224 research outputs found

    The Sérgio Buarque de Holandas Weberian thought as an Explanation for Corruption in Brazilian Society

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    The present article aims to expose more precisely the influences of Max Weber s thinking on S rgio Buarque de Holanda s main work Ra zes do Brasil Considering that the work of Holanda represents a fundamental contribution to the sociological studies on corruption in Brazil it is necessary in order to reduce recurring misunderstandings a detailed presentation of the Weberian theoretical basis and its incorporation along Ra zes do Brasil Holanda s perspective on the constitutive elements of Brazilian culture and institutions is in constant dialogue with Weberian notions of traditional domination affective social action patrimonialism and traditional social action Such conceptions are circumscribed in the great theory of social rationalization produced by the german sociologist and in the work of the Brazilian historian result in the diagnosis of a society deeply oriented by personalism traditionalism patrimonialism and cordiality Finally we tried to demonstrate how these characteristics of Brazilian society still benefit the practice of corruption insofar as they do not produce the formally rationalized culture guided by the valorisation of the legal norms compliance and do not create rigid and impersonal institutions to limit the relations between the public sphere and the private spher

    Strategic Implications of Water Usage: an Analysis in Brazilian Mining Industries

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    This study aims at identifying the practices of water use management and the business performance in industries in the Brazilian mineral sector. To this end, a descriptive and quantitative study was developed, using the survey method, in industries associated with the Brazilian Mining Institute – IBRAM. The water use management practices were identified based in a model addressing the following aspects: water accounting, risk assessment, direct operations, supply chain, and stakeholders engagement. The business performance was measured from a model involving the following dimensions: economic, environmental and social. Among the results, the risks assessment involved and the direct operations practices stand out, in order to reduce the amount of water used and waste discharges. The need for greater engagement of industries with the stakeholders and the supply chain, through a more integrated and collaborative management, was also evident


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    A pesquisas de satisfação é de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento de um ensino qualificado, e o conhecimento da perspectiva do aluno em relação a sua instituição de ensino é fundamental para a construção de uma educação superior sólida. Assim, o presente estudo relata a qualidade dos serviços suplementares oferecidos pelo Centro de Ensino. Os resultados apresentados foram avaliados através de um instrumento adaptado da dissertação de Coutinho (2007), para medir a satisfação que os alunos atribuem em relação aos serviços prestados. O método de pesquisa possibilitou a mensuração do índice de satisfação dos serviços, além de apontar quais necessitam de melhorias, contribuindo assim para a maior satisfação e melhora da performance dos serviços oferecidos na Instituição. Os principais resultados demonstram alto grau de satisfação para os serviços prestados, porém vale destacar a baixa satisfação em relação aos Laboratórios de Informática e com o serviço de Internet Wi-Fi. De modo geral, conclui-se que os alunos do Centro analisado avaliam o mesmo de forma positiva em relação aos seus serviços

    Influencing factors of the innovation power in the adoption of sustainability strategies

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    The study aimed to analyze which are the best corporate environmental strategies to foster the innovation power of companies in the mining sector. The methodology used was the quantitative approach through multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the power of innovation and to see how the interrelationship between pressures and incentives can influence companies in the implementation of the sustainability strategy which resulted in five different models. The results show that different environmental strategies foster, in different ways, the power of innovation of companies in the analyzed mineral sector. Therefore, it became evident that cost reduction and adaptation to a strong regulatory environment are strategies capable of promoting external guidance and the transparency of innovation processes. Second, the search for reducing environmental impacts and adapting to a strong regulatory environment are strategies that strengthen knowledge of the business environment. In addition, the results show that leadership in products and processes can be optimized through strategies to reduce costs and environmental impacts. Finally, Autonomy and market leadership in relation to innovative initiatives can be achieved via cost reduction, incorporation of social and environmental guidelines, and adaptation to a strong regulatory environment. Thus, this study contributes to the theory and practice of innovation as it reveals to be the best corporate strategy capable of fostering the innovation power of companies in the mineral sector.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Knowledge of morphometric characteristics of a watershed is essential to the development of plans aimed at understanding the processes in this medium. The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the morphometric characterization of the river basins of the High Jacuí and Vacacaí, in Rio Grande do Sul State and relate to possible flooding occurrences. For this, from data SRTM images and shapefiles the river basins of the land morphometric parameters were calculated for the study of the hydrological behavior of the basin. The watershed of the Upper Jacuí and Vacacaí have elongated profile, compactness coefficient of 1.4 and 1:36, form factor of 0.3547 and 0.4344 and circularity index of 0.4977 and 0.5312, respectively, indicating that they are unlikely to flooding. The maximum altitude was found to be 773 m and 4 m minimum relief of the terrain showed lower slopes above 4%. The more elongated shape of the basin indicates that precipitation over it focuses on different points, contributing to minimize the influence of the intensity of rainfall, which could cause major changes in the flow of the stream.O conhecimento das características morfométricas de uma bacia hidrográfica é essencial para o desenvolvimento de planos que visem à compreensão dos processos neste meio. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar e comparar a caracterização morfométrica das bacias hidrográficas do Alto Jacuí e Vacacaí, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e relacionar com possíveis ocorrências de cheias. Para isso, a partir de dados de imagens SRTM e shapefiles das bacias hidrográficas do terreno foram calculados os parâmetros morfométricos para o estudo do comportamento hidrológico da bacia. As bacias hidrográficas do Alto Jacuí e Vacacaí apresentam perfil alongado, coeficiente de compacidade de 1.4 e 1.36, fator de forma de 0.3547 e 0.4344 e índice de circularidade de 0.4977 e 0.5312, respectivamente, indicando que são pouco susceptíveis a enchentes. A altitude máxima encontrada foi de 773 m e a mínima 4 m e o relevo do terreno apresentou declividade menor que 4%. A forma mais alongada da bacia hidrográfica indica que a precipitação sobre ela se concentra em diferentes pontos, concorrendo para amenizar a influência da intensidade de chuvas, as quais poderiam causar maiores variações da vazão do curso d’água