8,352 research outputs found

    Doing Gender with Ink: The Social Construction and Performance of Gender as a Tattooed Person

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    Previous research surrounding tattoos and gender has shown that cismen and ciswomen’s tattoos often differ in size, placement, and design, but little research has investigated why these differences persist. Furthermore, studies on tattoos and gender remain limited in scope as they mainly focus on the lived experiences of cisgender men and women. The current study seeks to expand previous research by including a more gender-diverse sample to investigate how the social construction of masculine and feminine tattoos occur, and how participants across the gender spectrum perform gender through tattoos. For this study, I conducted 20 semi-structured in-depth qualitative interviews with eight cismen, eight ciswomen, and four gender-nonconforming individuals, three of whom were nonbinary, and one who was a transman. Across the interviews, participants constructed unified notions of masculinity and femininity within tattoos, and cisgender individuals performed gender by upholding hegemonic masculinity and emphasized femininity. In contrast, gender-nonconforming individuals embraced their nonconformity through tattoos. Ciswomen and gender-nonconforming individuals also reported negative experiences in male-dominated tattoo spaces marked by discomfort, intimidation, and sexual harassment. No cismen reported negative experiences of this nature, indicating that gender impacts the client-tattoo artist dynamic and the tattoo experience. This qualitative study underscores the salience of gender in the lives of tattooed individuals. However, further research is needed to understand how those who are gender nonconforming and those with intersectional identities may perform gender and experience life differently as tattooed individuals

    Fibrolipoma of Jaw and Neck:

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    The effects of early years' childcare on child emotional and behavioural difficulties in lone and co-parent family situations

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    With targeted childcare initiatives and welfare-to-work programmes policy-makers have sought to address employment activation of lone mothers and negative outcomes for children in lone parent households. The present study examines non-parental childcare use and maternal employment among children living in lone and co-parent family situations at ages three and four and emotional and behavioural difficulties at ages four and five. The results demonstrate that negative outcomes associated with lone motherhood are explained largely by mother's age, education, material circumstances and area deprivation; and that maternal employment does not relieve lone mothers’ disadvantages in a way that alleviates the risks of difficulties to their children. However, in any family constellation, mainly group-based formal pre-school childcare does have a positive impact on child difficulties compared to drawing on informal childcare arrangements as main provider. In addition, and specifically for the difficulties of children in lone mother family situations, any non-parental childcare – formal or informal − for at least twenty-five hours per week is beneficial. Study findings support policy agendas which tackle families’ material hardship beyond promoting mothers’ employment, and through investment in formal childcare provision, and also through arrangements allowing lone mothers to divide their weekly load of childcare with another main provider

    Don\u27t Leave The Old Folks Jennie

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    The effects of river flooding on dioxin and PCBs in beef

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    In 2008-2010, samples of meat from 40 beef cattle, along with grass, soil and commercial feed, taken from ten matched pairs of flood-prone and control farms, were analysed for PCDD/Fs and PCBs. Concentrations were higher in soil and grass from flood-prone farms. The beef samples from flood-prone farms had total TEQ levels about 20% higher than on control farms. A majority of flood-prone farms (7/10) had higher median levels in beef than on the corresponding control farm. This first controlled investigation into PCDD/F and PCB contamination in beef produced on flood-prone land, presents robust evidence that flooding is a contaminant transfer mechanism to cattle raised on river catchments with a history of urbanisation and industrialisation. PCDD/F and PCB sources in these river systems are likely to be a result of the legacy of contamination from previous industrialisation, as well as more recent combustion activity or pollution events. Crow

    "Filles du roi et Filles de la cassette" : l'immigration féminine au Canada (1663-1673) et en Basse-Louisiane (1710-1730)

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    Le mĂ©moire suivant se concentre sur l’impact de l’introduction de femmes, dites « à marier », issues de France sur la stabilitĂ© du milieu colonial. Celles-ci se sont vues choisies et amenĂ©es, de grĂ© ou de force, dans les colonies du Canada et de la Louisiane, afin d'y stabiliser une population mĂąle adulte. Les objectifs Ă©tant d’éviter ce qu'on qualifiait alors d'ensauvagement et de promouvoir le dĂ©veloppement dĂ©mographique par des mariages entre couples d'origine française. Nous comparerons donc la mesure de cet impact Ă  MontrĂ©al (Canada) de 1663 Ă  1690 et Ă  La Nouvelle-OrlĂ©ans (Louisiane), de 1710-1730, soit deux milieux oĂč l’introduction de femmes Ă  marier a menĂ© Ă  des rĂ©sultats diffĂ©rents sur le terrain, mais surtout dans la reprĂ©sentation. Au Canada, la venue de ces femmes a accĂ©lĂ©rĂ© l'atteinte d'un ratio hommes-femmes Ă©quilibrĂ© tout en assurant une descendance nombreuse. Le dĂ©bat sur leur vertu fut vigoureux, les uns leur accordant le statut de « mĂšres de la nation », alors que la culture populaire fait rĂ©guliĂšrement rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  un passĂ© sordide. En Louisiane, l'impact dĂ©mographique de ces femmes fut moins spectaculaire. Si leur rĂ©putation de libertinage ne fait plus partie des discours acadĂ©miques, leur faible descendance au sein de la population louisianaise actuelle permet plus facilement de maintenir leur association au libertinage de La Nouvelle-OrlĂ©ans dans la culture populaire

    Rcv1: A new benchmark collection for text categorization research

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    Reuters Corpus Volume I (RCV1) is an archive of over 800,000 manually categorized newswire stories recently made available by Reuters, Ltd. for research purposes. Use of this data for research on text categorization requires a detailed understanding of the real world constraints under which the data was produced. Drawing on interviews with Reuters personnel and access to Reuters documentation, we describe the coding policy and quality control procedures used in producing the RCV1 data, the intended semantics of the hierarchical category taxonomies, and the corrections necessary to remove errorful data. We refer to the original data as RCV1-v1, and the corrected data as RCV1-v2. We benchmark several widely used supervised learning methods on RCV1-v2, illustrating the collection’s properties, suggesting new directions for research, and providing baseline results for future studies. We make available detailed, per-category experimental results, as well a
