakah penggolongan penelitian bisa dilakukan? Apa yang membedakan antara penelitian murni dengan penelitian terapan? Apa sajakah ragam penelitian murni? Apa sajakah ragam penelitian terapan dalam profesi pendidikan? Acapkali kita merasa mengetahui sesuatu, misalnya seekor gajah, karena kita bisa menjelaskan secara cermat ciri-ciri seekor gajah. Sebenarnya, kemampuan menjelaskan ciri-ciri sesuatu baru merupakan sebagian dari tanda-tanda mengetahui. Sekurangkurangnya masih ada satu lagi tanda mengetahui, yaitu: bisa membedakan antara sesuatu yang dimaksud, misalnya seekor gajah, dengan sesuatu yang lain, misalnya harimau. Dengan ungkapan lain, mengetahui berarti tidak hanya ditandai oleh kemampuan menjelaskan ciri-ciri sesuatu yang ditunjuk, tetapi juga ditandai oleh kemampuan membedakan sesuatu yang ditunjuk tersebut dengan sesuatu yang lain. Merujuk penanda ringkas tentang mengetahui tersebut, seseorang dinyatakan mengetahui penelitian terapan apabila, pertama, bisa menjelaskan ciri-ciri utama penelitian terapan, dan kedua bisa mengenali perbedaan antara ciri-ciri penelitian terapan dengan penelitian murni atau penelitian dasar. Karena itu, sebagai pengantar pembahasan tentang konsep, model, dan metode penelitian terapan, berikut dibahas serba ringkas tentang: (1)taksonomi dan kategorisasi, (2) ragam penelitian murni, dan (3) ragam penelitian terapan