36 research outputs found


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    Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with a total of 17,054 islands. Each island has different customs, values and habits. As one of the elements of culture,Indonesian culinary is also a pride cultural element. Traditional Indonesian food is one ofthe attractions of foreign tourists and local tourists. In Indonesia there are many kinds oftraditional food. From 17,054 islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago, there is theisland of Java which is known for its unique history and its beauty. It is named WestJava.West Java Province, also known as the land of Sunda, has different kind of dishescomparing to other Indonesian cuisine. Sundanese people by utilizing the existing ingredients in the surrounding likes to create a unique food in terms of names and flavors.Name it colenak, combro, batagor, cireng, cimol, gehu, and so on. In translation, there isprocedure known as cultural equivalent. Cultural equivalent is an approximate translationwhere a source language of cultural word is translated by a target language cultural word(Newmark, 1988:82). The translation from kinds of food from West Java is a way topromote the traditional food to international world. The research is conducted usingdescriptive- qualitative method. In this study, the object of the research data is the typicalfood of West Java which is located in big cities in West Java, such as in Sumedang andGarut. The data are obtained by conducting survey method and questionnaire interview. The researcher goes to the area to capture the culinary trademarks in some areas in WestJava. The results of this research will give big effect to tourism development in West Java cuisine


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    Debating is recognized as a way of doing persuasion in speech that deals with four points of debate pillars, for instance: assertion, reasoning, evidence, and link back. There are two formats on parliamentary debating competitions; Asian and British. The format of worlds is British Parliamentary debate, which consists of eight debaters divided into four teams, two on the pro-position and other two on the opposition, and allows debaters 15 minutes of preparation and doing the case building before engaging in the round (Harvey-Smith, 2011; Johnson, 2009; Lising, 2010). Over past few years, every country’s debater champions have been gathered and involved in a high level of debate atmosphere to compete each other as their country’s representatives to have worlds’ champion title. In conjunction to the glance of forewords, researcher will analyze annual world most prestigious debating championship, WUDC 2016, which took place in Thessaloniki, Greece. The study will use descriptive qualitative method. The source of this research is taken from video streaming on Youtube that shows ESL grand final round between University of Indonesia team A (Indonesia) as Prime Minister (PM) and RWTH Aachen team A (Germany) as leader of opposition (LO). This approach is intended to answer: (1) What stylistic devices appear in World Universities Debating Championship 2016? (2) What kinds of illocutionary act appear and how its perlocutionary impacts the opponent side’s respond that results in rebuttal? This analysis is based on Aristotle (1991) and Searle (1979) which result is expected to reveal the technique of how debaters unconsciously deliver their persuasive speech in front of adjudicator core


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     The utterance that contains performative verb explicitly has subject pronominal I, present simple tense, and direct object. The meaning of performative verb contains declarative, representative/assertive, expressive, directive, and commisive meaning.The method used in this research is a descriptive method. According to Djajasudarma (1993 : 8), a descriptive method aims to make descriptions; make pictures, paint  a systematic, factual and accurate picture of the information or data, properties, and phenomena under study. The steps of this research were: (1) literature review, (2) the collection of data, (3) data analysis, and (4) conclusions.The data was taken from conversation on ‘Gladiator’ and ‘A Few Good Man’ Movies. The results show that the performative verbs in the movies are ‘warn’, ‘assume’, ‘admit’ which are categorized into representative/assertive meaning, ‘promise’, ‘bet’, ‘reject’, ‘swear’ whose meanings are commisive,’order’, ‘ask’, ‘advise’, ‘beg’, ‘command’ which have directive meaning, ‘judge’, ‘announce’, ‘declare’ which have declarative meaning, and ‘apologize’, ‘thank’, ‘honor’, ‘salute’ which have expressive meaning. All performative verbs mentioned are found in explicit and implicit performative speech. Keywords: Performative verb, assertive, directive, declarative, commisive, and expressive meaning ABSTRAK Ucapan yang mengandung verba performatif secara eksplisit memiliki ciri; subjek pronominal I,  dalam bentuk present simple tense, dan direct object. Arti verba performatif mengandung makna deklaratif, representatif / asertif, ekspresif, direktif, dan komisif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Menurut Djajasudarma (1993: 8), metode deskriptif bertujuan untuk membuat deskripsi; membuat gambar, melukiskan gambaran sistematis dari informasi atau data, sifat, dan fenomena yang diteliti Langkah-langkah penelitian ini adalah: (1) tinjauan literatur, (2) pengumpulan data, (3) analisis data, dan (4) kesimpulan. Data diambil dari percakapan para tokoh dalam film 'Gladiator' dan 'A Few Good Men'. Konversasi yang terjadi dalam film merupakan refleksi terhadap konversasi yang sebenarnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Data yang berhasil dihimpun dari kedua film di atas sangatlah cukup dan valid sebagai represntasi penggunaan verba performatif dalam kehidupan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa verba performatif yang ditemukan dalam film-film tersebut adalah warn’, ‘assume’, ‘admit’ yang dikategorikan menjadi makna asertif, ‘promise’, ‘bet’, ‘reject’, ‘swear’ termasuk dalam makna komisif. Selanjutnya adalah verba ’order’, ‘ask’, ‘advise’, ‘beg’, ‘command’ yang termasuk ke dalam kategori direktif. Lalu untuk kategori makna deklaratif ditemukan dalam verba seperti ‘judge’, ‘announce’, ‘declare’, dan verba ‘apologize’, ‘thank’, ‘honor’, ‘salute’ yang memiliki makna ekspresif.Semua verba performatif yang disebutkan ditemukan dalam tindak tutur performatif eksplisit dan implisit. Kata kunci: verba performatif, makna asertif, direktif, deklaratif, komisi, dan ekspresif


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    The legal documents contain statements binding between several parties involved in the issues listed in the document. Prenuptial agreement, power of attorney to a case, insurance payments, inheritance issues are commonly discussed in terms of a legal document. In linguistics, there is a terminology known by performative utterances. Performative concept is one example of application of language use through legal documents as a media. The concept is mentioned by Austin (1962:6). The naming comes from the verb 'perform' or refers to the noun 'action', it is said that the word refers to a speech that shows the performance or action. Performative utterance , or sometimes just simply mentioned ‘performative’ has characters : first person singular subject and followed performative verbs in active present form (1962:5).Performative cannot be regarded as right or wrong statements, but it refers to appropriate or inappropriate, legitimate or illegitimate contents of statements. Performative utterances can be explicit and implicit. Implicit performative is performative utterances with performative verbs but they are not explicitly stated. On implicit performative, conversational context greatly affects assuming the performative verb that appears. This research will try to explain the form of performative and pragmatic mechanism on the legal documents. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive and this research is expected to contribute in application of linguistics, especially pragmatics

    Use of implicit performative utterances at University of Padjadjaran and at University of Pennsylvania

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    The use of implicit performative utterances can be found in some announcements at Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) in Bandung, Indonesia and at the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in Philadelphia, U. S. A. In linguistics, there is a form of speech known as performative utterances (Austin, 1962). The word comes from the verb ‘perform’ and refers to the noun ‘action’; it is said that the word refers to a speech for performance or action. Performatives cannot be regarded as right or wrong statements, but refer to appropriate or inappropriate, legitimate or illegitimate actions. Implicit performatives are performative utterances with performative verbs but they are not explicitly stated. With an implicit performative, the sentence does not have an explicit performative verb, but it has illocutionary force which is known from the context. Knowing the context, the hearer assumes the performative verb that appears. The use of this kind of utterances in notices at Unpad and at UPenn is quite different. This paper examines the differences and the similarities between the announcements at Unpad and at UPenn which use implicit performative utterances


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    PTNBH (Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum/Corporate University) is an independent status of universities that have their own authority. Many internal system of universities are undergoing changes, but these changes provide an opportunity for universities to improve their quality. Universitas Padjadjaran (Unpad) inaugurated the change of status to corporate university (PTNBH) in January 2017. The change was officially marked through the signing of declaration by the Minister of Research and Technology. The event is written in an article published in www.unpad.ac.id. The article is considered as important news relating to the topic and it influences the appeareance of time in website. In article or discourse,cohesion is the relationship between sentences in a discourse, both grammatically and lexically. Using good cohesion, a speaker or writer will be able to produce good discourse. This study will look at (1) how lexical cohesive devices appear in this article and then see (2) whether the lexical cohesive devices affect the number of readers of the article. This underlies the selection of research objects that are closely related to the change of Unpad status to PTNBH. Halliday and Hasan use cohesion to refer to relations of meaning that define it as a text (1976: 4). The definition is thus a semantic one, and like all the components of the semantic system, cohesion is realized through grammar and vocabulary. According to Halliday and Hasan, cohesion can be divided into grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion includes devices such as reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction, while lexical cohesion is divided into reiteration (repetition, synonymy etc.) and collocation (co-occurrence of lexical items). The result of this study will give recommendation to Unpad website maintainers relating to writing style in news

    Textual Analysis of Power of the Government of Indonesia and Aceh in the Helsinki MoU

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    Ethno-national conflict in Aceh struggling for independence from the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia was waged for almost three decades since 1976. The military approach taken by the Government of Indonesia (GOI) for years was unable to bring the conflict to an end. Since then, conflict resolution through diplomatic mechanism was initiated by involving third party mediator. The massive natural disasters, earthquake and the tsunami that hit the region in December 2004 prior to the peace agreement between Government of Indonesia and GAM (Free Aceh Movement). The parties committed to agree the memorandum of understanding which known as Helsinki MoU. This research questions whose party more powerful is, Government of Indonesia or Aceh The question can be answered by using Critical Discourse Analysis as a tool. The linguistics instruments can show power which is dominated or not by one of the parties. Based on the findings in this study, it is confirmed that no one from two parties is more powerful than another. It is shown that the power between GOI and GAM is balanced. In other words, based on the analysis of MOU Helsinki, their position is adequate

    Negative Representation of Assad’s Regime in CNN Online Articles

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    This research article discusses the use of chemical weapons in Syria. This study discusses the representation of Assad’s regime in two CNN articles since there is an assumption that Assad’s regime and its alliances are the responsible ones for the chemical weapon issue in Syria. The data is analyzed through Critical Discourse Analysis by Van Dijk as the grand theory so that it is examined by using macro and micro level analysis. This study shows that these articles present the negative representation of Assad’s regime. It can be seen from the negative lexical choices which are used by the writers to describe Assad’s regime and it also can be seen from the writers attempts to present the US’s arguments by trying to legitimize it by frequently using verbal reaction in schematic analysis and the writers of the articles also struggle to hide another version of truth which stated that the responsible one for the use of chemical weapon in Syria is the rebels group

    Meme as political criticism towards 2019 Indonesian general election: A critical discourse analysis

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    This study aims to investigate the memes created by Nurhadi-Aldo, a fictional presidential candidate. Data is collected from Nurhadi-Aldo’s Instagram profile. The descriptive qualitative approach was used and the sampling procedure carried out was purposive sampling. To analyze the data and to uncover the hidden values, the three-dimension analysis proposed by Fairclough (2001) was used. The first dimension was textual analysis where the textual and visual sign of the presidential memes were examined. The second dimension was the analysis of the discursive practice surrounding the production of Nurhadi-Aldo memes. And the last was the sociocultural practice analysis that deals with how Indonesian internet users reacted to this viral phenomenon. The result points out that the memes represent the visualization of public social critics toward a political condition in Indonesia. With regards to the content creator, Nurhadi-Aldo’s memes further indicate the scepticism value of Indonesian youth. These findings further confirm that the function of the meme is not limited to entertainment purpose only, but also to deliver political criticism. Hence, it is expected that the findings will give more insights into how certain values can be delivered through the use of everyday text, such as memes

    Kebijakan pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam pelestarian bahasa, sastra, dan aksara Sunda : suatu kajian perencanaan bahasa

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    Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam upaya pelestarian budaya Sunda telah melahirkanPeraturan Daerah Kota Bandung Nomor 09 Tahun 2012 tentang Penggunaan, Pemeliharaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Aksara Sunda. Perda ini merupakan salah satu upaya Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam hal perencanaan bahasa (language planning). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji strategi apa saja yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam melestarikan bahasa, sastra, dan aksara Sunda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh strategi yang diamatkan Perda Nomor 09 Tahun 2012, Pemerintah Kota Bandung telah mengimplementasikan lima strategi, yaitu Program Bahasa Sunda dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan, Program Rebo Nyunda, Program Penamaan Jalan dengan Aksara Sunda, Program Anugerah Budaya Kota Bandung, Program Kasundaan oleh Organisasi/Lembaga Kemasyarakatan