20 research outputs found

    Desenvolvimento de instrumento para medida dos fatores psicossociais determinantes do comportamento de atividade física em coronariopatas

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    Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar o desenvolvimento, a análise de conteúdo e da confiabilidade do Questionário para identificação dos fatores psicossociais determinantes do comportamento de atividade física em coronariopatas, baseado na extensão da Teoria do Comportamento Planejado. O instrumento foi submetido à validade de conteúdo, com realização de sua avaliação por três juízes e pré-teste com cinco sujeitos, até mostrar-se conceitualmente adequado e compreensível aos sujeitos entrevistados. Foi aplicado em 51 sujeitos para a avaliação preliminar da consistência interna, por meio da determinação do coeficiente alfa de Crombach. Foram observados coeficientes alfa de Crombach >0,75 para os constructos Intenção, Atitude, Norma Subjetiva, Autoeficácia e Hábito. O instrumento desenvolvido mostrou evidências de validade de conteúdo e de confiabilidade.Este estudio tuvo como objetivo presentar el desarrollo, el análisis de contenido y de confiabilidad del Cuestionario para la identificación de los factores psicosociales determinantes del comportamiento de actividad física en pacientes afectados de coronariopatías, basado en la extensión de la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado. Se sometió la validez del contenido del instrumento a la evaluación por parte de tres jueces y pre test con cinco sujetos, hasta mostrarse conceptualmente adecuado y comprensible para los sujetos entrevistados. Fue aplicado en 51 sujetos para la evaluación preliminar de consistencia interna, a través de la determinación del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. Fueron observados coeficientes Alfa de Cronbach >0,75 para los constructos Intención, Actitud, Norma Subjetiva, Autoeficacia y Hábito. El instrumento desarrollado evidenció la validez de su contenido, así como su confiabilidad.The aim of this study was to report the development and the analysis of content validity and reliability of the Psychosocial Determinants of Physical Activity among Coronary Heart Disease Patients Questionnaire, based on an extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior. In the content validity step, three experts evaluated the instrument which was, afterwards, pre-tested with five subjects in order to obtain a conceptually appropriate and easily understood instrument. Fifty-one patients participated in the evaluation of internal consistency of the reviewed instrument. Cronbach's alpha coefficients above 0.75 were observed for the constructs: Intention, Attitude, Subjective Norm, Self-efficacy and Habit. The new instrument demonstrated acceptable evidence of content validity and reliability

    D-2 Physiognomy, Art, and Artifice in The Rape of Lucrece and The Devil’s Law-Case

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    Critics have noted two predominant, competing attitudes toward art in the Renaissance. For some, art was problematic because its artifice obfuscated reality. For others, art elevated humankind by allowing artists to create, like God. Early modern artistic treatises, however, reveal that artists also valued art because of its physiognomic ability. In other words, they believed that art could communicate the painted individual’s true nature, attitude, and perhaps even secrets, especially through the face, a theory about art literary critics largely overlook. But even as artists acknowledged art’s epistemological power, they also faced the potential idealization undertaken in any artistic endeavor, especially portraits, works of art most likely to signify physiognomically. These varied approaches to and ideas about art also appear in Renaissance literature. While many texts consider the status of art, in William Shakespeare’s poem The Rape of Lucrece, the titular protagonist directly articulates and confronts the tension between art as physiognomic communicator and artificial epistemological obstructer, with a particular focus on the overlooked role of physiognomy and art. A similar interrogation of art’s illuminative vs. deceptive status occurs in John Webster’s drama The Devil’s Law-Case. Yet Webster’s text takes into account something Lucrece does not, the important role gender plays in both the creation and reception of art. Thus, by carefully considering the characterization of art in both The Rape of Lucrece and The Devil’s Law-Case, we can examine the importance of physiognomy and gender, respectively, to Renaissance art’s complicated status

    Genetic Transformation of the Relapsing Fever Spirochete Borrelia hermsii: Stable Integration and Expression of Green Fluorescent Protein from Linear Plasmid 200▿

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    Tick-borne relapsing fever (TBRF) is a spirochetal disease caused by at least 15 different Borrelia species. It is a serious human health concern in regions of endemicity throughout the world. Transmission to humans occurs through the bites of infected Ornithodoros ticks. In North America, the primary Borrelia species associated with human disease are B. hermsii and B. turicatae. Direct demonstration of the role of putative TBRF spirochete virulence factors in the disease process has been hindered by the lack of a genetic manipulation system and complete genome sequences. Expanding on recent developments in these areas, here we demonstrate the successful generation of a clone of B. hermsii YOR that constitutively produces green fluorescent protein (GFP) (B. hermsii YOR::kan gfp). This strain was generated through introduction of a kan-gfp cassette into a noncoding region of the 200-kb B. hermsii linear plasmid lp200. Genetic manipulation did not affect the growth rate or trigger the loss of native plasmids. B. hermsii YOR::kan gfp retained infectivity and elicited host seroconversion. Stable production of GFP was demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. This study represents a significant step forward in the development of tools that can be employed to study the virulence mechanisms of TBRF spirochetes