1,639 research outputs found

    Increasing Science Instruction In Elementary School Classrooms

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    There is a lack of science instruction in elementary school classrooms. This is due to the decrease in time devoted to science lesson plans. When there is a lack of science instruction it leads to science achievement gaps which can cause negative effects in a child’s educational career. When elementary school students do not receive an adequate amount of time for science lesson plans they lack scientific literacy skills. This leads to students having a difficult time understanding scientific terms, concepts, and methods. Young children gain many benefits when they learn science early in elementary school such as gaining science processing skills, gaining problem-solving skills, and having a better attitude towards science

    Alienation and authoritarian appropriation - the spatiotemporality of political subjectivation under East German urban neoliberalism

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    This paper contributes to a growing field of spatial analyses of authoritarianism by asking how urban neoliberalization impacts authoritarian subjectivation. It analyses why working class long-term tenants in a gentrifying working class district of the East German city of Leipzig are susceptible to authoritarianism. It traces how their political subjectivation operates through space and time. The theoretical contribution is a spatio-temporally sensitive theorization of subjectivation between alienation and appropriation. Tenants' experiences of alienation and their attempts of appropriation depend on processes of political economic restructuring in a row of scales from their flat to the reunited nation, and their classed position within these. The tenants in focus develop a nostalgic temporality of belonging, reminiscent of a lost past and devoid of present engagement or an imaginable future. This fosters ideological, authoritarian forms of appropriation, reproducing social hierarchies and scapegoating instead of encouraging practical engagement with present conditions.Mit der Frage, wie urbane Neoliberalisierung autoritäre Subjektivierung prägt, trägt der Artikel zur gegenwärtigen Konjunktur räumlicher Analysen von Autoritarismus bei. Er analysiert, warum Langzeitmieter:innen in einem gentrifizierenden Arbeiter: innenviertel im ostdeutschen Leipzig autoritäre Tendenzen aufweisen und wie sich ihre politische Subjektivierung in Abhängigkeit von Raum und Zeit vollzieht. Der zentrale Beitrag ist eine raum- und zeitsensible Konzeptualisierung von Subjektivierung zwischen Entfremdung und Aneignung. Die Erfahrungen der Mieter:innen zwischen Entfremdung und Aneignungsversuchen sind abhängig von Restrukturierungsprozessen auf verschiedenen Ebenen, von ihrer bedrohten Wohnung bis zur wiedervereinten Nation, so wie von ihrer klassenbedingten Position in diesen Ebenen. Die befragten Mieter:innen entwickeln eine nostalgische Zugehörigkeit, die in einer verlorenen Vergangenheit schwelgt und weder gegenwärtigen noch zukünftigen Bezug zum Viertel hat. Das begünstigt eine ideologische, autoritäre Form der Aneignung, die statt auf praktisches Engagement auf soziale Hierarchien und Sündenbockdenken rekurriert

    A V-grooved AlGaAs/GaAs passivated PN junction

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    A passivated, V-grooved GaAs solar cell offers important advantages in terms of improved optical coupling, higher short circuit current, and increased tolerance to particle radiation when compared to the planar cell configuration. An AlGaAs epilayer has been deposited on a p-type GaAs epilayer grown on an n-type V-grooved GaAs surface using MOCVD. A wet chemical etching process was used to produce a V-pattern with a 7.0 micron periodicity. Reflectivity measurements substantiate the expected decrease in solar reflectance. Scanning electron microscopy techniques were used to confirm the presence of the AlGaAs layer and verify the existence of a pn junction

    Microalgae growth in different trophic conditions

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    Microalgae growth in different trophic conditions ( Poster Presentation) in Abstract Book 5th Algaeurope Conferenceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Serotonergic Modulation Of The Central Glp-1 System

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    The prevalence of metabolic and stress-related disorders has been on the rise for decades and has reached epidemic proportions globally. The high degree of comorbidity between these pathological states is likely due, at least in part, to the significant overlap in neural circuitry that governs energy balance and stress-related physiological and behavioral responses. The future of pharmacotherapies aimed at treating these and other disorders relies on a more comprehensive understanding of the molecular interaction between different neuro-transmitter / -peptide systems. Of particular interest is a growing body of literature that supports an interaction between serotonin (5-HT) and the central glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) system, both of which are involved in the control of stress and energy balance. The research presented in this doctoral dissertation investigates the role of 5-HT as an endogenous modulator of the central GLP-1 system and its effects on feeding behavior and stress-induced neuronal activation. In Chapter 2, I establish that the anorectic and body weight changes induced by administration of exogenous hindbrain 5-HT are dependent on central GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) signaling. Second, I provide anatomical evidence of 5-HT2C and 5-HT3 receptor mRNA expression on GLP-1-producing preproglucagon (PPG) neurons in the medial nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). Additionally, I show that hindbrain activation of these 5-HT receptors induces hypophagia in rats and that this effect is achieved via central GLP-1R signaling. Finally, a role for the 5-HT3 receptor was identified in mediating anorectic effect induced by the interoceptive stressor, lithium chloride (LiCl). Chapter 3 explores the 5-HT modulation of the central GLP-1 system in the context of acute stressors and the potential source of 5-HT driving the 5-HT/GLP-1 hindbrain interaction. 5-HT2C and 5-HT3 receptors were demonstrated to mediate the activation of NTS PPG neurons that results from exposure to LiCl and novel restraint. These acute stressors activate 5-HT activity in the Raphe magnus (RMg), a sub-nuclei of the caudal raphe (CR), as measured by increased c-Fos expression. Lastly, using a viral tracing technique I confirm that RMg neurons innervate NTS PPG neurons and that a sub-population of these PPG neurons lie in close proximity to 5-HT axons. Taken together, the results presented in this document expand the current understanding of both the central 5-HT and the GLP-1 systems. This collective body of work underscores the complexity of interactions between two different neural substrates and calls attention to the relevance such interactions play in the modulation behavioral and physiology


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    Este estudio pretende explorar la relación entre capacidades dinámicas y marketing digital. A partir de la revisión de literatura sobre capacidades de marketing dinámico, capacidades de marketing y capacidades de marketing digital, se infiere que, sin considerar la denominación, todos ellos incluyen los factores componentes dinámicos. La revisión también resulta de la consideración de que estos recursos ya implican el uso de TICs y herramientas digitales para su desarrollo. Se concluye que el marketing digital soporta directamente las capacidades de marketing exigidas por el contexto y, por lo tanto, la estrategia de negocios dirigida a un mejor desempeño de las empresas

    Gestión directiva y clima laboral de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres, Ayacucho - 2018

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    La tesis titulada: Gestión directiva y clima laboral de la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres, Ayacucho - 2018; es una investigación descriptiva que utilizó un diseño correlacional y método hipotético-deductivo. El cual tuvo como objetivo determinar el grado de relación que existe entre gestión directiva y clima laboral en la Institución Educativa Mariscal Cáceres de Ayacucho, durante el año 2018. De acuerdo a los resultados analizados y contrastados se concluye que existe relación directa entre gestión directiva y clima laboral en la institución educativa Mariscal Cáceres de Ayacucho, año 2018, puesto que, el resultado obtenido manifestó la existencia de una correlación estadísticamente significativa de 0,898 positiva alta, entre la Gestión directiva y el Clima laboral; con un nivel de confianza del 95% y 5% de probabilidad de error. Para lo cual, tomando en consideración el coeficiente variabilidad (r 2 = 0,806) se tiene que el Clima laboral está determinada en un 80,6% por la Gestión directiva en la institución educativa Mariscal Cáceres, Ayacucho, año 2018.The thesis entitled: Management and work climate management of the Educational Institution Mariscal Cáceres, Ayacucho - 2018; It is a descriptive research that used a correlational design and hypothetico-deductive method. The objective was to determine the degree of relationship that exists between management and work climate in the Educational Institution Mariscal Cáceres de Ayacucho, during the year 2018. According to the results analyzed and contrasted, it is concluded that there is a direct relationship between management and work climate in the educational institution Mariscal Cáceres de Ayacucho, 2018, since, the result obtained showed the existence of a statistically significant correlation of 0.898 positive high , between Management and Labor Climate; with a confidence level of 95% and 5% probability of error. For which, taking into account the coefficient of variability (r2 = 0.806), the labor climate is determined by 80.6% by management in the educational institution Mariscal Cáceres, Ayacucho, 2018

    Local Governance in Mexico. The Case of Nuevo Leon 2015-2021

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide some theoretical and empirical elements to measure the level of governance using an empirical case that will focus on the analysis of the 2015-2021 administration of the Government of the State of Nuevo Le n The governance model is evaluated based on the weighting of the degree of effectiveness efficiency and legitimacy that can be observed from the analysis of state public management and the evaluation of some public policies For the development of the project the World Bank s governance index is used as a reference which includes the measurement of six variable

    Alienated Social Reproduction: A study on the politics of neoliberal urban restructuring in Leipzig, East Germany

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    This thesis untangles the influence of neoliberal urban restructuring on political polarization in Leipzig, East Germany, and demonstrates how in turn the local, politicized relations of tenants marked by solidarities, fragmentation and authoritarianism, impact urban restructuring. Uncovering the interrelation of housing privatization and financialization driven urban change since the end of state socialism with tenants’ political subjectivation, it offers an interdisciplinary contribution to urban political economy and the political, sociological, and geographical study of the formation of political subjectivities. Through retroductive research based on a qualitative and ethnographic empirical case study, it proposes a relational lens to inquire the interdependence of neoliberal urban restructuring and emergent relations of, among and between tenants. After illustrating the affectively mediated patterns of housing financialization at the base of the neoliberal restructuring of an exceptional, East German boomtown, the thesis then shows how this structural process is reproduced through the stratified effects of residential alienation. Therewith, a multi-scalar theorization of residential alienation is developed in its dialectical counterpart with appropriation. The analysis of its structural, stratified psychosocial, and meso-relational aspects reveals that neoliberal urban restructuring reproduces hierarchical class divisions among tenants. These interplay with tenants’ spatialized (dis)identification and temporalities of belonging and constitute a context favourable for the emergence of fragmentations between tenants and groups of tenants. Introducing this concept as a pivotal part of residential alienation, it is demonstrated how fragmentations (a) shape the politically polarized climate of Leipzig by limiting solidarities and nurturing authoritarian divisions, and (b) tendentially reproduce neoliberal urban restructuring