3,739 research outputs found

    Traditional Life of the Moyons

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    Moyon tribe is located in the Chandel district of the state Food and drink plays an important part in their social life Rice is their principal food and they consume rice beer which is obtained from fermented rice The attires of the Moyons are of different colours and designs and they are related to their history and culture They are all designed and woven by women from time immemorial In ancient days they prepared the yarn from certain plants and cotton they grew themselves It took them time but they managed to prepare and weave for their needs The traditional shawls worn by both men and women are called peen During festivals they adorned themselves with different types of ornaments While performing the dance they would embellish themselves with beautiful ornaments and colourful dresses Women decorated themselves with ornaments made of shells and animal bones Men dressed up with headgear of tail feathers of hornbill which signified the promise made between their forefathers and the birds when they came out from the cave There was also dormitory system only for the boys One of the ways by which the customs and social values of the people are transmitted from one generation to the next is through folk tales and folk dances Moyons have music and musical instruments which are used in different dances Wrestling and hunting the mithun head are their main sports and games They also had many Social Taboo

    Latin American Economic Integration

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    Latin American Economic Integration

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    Metabolic Syndrome and the Management : An appraisal with Siddha System of Medicine

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    Visceral obesity syndrome also known as metabolic syndrome X is the bunch of medical conditions characterised by hypertension, hyperglycaemia, dyslipidemia and atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease affecting, nearly 240 million people worldwide. In India nearly 10000 people were affected per year and overall it goes on escalating steadily due to amplified adulterated human behaviours. There is a need of exigency at this juncture by knowing its complex pathology to condense human anguish and financial load. Siddha system of medicine primarily describes as it may arise due to provocation of the humours of the body. When our moral code of demeanour is deprived including intemperance and deficit physical activity, there is a flawed tissue metabolism leading to metabolic syndrome (MS). Classical books of Siddha were used for literary survey and databases were also analysed with the prime terminology “Metabolic syndrome” for this systemic review. The speculative backdrop, broad set of strategy in aetiology, pathogenesis and management of MS are discussed at extent through Siddha system, in the paper which would be creditable in managing in an effectual and gainful approach

    Special Libraries and Information Services in the Development of Nigeria 1962-2022

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    Nigerian Library Association celebrated her sixty years anniversary in July 2022. Therefore, the focus of this paper is to reveal how Special Libraries have contributed to development in Nigeria. The paper presents the concept of development and special libraries and also present types of special libraries in Nigeria, users, brief historical development of special libraries in Nigeria and library and information services they provided to support research for development in Nigeria. The paper revealed that for special libraries in Nigeria to provide efficient and effective library and information services some have adopted and utilized Information and communication Technology. Finally. Some challenges still facing special libraries in the provision of library and information service were revealed and necessary recommendations made

    Building a World That Includes Disability

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    What would our world be like if it fully welcomed and included people with disabilities? How could we build that world to share and live in together? Why would that be a better world for all of us? The human variations we think of as disabilities are part of the human condition and have been with us throughout history and across place. From Beethoven to Chuck Close, from Oedipus to William Faulkner, From FDR to Joe Biden, disability is everywhere once we know how to look for it. This presentation finds disability in culture, history, and the arts and shows how people with disabilities and what they make and do in the world demonstrate resourcefulness, resilience, and dignity. Watch the recording of a live stream here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVIsr7tjiliyMGjtGyzYEeSZhvbFhZJj/view?usp=sharinghttps://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/ics_speaker_series/1063/thumbnail.jp

    Influence of Teacher Preparation for Instruction and Educational Resource Provision on Students’ Academic Achievement in Public Day Secondary Schools in Chesumei Sub-County Nandi County Kenya

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    Curriculum leadership in its entirety plays a vital role in academic achievement in educational institutions. However, majority of studies show that administrators have insignificant impact on learners’ academic achievement. This is not the case since school principals are curriculum leaders and are responsible for learners’ performance in many ways. This study investigated the influence of curriculum leadership on learners' academic achievement in public day secondary schools in Chesumei Sub-County, Kenya. The research focused on two specific objectives: (1) examining the influence of teacher preparation for instruction on students' academic achievements and (2) exploring the influence of educational resources’ provision on students' academic achievement The study drew theoretical inspiration from Fielder's contingency theory, which posits that a leader's efficacy is determined by the alignment between their dominant traits and the situational context. To accomplish these objectives, the researcher employed a descriptive survey research design, offering a comprehensive understanding of the current state of curriculum leadership and its impact on academic achievement. The target population was from 19day schools in Chesumei. Pilot study was conducted in two schools. The study utilized purposive sampling, whereby 17 principals, 17 deputies, 17 director of studies and 85 heads of departments were sampled.  Random sampling technique was used to select a representative sample from the 10 % of form four students in each day school in Chesumei Sub-County. There were no adequate textbooks for all subjects in the school which had negatively affected learners’ academic achievement. The study concluded that teacher preparation and educational resource provision enhances students’ academic achievement. Schools should have adequate textbooks for all subjects, enough laboratories, enough teachers and adequate number of classrooms. The findings from this research Endeavour may provide valuable insights into the dynamics of curriculum leadership in the context of Kenyan public day secondary schools. It is expected that the results may aid educational policymakers, school administrators, and teachers in refining strategies and practices to enhance students' academic achievement, consequently contributing to the overall improvement of the education system in Chesumei Sub-County and Kenya at large

    Speziesspezifische proteomische Aspekte der axonalen Regeneration retinaler Ganglienzellen am Beispiel der Ratte (Rattus norvegicus) und des Affen (Callithrix jacchus)

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    Die axonale Regeneration im Zentralen Nervensystem (ZNS) ist ein Ă€ußerst komplexer Vorgang, der unter natĂŒrlichen Bedingungen nicht stattfindet, gleichwohl jedoch prinzipiell möglich ist. So unterliegen axotomierte RGZ der adulten Ratte einem progressiven Degenerationsprozeß, können jedoch nach entsprechender Vorbehandlung und experimentellen Bedingungen partiell regenerieren. Ziel der Regenerationsforschung ist es daher, durch gezielte Modulation bzw. Applikation von Wirkstoffen das Fortschreiten des Zelltodes aufzuhalten und die Neurone zur axonalen Regeneration zu stimulieren. Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation sollten regenerationsassoziierte ProteinexpressionsverĂ€nderungen untersucht werden, um ein tieferes VerstĂ€ndnis der molekularen Mechanismen zu erlangen und neue Ansatzpunkte zur gezielten Stimulation der Regeneration zu finden. Dazu wurden zunĂ€chst Untersuchungen am etablierten Regenerationsmodell der Rattenretina vorgenommen, bei der eine parallel zur konditionierenden Quetschung des ON gesetzte Linsenverletzung zur verstĂ€rkten Regeneration fĂŒhrt. Durch morphologische, biochemische und immunhistochemische Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die regenerationsstimulierende Wirkung der Linsenverletzung ĂŒber andere Signalkaskaden vermittelt wird, als die nach Quetschung. Neben der von anderen Gruppen postulierten Aktivierung von Makrophagen, konnten hier der neurotrophe Faktor bFGF und die alpha-, beta-, und gamma-Kristalline als mögliche Vermittler dieser Effekte bestimmt werden. Neben diesem vorbehandlungsabhĂ€ngigen Modell der Rattenretina wurde ein spontan regenerierendes System in Form der Affenretina gefunden, etabliert und charakterisiert. Dieses zeigte eine im Vergleich zur Rattenretina höhere SubstratspezifitĂ€t und erlaubte die Untersuchung altersspezifischer RegenerationsvorgĂ€nge. Biochemische und immunhistochemische Untersuchungen offenbarten speziesĂŒbergreifende ProteomverĂ€nderungen infolge axonaler Regenerationsprozesse. So konnten in beiden Modellen die verstĂ€rkte Expression eines GAP-43-Ă€hnlichen Proteins in regenerierten ZustĂ€nden nachgewiesen werden. Die parallele verstĂ€rkte Expression von GFAP demonstrierte eine speziesĂŒbergreifende, entscheidende Rolle der Glia fĂŒr das Regenerationsgeschehen und stand nicht im Widerspruch zu einer erfolgreichen Regeneration. DarĂŒberhinaus zeigten Kristalline in beiden Modellen eine VerĂ€nderung ihrer Expression und Lokalisation im Zuge der Regeneration, die ihre fundamentale Bedeutung fĂŒr diese Prozesse nahelegen. Zur erweiterten Beobachtung der differentiellen Proteinexpression wurde die Technik der 2D-PAGE etabliert und die hochaufgelöste Darstellung des Retinaproteoms optimiert. In Kombination mit MALDI-MS wurde eine Kartierung des Retinaproteoms der Ratte und des Affen vorgenommen. Es wurden 32 (Rattenretina) bzw. 23 Proteine (Affenretina) unterschiedlicher Funktion und Lokalisation identifiziert und Proteomkarten der Retinae beider Spezies als Basis fĂŒr weitere, nachfolgende Untersuchungen unter variablen Aspekten generiert. Die proteomische Analyse regenerierter und nicht-regenerierter Retinae offenbarte die differentielle Regulation verschiedener Proteine. Bei dem Modell der Rattenretina konnten zwei unter nicht-regenerativen Bedingungen verstĂ€rkt exprimierte Proteine als Synaptotagmin I und High mobility group protein-1 (HMG-1) identifiziert werden. Komparative Analysen der 2D-Gele des Affen offenbarten die alters- und regenerationsabhĂ€ngige Expression mehrerer Proteine, die als Calmodulin, alpha A-Kristallin, Fatty-acid binding protein (FABP) und Cellular retinoic acid bindig protein (CRABP) bestimmt wurden. Aufgrund der bislang bekannten Funktionen dieser Proteine stellen sie interessante Ansatzpunkte fĂŒr weitere Untersuchungen dar. Diese Arbeit konnte damit zahlreiche in das Regenerationsgeschehen involvierte Faktoren und daran gekoppelte Signalwege offendecken. Durch die weitere funktionelle Untersuchung dieser Kandidaten, insbesondere der Kristalline, muß ihre Bedeutung fĂŒr die Regeneration geklĂ€rt werden. Die generierten Karten der Retinaproteome von Ratte und Affe stellen die Basis fĂŒr weitere differentielle Analysen unter variablen Aspekten dar. Durch die Etablierung des neuen Regenerationsmodells der Affenretina und der 2D-PAGE bestehen nun ausgezeichnete Möglichkeiten ein besseres VerstĂ€ndnis regenerationsassoziierter Prozesse und weitere Ansatzpunkte zu ihrer Stimulation zu finden
