131 research outputs found

    Modelling land cover change in tropical rainforests

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    Tropical deforestation is one of the most important drivers of biodiversity loss and carbon emissions. This thesis seeks to analyse the dynamics of tropical deforestation and develop a probabilistic model that predicts land cover change (LCC) in the tropics. The main findings from the analysis of the Brazilian Amazon deforestation dynamics are that large clearings comprised progressively smaller amounts of total annual deforestation while the number of smaller clearings remained unchanged over time. These changes were coincident with the implementation of conservation policies by the government. The review of LCC models presented here showed that this modelling community would benefit from improving: the openness to share model inputs, code and outputs; model validations; and standardised frameworks to be used for model comparisons. The modelling framework developed aimed to tackle the limitations found before and two scenarios of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon were simulated. For both scenarios forest next to roads and areas already deforested were found to be more likely to be deforested. States in the south and east of the region showed high predicted probability of losing nearly all forest outside of protected areas by 2050. The release of carbon to the atmosphere is an important consequence of tropical deforestation. Even if deforestation had ended in 2010 there would still be large quantities of carbon to be released. The amount of carbon released immediately is higher than the one committed for future release in the first few years of analysis, but presently these accounted for at least two-thirds of total carbon emissions. Finally, the drivers of LCC were found to vary among transition types, but less so through time. The accuracy of the model predictions was heavily dependent on the year calibrated, suggesting that a widespread reliance on single calibration time period may be providing biased predictions of future LCC

    Estimativa das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa resultantes de fogos de vegetação em Portugal (1990-2008), incluindo análise de incerteza e sensibilidade

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Floresta e dos Recursos Naturais - Instituto Superior de AgronomiaVegetation fires are an important source of greenhouse gases emissions to the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrogen dioxide (N2O). In order to improve our knowledge on how these gases affect the atmosphere, it is of utmost importance to identify and reduce the uncertainties attached to emissions estimation. Each one of the variables used to calculate the emissions (burnt area, biomass, combustion factor and emission factor) have uncertainties associated with estimation of their values. The uncertainty analysis helps us to understand the variability of the model output. In Portugal, within the large annual variability, between 1990 and 2008, 2003 was the year with the highest amount of greenhouse gases emitted. CO2 was the gas with larger quantities emitted (roughly 5000Gg), however significant amounts of CH4 and N2O, which have higher greenhouse effect potential, were also released (311 and 258Gg CO2eq.). Results of the sensitivity analysis allowed for the identification of emission factor and the combustion factor of shrubs as the variables with higher impact on the variance of the model output. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the uncertainties attached to these variables in order to reduce the variability of the model output.-----------------------------------------Os fogos de vegetação são uma importante fonte de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa, como o dióxido de carbono (CO2), metano (CH4) e óxido nitroso (N2O), sendo essencial conhecer e reduzir as incertezas associadas à estimativa destas emissões. A análise de incerteza permite avaliar a variabilidade do resultado do modelo que está associada às incertezas inerentes a cada uma das variáveis, utilizadas no cálculo das emissões: área ardida, biomassa, factor de combustão e factor de emissão. Em Portugal, a variabilidade anual observada é grande. Entre 1990 e 2008, o ano de 2003 registou a maior quantidade de gases emitidos, com o CO2 como gás emitido em maior quantidade (cerca de 5000Gg). Importa realçar que também foram emitidas quantidades significativas de CH4 e N2O (311 e 258Gg CO2eq., respectivamente), que são gases com um potencial de efeito de estufa muito maior que o do CO2. Em 2008, pelo contrário, registaram-se os valores mais baixos de emissões, devido à pequena extensão de área ardida. A análise de sensibilidade permitiu identificar o factor de emissão para cada composto químico e o factor de combustão da vegetação arbustiva, como as variáveis com maior efeito sobre a variância do resultado do modelo

    Sobre o que se transporta: (Contra)Transferência(s)

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    No presente trabalho, as autoras propõem-se pensar as noções de transferência e de contratransferência, pensando em malas (continentes de conteúdos) que imigrantes transportavam para um país estrangeiro, realçando o que cada um, terapeuta e paciente transportam na/para/da relação, tendo por base o modelo psicanalítico, pedra basilar na prática da Psicoterapia de Inspiração Psicanalítica.Inicialmente é apresentada uma perspectiva histórica da leitura destes fenómenos transferenciais. Posteriormente, são expostas algumas teorias e perspectivas que, no entender das autoras, descrevem de forma mais completa e mais próxima da realidade o modo como os fenómenos (contra)-transferenciais surgem no setting psicoterapêutico.A clarificação das noções de transferência e de contratransferência, explicitam a sua pertinência para a prática clínica, numa articulação directa com a psicopatologia tal como a podemos entender em termos clássicos, através das noções de Neurose, Patologia Limite e Psicose. Dada a necessidade de olhar para estes conceitos sob um outro prisma quando se trabalha em instituições, as autoras procuraram um (re)significar do encontro terapêutico, reflectindo-se sobre a pertinência da transferência e de contratransferência, quer para a Psicanálise, como para a Psicoterapia de Inspiração Psicanalítica

    Sobre o que se transporta: (Contra)transferência(s)

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    No presente trabalho, as autoras propõem-se pensar as noções de transferência e de contratransferência, pensando em malas (continentes de conteúdos) que imigrantes transportavam para um país estrangeiro, realçando o que cada um, terapeuta e paciente transportam na/para/da relação, tendo por base o modelo psicanalítico, pedra basilar na prática da Psicoterapia de Inspiração Psicanalítica. Inicialmente é apresentada uma perspectiva histórica da leitura destes fenómenos transferenciais. Posteriormente, são expostas algumas teorias e perspectivas que, no entender das autoras, descrevem de forma mais completa e mais próxima da realidade o modo como os fenómenos (contra) - transferenciais surgem no setting psicoterapêutico. A clarificação das noções de transferência e de contratransferência, explicitam a sua pertinência para a prática clínica, numa articulação directa com a psicopatologia tal como a podemos entender em termos clássicos, através das noções de Neurose, Patologia Limite e Psicose. Dada a necessidade de olhar para estes conceitos sob um outro prisma quando se trabalha em instituições, as autoras procuraram um (re)significar do encontro terapêutico, reflectindo-se sobre a pertinência da transferência e de contratransferência, quer para a Psicanálise, como para a Psicoterapia de Inspiração Psicanalítica

    Antiplatelet, Antithrombotic, and Fibrinolytic Activities of Campomanesia xanthocarpa

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    In a previous work based on popular belief, Campomanesia xanthocarpa Berg., popularly known as “guavirova”, showed to have a potential effect in the control of a number of conditions associated with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of the present work was to investigate the effects of C. xanthocarpa extract (CXE) on antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice and in human blood. Mice were treated orally for 5 days with CXE or acetylsalicylic acid and at the end of the treatment period animals were challenged for bleeding, acute thromboembolism and ulcerogenic activity. In addition, we have assessed the prothrombin time and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) after oral administration. In in vitro assays, antiplatelet effects of CXE was evaluated on platelet aggregation, and fibrinolytic activity of the extract was observed by mice or human artificial blood clot degradation. Platelet citotoxicity of the extract was also determined by the LDH assay. Results demonstrated that CXE has a significant protective effect on thrombosis. It also inhibits platelet aggregation without demonstrating cytotoxicity on platelets. CXE slightly prolonged aPTT and showed no ulcerogenic activity after oral administration. In addition, CXE showed a fibrinolytic activity. Thus, C. xanthocarpa showed antiplatelet, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities in mice

    Accuracy of faecal calprotectin and neutrophil Gelatinase B-associated Lipocalin in evaluating subclinical inflammation in UlceRaTIVE colitis-the ACERTIVE study

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    Background and Aims: Mucosal healing and histological remission are different targets for patients with ulcerative colitis, but both rely on an invasive endoscopic procedure. This study aimed to assess faecal calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin as biomarkers for disease activity in asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients. Methods: This was a multicentric cross-sectional study including 371 patients, who were classified according to their endoscopic and histological scores. These results were evaluated alongside the faecal levels of both biomarkers. Results: Macroscopic lesions [i.e. endoscopic Mayo score >= 1] were present in 28% of the patients, and 9% had active disease according to fht Ulcerative Colitis Endoscopic Index of Severity. Moreover, 21% presented with histological inflammation according to the Geboes index, whereas 15% and 5% presented with focal and diffuse basal plasmacytosis, respectively. The faecal levels of calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin were statistically higher for patients with endoscopic lesions and histological activity. A receiver operating characteristic-based analysis revealed that both biomarkers were able to indicate mucosal healing and histological remission with an acceptable probability, and cut-off levels of 150-250 mu g/g for faecal calprotectin and 12 mu g/g for neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin were proposed. Conclusions: Faecal calprotectin and neutrophil gelatinase B-associated lipocalin levels are a valuable addition for assessment of disease activity in asymptomatic ulcerative colitis patients. Biological levels of the analysed biomarkers below the proposed thresholds can rule out the presence of macroscopic and microscopic lesions with a probability of 75-93%. However, caution should be applied whenever interpreting positive results, as these biomarkers present consistently low positive predictive values.Portuguese IBD Group [GEDII - Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatcria Intestinal]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid Improves Motor Symptoms in a Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by severe motor symptoms, and currently there is no treatment that retards disease progression or reverses damage prior to the time of clinical diagnosis. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) is neuroprotective in the 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of PD; however, its effect in PD motor symptoms has never been addressed. In the present work, an extensive behavior analysis was performed to better characterize the MPTP model of PD and to evaluate the effects of TUDCA in the prevention/improvement of mice phenotype. MPTP induced significant alterations in general motor performance paradigms, including increased latency in the motor swimming, adhesive removal and pole tests, as well as altered gait, foot dragging, and tremors. TUDCA administration, either before or after MPTP, significantly reduced the swimming latency, improved gait quality, and decreased foot dragging. Importantly, TUDCA was also effective in the prevention of typical parkinsonian symptoms such as spontaneous activity, ability to initiate movement and tremors. Accordingly, TUDCA prevented MPTP-induced decrease of dopaminergic fibers and ATP levels, mitochondrial dysfunction and neuroinflammation. Overall, MPTP-injected mice presented motor symptoms that are aggravated throughout time, resembling human parkinsonism, whereas PD motor symptoms were absent or mild in TUDCA-treated animals, and no aggravation was observed in any parameter. The thorough demonstration of improvement of PD symptoms together with the demonstration of the pathways triggered by TUDCA supports a subsequent clinical trial in humans and future validation of the application of this bile acid in PD.National funds, through the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal) (FCT), under the scope of the projects PTDC/NEU-NMC/0248/2012, UID/DTP/04138/2013 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007038, and post-doctoral grants SFRH/BPD72891/2010 (to A.I.R.), SFRH/BPD/95855/2013 (to M.J.N.), SFRH/BPD/98023/2013 (to A.N.C.), SFRH/BPD/91562/2012 (to A.S.F.) and UMINHO/BI/248/2016 (to S.D.S.). This work has also been developed under the scope of the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000013, supported by the Northern Portugal Regional Operational Program (NORTE 2020), under the Portugal 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), and by FEDER funds, through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Program (COMPETE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio