691 research outputs found

    Nou analitzador on-line de residus contaminants en biogas

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    Investigadors del Grup de Tractament de Residus Gasosos del Departament d'Enginyeria Química de la UAB han desenvolupat un analitzador per a la detecció d'ió sulfur en líquid i sulfur d'hidrogen en gas, especialment dissenyat per ser utilitzat en el control de biofiltres per al tractament de biogas amb alta càrrega de sulfur d'hidrogen.Investigadores del Grupo de tratamiento de resíduos gaseosos del Departamento de Ingeniería Química de la UAB han desarrollado un analizador para la detección de ion sulfuro en líquido y sulfuro de hidrógeno en gas, especialmente diseñado para ser utilizado en el control de biofiltros para el tratamiento de biogás con alta carga de sulfuro de hidrógeno.Researchers of the Group of Waste Gas Treatment at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the UAB have developed an analyser for the detection of sulfide ion in liquid and hydrogen sulfide in gas samples, especially designed to be used in the control of biofílters for the treatment of biogas with high loads of hydrogen sulfide

    Resolución de problemas : cómo planificar, gestionar y evaluar competencialmente

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo mostrar una propuesta para trabajar la resolución de problemas en el aula de primaria desde una perspectiva competencial. La propuesta se estructura en diferentes momentos clave a fin de proporcionar al maestro herramientas y recursos que lo lleven a planificar, gestionar y evaluar competencialmente la resolución de problemas. Se trata de anticipar y desarrollar una actividad matemática que promueva la construcción de significados matemáticos

    Turning risk into opportunity. A career counselling interview for the present day

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    Los cambios socio-económicos exigen nuevas praxis para la toma de decisiones en la orientación profesional. En este sentido en el artículo se propone un proceso de orientación profesional que tiene como objetivo la transformación de los acontecimientos fortuitos, no planificados y las situaciones de incerteza, en oportunidades de aprendizaje o de éxito. Se basa en la consideración positiva de la incertidumbre dentro del paradigma de la complejidad mediante el proceso de ayuda del enfoque centrado en la persona. La relación de ayuda centrada en la persona proporciona la experiencia de vida del sujeto y puede conducir a experimentar nuevos significados válidos para enfrentar el cambio. En este artículo se propone la aplicación de un sistema dinámico-constructivista al proceso relacional centrado en la persona, que tiene lugar en la entrevista de orientación, para que el sujeto pueda construir nuevos significados a su experiencia y enfrentar con éxito las nuevas situaciones de incerteza. Finalmente en el artículo se ofrece un procedimiento de entrevista para ilustrar y facilitar el proceso anterior, que incluye los recursos para la creación del espacio de encuentro, la guía de la entrevista con los parámetros para la orientación y el cambio y los criterios de análisis de la misma.Socio-economic change requires a new decision-making model applied to career counselling. This paper proposes a process of career counselling that concentrates on transforming chance events and uncertain situations into learning opportunities. It is based on a positive regard of uncertainty within the Complexity Paradigm through the helping process from the person-centered approach. Career counselling from the person-centered approach takes into account the individual’s experience of life and, therefore, it may become a useful tool to deal with change. This paper shows the benefits of applying a dynamic constructivist approach to the person-centered relational process which takes place at the counselling interview. This process may result in the individual’s finding new meanings to his/her own experiences and, eventually, overcoming successfully uncertainty and change. An interview model is provided to illustrate this process, which includes the resources for creating the meeting place, the interview guide with the parameters for counselling and change, and the criteria for analysing the interview

    Projecte CAMPUS MULTIMODAL. Pilotatge del suport de veu en la lectura

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    La formació actual ha de ser prou flexible per a incloure tots els perfils d'alumnat, entre ells els estudiants amb necessitats educatives especials. Amb el projecte campus multimodal s'aprofita la plataforma Moodle per oferir als estudiants dues eines de suport a la lectura ClaroRead y ReadSpeaker. Es fa una prova pilot amb un miler d'estudiants durant un semestre i a partir d'enquestes i registres d'ús es valora la seva utilitat. Els resultats confirmen l'existència de problemes generalitzats de lecto-escriptura entre l'alumnat universitari i la utilitat de la tecnologia de parla per aminimitzar-los

    Multimodal campus project: pilot test of voice supported reading

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    Nowadays, education systems should offer flexibility to serve any kind of learners, including those with special needs. 'Campus Multimodal' project took advantage of Moodle Learning Management System to offer students two reading aid tools: ClaroRead and ReadSpeaker. A pilot test was run with one thousand students during a semester and the mentioned tools usefulness was measured through an interview and user logs. Results confirm the existence of widespread reading and writing problems among higher education students and also the utility of speech technology to minimize them

    L'enfocament centrat en la persona des de la perspectiva holística i ecològica

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    Des d’una visió global de la realitat humana, l’article aborda la complexitat de la sinèrgia de la tendència actualitzant de l’organisme, per aconseguir el desenvolupament humà i proposa, des de la perspectiva holística i ecològica, unes reflexions epistemològiques i metodològiques, per afrontar la complexitat dels fenòmens humans. Les consideracions realitzades ens porten al diàleg i la comunicació com l’instrument més eficaç per a l’estudi del què és humà. Finalment es presenten els resums d’alguns treballs realitzats des d’aquesta perspectiva

    Observational and Numerical Simulation Study of a Sequence of Eight Atmospheric Density Currents in Northern Spain

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    A sequence of eight atmospheric density current fronts occurred in consecutive days are identified and analyzed using micrometeorological time series and numerical simulations. Observations were collected in the context of the INTERCLE project, which took place from September 2002 to November 2003 at the CIBA (Research Centre for the Lower Atmosphere) site located over the northern Spanish plateau. Numerical simulations used the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model with fine horizontal resolution (1 km). Both observations and simulations agree that the arrival of the density currents are characterized by a sharp change in temperature, wind velocity, wind direction and specific humidity and a source of intermittent turbulence. However, comparison between model and observations shows that the model predicts the intrusion of the density currents earlier than is observed. In addition, wavelet techniques applied to the data help distinguish the different scales present in the events, and therefore can reveal traces of gravity waves induced by the arrival of the density currents

    Impact of laser attacks on the switching behavior of RRAM devices

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    The ubiquitous use of critical and private data in electronic format requires reliable and secure embedded systems for IoT devices. In this context, RRAMs (Resistive Random Access Memories) arises as a promising alternative to replace current memory technologies. However, their suitability for this kind of application, where the integrity of the data is crucial, is still under study. Among the different typology of attacks to recover information of secret data, laser attack is one of the most common due to its simplicity. Some preliminary works have already addressed the influence of laser tests on RRAM devices. Nevertheless, the results are not conclusive since different responses have been reported depending on the circuit under testing and the features of the test. In this paper, we have conducted laser tests on individual RRAM devices. For the set of experiments conducted, the devices did not show faulty behaviors. These results contribute to the characterization of RRAMs and, together with the rest of related works, are expected to pave the way for the development of suitable countermeasures against external attacks.Postprint (published version

    Psychiatric disorders and comorbidity in a Spanish sample of prisoners at the end of their sentence : Prevalence rates and associations with criminal history

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    This study examined, for the first time, the prevalence of mental disorders and comorbidities among inmates who were about to be released, and their association with criminal history. A Spanish sample of 140 prisoners at the end of their sentence was recruited from an occupational program. Psychiatric disorders were determined according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria. Bivariate analyses followed by multivariate regression models were conducted to identify significant variables for repeat incarceration and violent offending. The lifetime prevalence of Axis I disorders was 81.4%, with substance use disorders (SUD) and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) being the most common diagnoses (51.4 and 31.4%, respectively). The current prevalence of Axis I disorders was 59.0%, including learning disorders (38.6%), ADHD (16.4%), and SUD (5.71%) among the most frequent syndromes. Thirty-six (26.5%) participants met criteria for a current Axis II disorder, which commonly was an antisocial personality disorder (12.5%). The majority of the sample (60.8%) suffered from two or more comorbid disorders during their lifetime, although the current prevalence fell to 23.3%. Childhood ADHD increased the number of imprisonments, while inmates convicted of a violent crime were more likely to present a learning disorder. Having a lifetime diagnosis of SUD or multiple psychiatric disorders appeared to be associated with both repeat incarceration and violent offending. Given the high rate of mental disorders still present among subjects completing prison sentences and the challenges they may encounter to benefit from vocational programs, our results suggest that appropriate psychiatric care should be provided during imprisonment and after release to facilitate their community reintegration

    Metabolic fingerprint after acute and under sustained consumption of a functional beverage based on grape skin extract in healthy human subjects

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    Grape-derived polyphenols are considered to be one of the most promising ingredients for functional foods due to their health-promoting activities. We applied a HPLC-MS-based untargeted metabolomic approach in order to evaluate the impact of a functional food based on grape skin polyphenols on the urinary metabolome of healthy subjects. Thirty-one volunteers participated in two dietary crossover randomized intervention studies: with a single-dose intake (187 mL) and with a 15-day sustained consumption (twice per day, 187 mL per day in total) of a functional beverage (FB). Postprandial (4-hour) and 24-hour urine samples collected after acute consumption and on the last day of sustained FB consumption, respectively, were analysed using an untargeted HPLC-qTOF-MS approach. Multivariate modelling with subsequent application of an S-plot revealed differential mass features related to acute and prolonged consumption of FB. More than half of the mass features were shared between the two types of samples, among which several phase II metabolites of grape-derived polyphenols were identified at confidence level II. Prolonged consumption of FB was specifically reflected in urine metabolome by the presence of first-stage microbial metabolites of flavanols: hydroxyvaleric acid and hydroxyvalerolactone derivatives. Overall, several epicatechin and phenolic acid metabolites both of tissular and microbiota origin were the most representative markers of FB consumption. To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies where an untargeted LC-MS metabolomic approach has been applied in nutrition research on a grape-derived FB