67 research outputs found

    Violência entre pares na adolescência: Um estudo com estudantes no início e no final do 3.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Resumo: Este estudo propõe-se caraterizar comportamentos de violência entre pares, em função do nível de escolaridade, género e variáveis socioafetivas. Os participantes incluem uma amostra de 80 estudantes do 3.º ciclo do ensino básico (7.º – 9.º anos), avaliados com o QEVE, em dois momentos (7.º e 9.º anos). Os resultados demonstram que: i) as condutas de vitimação e agressão mais frequentes são a exclusão social e a agressão verbal; ii) a taxa de vitimação diminui do 7.º para o 9.º ano, enquanto a taxa de agressão mantém-se estável; iii) os rapazes encontram-se mais envolvidos em situações de bullying físico do que as raparigas; iv) o sentimento face à escola (i.e., gostar da escola) e a perceção de ter amigos revelam-se aspetos protetores especialmente importantes das condutas de vitimação e agressão entre os alunos do nível de escolaridade mais baixo. Estes resultados sugerem uma intervenção educativa diferenciada e orientada para a literacia socioemocional, destacando o papel dos pares na prevenção da violência escolar

    Boas práticas em projectos nacionais de parceria sobre igualdade de género

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    Comunicação apresentada no 5º Congresso Nacional de Administração Pública, em Lisboa de 29 a 30 de Outubro de 2007

    Vulnerabilidade ao stress em familiares de doentes críticos

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    A vulnerabilidade ao stress surge como tema de grande actualidade na área da saúde, relatando a literatura que o suporte familiar se constitui como um determinante importante da sua ocorrência. Neste contexto, o estudo procurou investigar sobre a vulnerabilidade ao stress em Familiares de Doentes Críticos, designados doravante por Familiares, internados em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos pelo que delineámos como objectivos: - Caracterizar alguns parâmetros sócio - demográficos dos Familiares; - Avaliar a vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; - Analisar a influência das variáveis sócio-demográficas (idade, sexo, habilitações literárias, estado civil e grau de parentesco) na vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; - Determinar o efeito da funcionalidade familiar na vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; - Identificar o grau de importância e satisfação das necessidades na vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; - Medir o efeito da importância e satisfação das necessidades na vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; - Estimar o efeito preditivo da idade, funcionalidade familiar, importância e satisfação das necessidades na vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares; O estudo transversal de natureza observacional, analítico correlacional foi realizado numa amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 60 Familiares com idades compreendidas entre os 18 e 73 anos ( x =45.48; S =14.205). A colheita de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a maio de 2011, com recurso a um Questionário Sócio - demográfico, à Escala de Apgar Familiar de SmilKstein (1978) adaptada por Azeredo e Matos (1989), à Escala de Vulnerabilidade ao Stress – 23 QVS, elaborada por Vaz Serra em 1985 (Vaz Serra, 2000), ao Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) e ao Needs Met Inventorry (NMI) ambas de Molter (1979) e Leske (1991), versão adaptada de Melo (2005). Observou-se que 53,3% dos Familiares se apresentam vulneráveis ao stress e 46,7 % não estão vulneráveis. A vulnerabilidade ao stress é mais elevada nos Familiares do sexo feminino ( x =43.44; S =11.297), de maior idade (r =. 262; =. 043), com menos instrução (H=6.444; =. 040), com grau de parentesco de cônjuge (F=3.218; =.047), e mais satisfeitas (Ró = -. 296; =. 022). A variável satisfação das necessidades, revelou-se preditiva da vulnerabilidade ao stress dos Familiares, explicando 12,6% da sua variabilidade. Infere-se dos resultados apresentados que as variáveis idade, instrução, grau de parentesco e satisfação das necessidades, influenciam a vulnerabilidade ao stress, impondo-se considerá-las quando se planeiam boas práticas de enfermagem no atendimento dos familiares de doentes críticos nas unidades de cuidados intensivos.ABSTRACT Vulnerability to stress is currently a topic of great relevance in the area of health and literature indicates that family support is constituted as an important determinant in its occurrence. In this context, this study sought to research the vulnerability to stress to the relatives of critically ill patients, hereafter designated as Relatives, who are admitted to the Intensive Care Units, thus the following objectives have been outlined: - To characterise some socio-demographic parameters of the Relatives; - To assess the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress; - To analyse the influence of socio-demographic variables (age, gender, schooling, marital status and kinship) on the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress; - To determine the effect of the family’s functionality considering the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress; - To identify the level of importance and satisfaction of needs considering the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress; - To measure the effect of the importance and satisfaction of needs considering the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress; - To estimate the predictive effect of age, family’s functionality, importance and satisfaction of needs considering the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress. The cross-sectional observational, analytical correlational, study was performed in a non-probabilistic sample due to convenience, and consists of 60 Relatives aged between 18 and 73 years ( x = 45.48, S = 14.205). The data was gathered from February to May 2011, through a Socio-demographic Questionnaire, in accordance with the Family Apgar Scale by SmilKstein (1978) adapted by Azeredo and Matos (1989), the Vulnerability to Stress Scale – 23 QVS, elaborated by Vaz Serra in 1985 (Vaz Serra, 2000), the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI) and the Needs Met Inventory (NMI) both by Molter (1979) and Leske (1991), version adapted by Melo (2005). It was observed that 53,3% of the Relatives were vulnerable to stress and 46,7% were not. Vulnerability to stress is higher in Relatives that were female ( x = 43.44, S = 11.297), older (r =. 262, =. 043), with less education (H= 6.444, =. 040), spouses (F = 3.218, =. 047), and more satisfied (Rho = -. 296, =. 022). The variable satisfaction of needs, proved to be predictive of the Relatives’ vulnerability to stress, representing 12,6% of its variability. From the results presented, it appears that the variables age, education, kinship and satisfaction of needs, influence vulnerability to stress, thus they need to be considered when planning good nursing practices when dealing with the relatives of critically ill patients in intensive care units

    O papel da estrutura ecológica nos tecidos urbanos espacialmente fragmentados: o estudo de caso de Loures na Área Metropolitana de Lisboa

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    Tese de mestrado, Geografia - Gestão do Território e Urbanismo, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território, 2010Nas áreas peri-urbanas das áreas metropolitanas, observam-se com frequência tecidos urbanos dispersos e espacialmente fragmentados, que se distribuem de modo aparentemente casuístico, em áreas onde predominam extensos espaços abertos. Vazios de funções produtivas, os espaços entre áreas urbanizadas esperam uma utilização, contribuindo, também, para a fragmentação espacial. Contudo, cumprem importantes funções de regulação ambiental do ecossistema urbano, devendo determinar-se, de acordo com o Regime Jurídico dos Instrumentos de Gestão Territorial, a integração das suas áreas fundamentais na estrutura ecológica. Verificando-se um decréscimo na necessidade de expansão de áreas urbanas face à estagnação da dinâmica populacional, as políticas urbanas centram-se na colmatação dos tecidos existentes e na requalificação das áreas urbanas. Assim, propõe-se equacionar o papel da estrutura ecológica na colmatação das falhas estruturais e funcionais que as áreas urbanas fragmentadas apresentam, e o modo como estas podem contribuir para a infra-estruturação de espaços verdes de utilização colectiva. Procura-se demonstrar, através de um estudo de caso, que a delimitação da estrutura ecológica em solo urbano, efectuada no âmbito dos planos municipais de ordenamento do território, não assegura eficazmente a operacionalização dos espaços verdes de utilização colectiva, daí resultando um papel limitado na estruturação e qualificação urbana que se pretende efectuar nas áreas peri-urbanas. Em resultado da investigação efectuada propõe-se, como via possível de intervenção, o entendimento de que estrutura ecológica em solo urbano deve ser planeada, implementada, gerida e mantida como qualquer outra infra-estrutura. Apresenta-se uma visão estratégica para uma infra-estrutura verde e uma proposta de intervenção sobre a estrutura ecológica, que ultrapasse a fase de delimitação em planeamento e permita evoluir para a fase de operacionalização, contribuindo, de facto, para a estruturação e qualificação urbana e para a criação de uma cidade coesa e atractiva.Abstract: Urban sprawl in periurban areas is frequent as well as the territorial fragmentation of built areas. In both cases, the space in between is a wide area of empty spaces with no urban functions. These spaces, expecting the attribution of an use, also contribute to the territorial fragmentation. However, they fulfill important environmental functions within the urban ecosystem. That is why it should be mandatory, in accordance to Legal Instruments of Land Management, to integrate its fundamental areas in the ecological structure. The need to expansion urban areas is decreasing, due to the stagnation of population dynamics, therefore urban policies focus on bridging the existing tissues, need to be implemented in order to requalify existing urban areas. This dissertation, considers the fundamental role of the ecological structure in solving the functional and structural failures of those urban areas. The dissertation also shows the ecological structure can contribute to provide green spaces for collective use. The dissertation seeks to demonstrate, by means of a case study, that the delimitation of the urban ecological structure, within the sphere of municipal plans for land use, does not ensure the effectiveness of creating green spaces for collective use. This fact results in a limited role of the ecological structure in qualifying and structuring periurban areas. As a result of this investigation it is proposed as a possible route of intervention, that the ecological structure of urban areas should be understood to be planned, implemented, managed and maintained like any other infrastructure. It presents a strategic vision for a green infrastructure and proposes a statement on the ecological structure, which exceed the planning phase and allow it to progress until the stage of operation, this way, contributing, to the structuring and qualification of periurban areas and to creating a cohesive and attractive city

    Experiences during a psychoeducational intervention program run in a pediatric ward: a qualitative study

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    Hospitalization, despite its duration, is likely to result in emotional, social, and academic costs to school-age children and adolescents. Developing adequate psychoeducational activities and assuring inpatients' own class teachers' collaboration, allows for the enhancement of their personal and emotional competences and the maintenance of a connection with school and academic life. These educational programs have been mainly designed for patients with long stays and/or chronic conditions, in the format of Hospital Schools, and typically in pediatric Hospitals. However, the negative effects of hospitalization can be felt in internments of any duration, and children hospitalized in smaller regional hospitals should have access to actions to maintain the connection with their daily life. Thus, this investigation aims to present a psychoeducational intervention program theoretically grounded within the self-regulated learning (SRL) framework, implemented along 1 year in a pediatric ward of a regional hospital to all its school-aged inpatients, regardless of the duration of their stay. The program counts with two facets: the psychoeducational accompaniment and the linkage to school. All the 798 school-aged inpatients (M age = 11.7; SD age = 3.71; Mhospital stay = 4 days) participated in pedagogical, leisure nature, and SRL activities designed to train transversal skills (e.g., goal-setting). Moreover, inpatients completed assigned study tasks resulting from the linkage between the students' own class teachers and the hospital teacher. The experiences reported by parents/caregivers and class teachers of the inpatients enrolling in the intervention allowed the researchers to reflect on the potential advantages of implementing a psychoeducational intervention to hospitalized children and adolescents that is: individually tailored, focused on leisure playful theoretically grounded activities that allow learning to naturally occur, and designed to facilitate school re-entry after hospital discharge. Parents/caregivers highlighted that the program helped in the preparation for surgery and facilitated the hospitalization process, aided in the distraction from the health condition, promoted SRL competences, and facilitated the communication and linkage with school life. Class teachers emphasized the relevance of the program, particularly in the liaison between hospital and school, in the academic and psycho-emotional and leisure-educational support provided, and in smoothing the school re-entry.This study was conducted at Psychology Research Centre (UID/PSI/01662/2013), University of Minho, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education through national funds and co-financed by FEDER through COMPETE2020 under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007653). PM was supported by a Post-Doctoral fellowship from the Psychology Research Centre (CIPsi), University of Minho. RA was supported by a PhD fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)

    Clinical trials in palliative care : a systematic review of their methodological characteristics and of the quality of their reporting

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Over the past decades there has been a significant increase in the number of published clinical trials in palliative care. However, empirical evidence suggests that there are methodological problems in the design and conduct of studies, which raises questions about the validity and generalisability of the results and of the strength of the available evidence. We sought to evaluate the methodological characteristics and assess the quality of reporting of clinical trials in palliative care. Methods: We performed a systematic review of published clinical trials assessing therapeutic interventions in palliative care. Trials were identified using MEDLINE (from its inception to February 2015). We assessed methodological characteristics and describe the quality of reporting using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool. Results: We retrieved 107 studies. The most common medical field studied was oncology, and 43.9% of trials evaluated pharmacological interventions. Symptom control and physical dimensions (e.g. intervention on pain, breathlessness, nausea) were the palliative care-specific issues most studied. We found under-reporting of key information in particular on random sequence generation, allocation concealment, and blinding. Conclusions: While the number of clinical trials in palliative care has increased over time, methodological quality remains suboptimal. This compromises the quality of studies. Therefore, a greater effort is needed to enable the appropriate performance of future studies and increase the robustness of evidence-based medicine in this important field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus epidermidis to silicone-hydrogel contact lenses

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    Purpose. The purpose of this study is to compare the adhesion capabilities of the most important etiologic agents of microbial ocular infection to the recently available silicone– hydrogel lenses with those to a conventional hydrogel lens. Methods. In vitro static adhesion assays of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10,145, Staphylococcus epidermidis 9142 (biofilm-positive), and 12,228 (biofilm-negative) to two extended-wear silicone– hydrogel lenses (balafilcon A and lotrafilcon A), a daily wear silicone– hydrogel lens (galyfilcon A) and a conventional hydrogel (etafilcon A) were performed. To interpret the adhesion results, lens surface relative hydrophobicity was assessed by water contact angle measurements. Results. P. aeruginosa and S. epidermidis 9142 exhibited greater adhesion capabilities to the extended wear silicone– hydrogel lenses than to the daily wear silicone– and conventional hydrogel lenses (p < 0.05). No statistical differences were found between the adhesion extent of these strains to galyfilcon A and etafilcon A. The biofilm negative strain of S. epidermidis adhered in larger extents to the silicone– hydrogel lenses than to the conventional hydrogel (p < 0.05), but in much lower amounts than the biofilm-positive strain. The water contact angle measurements revealed that the extended wear silicone– hydrogel lenses are hydrophobic, whereas the daily wear silicone– and conventional hydrogel lenses are hydrophilic. Conclusions. As a result of their hydrophobicity, the extended wear silicone– hydrogel lenses (lotrafilcon A and balafilcon A) may carry higher risk of microbial contamination than both the hydrophilic daily wear silicone– hydrogel lens, galyfilcon A and the conventional hydrogel lens, etafilcon A.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT


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    The recent resurgence of syphilis and the diversity of its cutaneous presentations are mandatory to heighten clinical suspicion of this entity, even in the presence of concomitant diseases. The authors describe the case of a 58 year-old man, with a longtime history of psoriasis, that developed a secondary syphilis after the introduction of cyclosporine for a presumed flare of his chronic cutaneous disease. Possible ethologic mechanisms underlying the clinical picture are discussed. The importance of screening for syphilis every patient proposed for immunosuppressive treatment is highlighted, particularly nowadays, when they are being largely used by dermatologists.KEYWORDS – Syphilis, Cutaneous; Psoriasis; Cyclosporine; Immunosuppressive Agents.A diversidade das formas de apresentação da sífilis obriga à manutenção de um elevado nível de suspeita clínica, mesmo na presença concomitante de outras patologias. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de um homem de 58 anos que desenvolve um secundarismo de sífilis após a introdução de ciclosporina por suposto agravamen- to das lesões psoriáticas, discutindo os possíveis mecanismos etiológicos causadores do quadro clínico do doente. Salienta-se a importância da realização das serologias de sífilis antes de iniciar terapêuticas imunossupressoras, facto que adquire particular importância numa era em que são utilizadas com frequência crescente na Dermatologia.PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Sífilis Cutânea; Psoríase; Ciclosporina; Terapêutica Imunossupressora