952 research outputs found


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    Eski ifadesiyle " Şark Meselesi" olarak adlandırılan Doğu Sorunu, 19. yüzyılıntamamı ve 20. yüzyılın başlarında Osmanlı Devleti'nin hakim olduğu topraklarla, GüneyAsya, Uzakdoğu ve Afrika'nın paylaşılması ve sonradan Ortadoğu'daki enerji kaynaklarınınsömürgeleştirilmesi yani kısaca sömürgecilik yarışı olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Prof. Dr. J.Holland Rose, bu makalesinde Doğu Sorunu kavramını, kavramın ortaya çıkmasını vetarihsel gelişimini tarif ettikten sonra I. Dünya Savaşı'nda Almanya ve İngiltere arasındakiçekişmeye bağlı olarak Doğu Sorunu'nun savaş sürecinde ve savaştan sonra nasıl bir gelişmegösterdiğini ele almaktadır. Prof. Rose, savaş sonrası problemlerin Doğu Sorunu'nungeleceğini nasıl belirleyeceğini öngören bazı değerlendirmeler ile yazısını tamamlamıştır. Bumakale, Doğu Sorunu projesini temel alarak dış politikasına yön veren İngiltere'nin kavramabakışını -neredeyse bir asır önce içerden bir gözle- ele alması bakımından çok önemlidir. As being "Şark Meselesi" in old expression, the Eastern Question is identifiedas sharing the lands dominated by Ottoman Empire in the whole 19th century and at thebeginnings of 20th century, South Asia, Far East, Middle East and then colonizing the energyresources, in short, the competence of colonialism. In this article Prof. Dr. Holland Rose,after describing the concept of Eastern Question, origination of concept and its historicaldevelopment, handles how the Eastern Question made a progress in wartime and after thewar depending on the rivalry between Germany and England at World War I. Prof. Rose completed his article with some assessments that foresees how the post-war problemsdetermine the future of Eastern Question. This article has a great importance in terms ofhandling the perspective of Great Britain (almost a century before and with an interior sight)to this concept and to the East, that uses the Eastern Question as a base to shape its foreignpolicy

    Korean national Program expedition confirms rich gas hydrate deposit in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea

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    Over winter microbial processes in a Svalbard snow pack:an experimental approach

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    International audienceSnow packs cover large expanses of Earth’s land surface, making them integral components of the cryosphere in terms of past climate and atmospheric proxies, surface albedo regulators, insulators for other Arctic environments and habitats for diverse microbial communities such as algae, bacteria and fungi. Yet, most of our current understanding of snow pack environments, specifically microbial activity and community interaction, is limited to the main microbial growing season during spring ablation. At present, little is known about microbial activity and its influence on nutrient cycling during the subfreezing temperatures and 24-h darkness of the polar winter. Here, we examined microbial dynamics in a simulated cold (−5°C), dark snow pack to determine polar winter season microbial activity and its dependence on critical nutrients. Snow collected from Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard was incubated in the dark over a 5-week period with four different nutrient additions, including glacial mineral particles, dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) and a combined treatment of DIN plus DIP. Data indicate a consumption of dissolved inorganic nutrients, particularly DIN, by heterotrophic communities, suggesting a potential nitrogen limitation, contradictory to phosphorus limitations found in most aquatic environments. 16S amplicon sequencing also reveal a clear difference in microbial community composition in the particulate mineral treatment compared to dissolved nutrient treatments and controls, suggesting that certain species of heterotrophs living within the snow pack are more likely to associate with particulates. Particulate phosphorus analyses indicate a potential ability of heterotrophic communities to access particulate sources of phosphorous, possibly explaining the lack of phosphorus limitation. These findings have importance for understanding microbial activity during the polar winter season and its potential influences on the abundance and bioavailability of nutrients released to surface ice and downstream environments during the ablation season

    Economic evaluation of the very early rehabilitation in speech (verse) intervention

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    Introduction: There is limited evidence on the costs and outcomes of patients with aphasia after stroke. The aim of this study was to estimate costs in patients with aphasia after stroke according to the aphasia therapies provided. Methods: A three-arm, prospective, randomized, parallel group, open-label, blinded endpoint assessment trial conducted in Australia and New Zealand. Usual ward-based care (Usual Care) was compared to additional usual ward-based therapy (Usual Care Plus) and a prescribed and structured aphasia therapy program in addition to Usual Care (the VERSE intervention). Information about healthcare utilization and productivity were collected to estimate costs in Australian dollars for 2017–18. Multivariable regression models with bootstrapping were used to estimate differences in costs and outcomes (clinically meaningful change in aphasia severity measured by the WAB-R-AQ). Results: Overall, 202/246 (82%) participants completed follow-up at 26 weeks. Median costs per person were 23,322(Q15,367,Q352,669,n=63)forUsualCare,23,322 (Q1 5,367, Q3 52,669, n = 63) for Usual Care, 26,923 (Q1 7,303, Q3 76,174, n = 70) for Usual Care Plus and $31,143 (Q1 7,001. Q3 62,390, n = 69) for VERSE. No differences in costs and outcomes were detected between groups. Usual Care Plus was inferior (i.e. more costly and less effective) in 64% of iterations, and in 18% was less costly and less effective compared to Usual Care. VERSE was inferior in 65% of samples and less costly and less effective in 12% compared to Usual Care. Conclusion: There was limited evidence that additional intensively delivered aphasia therapy within the context of usual acute care provided was worthwhile in terms of costs for the outcomes gained

    A randomized control trial of intensive aphasia therapy after acute stroke: The Very Early Rehabilitation for SpEech (VERSE) study.

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    BACKGROUND:Effectiveness of early intensive aphasia rehabilitation after stroke is unknown. The Very Early Rehabilitation for SpEech trial (VERSE) aimed to determine whether intensive aphasia therapy, beginning within 14 days after stroke, improved communication recovery compared to usual care. METHODS:Prospective, randomized, single-blinded trial conducted at 17 acute-care hospitals across Australia/New Zealand from 2014 to 2018. Participants with aphasia following acute stroke were randomized to receive usual care (direct usual care aphasia therapy), or one of two higher intensity regimens (20 sessions of either non-prescribed (usual care-plus or prescribed (VERSE) direct aphasia therapy). The primary outcome was improvement of communication on the Western Aphasia Battery-Revised Aphasia Quotient (AQ) at 12 weeks after stroke. Our pre-planned intention to treat analysis combined high intensity groups for the primary outcome. FINDINGS:Among 13,654 acute stroke patients screened, 25% (3477) had aphasia, of whom 25% (866) were eligible and 246 randomized to usual care (n = 81; 33%), usual care-plus (n = 82; 33%) or VERSE (n = 83; 34%). At 12 weeks after stroke, the primary outcome was assessed in 217 participants (88%); 14 had died, 9 had withdrawn, and 6 were too unwell for assessment. Communication recovery was 50.3% (95% CI 45.7-54.8) in the high intensity group (n = 147) and 52.1% (95% CI 46.1-58.1) in the usual care group (n = 70; difference -1.8, 95% CI -8.7-5.0). There was no difference between groups in non-fatal or fatal adverse events (p = 0.72). INTERPRETATION:Early, intensive aphasia therapy did not improve communication recovery within 12 weeks post stroke compared to usual care

    Explosive Dome Eruptions Modulated by Periodic Gas-Driven Inflation

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    Volcan Santiaguito (Guatemala) “breathes” with extraordinary regularity as the edifice\u27s conduit system accumulates free gas, which periodically vents to the atmosphere. Periodic pressurization controls explosion timing, which nearly always occurs at peak inflation, as detected with tiltmeters. Tilt cycles in January 2012 reveal regular 26 ± 6 min inflation/deflation cycles corresponding to at least ~101 kg/s of gas fluxing the system. Very long period (VLP) earthquakes presage explosions and occur during cycles when inflation rates are most rapid. VLPs locate ~300 m below the vent and indicate mobilization of volatiles, which ascend at ~50 m/s. Rapid gas ascent feeds pyroclast-laden eruptions lasting several minutes and rising to ~1 km. VLPs are not observed during less rapid inflation episodes; instead, gas vents passively through the conduit producing no infrasound and no explosion. These observations intimate that steady gas exsolution and accumulation in shallow reservoirs may drive inflation cycles at open-vent silicic volcanoes

    Treatment fidelity monitoring, reporting and findings in a complex aphasia intervention trial: A substudy of the very early rehabilitation in SpEech (VERSE) trial

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    Background: Treatment fidelity is inconsistently reported in aphasia research, contributing to uncertainty about the effectiveness of types of aphasia therapy following stroke. We outline the processes and outcomes of treatment fidelity monitoring in a pre-specified secondary analysis of the VERSE trial. Methods: VERSE was a 3-arm, single-blinded RCT with a 12-week primary endpoint comparing Usual Care (UC) to two higher intensity treatments: Usual Care-Plus (UC-Plus) and VERSE, a prescribed intervention. Primary outcome results were previously reported. This secondary analysis focused on treatment fidelity. Video-recorded treatment sessions in the higher intensity study arms were evaluated for treatment adherence and treatment differentiation. Treatment components were evaluated using a pre-determined fidelity checklist. Primary outcome: prescribed amount of therapy time (minutes); secondary outcomes: (i) adherence to therapy protocol (%) and (ii) treatment differentiation between control and high intensity groups. Results: Two hundred forty-six participants were randomised to Usual Care (n = 81), Usual Care-Plus (n=82), and VERSE (n = 83). One hundred thirty-five (82%) participants in higher intensity intervention arms received the minimum prescribed therapy minutes. From 10,805 (UC 7787; UC-Plus 1450; VERSE 1568) service events, 431 treatment protocol deviations were noted in 114 participants. Four hundred thirty-seven videos were evaluated. The VERSE therapists achieved over 84% adherence to key protocol elements. Higher stroke and aphasia severity, older age, and being in the UC-Plus group predicted more treatment deviations. Conclusions: We found high levels of treatment adherence and differentiation between the intervention arms, providing greater confidence interpreting our results. The comprehensive systems for intervention fidelity monitoring and reporting in this trial make an important contribution to aphasia research and, we argue, should set a new standard for future aphasia studies. Trial registration: ACTRN 1261300077670