5,554 research outputs found

    Recent Developments in the European Private Equity Markets

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    This paper examines market developments in venture capital and buyout investment in Europe and the United States, through the analysis of funds raised, investments and exits. It discusses the profitability differential of European venture capital investment in comparison with the United States and suggests that it could originate in the different ways in which research is financed and the unequal supply of financing, notably from business angels, for young companies that are not sufficiently mature for venture capital financing. Investment performance measures used are the internal rate of return (IRR) and investment multiples. The analysis covers aggregated industry returns and venture capital funds' returns aggregated by vintage year. It relies on the VentureXpert private equity and venture capital performance database, maintained by Thomson Venture Economics.Venture Capital, profitability, performance, IRR, Europe, United States, Raade, Dantas Machado Rosa

    Profitability of venture capital investment in Europe and the United States

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    This paper examines the profitability of venture capital investment in Europe and the United States. It highlights the unfavourable profitability differential of European venture capital investment in comparison with the United States. The investment performance measures used are the internal rate of return (IRR) and investment multiples. The analysis covers aggregated industry returns and venture capital funds' returns aggregated by vintage year. It relies on the VentureXpert private equity and venture capital performance database, maintained by Thomson Venture Economics. It also considers developments in the private equity and venture capital markets in Europe and the United States.venture capital, profitability, performance, IRR, capital investment, Dantas Machado Rosa, Raade

    Lean accounting: accounting contribution for lean management philosophy

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    The aim of this study is to perform a literature review on lean management philosophy, identifying its main points and checking compatibility between this philosophy and management accounting models, considered by the theory as more suitable. This paper’s more specific goals are the following: to identify which product valuation methods, and which performance assessment methods are more suitable for use with lean philosophy. For this purpose we reviewed scientific articles, related with lean accounting and published up to January of 2011. The results obtained allow us to conclude that regarding product valuation only value stream costing follows all lean principles. Product valuation using activity-based costing does not agree with the lean management goals. Performance assessment must be focused on three points: work cell, value streams, and visual management. Lean philosophy researchers are critical regarding Balanced Scorecard, but they are not however explicit about the incompatibilities between both philosophies

    Promoção da Literacia em Saúde de uma comunidade migrante em Portugal: prevenção de riscos associados às questões ambientais

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    Introdução: Fatores de natureza social, cultural e relacionados com o ambiente físico, são determinantes para a saúde dos migrantes. Objetivo: Contribuir para a promoção da Literacia em Saúde dos migrantes residentes num bairro de um concelho da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa, no âmbito dos riscos de saúde associados às questões ambientais. Método: Partindo da Metodologia de Planeamento em Saúde, foi desenvolvido neste bairro um Projeto de Intervenção Comunitária. O estudo transversal, descritivo e de natureza exploratória permitiu caraterizar as condições ambientais em que esta comunidade vive, sua perceção respetiva, e ainda conhecer o nível existente de Literacia em Saúde. Resultados: Da análise dos dados obtidos, comprovou-se a existência de riscos ambientais para a saúde e, igualmente, baixos níveis de Literacia em Saúde na maioria dos domínios considerados. Deste modo, justificou-se a necessidade de intervenção na promoção da Literacia em Saúde, com destaque para os riscos ambientais. Conclusão: Reconheceu-se assim a importância do desenvolvimento de Projetos de Intervenção Comunitária nestas populações, com a adoção de estratégias que favoreçam a participação ativa e a adesão da comunidade, e com isso se obterem ganhos em saúde.Introduction: Factors of a social, cultural, and physical environment nature are crucial for the health of migrants. Objective: Contribute to the promotion of Health Literacy among migrants residing in a district in a municipality in the Metropolitan Area of Lisbon, within the scope of health risks associated with environmental issues. Method: Based on the Health Planning Methodology, a Community Intervention Project was developed in this neighborhood. The cross-sectional, descriptive, and exploratory study allowed characterizing the environmental conditions in which this community lives, their respective perception, and even knowing the existing level of Health Literacy. Results: From the analysis of the obtained data, it was proved the existence of environmental risks for health and, equally, low levels of Health Literacy in most of the domains considered. Thus, the need for intervention in the promotion of Health Literacy was justified, with emphasis on environmental risks. Conclusion: The importance of developing Community Intervention Projects in these populations was recognized, with the adoption of strategies that favor the active participation and adherence of the community, and with that, health gains are obtained


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    In this article, the concept of traceability in food quality control is systematized. The interfaces among traceability, labeling, brands, standards and certification are presented. In addition, the differences and connections between identification and traceability are explained. The asset specificity of information and of the organization structures required to implant tracing systems are outlined according to the Transaction Cost Economics (TCE). The importance and difficulty of establishing such systems are described as functions of government interests, as well as the interests of various agents in the agro-industrial system. In the examples, emphasis is placed on the soybean and beef chains.quality control, information systems, coordination., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Modelling credit risk : evidence for EMV methodology on portuguese mortgage data

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    Traditional credit risk models failed during the recent financial crisis and revealed weaknesses in forecasting and stress testing procedures. One of the main reasons for this failure was the fact that they did not include lifecycle and macroeconomic adverse selection effects. The Exogenous-Maturity-Vintage (EMV) models emerged in this context, in the credit risk literature. In this article, we assess the applicability of the EMV models to a dataset consisting of Portuguese mortgage data between 2007 and 2017, to study the determinants of default rates. We obtain and examine the exogenous, maturity and vintage curves from the dataset under analysis, plotting defaults rates through time, under each of the three component’s logic (default rates by calendar period, by age and by vintage). We show that these curves follow the expected behavior. Finally, we identify a set of explanatory variables suitable to be incorporated in an EMV model specification, for forecasting purposes, and discuss the rationality for their inclusion in the model.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The employees perspective on the challenges faced when starting a new job remotely

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    Due to the mandatory lockdown, resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, employees had to start working remotely and companies had to change their onboarding experience to online. So, this research goal is to discover if employees that started working remotely faced new challenges. For that, a qualitative approach was conducted, and it was concluded that these employees miss more the office than the remaining, since they did not had a previous personal experience with the colleagues

    Late prematurity: a systematic review

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    AbstractObjectivethis study aimed to review the literature regarding late preterm births (34 weeks to 36 weeks and 6 days of gestation) in its several aspects.Sourcesthe MEDLINE, LILACS, and Cochrane Library databases were searched, and the references of the articles retrieved were also used, with no limit of time.Data synthesisnumerous studies showed a recent increase in late preterm births. In all series, late preterm comprised the majority of preterm births. Studies including millions of births showed a strong association between late preterm birth and neonatal mortality. A higher mortality in childhood and among young adults was also observed. Many studies found an association with several neonatal complications, and also with long-term disorders and sequelae: breast-feeding problems, cerebral palsy, asthma in childhood, poor school performance, schizophrenia, and young adult diabetes. Some authors propose strategies to reduce late preterm birth, or to improve neonatal outcome: use of antenatal corticosteroids, changes in some of the guidelines for early delivery in high-risk pregnancies, and changes in neonatal care for this group.Conclusionsnumerous studies show greater mortality and morbidity in late preterm infants compared with term infants, in addition to long-term disorders. More recent studies evaluated strategies to improve the outcomes of these neonates. Further studies on these strategies are needed

    Descriptive analysis of online roulette gamblers: segmentation of different gamblers based on their behavior using data mining algorithms

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Data Science and Advanced Analytics, specialization in Data ScienceThe popularity of gambling activities has been increasing over the last decades, with onlinebased gambling being a key driver of its growth due to the ease of accessing online platforms. Consequently, there is a severe concern that the negative social impact of gambling arises, and regulatory agencies are identifying and managing those effects. In this context, a potential solution to address those effects is based on the concept of 'Responsible Gambling', which means playing consciously, with complete control of time and money. The present study aims to segment online gamblers based on their playing behaviors, differentiating groups as much as possible and ultimately identifying a cluster with players of concern. This is achieved using unsupervised learning algorithms such as K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, or Self-Organizing Maps. The information on which this project is based reflects the activity on some of the Portuguese online gambling platforms over 2019. Available data covers multiple aspects such as the gambling institution, type of gambling, player identification, each player's total bets, and the following outcomes of it

    Avaliação da marcha em hemiparéticos após Acidente Vascular Encefálico submetidos à dupla tarefa motora e cognitiva

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Araranguá. Fisioterapia.Introdução: O acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) é definido como uma redução do fluxo de sangue em uma região do cérebro. Após o AVE, os pacientes frequentemente apresentam déficits motores comprometendo a realização das atividades de vida diária, especialmente a marcha. O que configura um importante comprometimento na marcha é a perda da automatização, o que prejudica a capacidade de realizar duas atividades de forma concomitante. Esta capacidade de associar duas tarefas é chamada de dupla tarefa e é um importante componente para o desempenho funcional nas atividades de vida diária. Objetivo: Comparar o efeito da dupla tarefa, com demanda motora e cognitiva, na marcha de pacientes hemiparéticos pós-AVE. Materiais e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal, realizado no setor de fisioterapia da Unidade Básica de Saúde Paulo Luppin, no município de Balneário Arroio do Silva. Participaram do estudo seis indivíduos hemiparéticos, que foram submetidos a três tarefas. O instrumento utilizado foi a análise da marcha através do teste de caminhada de 10m (TC10m) e da medida da área de contato do pé. Resultados: Foi observado que os sujeitos pós-AVE aumentaram o número de passos e de passadas de forma significativa na dupla tarefa cognitiva (p= 0,008). Conclusão: A execução de dupla tarefa cognitiva interfere na marcha dos sujeitos hemiparéticos pós-AVE