118 research outputs found

    Desflorestamento na Amazônia Brasileira:: ação coletiva, governança e governabilidade em área de fronteira

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o papel das políticas de ocupação e o uso dos recursos naturais da Amazônia e identificarem que medida essas políticas podem afetar o comportamento de determinados grupos em relação ao desflorestamento da região.Para tanto, apresenta os conceitos de capital social, ação coletiva,governança e governabilidade utilizados para tentar explicar o comportamento de alguns atores presentes na área de influência da rodovia BR-163 (Cuiabá-Santarém). Os resultados alcançados indicam que as políticas de controle do desflorestamento somente conseguirão influenciar o comportamento dos atores da região se houver uma ação mais efetiva do Estado, por meio da utilização de mecanismos de regulamentação. Essa ação deve levar em conta as relações de poder local e o reflexo delas sobre as taxas de desflorestamento. Finalmente, fica claro que o estabelecimento de instrumentos e incentivos econômicos capazes de interferir em comportamentos eminentemente individuais também deve ser parte de uma política de desenvolvimento regional

    Um olhar sobre homens e florestas

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    Emílio Moran; Elinor Ostrom. Ecossistemas Florestais: interação homem-ambiente. São Paulo:Editora Senac São Paulo; Edusp, 2009. 544p. Tradução de Diógenes S. Alves. ISBN 9788573597905(Editora Senac São Paulo) 9788531411342 (Edusp). Título original: Seeing the Forest and theTrees: Human-Environment Interactions in Forest Ecosystems

    Um valor incalculável

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    Marco Antonio Fujihara, Roberto Brandão Cavalcanti, André Loubet Guimarães e Rubens Cristiano Garllip (organizadores). O Valor das Florestas. São Paulo: Terra das Artes Editora. 2009. 349p. Fotos de Adriano Gambarini. ISBN 9788587168085. R$ 240

    Avaliação da Atividade Antioxidante dos Compostos Fenólicos Presentes na Amburana cearensis

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    Amburana cearensis A. C. Smith (Fabaceae) is popularly known as cumaru.  Its stem bark is used in folk medicine for the treatment of respiratory disorders and as anti-inflammatory.  With knowledge of their pharmacological potential of this work was to total phenolics content and antioxidant activity in the ethanolic extract of leaves and bark (EEF and EEC) and methanol and ethyl acetate fractions of leaves (FMEF and FAcF). The Antioxidant activity of the extract and fractions was evaluated using spectrophotometric method at concentrations of 1.0; 0.1; 0.01 and 0.001 mg mL-1. For the total phenolics, determined by the Folin-Ciocalsteu method, expressed as gallic acid equivalent g-1 (GAE) for sample.  All samples showed antioxidant activity, but FMEF fraction showed the highest value for activity (94%) when compared to standard ascorbic acid. The total phenolics content showed the most significant result was to FAcF fraction with 134.66 mg of EGA g-1. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v1i1.70

    An unusual case of bacillary angiomatosis in the oral cavity of an AIDS patient who had no concomitant tegumentary lesions – case report and review

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    Bacillary angiomatosis (BA) is an angioproliferative disease of immunocompromised patients that usually presents as vascular tumors in the skin and subcutaneous tissues. It is caused by chronic infections with either Bartonella henselae or B. quintana. Oral cavity BA is exceedingly rare and even rarer without simultaneous cutaneous disease. We report herein the case of a 51-year-old HIV-infected man who presented severe odynophagia and an eroded lesion on the hard palate that progressed to an oronasal fistula. No cutaneous lesions were recorded. Doxycycline led to complete resolution. To the best of our knowledge, only six previous cases of oral BA without tegumentary disease have been previously reported and none of them progressed to fistula

    Recommendations of the neuroendocrinology department of the Brazilian society of endocrinology and metabolism for the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease in Brazil

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    Although it is a rare condition, the accurate diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s disease is important due to its higher morbidity and mortality compared to the general population, which is attributed to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and infections. Screening for hypercortisolism is recommended for patients who present multiple and progressive clinical signs and symptoms, especially those who are considered to be more specific to Cushing’s syndrome, abnormal findings relative to age (e.g., spinal osteoporosis and high blood pressure in young patients), weight gain associated with reduced growth rate in the pediatric population and for those with adrenal incidentalomas. Routine screening is not recommended for other groups of patients, such as those with obesity or diabetes mellitus. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pituitary, the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) test and the high-dose dexamethasone suppression test are the main tests for the differential diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome. Bilateral and simultaneous petrosal sinus sampling is the gold standard method and is performed when the triad of initial tests is inconclusive, doubtful or conflicting. The aim of this article is to provide information on the early detection and establishment of a proper diagnosis of Cushing’s disease, recommending follow-up of these patients at experienced referral centers