14 research outputs found

    Looking behind occlusions: A study on amodal segmentation for robust on-tree apple fruit size estimation

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    The detection and sizing of fruits with computer vision methods is of interest because it provides relevant information to improve the management of orchard farming. However, the presence of partially occluded fruits limits the performance of existing methods, making reliable fruit sizing a challenging task. While previous fruit segmentation works limit segmentation to the visible region of fruits (known as modal segmentation), in this work we propose an amodal segmentation algorithm to predict the complete shape, which includes its visible and occluded regions. To do so, an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) for simultaneous modal and amodal instance segmentation was implemented. The predicted amodal masks were used to estimate the fruit diameters in pixels. Modal masks were used to identify the visible region and measure the distance between the apples and the camera using the depth image. Finally, the fruit diameters in millimetres (mm) were computed by applying the pinhole camera model. The method was developed with a Fuji apple dataset consisting of 3925 RGB-D images acquired at different growth stages with a total of 15,335 annotated apples, and was subsequently tested in a case study to measure the diameter of Elstar apples at different growth stages. Fruit detection results showed an F1-score of 0.86 and the fruit diameter results reported a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.5 mm and R2 = 0.80 irrespective of fruit visibility. Besides the diameter estimation, modal and amodal masks were used to automatically determine the percentage of visibility of measured apples. This feature was used as a confidence value, improving the diameter estimation to MAE = 2.93 mm and R2 = 0.91 when limiting the size estimation to fruits detected with a visibility higher than 60%. The main advantages of the present methodology are its robustness for measuring partially occluded fruits and the capability to determine the visibility percentage. The main limitation is that depth images were generated by means of photogrammetry methods, which limits the efficiency of data acquisition. To overcome this limitation, future works should consider the use of commercial RGB-D sensors. The code and the dataset used to evaluate the method have been made publicly available at https://github.com/GRAP-UdL-AT/Amodal_Fruit_SizingThis work was partly funded by the Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya (grant 2021 LLAV 00088), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grants RTI2018-094222-B-I00 [PAgFRUIT project], PID2021-126648OB-I00 [PAgPROTECT project] and PID2020-117142GB-I00 [DeeLight project] by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF, a way of making Europe”, by the European Union). The work of Jordi Gené Mola was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Universities through a Margarita Salas postdoctoral grant funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU. We would also like to thank Nufri (especially Santiago Salamero and Oriol Morreres) for their support during data acquisition, and Pieter van Dalfsen and Dirk de Hoog from Wageningen University & Research for additional data collection used in the case study.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparing probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy with histology. Are we looking at the same picture?

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    In conclusion, we found for the first time a positive relationship between a long sleep duration and some markers of melanoma aggressiveness. Future studies are needed to investigate the main pathophysiological mechanisms that could explain this association and the prognostic relevance of this findin

    Neanderthales y resocialización. Complejidad en las ocupaciones humanas del Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona)

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    [ES] El presente trabajo intenta mostrar el grado de complejidad cultural de los Neanderthales que habitaron en Europa durante el estadio isotópico 3. Para ello se utilizan los datos empíricos recuperados en el Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona), principalmente los procedentes de las cadenas operativas de los hogares y de la fauna. A partir de estos datos se plantea que estos homínidos poseen una organización social y económica tan compleja como la propia de los primeros homínidos anatómicamente modernos que colonizan el continente europeo.[EN] The aim of this work is to show the degree of Neanderthal cultural complexity, which inhabited Europe during the isotopic stage 3. To accomplish our study, we have used empirical data recovered from Abric Romaní (Capellades, Barcelona), basically from the operative chains from hearths and fauna. From this data we have been able to establish that this hominids have a social and economical organisation as complex as the one of the first anatomically modern humans that colonized the European continent

    Estrategias de subsistencia en los momentos finales del Pleistoceno medio: el nivel XII de la Cova del Bolomor (La Valldigna, Valencia)

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    [ES] La Cova del Bolomor, situada en Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia), ofrece uno de los mejores registros faunísticos de la segunda mitad del Pleistoceno medio de la Península Ibérica. La cavidad contiene un relleno sedimentario formado por diecisiete niveles estratigráficos que abarcan desde el OIS 9 al OIS 5e. Esta amplia secuencia cronológica permite abordar diferentes cuestiones relacionadas con los grupos humanos de este periodo y sus relaciones con el medio ambiente. Concretamente, a partir del estudio zooarqueológico del nivel XII (OIS 6), se ha reconstruido la secuencia antrópica de obtención y procesamiento de los recursos faunísticos. De este modo, se han identificado diferentes estrategias de subsistencia llevadas a cabo por los homínidos para la obtención de los animales. Estas técnicas van desde el carroñeo hasta la caza e incluyen el aprovisionamiento de pequeñas presas como las aves (Cygnus olor) o los lepóridos (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Esta variabilidad de estrategias podría interpretarse como la gran capacidad de adaptación que poseen estos grupos humanos para aprovechar las oportunidades que el medio les ofrece. También se ha observado la existencia de patrones bien sistematizados tanto en el aprovechamiento de los recursos faunísticos externos (piel, carne, tendones) como en la obtención de los recursos internos (médula). Muchos de los elementos diagnósticos que evidencian la fracturación antrópica en el nivel XII presentan cierta sistematización en zonas y partes anatómicas concretas. La existencia de morfologías repetidas en algunos elementos esqueléticos indica una cierta estandarización a la hora de fracturar los huesos. Esta reiteración podría implicar la existencia de mecanismos de aprendizaje o de transmisión de información intergrupal por parte de los grupos humanos del Pleistoceno medio final. En general, este estudio pretende aportar datos sobre las estrategias de subsistencia de los homínidos de la Cova del Bolomor y contribuir al conocimiento de los modos de vida de los grupos humanos del Pleistoceno medio final.[EN] Bolomor Cave, located in Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia), offers one of the best faunal records in the second half of the Middle Pleistocene in the Iberian Peninsula. The cavity contains a sedimentary deposit composed of seventeen stratigraphical levels ranging from OIS 9 to OIS 5e. This wide chronological sequence allows to deal with different issues related to human groups this period and their relationship with the environment. Specifically, from zooarchaeological study of level XII (OIS 6), we have reconstructed the anthropic sequence of obtaining and processing of faunal resources. Thus, different subsistence strategies carried out by hominids to obtain the animals were identified. These practices range from scavenging to the hunting and include the supply of small prey such as birds (Cygnus olor) or leporids (Oryctolagus cuniculus). This variability of strategies could be interpreted as the great adaptability that possesses these groups to take advantage of the opportunities the environment offers. It was also noted the existence of systematic patterns well both in the utilization of faunal external resources (skin, meat, tendons) and the obtaining of internal resources (marrow). Many of the diagnostic elements that demonstrate the anthropic breakage at level XII show systematization both in areas and in specific anatomical parts. The existence of morphologies repeated in some skeletal elements indicates a high degree of standardization at the time of bone breakage. This reiteration could imply the existence of learning mechanisms or transmission of information within the group in this chronological period. Overall, this study aims to provide data about the subsistence strategies of hominids in Bolomor Cave and contribute to knowledge about the way of life of human groups in the Last Middle Pleistocene

    Adolescència infractora vs. no infractora. Estudi de diferents factors

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    La recerca és un estudi comparatiu, descriptiu i transversal que pretén conèixer alguns trets diferencials de la població adolescent infractora en relació al sentiment de culpa, les dimensions de la personalitat, el nivell d’ira, les estratègies d’afrontament i la gestió dels esdeveniments vitals. La metodologia i el material utilitzat en la recerca són entrevistes personalitzades (en el cas del grup d’infractors), o bé de petits grups (en la resta). Es van administrar cinc qüestionaris (SC-35, EPQ-R, STAXI, ACS i AVIA) a una mostra conformada per 128 adolescents (39 estudiants de batxillerat, 47 estudiants de cicles formatius i 42 infractors, tots ells de 16 a 18 anys i residents a la província de Barcelona), procedint a l’anàlisi posterior de les dades obtingudes, mitjançant el paquet estadístic SPSS 14.0. Les principals conclusions mostren que els joves infractors presenten nivells més elevats de sentiments de culpa, de neuroticisme, de psicoticisme i d’ira. Així mateix, tendeixen a reprimir l’ira o, pel contrari, a expressar-la verbalment i físicament. Acostumen a emprar estratègies d’afrontament passives o de caràcter evitatiu i computen major nombre tant d’esdeveniments vitals negatius com d’esdeveniments vitals positius. Finalment, tendeixen a positivar esdeveniments vitals negatius dels àmbits relacional i de salut, mentre que tendeixen a negativitzar esdeveniments vitals positius de l’àmbit familiar.Estudio comparativo entre adolescencia infractora y normalizada. Intenta conocer las diferencias existentes entre los tres grupos, en relación a las estrategias de afrontamiento, la gestión de los sucesos vitales, las dimensiones de la personalidad, el nivel de ira y el sentimiento de culpa.Comparative study between offending and normalized adolescence. Attempts to discover the differences existing between three groups, in relation to the strategies for facing-up, the handing of life experiences, the dimensions of personality, the level of anger and the sense of guilt

    SPURS - 2013 : Experimento internacional SPURS

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    Diario de la campaña oceanográfica SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper ocean Regional Study), a bordo del buque oceanográfico Sarmiento de Gamboa del 17 de marzo al 12 de abril de 2013, publicado en la página web de ICM Divulga.-- 31 pages, figures[CAT] Una campanya per a estudiar els processos oceanogràfics responsables de la formació i manteniment del màxim de salinitat en el centre del gir subtropical de l’Atlàntic Nord. La campanya SPURS comença a Las Palmas de Gran Canaria el 16 març 2013 i acaba un mes més tard a Ponta Delgada, Açores. Es fa a bord del vaixell Sarmiento de Gamboa i és una contribució del Centre Expert SMOS a Barcelona a l’experiment internacional SPURS (Salinity Processes in the Upper ocean Regional Study) que estudia els processos oceanogràfics responsables de la formació i manteniment del màxim de salinitat en el centre del gir subtropical de l’Atlàntic Nord. - Projecte i participants: · Objetius de la campanya - Diari de campanya: · 17/3/2013 Comença l'aventura! · 18/3/2013 Aventures i desventures d'una rampa de filtració · 20/3/2013 El Disc de Secchi · 21/3/2013 Home de mar, home de CTD · 22/3/2013 Air-Sea Interaction Profiler (ASIP) · 23/3/2013 El SeaSoar, el protagonista de la campanya · 24/03/2013 Diumenge a alta mar: barbacoa i satèl·lit · 26/03/2013 Ja sabem on som · 27/3/2013 Trobades a l'oceà · 28/3/2013 Més sobre l'invent que ens ve d'Irlanda · 29/3/2013 Penitència de Divendres Sant · 30/3/2013 Els microplàstics fan la seva aparició · 1/4/2013 Julius "What I do on this ship" · 2/4/2013 Toquen bongos? · 3/4/2013 Un vaixell informatitzat i “has vist en Joan?” · 5/4/2013 Immortalitzant els grans moments de la campanya · 6/4/2013 Trabajo final de master y la "plaza del pueblo" · 7/4/2013 El raig verd · 08/04/2013 Per fi parlem de les boies de'n Kintxo · 09/04/2013 CeTeDés post-moderns · 10/04/2013 ¡Las boyas se fueron, viva las boyas! · 11/04/2013 Navegant cap al nord · 12/04/2013 Albiraments, aus marines, dofins i catxalots[ES] Una campaña para estudiar los procesos oceanográficos responsables de la formación y mantenimiento del máximo de salinidad en el centro del giro subtropical del Atlántico NortePeer reviewe

    Looking behind occlusions : A study on amodal segmentation for robust on-tree apple fruit size estimation

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    The detection and sizing of fruits with computer vision methods is of interest because it provides relevant information to improve the management of orchard farming. However, the presence of partially occluded fruits limits the performance of existing methods, making reliable fruit sizing a challenging task. While previous fruit segmentation works limit segmentation to the visible region of fruits (known as modal segmentation), in this work we propose an amodal segmentation algorithm to predict the complete shape, which includes its visible and occluded regions. To do so, an end-to-end convolutional neural network (CNN) for simultaneous modal and amodal instance segmentation was implemented. The predicted amodal masks were used to estimate the fruit diameters in pixels. Modal masks were used to identify the visible region and measure the distance between the apples and the camera using the depth image. Finally, the fruit diameters in millimetres (mm) were computed by applying the pinhole camera model. The method was developed with a Fuji apple dataset consisting of 3925 RGB-D images acquired at different growth stages with a total of 15,335 annotated apples, and was subsequently tested in a case study to measure the diameter of Elstar apples at different growth stages. Fruit detection results showed an F1-score of 0.86 and the fruit diameter results reported a mean absolute error (MAE) of 4.5 mm and R2 = 0.80 irrespective of fruit visibility. Besides the diameter estimation, modal and amodal masks were used to automatically determine the percentage of visibility of measured apples. This feature was used as a confidence value, improving the diameter estimation to MAE = 2.93 mm and R2 = 0.91 when limiting the size estimation to fruits detected with a visibility higher than 60%. The main advantages of the present methodology are its robustness for measuring partially occluded fruits and the capability to determine the visibility percentage. The main limitation is that depth images were generated by means of photogrammetry methods, which limits the efficiency of data acquisition. To overcome this limitation, future works should consider the use of commercial RGB-D sensors. The code and the dataset used to evaluate the method have been made publicly available at https://github.com/GRAP-UdL-AT/Amodal_Fruit_Sizing

    AmodalAppleSize_RGB-D dataset: RGB-D images of apple trees annotated with modal and amodal segmentation masks for fruit detection, visibility and size estimation

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    The present dataset comprises a collection of RGB-D apple tree images that can be used to train and test computer vision-based fruit detection and sizing methods. This dataset encompasses two distinct sets of data obtained from a Fuji and an Elstar apple orchards. The Fuji apple orchard sub-set consists of 3925 RGB-D images containing a total of 15,335 apples annotated with both modal and amodal apple segmentation masks. Modal masks denote the visible portions of the apples, whereas amodal masks encompass both visible and occluded apple regions. Notably, this dataset is the first public resource to incorporate on-tree fruit amodal masks. This pioneering inclusion addresses a critical gap in existing datasets, enabling the development of robust automatic fruit sizing methods and accurate fruit visibility estimation, particularly in the presence of partial occlusions. Besides the fruit segmentation masks, the dataset also includes the fruit size (calliper) ground truth for each annotated apple. The second sub-set comprises 2731 RGB-D images capturing five Elstar apple trees at four distinct growth stages. This sub-set includes mean diameter information for each tree at every growth stage and serves as a valuable resource for evaluating fruit sizing methods trained with the first sub-set. The present data was employed in the research paper titled “Looking behind occlusions: a study on amodal segmentation for robust on-tree apple fruit size estimation” [1]

    The microphthalmia-associated transcription factor is involved in gastrointestinal stromal tumor growth

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are the most common neoplasms of mesenchymal origin, and most of them emerge due to the oncogenic activation of KIT or PDGFRA receptors. Despite their relevance in GIST oncogenesis, critical intermediates mediating the KIT/PDGFRA transforming program remain mostly unknown. Previously, we found that the adaptor molecule SH3BP2 was involved in GIST cell survival, likely due to the co-regulation of the expression of KIT and Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor (MITF). Remarkably, MITF reconstitution restored KIT expression levels in SH3BP2 silenced cells and restored cell viability. This study aimed to analyze MITF as a novel driver of KIT transforming program in GIST. Firstly, MITF isoforms were characterized in GIST cell lines and GIST patients' samples. MITF silencing decreases cell viability and increases apoptosis in GIST cell lines irrespective of the type of KIT primary or secondary mutation. Additionally, MITF silencing leads to cell cycle arrest and impaired tumor growth in vivo. Interestingly, MITF silencing also affects ETV1 expression, a linage survival factor in GIST that promotes tumorigenesis and is directly regulated by KIT signaling. Altogether, these results point to MITF as a key target of KIT/PDGFRA oncogenic signaling for GIST survival and tumor growth