315 research outputs found

    La alta nobleza en la Cancillería real castellana del siglo XV

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    A pesar de que a lo largo de los últimos veinte años se han multiplicado los estudios, tanto en torno al estamento nobiliario —por parte de diversos autores entre los que cabe destacar a M. A. Ladero, E. Mitre, M. C. Gerbet y M. C. Quintanilla— como en torno al funcionamiento de los principales órganos de la Administración central castellana —a través de las publicaciones de autores tales como S. de Dios, D. Torres Sanz y M. de la S. Martin Postigo entre otros—, en el ámbito de la historiografía medieval española —a diferencia de las trayectorias seguidas en otros países como Francia o Portugal— no contamos hasta el momento con estudios monográficos que se ocupen del ejercicio del poder político de la alta nobleza castellana a través del desempeño de cargos y oficios en los órganos de gobierno y Administración central. En este sentido, hay que mencionar, sin embargo, los trabajos de M. O. Quintanilla Raso, que en los últimos años ha llamado la atención sobre la necesidad de elaborar una historia social del estado, de los órganos e instituciones, con una perspectiva distinta a la que han empleado los especialistas en historia de las instituciones políticas, poniendo en práctica una metodología ya ensayada en otros ámbitos, y que no es otra que la realización de una «oligarcología» o descripción y valoración de la clase en el poder, estableciendo nóminas de los distintos oficios

    Dielectric Strength of Nanofluid-Impregnated Transformer Solid Insulation

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    The interest in developing new fluids that can be used as dielectric liquids for transformers has driven the research on dielectric nanofluids in the last years. A number of authors have reported promising results on the electrical and thermal properties of dielectric nanofluids. Less attention has been paid to the interaction of these fluids with the cellulose materials that constitute the solid insulation of the transformers. In the present study, the dielectric strength of cellulose insulation is investigated, comparing its behavior when it is impregnated with transformer mineral oil and when it is impregnated with a dielectric nanofluid. The study includes the analysis of the AC breakdown voltage and the impulse breakdown voltage of the samples. Large improvements were observed on the AC breakdown voltages of the specimens impregnated with nanofluids, while the enhancements were lower in the case of the impulse tests. The reasons for the increase in AC breakdown voltage were investigated, considering the dielectric properties of the nanofluids used to impregnate the samples of cellulose. The analysis was completed with a finite element study that revealed the effect of the nanoparticles on the electric field distribution within the test cell, and its role in the observed enhancement.This work was supported by the Spanish State Research Agency under grant PID2019- 107126RB-C21/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant DPI2015-71219-C2-2-

    Feasibility and effectiveness of a workplace-adapted mindfulness-based programme to reduce stress in workers at a private sector logistics company: An exploratory mixed methods study

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    There is a high prevalence of stress in the logistics sector owing to very demanding, fast-paced and unpredictable tasks. Mindfulness-based programmes may reduce stress but require considerable practice. Our aim was to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of a shortened, workplace-adapted mindfulness-based programme for the logistics sector (WA-MBP-LS) for the purpose of reducing stress. A nonblinded, nonrandomised, two-arm controlled trial was conducted. The WA-MBP-LS (n = 32) consisted of six weekly 90-min mindfulness sessions. The control group (n = 36) attended a psycho-educational seminar. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Five Facets of Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) were measured at pretest, posttest and 6-month follow-up. Differences between groups were evaluated using mixed-effects models. Qualitative methods were used to analyse implementation issues. A 64.2% reduction was observed between initial volunteers and actual participants. Attrition at six-month follow-up was 45.6%. Participants attended a median of five sessions. Decreases in PSS favoured the WA-MBP-LS group at posttest and follow-up. FFMQ played a mediating role in PSS reductions. Barriers were disinterest, lack of programming, work overload and absences from work. Facilitators were curiosity, timing, company facilities and audio recordings. The WA-MBP-LS was feasible and effective in reducing stress, but more efforts to improve the practicalities of implementation are desirable

    Impact of a Community Intervention for Early Skin Cancer Diagnosis Implementing Teledermatology

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    The principal cause of skin cancer is sun exposure. In areas with high sun exposure levels, early diagnosis and sun protection education strategies must be developed. Aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of an early skin cancer diagnosis intervention implementing teledermatology. Transversal descriptive study on a population in the Western Costa del Sol. Primary care physicians were instructed on skin cancer diagnosis. They recruited consecutive at-risk patients and held four workshops for early skin cancer diagnosis and education on sun protection. The resulting variables on participants’ satisfaction and intention to change were collected. 393 patients were recruited. The mean age was 52.9 years, and 65.4% were women. Suspicious lesions were detected in 24.1% of participants, and 11.7% were attended to via teledermatology. Of these, 65.2% were evaluated in person at the Dermatology Department. Fourteen basal cell carcinomas, 5 squamous cell carcinomas, and 2 melanomas were diagnosed. Regarding patient satisfaction, 67.7% found all aspects of the workshops of interest, 41.7% found the skin check-up of interest, and 26.4% found sun and skin cancer prevention information of interest. Of the patients attended to via teledermatology, 100% stated it was good or very good and 100% would consult again via this method. The intervention was successful in terms of participation, skin cancer diagnosis, and satisfaction, especially compared with other international campaigns. Therefore, although the data cannot be extrapolated to all environments, this initiative may be used as the basis for the development of future interventions

    Experimental results and modelling of humidity control strategies from greenhouses in continental and coastal setting in the Mediterranean regíon. I : Experimental results and model development.

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    Experimental strategies for controlling humidity were compared in a greenhouse sited in Madrid, a continental site in the Mediterranean region. Small roof window apertures significantly reduced the relative humidity with only a limited increase in associated energy consumption. A simplified climate model with four energy exchange terms (heating, insolation, losses through structure, and losses through windows) and three mass exchange terms (evapotranspiration, losses through structure, and losses through windows) was validated, allowing relative humidity to be predicted with an error of < 9%. - Se ensayaron una serie de estrategias experimentales para el control de la humedad en un invernadero de Madrid, España. Se comprobó que pequeñas aperturas de la ventana cenital reducían significativamente el nivel de humedad con limitados incrementos del consumo de energía en calefacción. Se validó un modelo climático simplificado con cuatro términos de intercambio de energía (calefacción, radiación solar, pérdidas a través de la cubierta y pérdidas a través de las ventanas) y tres términos de intercambio de humedad (evapotranspiración, pérdidas a través de la cubierta y pérdidas a través de las ventanas), modelo que permitió predecir la humedad relativa con un error inferior al 9%

    Sculpture Making Process of Elba, the Mesolithic Woman of Chan do Lindeiro (Lugo)

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    [Abstract] This article addresses the process of making the hyper-realistic sculpture of Elba, the Mesolithic shepherd of O Courel, whose remains were found in the cave of Chan do Lindeiro (Pedrafita do Cebreiro, Lugo). It outlines the technical processes that were carried out during the sculpture´s creation, following the same order in which each of the steps of this artistic project were followed based on the scientific knowledge that is available up to now.[Resumen] En este artículo se aborda el proceso de elaboración de la escultura hiperrealista de Elba, la pastora mesolítica de O Courel, cuyos restos fueron encontrados en la cueva de Chan do Lindeiro (Pedrafita do Cebreiro, Lugo). En él se definen los procesos técnicos que se han realizado durante la ejecución de la pieza escultórica, siguiendo el mismo orden en el que se han llevado a cabo cada una de las operaciones de este proyecto artístico basado en los conocimientos científicos que se tienen hasta la fecha

    El ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación en pacientes graves en programa de mantenimiento con metadona: resultados a corto y medio plazo

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    Introducción: Se analiza naturalísticamente la evolución durante seis meses de pacientes graves en Programas de Mantenimiento con Metadona (PMM) que presentan recaídas en el consumo de opiáceos y/o cocaína y requieren un ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación. El diseño es prospectivo y la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: Se realiza el seguimiento de 15 personas que cumplían los criterios de inclusión durante 18 meses consecutivos. La mayoría de los pacientes (11:15) recaen precozmente en el consumo de drogas. El patrón de reinicio de consumo es similar: primero reinician el consumo de cocaína y posteriormente de opiáceos. El tiempo medio de recaída en cocaína es de 1.8 meses, y de heroína es de 2.8 meses. Conclusiones: La efectividad a corto y medio plazo del ingreso hospitalario de desintoxicación en PMM, que han recaído en el consumo de drogas es baja. El patrón de nuevas recaídas es predecible y típico

    Cord blood-derived CD34+ hematopoietic cells with low mitochondrial mass are enriched in hematopoietic repopulating stem cell function

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    This work was funded by the CICE/FEDER (P08-CTS-3678) de la Junta de Andalucia with a grant to PM, the FIS/FEDER (PI10/00449 to PM and PI11/00119 to CB), the MICINN (Fondo Especial del Estado para Dinamizacion de la Economia y Empleo/PLE-2009-0111) with a grant to PM, and the Foundation "Spanish Association Against Cancer"/Junta Provincial de Albacete (CI110023 to PM). DRM (PFIS scholarship FI11/0511), RM and CB (CP07/0059) are supported by the ISCIII. ON-M was supported by the Health of Department of the Junta de Andalucia.The homeostasis of the hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell pool relies on a fine-tuned balance between self-renewal, differentiation and proliferation. Recent studies have proposed that mitochondria regulate these processes. Although recent work has contributed to understanding the role of mitochondria during stem cell differentiation, it remains unclear whether the mitochondrial content/function affects human hematopoietic stem versus progenitor function. We found that mitochondrial mass correlates strongly with mitochondrial membrane potential in CD34(+) hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells. We, therefore, sorted cord blood CD34(+) cells on the basis of their mitochondrial mass and analyzed the in vitro homeostasis and clonogenic potential as well as the in vivo repopulating potential of CD34(+) cells with high (CD34(+) Mito(High)) versus low (CD34(+) Mito(Low)) mitochondrial mass. The CD34(+) Mito(Low) fraction contained 6-fold more CD34(+)CD38(-) primitive cells and was enriched in hematopoietic stem cell function, as demonstrated by its significantly greater hematopoietic reconstitution potential in immuno deficient mice. In contrast, the CD34(+) Mito(High) fraction was more enriched in hematopoietic progenitor function with higher in vitro clonogenic capacity. In vitro differentiation of CD34(+) Mito(Low) cells was significantly delayed as compared to that of CD34(+) Mito(High) cells. The eventual complete differentiation of CD34(+) Mito(Low) cells, which coincided with a robust expansion of the CD34(-) differentiated progeny, was accompanied by mitochondrial adaptation, as shown by significant increases in ATP production and expression of the mitochondrial genes ND1 and COX2. In conclusion, cord blood CD34(+) cells with low levels of mitochondrial mass are enriched in hematopoietic repopulating stem cell function whereas high levels of mitochondrial mass identify hematopoietic progenitors. A mitochondrial response underlies hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell differentiation and proliferation of lineage-committed CD34(-) cells.Junta de Andalucia P08-CTS-3678European Union (EU) Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI10/00449 PI11/00119MICINN (Fondo Especial del Estado para Dinamizacion de la Economia y Empleo) PLE-2009-0111Foundation "Spanish Association Against Cancer"/Junta Provincial de Albacete CI110023Instituto de Salud Carlos III FI11/0511 CP07/0059ICRE