23 research outputs found

    Metodología para el diseño y simulación de instalaciones industriales y sistemas de producción basada en una visión modular bajo un contexto de "industria 4.0"

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    [EN] The design of the industrial facilities distribution is one of the most important decisions to be made, as it will condition the operation thereof. The concept of industrial installation as it is known today has evolved to the point that it integrates automation and information systems. Indeed, such evolution has given rise to the so-called intelligent factory. At present, in order to produce customized mass products according to customers' requirements, it is become an important issue the distribution of facilities with the generation of successful layout designs, based on the flexibility, modularity and easy configuration of production systems. This paper proposes a methodology to solve the problem of plant distribution design and redesign based upon a novel modular approach within an industry 4.0 context. Proposed methodology is an adaptation of the "SLP" Methodology (Systematic Layout Planning-Simulation) so-called SLP Modulary 4.0 (systematic planning of the Layout based on a modular vision under a context of Industry 4.0); this methodology incorporates in its structure an integrated design system (IDS) into its structure, which allows collaborative work with different CAD design and simulation tools. For the validation of the proposed methodology, a case study of a coffee processing plant is considered. The distribution design results obtained from the case study prove the benefit and usefulness of the proposed methodology[ES] El diseño de la distribución en planta es una de las decisiones más relevantes pues condicionará la operación de la misma. La forma de concebir una instalación industrial como se la conoce hoy en día ha ido evolucionando hasta el punto de integrar sistemas de automatización y de información, dando lugar a la denominada fabrica inteligente. En la actualidad, con el fin de producir productos personalizados en masa según requerimientos de los clientes, ha tomado considerable importancia la distribución de instalaciones con la generación de diseños exitosos de layout, basados en la flexibilidad, modularidad y fácil configuración de los sistemas de producción. En este trabajo se propone una metodología para resolver el problema del diseño y rediseño de distribución en planta con un novedoso enfoque modular basado en un contexto de industria 4.0. La metodología presentada es una adaptación de la Metodología ¿SLP¿ (Systematic Layout Planning) denominada SLP Modulary 4.0 (planificación sistemática de Layout basada en una visión modular bajo un contexto de Industria 4.0), esta metodología incorpora en su estructura un diseño integrado de sistemas (IDS) que permite trabajar de forma colaborativa con diferentes herramientas de Diseño CAD y simulación. Para la validación de la metodología propuesta se considera un caso de estudio de una planta de procesado de café. Los resultados de diseño de distribución obtenidos comprueban el beneficio y la utilidad de la metodología propuesta.Authors acknowledge the invaluable support given by the SDAS Research Group (www.sdas-group.com).Alpala, L.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Peluffo, D.; Bolaños, F.; Rosero, A.; Torres, J. (2018). Methodology for the design and simulation of industrial facilities and production systems based on a modular approach in an "industry 4.0" context. DYNA. 85(207):243-252. https://doi.org/10.15446/dyna.v85n207.68545S2432528520

    Finite element mesh improvement using an a priori local p-refinement for stress analysis of underground excavations

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    As our understanding and modeling capabilities evolve, an ever-increasing complexity of models representing the behaviour of geologic medium are analyzed. One way to evaluate these substantial problems is to optimize the underlying discretization of the governing differential equations by concentrating finite elements where solution accuracy counts the most. This paper develops and evaluates the performance of a priori local p-refinement method for finite element mesh improvement for stress analysis of underground excavations. This type of refinement entails a mesh with higher-order elements near the region of interest and lower-order elements elsewhere. The focus of the paper is the automated insertion of transitional elements at the interface of the two regions. The method relies on transitional finite elements in order to connect a mesh of quadratic interpolation order elements with a mesh of linear interpolation order elements. Four types of transitional elements were considered (4-node and 5-node triangles, 5-node and 7-node quadrilaterals). These were incorporated into a finite element code, and their performance was tested using representative problems such as a pressurized cavity or tunnelling through rock. For these problems the global stiffness matrix size was reduced on average by 85% and by 81% for the models using triangles and quadrilaterals, respectively, as a result, the calculation times were considerably shortened as well. While the average percentage of error with respect to the models without improvement, measured at critical points, was 0.04% and 0.02% in the case of triangular and quadrilateral elements, respectively

    Note on arXiv:2005.05301, 'Preparation of the Neutrino-4 experiment on search for sterile neutrino and the obtained results of measurements'

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    We comment on the claimed observation [arXiv:arXiv:2005.05301] of sterile neutrino oscillations by the Neutrino-4 collaboration. Such a claim, which requires the existence of a new fundamental particle, demands a level of rigor commensurate with its impact. The burden lies with the Neutrino-4 collaboration to provide the information necessary to prove the validity of their claim to the community. In this note, we describe aspects of both the data and analysis method that might lead to an oscillation signature arising from a null experiment and describe additional information needed from the Neutrino-4 collaboration to support the oscillation claim. Additionally, as opposed to the assertion made by the Neutrino-4 collaboration, we also show that the method of 'coherent summation' using the L/EL/E parameter produces similar results to the methods used by the PROSPECT and the STEREO collaborations

    Note on arXiv:2005.05301, 'Preparation of the Neutrino-4 experiment on search for sterile neutrino and the obtained results of measurements'

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    We comment on the claimed observation [arXiv:arXiv:2005.05301] of sterile neutrino oscillations by the Neutrino-4 collaboration. Such a claim, which requires the existence of a new fundamental particle, demands a level of rigor commensurate with its impact. The burden lies with the Neutrino-4 collaboration to provide the information necessary to prove the validity of their claim to the community. In this note, we describe aspects of both the data and analysis method that might lead to an oscillation signature arising from a null experiment and describe additional information needed from the Neutrino-4 collaboration to support the oscillation claim. Additionally, as opposed to the assertion made by the Neutrino-4 collaboration, we also show that the method of 'coherent summation' using the L/EL/E parameter produces similar results to the methods used by the PROSPECT and the STEREO collaborations

    Note on arXiv:2005.05301, 'Preparation of the Neutrino-4 experiment on search for sterile neutrino and the obtained results of measurements'

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    We comment on the claimed observation [arXiv:arXiv:2005.05301] of sterile neutrino oscillations by the Neutrino-4 collaboration. Such a claim, which requires the existence of a new fundamental particle, demands a level of rigor commensurate with its impact. The burden lies with the Neutrino-4 collaboration to provide the information necessary to prove the validity of their claim to the community. In this note, we describe aspects of both the data and analysis method that might lead to an oscillation signature arising from a null experiment and describe additional information needed from the Neutrino-4 collaboration to support the oscillation claim. Additionally, as opposed to the assertion made by the Neutrino-4 collaboration, we also show that the method of 'coherent summation' using the L/EL/E parameter produces similar results to the methods used by the PROSPECT and the STEREO collaborations

    Joint Measurement of the 235^{235}U Antineutrino Spectrum by Prospect and Stereo

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    International audienceThe PROSPECT and STEREO collaborations present a combined measurement of the pure U235 antineutrino spectrum, without site specific corrections or detector-dependent effects. The spectral measurements of the two highest precision experiments at research reactors are found to be compatible with χ2/ndf=24.1/21, allowing a joint unfolding of the prompt energy measurements into antineutrino energy. This ν¯e energy spectrum is provided to the community, and an excess of events relative to the Huber model is found in the 5–6 MeV region. When a Gaussian bump is fitted to the excess, the data-model χ2 value is improved, corresponding to a 2.4σ significance

    The Intermediate Neutrino Program

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    The US neutrino community gathered at the Workshop on the Intermediate Neutrino Program (WINP) at Brookhaven National Laboratory February 4-6, 2015 to explore opportunities in neutrino physics over the next five to ten years. Scientists from particle, astroparticle and nuclear physics participated in the workshop. The workshop examined promising opportunities for neutrino physics in the intermediate term, including possible new small to mid-scale experiments, US contributions to large experiments, upgrades to existing experiments, R&D plans and theory. The workshop was organized into two sets of parallel working group sessions, divided by physics topics and technology. Physics working groups covered topics on Sterile Neutrinos, Neutrino Mixing, Neutrino Interactions, Neutrino Properties and Astrophysical Neutrinos. Technology sessions were organized into Theory, Short-Baseline Accelerator Neutrinos, Reactor Neutrinos, Detector R&D and Source, Cyclotron and Meson Decay at Rest sessions.This report summarizes discussion and conclusions from the workshop

    Identification of radiopure titanium for the LZ dark matter experiment and future rare event searches

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    The LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) experiment will search for dark matter particle interactions with a detector containing a total of 10 tonnes of liquid xenon within a double-vessel cryostat. The large mass and proximity of the cryostat to the active detector volume demand the use of material with extremely low intrinsic radioactivity. We report on the radioassay campaign conducted to identify suitable metals, the determination of factors limiting radiopure production, and the selection of titanium for construction of the LZ cryostat and other detector components. This titanium has been measured with activities of 238Ue  < 1.6 mBq/kg, 238Ul  < 0.09 mBq/kg, 232The=0.28±0.03 mBq/kg, 232Thl=0.25±0.02 mBq/kg, 40K  < 0.54 mBq/kg, and 60Co  < 0.02 mBq/kg (68% CL). Such low intrinsic activities, which are some of the lowest ever reported for titanium, enable its use for future dark matter and other rare event searches. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to assess the expected background contribution from the LZ cryostat with this radioactivity. In 1,000 days of WIMP search exposure of a 5.6-tonne fiducial mass, the cryostat will contribute only a mean background of 0.160 ± 0.001(stat) ± 0.030(sys) counts

    A Next-Generation Liquid Xenon Observatory for Dark Matter and Neutrino Physics

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    The nature of dark matter and properties of neutrinos are among the most pressing issues in contemporary particle physics. The dual-phase xenon time-projection chamber is the leading technology to cover the available parameter space for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), while featuring extensive sensitivity to many alternative dark matter candidates. These detectors can also study neutrinos through neutrinoless double-beta decay and through a variety of astrophysical sources. A next-generation xenon-based detector will therefore be a true multi-purpose observatory to significantly advance particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, solar physics, and cosmology. This review article presents the science cases for such a detector