535 research outputs found
La Fazenda Guarani: arqueología e historia indígena de un campo de concentración en Minas Gerais, Brasil
Durante la Dictadura Civil-Militar brasileña (1964-1985) la Policía Militar de Minas Gerais organizó la Guarda Rural Indígena - GRIN (1969-1974) y las ‘cárceles indígenas’ (1968-1979) que concentraron torturas, desapariciones, trabajos forzados y prisiones arbitrarias en dos localizaciones: el ‘Reformatório’ instalado en los territorios Krenak y la ‘Fazenda Guarani’. En este trabajo exploramos la historia de la segunda y menos conocida ‘cárcel’, instalada en una antigua explotación esclavista, y que fue reconocida Tierra Indígena del pueblo Pataxó. A partir de las casas, territorialidades y ambientes construidos por este pueblo exploramos la rearticulación de la cultura Pataxó, el lugar de las antiguas prisiones, su historia y su inquietante aura.During the Brazilian Dictatorship (1964-1985) the Military Police of Minas Gerais organized an Indigenous Guard and the ‘Indigenous Prisons’ (1968-1979) involving torture, disappearances, forced labor and arbitrary internment at two different locales: the ‘Reformatory’ established in Krenak territories and the ‘Guarani Farm’. In this work we explore the lesser-known history of the latter which became an official Pataxó Indigenous Land. By examining the Pataxó people’s construction of houses around the former buildings of imprisonment and the reconstruction of their territoriality and culture, we explore the place the former prisons have come to occupy, their history and their unsettling aura.  
La Fazenda Guarani: arqueología e historia indígena de un campo de concentración en Minas Gerais, Brasil
Durante la Dictadura Civil-Militar brasileña (1964-1985) la Policía Militar de Minas Gerais organizó la Guarda Rural Indígena - GRIN (1969-1974) y las ‘cárceles indígenas’ (1968-1979) que concentraron torturas, desapariciones, trabajos forzados y prisiones arbitrarias en dos localizaciones: el ‘Reformatório’ instalado en los territorios Krenak y la ‘Fazenda Guarani’. En este trabajo exploramos la historia de la segunda y menos conocida ‘cárcel’, instalada en una antigua explotación esclavista, y que fue reconocida Tierra Indígena del pueblo Pataxó. A partir de las casas, territorialidades y ambientes construidos por este pueblo exploramos la rearticulación de la cultura Pataxó, el lugar de las antiguas prisiones, su historia y su inquietante aura
Cataloguing Quaternary paleo-coastlines in West and Southwest Portugal. Economic, societal and geologic implications
A catalogue of paleo-coast lines in Southwest and South Portugal is presented based on direct field observation and on recent multibeam and backscatter bathymetric surveys. Above sea level, coastline classification was based on field observation of i) wave cut platforms directly associated with ii) notches and/or marine sand deposits with shell clasts, iii) speleothems interbedded with sand deposits and iv) beach rock slabs. Below sea level morphologic and archeologic criteria were used such as, i) buried cliffs under ii) prograding submarine prodeltas or littoral prisms, iii) hard rock surfaces interbedded with mobile sand deposits (possibly beach rock slabs), iv) lagoon depressions associated to coastal barriers sometimes buried by submerged river deltas and v) long wrinkled escarpments.
Coastline erosive surfaces ranging from ∼30 m above present-day sea level to ∼120 m below present-day sea level were cataloged. The highest notches with beach sand and bioclasts appear to be well above Quaternary sea level high-stands within the realm of an area that is associated with Pliocene thrusting and uplift. This together
with a series of close located well-preserved wave cut platforms and notches from ∼30m above sea level to ∼70 m below sea level require dating. Establishing an absolute chronology for these paleo-coastlines will contribute for understanding the different contributions from eustatic variations, littoral environments (sedimentation contributions) or vertical tectonic movements.
The highly curvilinear pattern of the recently discovered paleo-coastlines in SW Portugal, between 30m to 80m below present day sea level, which mimics the present day coastline pattern, is associated with the inherited Paleozoic tectonic fabrics. These escarpments and embayments act as sand traps off the Iberian Pyrite Belt, worldwide famous for its base metals sulphide deposits. Ground truthing for characterizing these mobile deposits is in course looking for possible mineral placers. Thorough mapping of rocky outcrops is also important for habitat mapping, fisheries and diving activities in a region that is under tectonic uplift and needing artificial sand
nourishment for keeping beaches attractive.
This work was supported by the following projects: MINEPLAT- Assessment of the mineral resources potential in the continental shelf of Alentejo and of the environmental conditions caused by the tectonic uplift in
the Pliocene-Quaternary (ALT20-03-0145-FEDER-000013), EMODnet Geology (European Marine Observation Data network, EASME/EMFF/2016/006
Estimating the impact of trained midwives and upgraded health facilities on institutional delivery rates in Nigeria using a quasi-experimental study design
OBJECTIVES: Studies have shown that demand-side interventions, such as conditional cash transfers and vouchers, can increase the proportion of women giving birth in a health facility in low-income and middle-income countries, but there is limited evidence of the effectiveness of supply-side interventions. We evaluated the impact of the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme Maternal and Child Health Project (SURE-P MCH) on rates of institutional delivery and antenatal care. DESIGN, SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We used a differences-in-differences study design that compared changes in rates of institutional delivery and antenatal care in areas that had received additional support through the SURE-P MCH programme relative to areas that did not. Data on outcomes were obtained from the 2013 Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey. RESULTS: We found that the programme significantly increased the proportion of women giving birth in a health facility by approximately 7 percentage points (p=0.069) or approximately 10% relative to the baseline after 9 months of implementation. The programme, however, did not significantly increase the use of antenatal care. CONCLUSION: The findings of this study suggest there could be important improvements in institutional delivery rates through greater investment in supply-side interventions
Processo de registo e depósito de dissertações no Politécnico de Leiria
A presente apresentação pretende descrever o processo de implementação do registo no Renates e depósito no Repositório IC-Online das dissertações de mestrado aprovadas no Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, na sequência da entrada em vigor do Decreto-Lei n.º 115/2013 de 7 de agosto. Após uma fase inicial de planeamento que envolveu vários serviços do Politécnico de Leiria, foi aprovado e implementado um processo de workflow que permitiu a agilização de todo o trabalho. Dois anos depois, o balanço deste processo é bastante positivo, uma vez que em três Escolas Superiores o trabalho retrospetivo se encontra totalmente concluído e, nas duas restantes, se prevê que fique concluído até final de 2018.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Effect of Fruit Weight and Fruit Locule Number in Bell Pepper on Industrial Waste and Quality of Roasted Pepper
[EN] Bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), one of the most consumed vegetables worldwide, shows
great differences between its diverse varieties. These differences affect the fruit type, size and shape.
Food preservation techniques prolong the availability of sweet pepper. Roasted pepper is a product
marketed with the European recognition of Protected Geographical Indication ‘Pimiento Asado del
Bierzo’. The objective of this work was to analyse the effect of the fruit weight and fruit locule number
of the industrial fresh pepper on quality and roasted pepper yield. Large trilocular fruits and large
tetralocular fruits reached higher roast yield and uniformity than small trilocular fruits. Regardless
of fruit locule number and fruit weight, the overall quality of all the samples of roasted pepper was
categorised as very good. Large tetralocular and large trilocular fruits are the most appropriate
peppers for industrial purposes, whereas small trilocular fruits should be intended for the fresh
product market. This easy method of sorting bell pepper fruit attending to fruit weight will decrease
the amount of pepper waste in the industrial roasting process (around 18%), while maintaining the
high overall quality of the final product. Moreover, the faster peeling of large peppers will also
contribute to increasing the productivity of the industrial processing of roasted pepperSIThe authors thank the ‘Protected Geographical Indication’ of ’Pimiento Asado del Bierzo’ for its helpful collaboratio
Serological evolution in women with positive antiphospholipid antibodies
To explore the clinical and serological course of fertile women with positive antiphospholipid (aPL), and the factors and therapeutic implications associated with aPL negativization.
Retrospective study including 105 women with a positive aPL serology between 1995 and 2013 attending the obstetric autoimmune pathology clinic of a tertiary facility. Patients were classified into the following 3 groups: patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (pAPS, 49), patients with a positive serology for aPL, not meeting clinical criteria (42), and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and a positive aPL serology (14). They were also classified according to the serological aPL evolution: persistently negative aPL, transiently positive serology, and persistently positive serology according to established criteria.
After a mean follow-up of 114.4 ± 37.2 months, 59% of patients had persistently negative antibodies, while 25.7% of patients presented persistently positive aPL serology. Multivariate analysis confirmed that smoking (OR = 4; 95% CI: 1.45?11.08; p = 0.008) was an independent risk factor for positive persistence. Persistent positivity as well as a higher antibody load was associated with higher risk for further pregnancy morbidity. In 29 patients, with persistently negative serology who were asymptomatic, treatment with low-dose aspirin was discontinued. No clinical events related to APS were reported after treatment withdrawal, during the 40.95 months of follow-up.
A significant proportion of fertile women with aPL antibodies became negative during follow-up. Tobacco use and the number of positive antibodies are associated with persistently positive serology. Patients with persistently positive aPL serology suffer more obstetric complications. Treatment withdrawal might be safe in selected patients
Nature and origin of gas trapped in sediments in the Tagus River ebb-delta, off Lisbon, Portugal, the TAGUSGAS project
The Tagus River ebb-delta is located near an important city center off Lisbon, Portugal. The Tagus delta hosts various kilometer scale landslides, the most important of which has been mapped and described with a presumable age of ~11 ky and 10 km in length, 4 km wide and 20 m of maximum thickness. An equivalent area of gas trapped in the sediments has also been reported (Terrinha et al., 2019).
The TAGUSGAS project aims at characterizing the nature and source of the gas. A multibeam and backscatter survey was carried out recently covering an area of 44 km2. Several morphologic artifacts were found. The magnetic survey carried out simultaneously allows at discriminating the anthropogenic origin of some of these artifacts. It also allows at distinguishing gas and igneous rock sources of acoustic blanking in the seismic reflection record.
The multibeam and backscatter basemap also serves as a tool to decide targets for seafloor sites for sample collection.
The authors would like to acknowledge the FCT financial support through project UIDB/50019/2020 – IDL and TAGUSGAS project (PTDC/CTA-GEO/31885/2017)
Native Trichoderma Isolates from Soil and Rootstock to Fusarium spp. Control and Growth Promotion of Humulus lupulus L. Plantlets
[EN] Fusarium genus is a wide host phytopathogen causing significant losses in multiple crops, including hops. There is limited information on the sustainable management of Fusarium spp. in hop fields. Trichoderma is an endophytic fungus used in agriculture as a biological control agent (BCA) and as a plant growth promoter. It has been used to antagonize Fusarium spp. in other crops. The objective of the current study was to identify indigenous hop field Trichoderma isolates with biocontrol and hop growth promotion capabilities. Three isolates of Fusarium and eleven autochthonous Trichoderma isolates collected from sustainable hop fields were evaluated in this work. Direct confrontation tests (the physical interaction between the pathogen and BCA and their competition for space and nutrient resources) and membrane tests (the capacity of the BCA to produce metabolites or enzymes through a cellophane film and inhibit the development of the pathogen) assessed the antagonism of these Trichoderma isolates against Fusarium culmorum, F. sambucinum, and F. oxysporum. A bioassay with hop plantlets inoculated with a spore suspension of Trichoderma was performed to assess its hop growth enhancement. T. hamatum (T311 and T324), T. virens T312, and T. gamsii T327 showed high growth inhibition of Fusarium spp. phytopathogens and high plant growth promotion. Native Trichoderma isolates from sustainable hop-producing soils have great potential as BCAs and hop growth promotersSIThis research was funded by the Ministerio de Universidades (Spain), grant number FPU19/03650 to A.J.P.-Á., and the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (Spain), Quality Hops Operational Group, Innovations in the cultivation of hops in Spain to improve the sustainability of farms (2019/00179/001
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