1,528 research outputs found

    A priori estimates for some elliptic equations involving the pp-Laplacian

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    We consider the Dirichlet problem for positive solutions of the equation Δp(u)=f(u)-\Delta_p (u) = f(u) in a convex, bounded, smooth domain ΩRN\Omega \subset\R^N, with ff locally Lipschitz continuous. \par We provide sufficient conditions guarantying LL^{\infty} a priori bounds for positive solutions of some elliptic equations involving the pp-Laplacian and extend the class of known nonlinearities for which the solutions are LL^{\infty} a priori bounded. As a consequence we prove the existence of positive solutions in convex bounded domains

    Influences of cosmic radiation, artificial radioactivity and aerosol concentration upon the fair-weather atmospheric electric field in Lisbon (1955–1991)

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    The atmospheric electric field is influenced by cosmic radiation, radioactivity and aerosols. In this work we investigate the existence of: (i) correlations between relative anomalies of annual values of atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation intensity, artificial radioactivity and aerosol concentration; (ii) seasonal correlations between relative anomalies of the atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation intensity. We used data of the electric field strength recorded at the Portela meteorological station (Lisbon) in the period 1955–1991. We found statistically significant inverse correlations between atmospheric electric field and cosmic radiation in the period 1967–1991. We also found that the influence of cosmic radiation on the atmospheric electric field is strong in wintertime and very weak in summertime. The GCR–CN–CCN–Cloud Hypothesis and the wintertime reduced boundary layer convection are analyzed as possible explanations for this difference

    First applications of the Orbex coprocessor: control of unmanned vehicles

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    The ORBEX coprocessor has been designed to execute the typical fuzzy operations of a system based on fuzzy rules. The first real application has been fuzzy controllers for electric cars. The values of the input variables, the position and the orientation of the car with respect the desired trajectory of reference, are obtained from the data provided by a DGPS boarded in the vehicle. The values of the output variables provided by the controller are the angle that the steering wheel has to be turned and the increment of the velocity. Due to the power of the ORBEX coprocessor the controllers can be written with few though meaningful rules

    Neofavolus subpurpurascens comb. nov., with new records from the Neotropics

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    Polyporus subpurpurascens is a rare Neotropical species characterized by deep purplish pilear surface and radially elongated pores. This study analyzed Neotropical specimens from Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil by applying detailed morphological examination and phylogenetic analyses. We conclude that P. subpurpurascens is a species of Neofavolus, and N. subpurpurascens is proposed as a new combination. New records from Argentina and Bolivia, a detailed description, and photographs of the species are included.Fil: Palacio, Melissa. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Silveira, Rosa Mara Borges Da. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Robledo, Gerardo Lucio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal; Argentin

    A Recommendation System for Shared-Use Mobility Service through Data Extracted from Online Social Networks

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    In recent years, the shared mobility service hasincreased in many countries across the world because its low cost and several shared-use mobility applications on mobile devices. Commonly, if a ride is shared between people with similar preferences, users likely feel both more comfortable and safer.In this context, the main goal of this article is to classify userswith similar preferences, in automatic manner, to improve user’s quality of experience in ridesharing service. To obtain initial data, subjective tests are carried out using questionnaires and their results are used to determine ridesharing profiles. Then, some basic user profile information is extracted from Online Social Networks (OSN) to determine an user profile based on preferences in ridesharing service. The user profile classification is performed through different machine learning algorithms, which use as input the data extracted from OSN. Two case studies of shared-mobility are treated, (i) sharing a ride with a passenger with a similar hobby [2], and (ii) sharing a ride with people thatsupport an opposite football teams. In this work, a novel contribution is the use of Hybrid Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines (HDRBM) technique for classification, which results overcomes other algorithms, such as Random Forest, SVM and DRBM. The experimental results presented a correctly classified instance of 96:9% and 97:3% for the cases of sharing a ride with people with similar hobby and support different football team, respectively. Finally, a Recommendation System (RS) is proposed, which efficiency is compared with a basic RS, obtaining a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0:97 and 0:79, respectively

    Competencias laborales y productividad de los trabajadores de un gobierno local, 2022

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    La investigación tuvo por objetivo determinar la relación entre las competencias laborales y productividad de los trabajadores de un gobierno local, 2022; sustentado en una metodología de tipo aplicada de enfoque cuantitativo, nivel correlacional y de diseño no experimental. Se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a 70 trabajadores profesionales que laboran en las áreas administrativas, recursos humanos, contabilidad, tesorería, logística y presupuesto, de ambos sexos con los siguientes rangos laborales: personal nombrado, personal CAS y personal bajo la modalidad locador de servicio. Los resultados evidenciaron que el 55.7% de los trabajadores opinan que la competencia laboral es de nivel regular, mientras que el 42.8% indicaron que la productividad laboral es de nivel regular. Asimismo, la prueba rho de Spearman arrojó un p-valor igual a 0,000, por debajo del nivel de significancia (α=0,05) frente a estas circunstancias se debe rechazar la hipótesis nula, concluyendo que, si existe una relación significativa entre las competencias laborales y productividad laboral en los trabajadores, asimismo, el coeficiente de relación fue igual a 0,791 lo cual indica que las dos variables se encuentran relacionadas de forma directa y de nivel alto. Se concluyó que, a mayor desarrollo de competencias laborales, se evidenciaran mayor productividad laboral en los trabajadores de un gobierno local, 2022

    Quantificação dos microRNAS miR-145 e miR-146a em exossomos de pacientes com pênfigo vulgar e controles

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    Orientadora: Danielle Malheiros.Monografia (bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológicas

    Dispositivo y procedimiento útil para el control de un automóvil, con ayuda de GPS y comunicaciones inalámbricas, que permite efectuar adelantamientos

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    Dispositivo y procedimiento útil para el control de un automóvil, con ayuda de GPS y comunicaciones inalámbricas, que permite efectuar adelantamientos. El dispositivo y procedimiento permite el control automático para realizar mediante un computador maniobras de adelantamiento en carretera, manejando los tres actuadores principales del vehículo, acelerador, freno y dirección sin intervención humana, basándose en información sensorial proveniente de sistemas GNSS, redes de comunicaciones inalámbricas Wi.Fi y la información de navegación del propio vehículo. La computación de control del sistema esta basada en algoritmos de lógica borrosa desarrollados por los autores.Peer reviewedConsejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (España)A1 Solicitud de patentes con informe sobre el estado de la técnic

    The Rieti Land Reclamation Authority relevance in the management of surface waters for the irrigation purposes of the Rieti Plain (Central Italy)

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    The Rieti Plain is crowned by calcareous-marly reliefs (Rieti and Sabini Mountains) and represents an intra-Apennine Plio- Quaternary alluvial and fluvial-lacustrine basin formed after multistage extensional tectonic processes. This territory presents huge amounts of water resources (Velino and Turano rivers; several springs; Lungo and Ripasottile lakes, relics of ancient Lacus Velinus). The aquifers occurring in the reliefs often have hydraulic continuity with the Rieti plain groundwater (detected at about 1-4 m below ground surface), which has general flow directions converging from the reliefs to the lake sector. Hydraulic exchanges between groundwater and surface waters are variable in space and time and play a relevant role for groundwater resource distribution. The Rieti Land Reclamation Authority was instituted in 1929 by Royal Decree N. 34171-3835, and integrates eight former authorities, dating the end of 1800s. It contributes to maintain the reclamation actions in the Rieti Plain, which started with the realization of the Salto and Turano artificial reservoirs, along two left tributaries of Velino River. The hydroelectric energy production purposes struggle with the reclamation and flood mitigation activities in the plain. The Land Reclamation Authority actuated the Integrated Reclamation General Project through the realization of pumping stations, connection and drainage canals, forestry-hydraulic works, rural roads, movable dams along Velino River and irrigation ditches. The irrigation activities, granted by the derivation of 5 m3/s from the Velino River, are carried out through 194,000 hectares within the territory of 42 municipalities of the Rieti Province. The Rieti Land Reclamation Authority contributes to the irrigation needs and to the environmental and hydrogeological protection and monitoring