401 research outputs found

    How do Spanish disability support officescontribute to inclusive education in the university?

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    This article analyzes the functioning of disability support offices and their contribution to inclusive education in seven Spanish universities from the perspective of staff. Using a qualitative methodology, interviews with office staff were conducted, and data were analyzed through an inductive coding system. The results are organized around five themes: characteristics of disability support offices, staff training, functions performed by different services, barriers and opportunities identified by office staff, and proposals to improve attention given to disabled students. Information gathered leads to the conclusion that the work carried out in disability support offices must receive support from universities, as these offices are a key element for the access and retention of students with disabilities in the university and for the successful completion of their studies

    Subjetividad y educabilidad: orientaciones para la praxis docente

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    Durante los últimos diez años Peiró estuvo en universidades iberoamericanas explicando, como ponente, gestor de cursos, investigando... El tema expone los hallazgos de nuestras investigaciones sobre incivilidad escolar: enseñar valores, desarrollar el autocontrol de emociones, evitar actitudes violentas, etc. El núcleo sobre el que actuar es la subjetividad de los escolares, que aquí desglosamos. Todo esto se expone confrontando legislación y obras de autores de prestigio. Esto trae que debamos profundizar en el estudio del educando, integrando las aportaciones de las neurociencias y demás materias antropológicas, con el fin de reinterpretar la educabilidad como algo más que mera ductilidad, sin desprenderse de lo intelectual, afectivo y conductual interactivamente.The theme describes the roots of teaching values to prevent mispeaceful coexistence, develop self-control of emotions, etc. interrelated whole. The nucleus on which to act is the subjectivity of the school, that is analyzed. This is laid out facing the law and articles of leading authors. This brings that we should further study the learner, integrating contributions from neuroscience and anthropology themes, in order to reinterpret the educability as more than mere ductility, without abandoning the intellectual, emotional and behavioral interactivity

    Hidden voices in higher education: inclusive policies and practices in social science and law classrooms

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    This paper pertains to a broader biographical-narrative research project which studies barriers and support as identified by students with disabilities at a Spanish University (Barriers and Support That Disabled Students Identify in the University. Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Dir. Dr Anabel Morin˜a; Ref. EDU 2010–16264, 2010–2014)). The present study focuses specifically on barriers and support identified by students with disabilities enrolled in undergraduate programmes in the Social Sciences and Law. The purpose of this paper is to analyse, from the point of view of disabled students (applying the biographic-narrative methodology), which barriers and which support this group encounters in Higher Education. To this end, findings are organised in the following categories: general institutional data; infrastructure, architectural and accessibility-related data; faculty and teachingrelated data; data relating to fellow students; and suggestions for improving the university and/or university classrooms. In the Conclusions section, we return to our earlier discussion of key findings which shed some light on how the University helps or hinders learning among participants in the study. From this perspective, taking as a reference the social model of disability, we conclude that in order to be inclusive, the University needs to commit itself to adopting proactive measures that eliminate the barriers that do not permit the learning and the full participation of the students in question

    Life-Lines of spanish students with disabilities during their university trajectory

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    The authors conducted this study at a Spanish university to find out what barriers and aids students with disabilities identified during their university trajectories. The authors used a biographical narrative method, and specifically, life histories. Our analysis concentrated on the life-lines and interviews, showing the histories of three students with disabilities. We analyzed data through a narrative system, approaching each life history separately and making a global analysis of it. The results section presents the university trajectory of three students with disability, Javier, Luz María and José Manuel. Each student made a personal narration of his own university experience in a first-person history, describing aids and barriers. The conclusions discuss the main barriers and facilitators each student perceived at the university and suggest the potential of this technique for construing life histories

    Eye Removal — Current Indications and Technical Tips

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    The removal of the eyeball with or without other orbital tissues is always a complicated decision to take and nearly always involves the beginning of a new and intense doctor-patient relationship. The loss of the globe results in the loss of binocular vision and depth perception, thus the patient is limited when applying for certain jobs or handling delicate or dangerous materials. They may also be prohibited to drive in some countries o may have to do so with special care where permitted. The psychological impact on the patients´ life may be even greater as it may be perceived as a severe facial disfiguration. Some patients may prefer to stay at home and their social life may be deeply affected. Since facial and eye appearance is essential for normal human relations and interaction, prosthetic eyes or orbits should imitate the eye, in most cases, or the whole orbit-eyelids-eye complex, which is less frequent

    Juan de Vallejo y los maestros Artega en la capilla de Santa Ana y Santiago en Belorado (Burgos)

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    La capilla de Santiago y santa Ana en Belorado (Burgos) fue fundada por Gonzalo Monte Marrón en 1548 para enterramiento suyo y de sus familiares. Nueva documentación nos informa de que fue construida por varios miembros de la familia Arteaga. Juan de Vallejo y Ochoa de Arteaga figuran como tasadores de la obra. La capilla de planta centralizada y sacristía pone de manifiesto las estrechas relaciones familiares y profesionales de los maestros de obras en la Castilla del siglo XVI. Dos espléndidas rejas comunican el espacio de la capilla con el presbiterio y la nave central. Un bello retablo, construido en 1573, se integra perfectamente en la arquitectura.The chapel of Santiago and Saint Ana in Saint Mary’s church (Belorado, Burgos) was established by Gonzalo Monte Marrón in 1548 to serve as his burial and that of his family. New documents indicate that it was built by several members of the Arteaga family. Juan de Vallejo and Ochoa de Arteaga acted as the construction appraisers. This central-plan chapel and the adjoining vestry points out to the close relationships, both familial and professional, between XVI th century Castilian master builders. Two splendid iron grilles connect the chapel space with those of the chancel and the central nave. A beautiful altar-piece, made in 1573, is perfectly integrated within the architecture

    Un modelo de evaluación universitaria en el desarrollo de THE

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    Como sistema, partimos de las bases legales de la evaluación, su estatuto y lo dispuesto por la Facultad. Se orienta el sentido de la evaluación en la materia hacia tres ejes, primeramente proporcionar una formación adecuada en el nivel superior de educación, además de fomentar el estudio y el respeto a los valores inherentes a la persona y así cooperar en la plena integración en el EEES. Nuestro modelo evaluativo integra temas, objetivos, en los que incluimos el análisis, la comprensión, la sinopsis, la síntesis y las competencias para que los alumnos puedan desempeñar en un futuro con eficacia y eficiencia su labor docente. Los estudiantes han de integrar: hermenéutica, es decir, relaciones existentes entre el hecho educativo y el contexto, fenomenología, entendida como objetivar su propia experiencia sobre rasgos esenciales de la educación, junto con las competencias y nociones del programa que incluye terminología, clasificaciones y relaciones. A la vez seguimos fomentando la creatividad de los discentes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la bondad del procedimiento. También nos sirve para valorar a docentes y a discentes, rectificando y ayudándonos en la evaluación continua, sumativa y procesual

    El profesor como guía-orientador. Un modelo docente

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    Esta comunicación trata de las interrelaciones entre las competencias que los alumnos de Magisterio, futuros docentes, deben conseguir en el Área de Teoría de Educación e Historia de la Educación y el desarrollo de un modelo docente, el del profesor como guía y orientador. Ser guía o consejero del proceso educativo implica orientar a los alumnos en la realización de su trabajo para que aprendan por sí mismos, es decir, que aprendan a aprender y a pensar. El buen profesor guía todo el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, supervisa, formula metas, ayuda en las dificultades que surgen, evalúa y reorienta lo aprendido. Así, deducimos que toda orientación es aprendizaje y la enseñanza implica a su vez orientación. En el presente trabajo, se analiza el significado de la profesión docente, un estilo disciplinario, un modo de enseñar y se desarrolla el modelo metafórico de maestro como guía -orientador. Mostramos en este estudio algunos recursos para que el profesor universitario pueda realizar en el desarrollo de su tarea diaria orientación personal y tutelaje

    Hemisferio derecho y procesamiento léxico : efecto de la imagen de la clase sintáctica

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    Estudio de las capacidades verbales del hemisferio cerebral derecho. Mediante un estudio normativo, una serie de nombres y verbos de uso frecuente, resultaron clasificados como de alta, media y baja imaginabilidad. Estas palabras, junto con un numero igual de seudopalabras y material no verbal, fueron presentadas taquistocopicamente a uno y otro campo visual a un grupo de 62 varones y 65 mujeres. Los resultados evidenciaron capacidades lingüísticas del hemisferio derecho claramente moduladas por la clase sintáctica y por el nivel de imaginalibilidad. Se constata, además, una clara diferencia en el patrón de diferenciación hemisférica entre los dos grupos de sexos

    Melodic intonation therapy in post-stroke nonfluent aphasia: a randomized pilot trial.

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    Objective: To collect data to estimate the sample size of a definitive randomised clinical trial to evaluate the effects of Melodic Intonation Therapy in poststroke nonfluent aphasia. Design: A randomised, crossover, interventional pilot trial. Setting: Departments of Neurology and Rehabilitation from a university general hospital. Participants: Stroke survivors with poststroke nonfluent aphasia. Interventions: Patients randomised to group 1 had treatment with Melodic Intonation Therapy first (12 sessions over 6 weeks) followed by no treatment; the patients in group 2 started active treatment between 3 and 6 months after their inclusion in the study, serving as waiting list controls for the first phase. Main measures: The Communicative Activity Log (CAL) questionnaire and the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE) were evaluated at baseline, and at 6 and 12 weeks. Results: Twenty patients were included. Four of the patients allocated to group 2 crossed over to group 1, receiving the treatment at first. Intention-to-treat analysis: after adjustment for baseline scores, the mean difference in the CAL evaluation from baseline in the treated group was 8.5 points (95% CI, 0.11–17.0; P=.043), with no significant change in any of the BDAE sections. Per protocol analysis showed similar results with a clear treatment effect (P=.043) on the CAL. Conclusions: Melodic Intonation Therapy might have a positive effect on the communication skills of stroke survivors with nonfluent aphasia as measured by the CAL questionnaire. A full-scale trial with at least 27 patients per group is necessary to confirm these results.pre-print490 K