34 research outputs found

    Diferencias de género en el recuerdo de imágenes de distinto contenido afectivo

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    Cinquenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1999-2000

    Effects of several inocula on the biochemical hydrogen potential of sludge-vinasse co-digestion

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    The influence of the inoculum on the Biochemical Hydrogen Potential test (BHP) was investigated. Thermophilic BHP from sludge-vinasses co-digestion (50:50) was studied employing three types of inocula: Acidogenic Inoculum, Sludge Inoculum and Thermal Sludge Inoculum. The maximum hydrogen yield was obtained with a sludge inoculum (177 mL H2/g VSadded). This yield was 21 and 36% higher than for acidogenic inoculum and thermal sludge inoculum, respectively. The results revealed that the choice of inoculum had significant impact on the hydrogen yield and the sludge inoculum is the most beneficial for BHP tests. The percentages between Eubacteria:Archaea increased from 59.2:40.8 to 92.0:9.0 during BHP tests using the sludge inoculum while it remained stablish in the others cases around 50:50. Furthermore, hydrogen production was accompanied by the generation of volatile fatty acids, mainly acetic, butyric and propionic acids. There were no differences in the rate of hydrogen production in any of the BHP

    Una propuesta de evaluación de competencias genéricas en grados de Ingeniería

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    In genetic association studies, tests for Hardy-Weinberg proportions are often employed as a quality control checking procedure. Missing genotypes are typically discarded prior to testing. In this paper we show that inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions can be biased when missing values are discarded. We propose to use multiple imputation of missing values in order to improve inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions. For imputation we employ a multinomial logit model that uses information from allele intensities and/or neighbouring markers. Analysis of an empirical data set of single nucleotide polymorphisms possibly related to colon cancer reveals that missing genotypes are not missing completely at random. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions is mostly due to a lack of heterozygotes. Inbreeding coefficients estimated by multiple imputation of the missings are typically lowered with respect to inbreeding coefficients estimated by discarding the missings. Accounting for missings by multiple imputation qualitatively changed the results of 10 to 17% of the statistical tests performed. Estimates of inbreeding coefficients obtained by multiple imputation showed high correlation with estimates obtained by single imputation using an external reference panel. Our conclusion is that imputation of missing data leads to improved statistical inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions.Postprint (published version

    Consensus document for the detection and management of chronic kidney disease.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health problem that, in its different stages, may affect up to 10% of the Spanish population and results in high morbidity and mortality, as well as high consumption of National Health System resources. Ten scientific societies involved in the management of kidney patients agreed to update the 2007 CKD consensus document. The current version is an abridged edition of the detailed general document, which can be consulted on the webpages of each signatory society. It includes the following aspects: CKD definition, epidemiology and risk factors and criteria on diagnosis, assessment and staging of CKD, albuminuria and glomerular filtration estimation. Progression factors and concept. Criteria for referral to Nephrology. Patient follow-up, attitudes and objectives by specialty. Prevention of nephrotoxicity. Detection of cardiovascular damage. Attitudes, lifestyle and treatment: management of high blood pressure, dyslipidaemia, hyperglycaemia, smoking, obesity, hyperuricaemia, anaemia and mineral and bone metabolism disorders. Coordinated follow-up by Primary Care - other specialties - Nephrology. Management of renal replacement therapy, haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and renal transplantation patients. Palliative treatment of terminal uraemia. We hope that this document will be very useful in the multidisciplinary management of CKD patients, in view of the updated recommendations

    Resumen ejecutivo del documento de consenso sobre el manejo de la patología renal en pacientes con infección por VIH

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    El objetivo de este documento es actualizar las recomendaciones sobre la evaluación y el manejo de la afectación renal en pacientes con infección por el VIH del año 2010. La función renal debe monitorizarse en todos los pacientes e incluir la medida de la concentración sérica de creatinina, la estimación del filtrado glomerular (ecuación CKD-EPI), la medida del cociente proteína/creatinina en orina y un sedimento urinario. El estudio básico de la función tubular ha de incluir la concentración sérica de fosfato y la tira reactiva de orina (glucosuria). En ausencia de alteraciones, el cribado será anual. En pacientes tratados con tenofovir o con factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), se recomienda una evaluación más frecuente. Se debe evitar el uso de antirretrovirales potencialmente nefrotóxicos en pacientes con ERC o factores de riesgo para evitar su progresión. También se revisan las indicaciones de la biopsia renal, cuándo enviar el paciente al nefrólogo y las indicaciones, evaluación y manejo del paciente en diálisis o del trasplante renal

    Los datos oficiales de la delincuencia: valoración del alcance de los datos de la fiscalía como indicador del volumen delictivo

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    Con frecuencia los medios de comunicación y la clase política suelen emplear los datos que ofrece la Fiscalía General del Estado en sus Memorias para ofrecer cuál es el volumen de la delincuencia del país. Sin embargo, la propia Fiscalía reconoce que los datos que se ofrecen no hacen referencia exacta a la delincuencia real acontecida, sino más bien al volumen de trabajo que esa delincuencia genera. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un análisis en el que se pretende ahondar en el proceso de producción de datos de la Fiscalía, valorando cuáles son los problemas de fiabilidad y validez que presentan, para poder plantear cuál es el alcance real que puede tener esta fuente de información a la hora de determinar el volumen de delincuencia del país. Para ello se analizaron en profundidad una muestra aleatoria de 1.111 expedientes incoados en la Fiscalía Provincial de Albacete

    Valoración del alcance de los datos de la fiscalía como indicador del volumen delictivo

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    Con frecuencia los medios de comunicación y la clase política suelen emplear los datos que ofrece la Fiscalía General del Estado en sus memorias para ofrecer cuál es el volumen de la delincuencia del país. Sin embargo, la propia Fiscalía reconoce que los datos que se ofrecen no hacen referencia exacta a la delincuencia real acontecida, sino más bien al volumen de trabajo que esa delincuencia genera. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un análisis en el que se pretende ahondar en el proceso de producción de datos de la Fiscalía, valorando cuáles son los problemas de fiabilidad y validez que presentan, para poder plantear cuál es el alcance real que puede tener esta fuente de información a la hora de determinar el volumen de delincuencia del país. Para ello se analizaron en profundidad una muestra aleatoria de 1.111 expedientes incoados en la Fiscalía Provincial de Albacete.Frequently media and politicians use data of the Prosecutor’s Office to offer the volume of crime in the country. However, this office admits that the data presented does not make reference to the real crime but rather the volume of work that generates that crime. We have conducted a research to go in depth in the Prosecutor Office data production process in order to assess the real scope of the information offered by this institution about crime rates in the country. The results of this analysis, conducted with a sample of 1.111 files open in the Prosecutor Office of Albacete, are presented in this paper

    Una propuesta de evaluación de competencias genéricas en grados de Ingeniería

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    In genetic association studies, tests for Hardy-Weinberg proportions are often employed as a quality control checking procedure. Missing genotypes are typically discarded prior to testing. In this paper we show that inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions can be biased when missing values are discarded. We propose to use multiple imputation of missing values in order to improve inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions. For imputation we employ a multinomial logit model that uses information from allele intensities and/or neighbouring markers. Analysis of an empirical data set of single nucleotide polymorphisms possibly related to colon cancer reveals that missing genotypes are not missing completely at random. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions is mostly due to a lack of heterozygotes. Inbreeding coefficients estimated by multiple imputation of the missings are typically lowered with respect to inbreeding coefficients estimated by discarding the missings. Accounting for missings by multiple imputation qualitatively changed the results of 10 to 17% of the statistical tests performed. Estimates of inbreeding coefficients obtained by multiple imputation showed high correlation with estimates obtained by single imputation using an external reference panel. Our conclusion is that imputation of missing data leads to improved statistical inference for Hardy-Weinberg proportions