74 research outputs found

    El senglar al Vallès Oriental: evolució i tendències de futur

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    L'activitat cinegética al Montseny

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    La biodiversitat a Catalunya: cooperar per aturar la pèrdua

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    Ciencias del deporte. Revistas científicas y formación universitaria. Sports Science. Journals and university education

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    Las revistas científicas son herramientas básicas que utilizan los investigadores para transmitir información. La rápida irrupción de revistas científicas electrónicas enfrenta al especialistaen formación a una fuente inagotable de información. En este trabajo se discute el presente y futuro de las publicaciones en el área de ciencias del deporte

    Constraints in the application of the Branched and Isoprenoid Tetraether index as a terrestrial input proxy

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    Determination of the relative inputs of aquatic autochthonous and terrestrial allochthonous organic matter into marine and lacustrine environments is essential to understanding the global carbon budget. A variety of proxies are used for this purpose, including the Branched and Isoprenoid Tetraether (BIT) index. This is calculated from the concentrations of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), derived from unidentified terrestrial bacteria, and crenarchaeol, a marker for aquatic mesophile Thaumarchaeota (Crenarchaeota group I). As the index is a ratio, its value depends on both the crenarchaeol aquatic in situ production and the soil-derived branched GDGT input. Therefore, the BIT index reflects not only changes in the input of terrestrial or soil organic matter but also relative variations in aquatic Thaumarchaeota abundance in the water column. In fact, we show that in oceanic and lacustrine settings, the BIT index can be dominated by the aquatic end-member of the ratio. Consequently, the BIT index by itself can be an unreliable proxy to compare the input of terrestrial matter between sites and over time, and we propose that the quantification of branched GDGT fluxes or concentrations may instead be a better indicator of soil terrestrial inputs

    Collaborative Peer Assessment using PeerLearn

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    In this chapter we introduce the PeerLearn methodology and its associated tools. We base the design of pedagogical workflows for students on the definition of rubrics (using PeerAssess) as the starting element that drives the creation of lesson plans (using LessonEditor). These plans run over our web platform (Peer-Flow). Students can evaluate one another following given rubrics and teachers can accept (or not) marks produced by a collaborative assessment tool (COMAS). Experimental results show that PeerLearn provide students with a highly satisfying new pedagogical experience and increased learning outcomes. © 2015 The authors and IOS Press.Peer reviewe

    The use of alkaline hydrolysis as a novel strategy for chloroform remediation: feasibility of using urban construction wastes and evaluation of carbon isotopic fractionation

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    Laboratory and field-scale pilot experiments were performed to evaluate the feasibility of chloroform degradation by alkaline hydrolysis and the potential of δ13C values to assess this induced reaction process at contaminated sites. In batch experiments, alkaline conditions were induced by adding crushed concrete (pH 12.33 ± 0.07), a filtered concrete solution (pH 12.27 ± 0.04), a filtered cement solution (pH 12.66 ± 0.02) and a pH 12 buffer solution (pH 11.92 ± 0.11). The resulting chloroform degradation after 28 days was 94, 96, 99, and 72%, respectively. The experimental data were described using a pseudo-first-order kinetic model, resulting in pseudo-first-order rate constant values of 0.10, 0.12, 0.20, and 0.05 d−1, respectively. Furthermore, the significant chloroform carbon isotopic fractionation associated with alkaline hydrolysis of chloroform (−53 ± 3¿) and its independence from pH in the admittedly limited tested pH range imply a great potential for the use of δ13C values for in situ monitoring of the efficacy of remediation approaches based on alkaline hydrolysis. The carbon isotopic fractionation obtained at the lab scale allowed the calculation of the percentage of chloroform degradation in field-scale pilot experiments where alkaline conditions were induced in two recharge water interception trenches filled with concrete-based construction wastes. A maximum of approximately 30−40% of chloroform degradation was achieved during the two studied recharge periods. Although further research is required, the treatment of chloroform in groundwater through the use of concrete-based construction wastes is proposed. This strategy would also imply the recycling of construction and demolition wastes for use in value-added applications to increase economic and environmental benefits

    Comunicació augmentativa en un context escolar inclusiu. El procés educatiu d’un alumne amb discapacitat

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    Les persones que tenen dificultats per comunicar-se tenen més obstacles per accedir al seu entorn i organitzar el seu destí vital. Des de la infància i durant tota la vida, el fet de poder expressar-se està associat a l’autonomia personal, la participació en el context i l’autovaloració, així com a generar expectatives en els altres (Snell i altres, 2010; Kulkarni i Parmar, 2017). Veure’s a un mateix com una persona independent, amb igualtat d’oportunitats, està relacionat amb la possibilitat d’expressar els propis interessos i sentiments, dir el que un vol o no vol fer, i participar en el seu entorn familiar, escolar o social. D’altra banda, i de retruc, les competències comunicatives generen opinions i comentaris dels interlocutors que fomenten la motivació i l’autoimatge de les persones. Expressar-se mitjançant la parla és el més habitual; no obstant això, hi ha infants, joves i adults que, per la seva discapacitat, no poden usar aquesta modalitat comunicativa. Per a aquestes persones, la comunicació augmentativa pot ser una solució (von Tetzchner, 2018). La comunicació augmentativa inclou una extensa gamma de formes d’expressió basades en gestos, signes manuals, signes tangibles i signes gràfics. La comunicació basada en signes gràfics requereix l’ús de productes de suport, siguin tecnològics o no, en els quals ’es disposen els símbols perquè l’usuari els pugui seleccionar amb fins comunicatius. La comunicació basada en signes manuals només requerirà saber-los articular amb les mans per transmetre el significat a l’interlocutor (Coronas, Rosell i Soro-Camats, en preparació)...

    Selecting oxidation process for treating water contaminated with a mixture of chlorinated VOCs

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    Chlorinated volatile organic compounds are some of the most prevalent contaminants in the environment. In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) is a frequently used approach for the remediation of groundwater contaminated with these compounds (Huling @ Pivetz, 2006). Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of ISCO approaches since it is useful to discern contaminant degradation from non-degradative processes such as dilution or mixing


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    The objective is to verify if obtaining the title of Doctor is a factor that promotes the formation of new investigators. Present of the h-index of the authors-authors as well as the relationship that exists with measures used to evaluate research productivity, such as number of articles and index of citations. The TESEO and Web of Science database obtained the work records. The results showed a total of 86 theses (2.2 theses / year) more than 285 works in Web of Science, with an average of 5.81 works / author. The average number of appointments per work is 4.25, while the number of appointments per author stands at 24.73. The overall mean h-index is 2.02 per author. We conclude a low production of doctoral theses in Spain in Martial Arts. More than half of the doctor-authors publish works in Web of Science with a remarkable scientific diffusion of their theses. El objetivo es verificar si la obtención del título de Doctor es un factor que promueve la formación de nuevos investigadores. Presentar el índice h de los doctores-autores así como la relación que hay con medidas utilizadas para evaluar la productividad investigadora, como número de artículos e índice de citas. Mediante la base de datos TESEO y Web of Science se obtuvieron los registros de trabajos. Los resultados mostraron un total de 86 tesis (2,2 tesis/año), más de 285 trabajos en Web of Science, con media de 5,81 trabajos/autor. La media de citas por trabajo es de 4,25, mientras que la de citas por autor se sitúa en 24,73. La media general de índice h es de 2,02 por autor. Se concluyen baja producción de tesis doctorales en España en Artes Marciales. Más de la mitad de los doctores-autores publican trabajos en Web of Science con notable difusión científica de sus tesis. O objetivo é verificar se a obtenção do título de Doutor é um fator que promove a formação de novos investigadores. Apresentar o índice h dos doutores-autores, bem como a relação que existe com as medidas utilizadas para avaliar a produtividade da pesquisa, como número de artigos e índice de citações. Mediante o banco de dados TESEO e a Web of Science obteve-se os registros do trabalho. Os resultados mostraram um total de 86 teses (2,2 teses/ano), mais de 285 trabalhos na Web of Science, com uma média de 5,81 trabalhos/autor. O número médio de consultas por trabalho é de 4,25, enquanto o número de consultas por autor é de 24,73. O índice geral h-index é 2.02 por autor. Concluímos baixa produção de teses de doutorado em Espanha em artes marciais. Mais de metade dos autores doutores-autores publicam trabalhos na Web of Science com notável difusão científica de suas teses.